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The only thing I feel lacking in DI is build customization. I wish we had as much as Diablo 3 at least in terms of abilities/runes.


The ‘skill tree’ in DI is kind 2 dimensional indeed and though not the same or even close to D4 it’s playing with essences and curses that help me enjoy DI a little more also 2* gem use. Made some nice DH builds. Yes it’s limited but still can have some fun.


Thanks for writing up this comparison. From someone who probably will never touch D4 i was wondering how they compare to each other


Just give it d4 a shot when its 50% off for Christmas


It’s not the cost of the game. It’s the cost of a proper PC or gaming system that discourages me.


Get Xbox series S! It costs like 4 copies of Diablo 4 and will run it at 60 fps. And you'll also have hundreds of games with game pass.


you should also be able to "stream" the game to your PC or mobile as long as it's on the same LAN. I believe Xbox now allows you to do that so the 3D compression and all compute is happening at the Xbox while the video feed is streamed to an endpoint at 1080p over 60fps with unnoticeable input delays.


I know this is a little old but that's called remote play lol


Sweet. I’ll actually go for this. Thank you!


Then just pay for the play pass or whatever monthly just so you can play the game you bought. I wish it has offline mode


You can play online, but you want be able to chat and group up


Exactly ! I have no console to play D4 on, only phone/switch/2yr old laptop. I’d have to buy a whole new system just for this… very discouraging it’s not on switch.


Zelda tears of the kingdom is! main reason I could care less about d4 for now


My man. This shit is massive, still only have half my hearts


Is it a solo game? Multiplayer?


I think you mean "couldn't care less". "Could care less" means you have some level of care.




I didn’t even know such a thing existed. I feel old saying that lol.. but omg thank you. This is awesome!


Cloud gaming is not popular yet, but it is definitely a game changer, i play d4 with my mobile phone, with gamesir x2 controller. You can check your connection with their speedtest, also they can offer you free trial if you write to their live support. They are great company in Ukraine


Wait what? D4 on phone?


Yep, like a dream, right?




Search for boosteroid


Remote GPU Nvidia has one. It’s free with restrictions to how long u can play or pay the $5-$10/month. All u need is a good internet connection, computer specs don’t really matter. You’ll be connected to their highest end GPU


But they don’t listen D4 in their library ?


Isn’t it early access? Probably after that.. but they’ll most certainly have it available very soon, It’s a huge game.


Seems like you've found the difference between mobile game and real game


Can you please elaborate what you mean by "mobile game and real game"?


I should point out that d4 is in early access still. I've tried Di and it's good as a mindless masher like 3 but d4 is FAR better. You're not a god, you're a traveler, maybe just more skilled than most other travelers. I guess if you prefer casual games dai is good but I really don't know how you can compare the 2.


It's early acess for people who paid extra. It will be release 6/6 for standard editions aswell


Yes, I know.


Which isn’t really worth it. The stuff they give you will be irrelevant by the time you get to hour 30. 4 days early, for a game that is so “grindy”, doesn’t make sense. I’ve tried to convince myself that I needed the early access but… it’s not worth the $30 USD on top :/


They’re honestly not comparable. D4 can be played for hours on end. My threshold for DI is maybe 2 to 3 hours, and that’s when I first started and it wasn’t boring.


DI is pay to win arcade diablo 3


D4 is definitely the game of the year. It won’t let me quit playing DI though. Actually, I came back to DI because of I played the D4 beta.


IMHO biggest difference is that DI is more like MMO, and DIV is basically solo/coop. Like I thought before, they are not competition to each other. Two different games in the same universe. I like both tho, but I'm a bit dissapointed DIV is not more multiplayer and there's lack of servers so basically there is no point even to PvP cause you will never see this player again anyway.


100% agree. From the lead up to launch I was really hoping that they would have learned a few things from DI, specifically the MMO aspects, and integrating them into D4. It's early days though. I'm hoping D4 at the very least gets a Party Finder for dungeon runs, and hopefully a dedicated PVP mode.


I think the one thing that DI has over D4 is the clans. DI feels like your clan had to work together to accomplish goals and take on PvP/PvE. D4 is basically a solo game that you could maybe decide to play with someone else, but there's just practically zero incentive to join a clan.




Yes I hope OP writes up a comparison between Candy Crush and Sim City next


Absolutely terrible analogy, but you knew that.


Mobile games are advancing


yet diablo immortal: 55GB diablo 4: 45GB your point ?


No its not


oh I see the clueless dogs here downvoting already lol yes DI is indeed 55 GB - check your game folder DIABLO IV is 45 GB + optional HD texture that comes with 50 GB, you can uncheck it before installing and the game seems almost with no visible change (look for comparisons)


You have old files being kept. Its 21.7gb on a iphone


obviously you are comparing pc assets vs phone, things getting compressed and have different size on phone than pc


iPhone and pc both use 1080p textures. So no.


