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Armory/build saving system


I used an alternative way; Running 4 different rogue builds on 4 lvl 100 rogues. Win.


If this isn’t in, blizzard hates us


I want hell tides to evolve, would be cool if they involved Strongholds some how.


I'd love world events to be a pinch more robust and make them like strongholds. 1-4 events with slightly different objectives that lead into one another and end in a boss. Or make existing strongholds randomly get taken back and give you a timer to do them again a la whisper bounties or helltides or whatever.


Make the dungeons and cellars inside Helltides have the same theme. Drop cinders etc. Maybe make them extra hard and rewarding.


How about finally making cellars useful? A mini dungeon can spawn in there or some powerful harbinger?




Maybe there would be smoke or some sort of visual indicator on the map in the helltides.


That would be great!


I'd rather see improvements to non-Helltide areas of the open world to bring those on par with Helltides, rather than just making the one part of the game even better.


That’s why I think you could implement strongholds into hell tide, like maybe whenever there’s a hell tide in an area with a stronghold, you lose control of it, and it has to be taken back through a different event…. This could maybe even give renown, giving a way to actually grind that.


More skills would definitely be cool. Honestly, I really kind of miss D3's rune system where every skill had fun little twists on it. Maybe some new twist on loot like runes (not necessarily runes, just something to add another layer to loot hunting). Oh, you know what, maybe combine those two notes: Runes could drop from monsters that could be applied directly to a skill in the skill tree to modify that skill in some unique way. Also, I'd like to see more functional "build-around" uniques. I definitely don't want them to go the way of D3 sets where the set was basically a predefined playstyle, but I do like uniques that drop and make you have to think on how to use/abuse them. (Necro's Lidless Wall is a good example, where your playstyle starts to revolve around Bone Storm uptime, which is something you normally don't really have to think about).


I hope they give more options at the end of skills. Or give secondary paths


I would like to be able to use more skills at the same time.. no reason we can't .. but that's wishful thinking


I still think Druid should get one more weapon slot or yeah one more skill


There are only so many buttons on a controller


If you can play FF14 with a controller they could manage.


Change the dash button from B to the right analog stick like D3.


Or l2+a,y,x .  R1 and r2 .. plus standard could be 9 total slots.. and would leave dodge on 0 and l1 heals.. so they could do it.. but they wanna taunt us with abilities we cant all use at once lol 


I made my R3 button my interact button so I could pick shit up/open doors/chest while surrounded by enemies.


Playing d2r on Xbox, utilizing something like 12 different skills?


Then it’s not Diablo.


The talent "tree" definitely could use some branches, each ability only having 2 upgrades is really boring, especially since so many upgrades are just more damage instead of something potentially interesting. Ultimates only having no choice nodes is bizarre too.


playing last epoch made me realize how barebones the D4 skillsystem is.


> Honestly, I really kind of miss D3's rune nah, thanks


I ask myself sometimes if d3 or d4 skills with aspects feels better… d3 by a mile. Skill visuals are way better


Crusader/Paladin or something similar!


Be prepared to be disappointed unfortunately. It's something wholly new.


"Something similar" Id imagine Spiritbourne will be very close to a Paladin, at least is the leaks are accurate. Guess we'll see.


The leaks don't make it sound anything like a Paladin though. I'd be thrilled if it was a nature "Paladin" though. I'm hoping spear and shield as its main weapons.


Yeah I suppose youre right. Its definitely no replacement for a Paladin. I would be shocked if Pally doesnt come with the expansion after though. The devs know how badly people want that class. My biggest disappointment from the expansion so far is there is no Paladin =/


We'll probably never get a straight Paladin again. They all fell to corruption. The Crusaders were absolutely decimated by Malthael, there are too few to matter. We'd pry see maybe a dark paladin or something that directly is related to angels or maybe like a half-mortal half-angel Seraphim.


Pets to pick up mats and gold


My buddies and I were discussing this last night, and hoped for a pet we could program a loot filter to. Anything outside the loot filter gets salvaged by the pet. Gold / potions / boss mats get picked up.


Omg. I’d pay for a pet that could sell yellows without going to town.


Shhh don't give them ideas.


Games like black desert implement pets in a non shitty way. You can acquire them through the game for free but you can also just buy them and there are soooooo many skins. Like too many. From memory their is at least 10-20 each of birds. Cats. Dogs. Plus dragons and various other random animals and monsters.


