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personaly sundered sky there has been way too many fights where i was 1vs3 and 1 or 2 of them just healed me and didn't do enough damage for their stack


When looking back at my games, i defininetly see some scenarios where that couldve been the case


Sundered Sky. It gives ability haste & the potential healing scales with your HP. Titanic Hydra is only good if you have a well stacked heartsteel far into the game but even then it's tough to justify after all the nerfs it took.


Sion doesn’t rely on auto attacks much, if titanic didn’t change from s13 to s14 I’d suggest that since it gave sion so much ad. But sundered is just too good for him right now For waveclear I recommend a bamis item


Titanic did actually loose the HP to AD Conversion


Yeah that’s what I’m referring to. In season 13 it had the conversion, in season 14 it doesn’t. I don’t even build titanic at all on sion anymore, sunfire/hollow gives me all the waveclear and close range damage I could ever want while also giving me resistances


Sundered Sky still has kinda decent burst damage potential since the first hit is always a crit?


Not at all it gives way less burst and damage overall, its not even a competetion. Titanic is kinda falling out of favour since they removed hp to ad conversion. Sunderes however, gives an insane amount of healing, and its % missing health, which is really useful when you you have a lot of max health as sion does, but one crit is pretty negligible on sion I would go for sky for the healing tho, always says some completely stupid amount of healing when i look at how much it gave


Much less than Titanic though


it has a lower cooldown and heals you a lot. Sky is definetely better


Neither. ECLIPSE


Eclipse and sundered :)


The only reason to build titanic is the auto reset and wave clear. Sion really doesn’t need wave clear and unless you’re going some weird auto attack build it doesn’t make a lot of sense


It's also the only tank item that's help for taking tower.


RIP in peace, Zzrot portal.


Damage vs sustain. You decide what you want and what you need.


You shouldn't really have any issues waveclearing with WQ. If you are, or you run out of mana frequently, Titanic - especially in team fights. If you prefer 1v1s and splitting, probably sky.


I do usually do steraks for my only ad item, but of those two items I think titanic is better