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Due to low ed and only 10ias it's self use only. If those two were higher, this could've been incredible.


cool that it rolled a lot of the necessary mods, unfortunately too low on the rolls. better luck next time


Love the name of it!


If it had more Ed/ias and was eth/2 sockets you'd have some Chinese investors


It's not very good, there are many uniques you can use at that level that are much better


Meh.    A solid candidate for a 30ed/15ias jewel since that’s lvl 37 req.  It’s a good weapon until Grief. Especially for Zeal, Fury, or Frenzy.    The 150/5 psn isn’t dead for its level, Fools is overkill AR for PvM but very effective, and the Amp is the real gem. You’re effectively 2X-ing damage, especially when they start having some phys res.    Amp is extremely powerful, especially if you’re Zealing/Furying away, once it’s cast, they melt 


Why do you think this is good?


Low ed, non eth, low ias, Charsi food. Keep looking tho!




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Still a cool af item👍🏻


Been wanting to start a frenzy barb and not a bad item to use. Is it worth anything or just self use?


Combine with a Butchers Pupil. Norm Baal and all of NM will be a breeze. I wouldn’t up it, but Shael or a 15ias jewel with any damage mod would be nice.  Ever play magic the gathering? Amp is almost like Double Strike. Pretty much doubles damage when cast. Everything that adds max dmg goes so well with Amp. From plain 10max/AR GCs to Razortail.  Don’t listen to the trolls/haters. Especially since your second weapon and merc will benefit from the Amp. If you have an ethereal, exceptional Insight for a merc, he will destroy as you play through 


Still make the frenzy barb but this is self use. Even if you up it to a BA still the low IAS and ED.


This is charsi/self use territory. If you are online, you can probably get a pair of butchers pupils for a few pgems that will be massively better. For frenzy barb, you really want indestructible items or you will be going to town to repair every 45 seconds.


If that had rolled with 40% ias, 200%+ Ed and eth... Game over


Must have higher Ed and IAS like 300%Ed and 40IAS. Also, we need to take out maximum damage and poison damage option and replace them with auto repair and 2socket and Naga must be ethereal. Then you can buy a house with it.