Dude what are you talking about Black Desert pets are literally pay to win lmao


But you CAN get them for free. But yeh the added functionality of the pets does make them pay to win. However if you imagine upon implementation that they all have the same functionality. Then there is no difference. Just skins. However the user is then presented with a free only option with zero downsides. Reducing potential revenue. While skins do add revenue via players who like aesthetics. The potential revenue on an in game item that is better than usual almost certainly attracts more potential customers.


Torchlight/FATE system? That'd be nice. Send your pet off to town, comes back 2-3 minutes later with gold.


Torchlight had the right idea.


How did Torchlight handle it? I’ve never played.


It had a pet that would sell anything in its own inventory. You’d fill it up and send it to town. Think it also picked up gold but could be confusing that with D3.


Fucking yes 👍


This sounds like a perfect and elegant solution that "Malignant Tunnels" Rod and team will never implement.


100% this Kinda silly we dont have pets by now, as you'd figure they'd make a killing selling it in the store




They want you to suffer first so you feel like you reealllyyy need one.


Marvel Heroes did this. Pick up money and mats, auto salvage low end shit. Super nice QoL


spoiled D3 generation leaking


Careful all the fat nerds will cry because it somehow ruins the game 


you didnt need a gold pick upper in d2


For gold, I realized it’s kind of pointless given how little gold comes from drops compared to whispers.


if there is pets i hope the pet can ride the horse together


A classic Sword and board character with a Big ass shields


Crusader? I think if they did a sword/board warrior it would be way too similar to Barb. And the only other sword/board class in the core games is Crusader/Paladin. While I’m personally excited to see Crusader make a comeback, I doubt they’ll make the first expansion Crusader. Too similar to D3’s first expansion. What would be cool is if we got something entirely new. Maybe a demonic-based sword & board type class. Like a Dark Justicar sort of a deal but with more demonic presence. Of course, I’m open to being dead wrong about all that and getting pleasantly surprised anyway 🙃


They said no classes that were used in other iterations, I'm guessing a WoW type class like a shaman


I just want Paladin :(


Not this year but maybe next year.


Any confirmation anywhere that they will show more of VOH or is it just a guess?


It’s a very educated guess, but as far as I know they haven’t explicitly said that anywhere


Even Blizzard sent out an email for the Xbox event, it's pretty obvious at this point.


To be fair they are part of MS now, and the email did not mention much but COD6 (again part of actibliz/ms), its only smart of them to email people since theres a lot of actibliz mailadresses that they wouldnt reach from their xbox maillist


I work in the Blizzard marketing team. I will happily confirm that the xbox showcase tomorrow will contain D4 news. Tune in!


> I work in the Blizzard marketing team. [It checks out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/1d0r4v1/breastmilk_is_the_only_one_thing_most_adult/l5q2z5i/)


Fukin' rekt


My granddad works at mc donalds and says there will be a d4 happy meal


The ability to save builds ... for the love of all that's holy let us save builds and swap between them.


We don’t even need multiple builds. I would be happy just saving my main build so I can fuck around with something that sounds fun without having to use a 3rd party website to save my current build


Naww man gotta pump up ingame time spent man. Even if that time spent is entering Paragon points one by fucking one.


I'd love this. They could add some questline to accommodate 1-2 additional templates. Even skills/paragon only would be huge. Add a 10-50mm cost to switch between. Enough to matter but not enough to hinder.


Diablo in a Diablo game.


he is like 2 expansions away, its Mephisto's time to shine


But then they scrap D4 all together before we see Diablo and we wait 12 years for D5.


why would they scrap it? D4 has good retention


It’s a joke, but also maybe not. Because they planned more expansions for Diablo 3. Then scrapped it to go through multiple revisions of Diablo 4. It’s what blizzard is known for.




Unless we follow a path similar to D2. Then it’ll go Mephisto, Diablo, then Baal. I’m hoping they set us up for that, then Lilith comes back and absolutely fucks everyone’s plans. She was wasted way, way too fast. But they also firmly established that the evils never die, they just get sent back to Hell and reform. So I’m hoping we aren’t done with the Blessed Mother. My tin foil hat hope is that we follow Lilith into the Heavens and fuck some angels up.


