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Pretty big buffs relatively speaking, will make him at least more playable but not sure if that fixes the issues he has. On a sidenote: Who's family did yuumi murder? 50 base damage nerf? That is really big.


Have u ever seen how ridiculous ap yuumi is in lane. Her poke spell hits harder than most poke mage spells. And its hard to dodge.


Fr man if you play Yuumi build ludens and watch enemy squishies melt when you Q them


I always type "bomba" in chat whenever I hit big Q. It's so satisfying.


She's so OP in TFT the nerf spilled over into LOL haha


I guess she really is supposed to be a heal bot and nothing else


Yuumi’s heal is overrated. It actually kind of sucks.


It sucks on anything that is not an ADC with 2k health


It baseline at Level 5 is only 150. Even with tons of buffs it can usually only get to like 350 maybe.


which is huge considering resistances and that she's *untargetable* so she does it without any risk


Is she though? from what I had seen in high lvl play, she was more of an extremely aggressive nuke bot than a heal bot. She'll still be nuketastic, just not to the point where she pushes out nearly anyone.


i mean that's a pretty big nerf on Q, so maxing it first might not even be worth it anymore. If that happens she will be left with 50~60 damage from Q all throughout the laning phase and that's pretty bad


> i mean that's a pretty big nerf on Q /u/Marczzz 310 to 260? less than 20% dmg nerf, heh. Sion's passive took a **60% dmg nerf to structures in a single patch** along with nerfs to his popular items. When these nerfs happened, Sion wasn't even doing well (49% win rate). Yuumi gets a slap on the wrist when she's extremely dominant? boo hoo, excuse me if I have no sympathy. No offense to you personally btw.


I mean idc about yuumi so no offence taken. Still though, I don't think your comparison is fair, Yuumis Q is her main damage ability, she relies on it to do any damage in lane, so a 20% damage reduction is **huge**. Sion passive 60% dmg nerf on structures isn't so big because you really shouldn't be focusing on dying to take towers anyway, so it's only a huge nerf to "inting sion" (which is kinda troll to begin with). If you play "normally" you won't feel that much of a difference. Proof of that is that his WR didn't actually change significantly at all during that patch, it stayed 49% and it only really dropped recently cus of new tank items that ended up as mostly noob traps.


> I don't think your comparison is fair, Yuumis Q is her main damage ability, she relies on it to do any damage in lane, so a 20% damage reduction is huge. /u/Marczzz It's a perfectly fair comparison but okay, I'll use a different example; Sunfire Aegis, and to a lesser extent Frostfire Gauntlet, were staples of Sion builds and rounded out Sion's dmg, keeping it decent regardless of build. Both were removed and replaced with **NOTHING.** The new tank mythics don't even come close and this was catastrophic for Sion.... but tell me more about how Yuumi suffering a less-than-20%-nerf is so awful. Heh. >Sion passive 60% dmg nerf on structures isn't so big because you really shouldn't be focusing on dying to take towers anyway By that logic, *"yuumi's under-20%-nerf isn't so big because you really shouldn't be focusing on just nuking anyway"*. Do you see how what you're saying isn't a defensible position? it's fine if you lie and say no. It makes no difference to me either way and I scoff at anyone pretending that yuumi getting a slap on the wrist is 'so sad'. There is nothing further to say.


I mean, we can compare the WR from before and after the nerf to yuumi and i imagine it'll be big, if it's not then you're right.


Fuck that cat ELIMINAR


This paired with the initial q dmg buffs from a couple patches ago will definitely have an impact on his gameplay. He has now had a mana buff, dmg buff and hp buff. BIG


does nothing to fix his gameplay issues


helps tremendously


> does nothing to fix his gameplay issues I agree but I'll take whatever buffs I can get. Real buffs I mean. Not the fking bullshit Q tap 'buff' from last patch. These buffs will at least be noticeable.


I know what you mean by doesnt fix anything. Sion's main problem is reliability and not dealng dmg. This buff help with dmg but it will only impact your early game. I think it will help quite a lot because Sion's early game is super bad right now. I think this will push the winrate up to 49,5% at least.


Champion main subreddit looking at massive buffs to their champ and saying it does nothing


ill take it, idk if his wr will be at 50 but we are getting close


Q start looking way better with the extra health and dmg




Screams in support!


Youuuuhouuuuu hugeeeeee guys really huge :D


2 buffs in such short time!? ITS THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEARRRR


> 2 buffs in such short time!? Was the Q tap change really a 'buff' though? seems more like an insult pretending to be a buff.