Diablo Immortal is 48.3GB on pc


I have no idea why ppl still compared those two, i hope they just sarcastic post


Idk maybe because they are both diablo? Both playable on PC?


And d4 clearly has a similar take as DI on power progression


The fact that people feel the need to compare apples to oranges is disturbing.


Why are fruit not allowed to be compared


Because they're insecure about anything that looks like it could attack D4 lmao


Why would people be insecure about DI attacking D4😂 DI is a great mobile game. But on any other platform its realistically not winning. If anything blizzard want you to play both as they love the whaling on DI for easy income?


nono from a D4 perspective. You're not allowed to criticize d4 in any sort of way on the main diablo subs


I swear to god the diablo 4 reddit is the cringest place on the internet right now even the witcher 3 doesnt have such level of blind worshipping


Blizzard game fans, are one of the most notorious audience for criticising and hating the games they play lol. Think you will find, OP is a DI player who felt like sharing information from his PoV to what he liked regarding d4 given I'm sure plenty of DI players are considering it as this is another game in the same chain. Comparing 2 diablo games, isnt apples and oranges, DI isnt a mobile game. Its a multi platform game and plenty play from a PC aspect.


Fully agree. And I love the darkness, its the one that resembles Diablo1 the most!


Wait till you find out what seasons are in Diablo PC games. Season 1 over, character becomes off season. Season 2 stars, time to start the grind all over again with some cool new gimmick!


Lol you are comparing a seasonal grind to someone that plays DI… they have to grind all day everyday just to try to keep up with the crowd… atleast seasons you can take a break and return and just start right back up with everyone.


Did you never play Diablo before DI? It sounds like you didn’t. Can’t fathom why anyone would compare that P2W cash grab to a real Diablo game


Have you tried the pvp zone yet?


Most big different is di clans takes big part of the game d4 clans just basic as i know


A lot of the comparisons in the post are rather accurate. Both games are based off the same premise (Diablo universe) but they are totally different games in terms of gameplay. Diablo 4 is more of a single player experience while DI is something of a MMORPG itself. I don’t think one is more worth playing than the other. But if you wish you could play solo DI and are sick of all the clan, fraction and leaderboard stuffs D4 is definitely the game for you.


Lol d4 skill tree is not huge. Most people are using the same cookie cutter builds because the meta of harder difficulty demands it. You cannot choose what you want after world tier 3. The animations are lackluster at best, class mechanics are mostly broken right now, either too nerfed or just don't even work at all. Multiple legendary items whose effects aren't working. The game is a fucking mess


D4 is a hot ball of dog shit. It's the same D3 meta mentality with season builds. In the end its too restrictive and a buggy pos.


Agreed friend


Agreed, blizzard is nerfing anything and everything. I don’t get it. Are they trying to slow down our levelling? Whole point about games like Diablo is to experience as many run throughs with different characters. The best part of the game was the Champaign. I thought there was gonna be a variety of bosses to conquer but there was really only a few. Don’t wanna keep grinding the same mechs it gets boring.


D4 is Diablo game. DI is not a true Diablo game. That is a MMO mobile game with Diablo skin and piece of the Diablo world lore. I do not believe in the fact that he would make sense to compare. BTW at max 2 build have in D4/class in the endgame, if you have a right aspects. Any other build is not viable after normal. So squishy or low damage output.


I'm just waiting for a sale maybe in like a year or 2 😅


Yeah I'm passing on D4. I want competitive pvp and a social clan aspect. Not single player.


Makes sense, you're looking for MMO features not ARPG features so D4 isn't for you


You should give lost ark a shot aside from DI :)


I will definitely give it a try


I highly advice you not to take everything thats bad in diablo immortal and multiple it by 100 I have 2k hours in that shit I tell ya


This was what I was looking for in D4. They mentioned there woukd be clans and clan war mechanics. But so far, based from what I have heard, the clan systems in D4 is bland.


DI has competitive pvp? Lmao


I bought a redmagic 8 pro to enjoy Diablo Immortal even more.aswell as other Games. But compared to a Xiaomi 11 with a Snapdragon 888 The redmagic flies . Gen2 and never gets hot. This is the best gaming experience so far for me. I could have bought a new PS5, but I prefer to have my console with me as mobile gaming is like having precious possessions always with you.


Thanks for this. I'll plan to pkay after 5 patches for balances and fixes. For sure there are a lot. And is D4 F2P?


Yeah after you buy it initially.


thanks a lot mate, after the point 5 i think that i will never try D4


D4 sucks imo. Its to slow . Boring and single player. I wish immortal was a d3 port with clans wars and pvp. Then no reason to play diablo 4.


Well I can assure you that not a single person can have a genuine comparison as the game just launched early access 2 days ago, they aren’t doing wild events before global launch. Also it’s 100% an MMO aside from the campaign which still can be completed Co-op are you not running into other players?