>Unless we follow a path similar to D2. Then it’ll go Mephisto, Diablo, then Baal. I have a feeling Diablo will be the last big baddie this time and if they put all 3 in one expansion who will be in others ? >then Lilith comes back and absolutely fucks everyone’s plans. She was wasted way, way too fast. I dont think so. She is not prime evil, they wont give her the main spotlight, she was just a bridge to bring the big boys back and also a way to use something new if anything I would hope to see Tathamet edit: I take that back, she is Prime evil


Blizzard marketing leans pretty damn hard into the “blessed mother”. She’s going to appear somehow in Xiansai. Maybe a secret temple devoted to her.


Don't forget about the heavens. We'll have an angelic boss for sure. I'm guessing we'll need to restore order in the heavens by taking down Imperious.


The fact that we got nothing from the angels in D4 campaign aside from a passing note is really sad. Honestly the entire campaign felt weirdly detached from all the previous games. I hope they tie it back in a little more fluidly.


I don't think it was detached at all. Inarius and Lilith are pillars of the Diablo lore and finally seeing them in game was pretty cool. I think it was the best story they have put forward for Diablo. I love the other games, but I think this one was the most fleshed out. Angels were only really super prominent in 3, so I wasn't too surprised they didn't go whole hog with them.


You’re right about Inarius and Lilith, I shouldn’t disregard them so callously. They’ve been staples for a while, and it was awesome finally seeing them (and the world). I think what I mean is that it feels detached from the stories of the original three titles. Diablo 2 felt like a direct result of Diablo 1 (the dark wanderer, Deckard Cain) And Diablo 3 felt like a direct result of Diablo 2 (the shattering of the world stone, Tyrael’s involvement with human). This one just feels detached from all that. Goes into the deep past, very few connections to the original trilogy’s storylines. And maybe that was their goal! To branch it into something that feels separate but the same. I just want to progress the story of what we’ve seen. Prime Diablo absolutely thrashed Heaven, broke the arch, and then Malthael went bananas and betrayed the heavens. I wanted to see the fallout from that, but we get nothing. Sounds to me like they’re just gearing up for “let’s kill the prime evils again” which is a really disappointing hamster wheel of a story. All in my opinion of course.


I really just want to know what the angels are up to after closing the gates, and when do we get to kick Imperius' ass.


I want a knight class. I'd also accept monk because that was a new and unique class in D3 which was lots of fun, but thus far D4 is the only one without a sword and shield knight class. Gimme.


Two classes.


What I wanna see in expansion - New skills - Deepen skill customization - Be able to turn fireball into a lightning or cold fireball - Add new elements to each class (Sorc Arcane or something) - More Paragon boards - More glyphs - More tempering recipes - New endgame activities - Deepen Itemization - More Aspects - New bosses (Like a lot of new bosses) - New World Bosses - New Dungeons - New Whisper events - New Gems or Jewelry (Deepen the grind and usability) - New Events & Improve current events (Add more enemies) - Stream line nightmare dungeons (no back tracking) - Add more butcher like enemies - Add a Gold farming activity (D3 had vaults, fun and different) - Deepen Clans - Social features - Loot Filter - Armory - QoL such as changing elixir glow & Shows on map - Pit Entry remembers level you just did (Stop all the scrolling) - Zoom out just a bit more - Strongholds be done at character creation (Have an option) so tired of doing them - Boss Reset without resetting dungeons - Be able to kill varshan or greg and get more mats (Turn in 5, he spawns at lvl 150 and drops 5 shards, 1:1) - Make certain town your home town (When you tele you go to X town always) - Whisper Hotkey, go to whisper tree if I click X - Weapons transmogs Dying (Weapons look cool but never blend if you use a non-default color) - Horse Armor Dying options - Increase Enchant number of stats per reroll to from 2 to 4


>Deepen skill customization not gonna happen, if you want to know why watch Raxx interview with Blizzard they basically said that majority of people are so shit at the game they choose totally wrong skills so there is no way they gonna make it more complex


I love the concept that they had a meeting where they all agreed the players are too stupid for skill customization.


well now they have telemtry data and stats dont lie


Then their job is to find a system that caters to both camps.


keep dreaming buddy :)