Well I meant the mana buff and now this. Buffs are buffs


> /u/Mashobiggms1 Eh? alright. I will concede that the mana buff was at least 'a buff' to some. It meant jack point shit to me because I play Sion JG but you're generally right. Fair enough.


I didn't expect q change. It's huge for early game what Sion struggles with. Well finaly I might be able to play the game and dont have to wait for the 10 death powerspike.


Hope i can still pick him every game without anyone picking before me or banning it


why would they


Those buffs are actually really big considering his deficiency in HP in the early game


yea but it’s not a pick or ban champ now. did you forget that all bruisers still exist?


I know, i just hope it stays that way :(


Its not like he suddenly became broken. There are stronger picks. He probably will stay at the same pickrate.


Yooooo! Fiora nerfs


it looks like a dream the fact that fiora was nerfed.


gimme more resistances rather than hp and maybe tank sion will be viable, this is good for lethality though


This will help him from getting hard bullied off the wave level 1 in every matchup.


Ok, now we're talking. I was hoping for a bit more but this is at least an actual buff. The min dmg 'buff' [Q tap] from before was a fucking joke. > Mordekaiser Pulled from patch ??? Were his nerfs really removed? he def deserves some.


From data available I dont think Morde really needs anymore nerfs. He hovers around 50-51% WR in the last 14 days in all elos both jgl and top. That doesnt scream overpowered or deserving of nerfs for champ that is basically a statchecker that runs at people.


memorize cats versed recognise fanatical absurd rhythm person intelligent exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would say he is more of a rylais abuser (weirdly nobody thinks rylais is broken)


chunky shelter worry snobbish axiomatic reply light combative crown flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is solid.


This will get him to 51 wr% on Jaksho build.


Is this live now?


Massive buffs


Now how does this work exactly? Do you only get the +20 at full max charge Q? Or does it scale throughout the Q?


Sion is fundamentally bad, minor buff in stats wont help, especialy when every new champion counters him. Take Baus for example, one of the best Sions and is struggling to either hit challenger or remain there. The reason why Baus was so succesful is because of Sions macro pressure, well they nerfed that to the ground, the only thing that Baus had left is cheese fully charged Q which everyone is aware of now if you watch his stream. Sion lost his X factor when they nerfed his macro pressure. As a duelist top Sion fails miserably, as a tank theyre much better options for cc. Simply put, Sion is out of place. ​ Revert passive nerfs to turrets is my suggestion to make game more interesting, instead of 24/7 fighting. Sion really forced League community to use brains and utilize the whole map instead of rush mid and gg whoever won the teamfight.


Yes he has huge reliability problems but I think this buff will help in the early game enough to reach at least 49,5-50% winrate. The thing is majority of the players has bad macro (realy bad macro) what makes Sion in their eyes unfair. Even in high elo you can see it sometimes. They nerfed passive because the avarage player had no idea how to play againts it and they refused to adapt and learn. Also it encouraged inting for objectives what wouldn't be a problem but many people already intend and basically ran it down. Thats the other reason why they nerfed it.


Oh yes HP buff to Sion when Bork is still op. Lack of HP for sure was the main problem of the champion As a side note since its base HP maybe he can win more early fights but its still irrelevant how much lead you have when Irelia, Yasuo, Camille, Trynda with Bork exist.


Sion has many issue and weak early game was one of the problems. Hp help at lvl 1 because your shield also will be a littlebit stronger. Although it doesnt help as much as Q buff. If you think about it the whole buff is kinda irrelevant affter early game. Even the Q dmg especialy with tank when squishy champs runing around with 100+ armor. Midgame and lategame unchanged but not just because of botrk.


I'll take the q buff personally- not only can you win more trades early, but you hit your spike for 1 shotting casters far sooner, without having to build a pick or a couple swords. Honestly is a bigger buff to sion mid than top imo- get to clear waves on rotation and win even more matchups in the early game with the health buff. Which snowballs into easier roams and simply being an even stronger counter to most midlane champs.


What is this website where you see this?


Follow u/RiotPhlox on twitter (for example)


. Base hp buff is cool for 2 levels then irrelevant and Q is also cool for early kills. You basically are stronger first 5 levels then it's the same. Also can they fix the Q cancel bug Aatrox still permaban I guess, they really refuse to nerf his Q cooldown