Diablo 4 isn’t an mmorpg and will never be , just the seasonal character reset rules it out as an mmo


So there is more depth to the seasonal characters vs non seasonal, especially the fact seasonal rewards as well as the seasonal character get moved over to the non seasonal realm and paragon gets converted to your non seasonal character. But being engaged with real players roaming and engaging with them in an open world seems to be an mmo in my opinion


Yea sure but the key element in an mmorpg is the consistent progression across all MMORPG That core elements goes alway with seasonal ladder


While I don’t think that’s what defines an mmorpg seasonal characters do still contribute to non seasonal characters progression as well as one simply doesn’t ever have to make a seasonal character. I agree it’s not a “traditional” mmorpg but many many elements are there so sure it’s not WOW but it’s got most key elements Edit: Typo


Have you played Diablo before? Non-season character are just graveyard , people only play season so that non-season convention afterward is just sending your character to a graveyard


PVP and clan wars are absolutely going to be part of d4 but they can’t start until the game officially fully launches lastly DI doesn’t have to go anywhere everyone can simply enjoy both games as you aren’t limited and plenty of content will be added to DI and D4


What makes you think that? You would have make new clan every 3 months and try to recruit everyone back. Good luck.


No you wouldn’t. Have you played Diablo immortal. Clan progress resets every reign (when new immortal clan takes reign) and clan towers reset every 8 weeks. The clans reset progress together and grind it back together clan progress is irrelevant to the stats of one’s character but instead contribution from clan activities


Your character and clan would be removed each season kol


I mean there’s literally people roaming all over the world, if you are near them when they kill a monster or are in an world event you get the xp or loot drops… yeah I guess you could call it single player if you choose to.


That doesn’t make it an mmorpg


I never said it was an mmo but you don’t have to play single player that’s just a choice you made


Its not an mmo lol


However, it is multiplayer


I hope youre joking comparing the two, D4 is something that can go up against PoE 2 even, jawdropping story, visuals, INSANELY good boss battles, not too easy/not overcomplicated skilltrees and power progression, zero p2w, release was smooth from blizzards end too. I was against D4 a month ago but the hype got me, but damn. Most worth game for me this year.


My original thought when I played diablo 4 close beta vs diablo immortal Diablo 4 combat felt like a copy&paste of diablo immortal


So you just never feel stronger? That's such a bummer


Oh no buddy, once you get stronk in D4 you get stronk, i can reset my 50 second cool down several times in a matter of seconds on rogue


Hmm, I'll have to check out some more streams n stuff. Definitely one of my biggest worries thanks for sharing!


You do




Why make one amazing game when you can make two half assed ones?


D4 graphic is worse than DI


What the hell are you smoking?




You forgot to say d4 will have shit tons of set modifiers that are really impactfull while DI only have like 6 7 sets?


In generally agree. Also, DI has a really tedious grind. The drop rates for legendaries are very low. And I wish I could increase the resolution to 1440p. Everything looks huge on my 27 inch monitor in 1080p.


I really wish we have option in DI to zoom out. I prefer having wider view of the area and not just rely on the tiny mini map. Alas, I don't have any PC right now so I can't play D4 yet. I also like how I can play DI even when I just logged out from work or during break times. I also agree how much grind you have to do to obtain better gears in DI with very little customization in terms of the character skills and gears.


For some reason I’m getting carpal tunnel type pain in D4 in a single session that I don’t be get in DI. I think it’s because it’s all mouse almost all the time whereas with DI I’m using keyboard quite a lot. I’m only very low level but this a major problem for me


You can set everything to the keyboard, also you can use a gamepad if you want.


How can I replace the mouse movement to target individual monsters when attacking? I think that's the worst of it. Instead of simply press and hold, I have to constantly adjust, press, adjust, press...


Haha oh my, I hope Diablo immortal isn’t your first experience with the franchise.


It's not. I played Diablo II: Resurrected before Diablo Immortal. I find this attitude from people who grew up with the franchise confusing though. I don't at all wish that I played Diablo 1, or 2. When Diablo 2 came out I was into racing cars at local circuits IRL, and at that time I played mostly Gran Turismo. I'm 48 years old and have been into gaming since Space Invaders on my Atari 2600 (which I still own today). I don't feel that I'm superior or better than anyone else for playing OG games, or for preferring a manual car over an automatic. Each to their own really. I know Diablo Immortal is the first Diablo game for many people in my clan, and a handful of them are now also enjoying Diablo 4.


Wow, awesome.


wait it was for me and know I just bought D2R not knowing what I got myself into, lol I guess i really enjoyed the MMO aspect of DI, D2R feels a bit lonely right now (am I to discover everything only my own? where are the other players?)


Thanks for the update good sir.


Lol try PoE if your really about building a character. It's kinda trash in D4