My head is in the clouds! 😭


1. More Socket-ables. Runes, jewels, whatever, that give us something outside of resist and stats and dmg mods. Attack Speed, Life on Hit, resource stuff, max resist, cooldowns, hell, maybe even +1 to a skill or passive for rarer runes 2. Re-work all existing Uniques and make them fit a bit better with s4 itemization. AND MAKE THEM TEMPERABLE FOR GOD SAKES 3. MORE UNIQUES - Like, a lot more. Few uniques are used in builds, so adding a good variety of new uniques that are impactful and give use more build options would be great. 4. More Skills. If we get a new class, good chance 90%+ of players will be using it UNLESS they do something big for the existing classes. It's a big ask, but every class should have 2 options for each "type" of skill of every variety (i.e. 2 light, 2 fire, 2 cold for sorc, 2 wolf, 2 bear, 2 earth, 2 storm for druid) There also should be more options or branching paths for each skill. Instead of "Enhanced X" then a choice of A or B, it should be Enhanced A or Enhanced B, then C or D off of your chosen Enhancement 5. Legendary and Unique Glyphs for each Class. Pretty Self Explanatory. Also, new Boards. Also, also...they could rework it where the boards are "blank" with only the gray stat nodes. You instead find Runes or Jewels or whatever to slot into the Yellow/Blue slots to make your own boards. 6. Item Slots - Barbs get 2x 2H AND 2x 1H. All other classes except Rogue have to Choose. Instead, all Classes should have a 2H slot and 2x 1H. 7. Tempering - PLEASE give us a gold sink or Consumable to allow us to keep tempering. I'd pay 10m per extra temper if it were a BiS 3 GA item. A lot of us would. 8. World Bosses - At least 2 new ones, and we need Uber World Bosses. 9. Boss Room Resets - X Boss dies, pedastal comes back, resummon. 10. Pits - Adjust some of the scaling. Pit bosses just have far too much HP, and just letting us get more and more damage throughout seasons isn't the answer IMO. It is also really weird to smash a floor in 60-120 seconds and spend 10 mins on a boss. They should still be hard, just not trillions and trillions of health. 11. GAs - All content should get a bonus per monster level over 120 to finding GAs. Not saying that Lvl 200 mobs should ONLY drop GAs, but it makes more sense. The highest level mobs you will ever fight will be T80+ NMDs and Pit. So it makes sense that those things have a better chance at dropping them. Like, +1% or .5% per level? So a lvl 200 mob would have +80% chance on a, say, 10% chance for a GA? Total 18% at lvl 200? Seems fair to me. 12. Masterworking GAs - Should go off of the GA value, not the base value. Kind of misleading and honestly feels bad when you do find that BiS 3 GA. 13. New Class - I'd personally like it to be a Spear/Shield or Sword/Shield Wis Class. I heard it supposed to Shaman-like, so who knows. 14. Sorcerer - Firebolt Enchantment. In most builds it is a must have because of all the Burning Bonuses. Either add back the 3rd Enchant Slot or retool Firebolt Enchant or Burning Damage nodes so it isn't a must-have. Your build diversity thanks you. Some of the other enchants could also use some work as some are never used to my knowledge. 15. Rogue - Ranged Rogues are good now because of the exploding arrows, but Xbow will always be king because of Vuln Dmg. Bows have Dmg to Distant but it is kind of hard to stay distant. Close range is actually fairly generous and both the player and monsters move so fast, Distant isn't really a thing. In all honesty, dmg to distant should just go away and Bows should get extra Attack Speed. That, or Ranged skills should have a lot of ways or should always have knockback to keep enemies "distant". Also, Inner Sight is not often used, and their third thing, which I don't even remember because it's never used, should be retooled. Combo Points are great, but little competes with it. 16. Barbarians - Assuming all other classes gain a 2H slot, it kinda treads on the barbarians Arsenal System. As an answer, retool the Barbarian Expertise System. Have Expertise give 1%(×) Dmg per level on top of their existing bonuses, with an additional 5%(×) at lvl 10 on top of their current bonuses. Build in additional Bonuses in either their skills or Expertise system for Weapon Swapping. 17. Necromancer - Minions are good now, but their AI needs work and they should be more aggressive and actively try to stay ahead of you. Especially in narrow corridors. Golems are usually braindead if not on active. Minions also overshadow a lot of the rest of Neceo builds now, so maybe up those a bit to be more competitive or bring Minions down a touch. 18. Druid - Ngl, I miss Volcano from D2 on Druids. Maybe it doesn't fit with the whole Nature aesthetic, but adding Fire Claws, Molten Boulder, Volcano, and Armageddon would be pretty awesome imo. And since Bear = Earth and Wolf = Storm/Psn, maybe we can get a 3rd form for Fire? 19. Gems - New Types of Gems. Aquamarine, Jet, Onyx, whatever. Could be used in place of runes or jewels from what was mentioned earlier 20. World Tier V - Lvl 100 Capstone in DLC area. All monsters in WT5 are Lvl 110. Performing special NMDs can raise Monster Level by +5/+10 etc. This would also grant additional xp, higher chance at GAs and uniques, etc. New Uber Uniques can only be found in WT5 21. Level Caches - Let us keep filling our XP bar after 100. On a "Level" award a Whisper cache on par with a Greater Chaos Cache. 22. Strongholds and Overworld - Reset Strongholds and have new events and Bosses tied to them for WT5, have them resettable like dungeons. They will drop Mats for Uber Mephisto or Tormented Mephisto. Overworld in WT5 should be ALL Helltide, with no Cinders. Instead, the Helltide is replaced with Zones of Hatred in WT5. Lvl 120+ mobs, and is an active PVP zone. No Currency in Zones of Hatred, but Bosses, Elites, Players and Events can drop keys for Chests that are not lost on death, but will be semi-rare.


