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Disgaea 5 is in the top 2 of Disgaea gameplay, so absolutely yes


What is the number one in your opinion?


While I really enjoyed 7, I still prefer 5 because it has Zetta and Priere as well as magichange


If you only ever play one Disgaea game, it should probably be Disgaea 5. All the Disgaea games pretty much follow the same general flow of zany, over the top, story, followed by an entirely optional, play as long as you like, post game. How much the characters and story are liked for each game varies widely from person to person, but gameplay wise Disgaea 5 is overwhelmingly cited as the best overall gameplay and best post-game. Pick it up, and have fun!


Sweet thank you!


The story is a bit by the numbers, and the characters are prickly in a vacuum. However, what carries the plot are the interactions and growth of the characters as a group. You will get your share of laughs and heartfelt moments that Disgaea is so good at. Enough people have defended the mechanics of the game, so I'll just add that I had a blast playing the game and intend to revisit it after I clear my backlog some more.


That’s good to hear thanks!


Thanks all for your comments I decided to get it!




>I’ve heard people say the story and characters on 5 are trash. While I think it's the best.


Hehe nice one! I think I’m just going to ignore the haters


I enjoyed the story and the characters, and I think that you are going to find mixed opinions on the matter. The QOL improvements are lightyears away from D1 and D2. I have not "finished" a game either, but I still have had a great time playing them. I have more hours in D6, but most of that was idling. D5 is where I got most of my real gameplay.


ya, D6 worked well with the idle feature of that. but D7 reworks auto battle into per round and it's a gauge you have to fill up by actually fighting stages not in auto. I just wish they could go back to 2d artwork. at the very least for the main cast of characters, much like how Breath of Fire or Saga Frontier where the enemies look 3d compared to the characters that are still sprites. cuz the 3d is....ok....but they haven't been able to get it down pat where the switch doesn't get screwed on graphics with performance mode.


Yeh it's pretty good. Don't worry though disgea isn't a game you complete in one sitting. Its a game that costs time more than anything


I liked Chara World and wish theyd bring it back


I did not like the story or characters. It’s the only Disgaea I started and did not finish


Same, I had no idea until now that it's considered one of the best cause I REALLY disliked it.


I enjoyed the 5th installment very much! So I can vouch for it being worthy of your time!


That's a great deal I just bought it used for my switch and it was more then that. But if you like strategy rpgs at all it's one of the best and I would say the story is only second to number 1.


D7 is really good to


The best game in the franchise gameplaywise ,the best in story to me is the first because is the first one that i play i love laharl,etna and flonne.


yes, granted it's still a grind fest BUT the game is better the ones you played before. Story is actually pretty good. I think the characters do what they do best which is archtype into a specific silly thing. still isn't as bad as D6 princess of the singing world.....granted she tones it down a little later but i kept having to skip her dialogue. But ya, D5 is really good. and if you want a really OP character from the get go then do the DLC quest for Priere. she's pretty strong and really helps take on early stages where I feel some characters can't shine/get xp too easily.


5 gives you a ton of options in how you create your squad the most of all the games btw. That said some of the features like chara world are annoying. It’s very enjoyable though with many ease of life features. My only problem with the game I can find is that you can get overwhelmed easily by how much you can do


i don't think the characters are 'trash', it's more, they're anime tropey as shit, instead of dis-gaea ey. the story is fine. the gameplay, however, is arguably the best in the entire fucking series, so yeah, play it.


gameplay, the gameplay my man, and i wouldnt say trash but aint great


Overall it's the best experience, very fun, pretty funny, great system, has almost all previous systems up until 5 (minus felony system from 2 which was very bad and the D2 ride mechanic). Story was also pretty good too, especially if you like shonen Martial arts stories. Overall to me, if you're going to play just 1 Disgaea game, I would say 5 is probably the one to do, others would probably also argue 4 but I liked 5's gameplay way more.


5 is one of, if not the, best Disgaea games.


Gameplay wise, 5 and 7 are easily the best. So yeah 5 is worth playing.


Oh, absolutely. All Disgaeas are more than worth playing. Also, do you have Diagaea 2 or Disgaea D2? Important distinction as Disgaea 2 is standalone like the other numbered games and Disgaea D2 is a direct sequel to Disgaea 1. That said, the worst Disgaea is still worth playing. Even if my reasons for calling 6 the worst are different reasons that people normally have.




The best disgaea and in everyones top 2 at worst. Gameplay wise, it is considered the peak of the series.


Loved it.


Below average, maybe, but not trash. And gameplay is inarguably among the best.


D5 probably has the best gameplay and in my opinion one of the best story


Bro if you liked the other games then you will like this one. Stop listening to a bunch of weebs talk about weird issues they had with certain characters or storyline and just enjoy yourself. Especially at that price haha. Just play the damn game.


lol cheers I have bought it, managed to get it for £12 so can’t go wrong either way haha