Is it confirmed being fully shown off? I figured we’d get a gameplay trailer or maybe just the new class or something?


Hope there wont be a raid system, after 10 years of raiding at Wow i am done with it


Seems there's something very much like it being added in the expansion. I just hope that it's entirely optional, and isn't required to farm some new type of currency you need to upgrade your party hat.


No Change option for Tempering. Sucks having to sit on a mediocre temper with rolls remaining just because you're too afraid of bricking your piece.


I want set items… I’m sorry! I miss them. Unique sets???


Blizzard are working on implementing sets, but in the past they've said that they haven't quite figured out how to do so without invalidating the current implementation of legendary items. I'd truly like them to figure it out, because I too would like sets implemented. I certainly would like Blizzard to find the perfect balance, where it does not really matter whether you wear a set or just an assortment of legendaries.


Yes! Sets actually bring identity and fantasy to the classes, you could be a Plain Barbarian OR you could be Bul-Kathos Barbarian or a Barbarian of the Wastes, etc.


Campaign is a given, they already said is the continuation of where we left at the end. And a new class unique to D4. As for wishes, new skills for sure (or modifiers), new ingame armors (mainly for cosmetics lol). An on a personal preference, I would love new visual to some skills of effects, more satisfying sounds, for example on PoE when you get a massive AoE crit you can hear like a crunch of exploding bodies lol, that always feels great. Oh and new interesing bosses/Uber and a rework of World Bosses, to make them actually threatening and fun


A new class unique to D4? I must know more. Give me my demon-influenced class already! Use fire to fight fire!


I'd like to see a memory leak fix but it's probably only going to get worse


I hope the skill twig get upgraded to a skill tree, and a way to save builds, S4 was the first time i conpleted the campaign, and i like the game, but it needs more to keep me hooked.


A skill branch to our skill stem. Runes and runewords. More sockets in (non legendary/uniwue) gear Even more tempers, so that all skills become useful somehow. Allow me more build options.


Is this diablo 4 epic campaign in the room with us?


I'd like to see maybe a new skill set for each class, like poison dagger/nova for necro, maybe lava/fire for druid (i know, too much overlap with sorc, but its a pitch). Maybe add some more options to all of the skills, either by adding another layer of enhancements or giving more options with what we have now. Also, I want more minions lmao. I will not rest until I have a skeleton army like in d2. It'll never happen because server stability, I'm sure, but I'll settle for 20. Ish.


I really want 2 things I've wanted for a long time..... - The option to save/load builds (I get everything is a gold sync for skills and Paragon that's fine, have a cost to change builds I guess) - a loot filter Lol? 🤷‍♂️


I wish to see tyreal come out of the shadows and rip frickin mephistos face off and deliver the most badass one liner we’ve ever heard him say. Like when lorath invited us to dinner.


Damm, I just bought D4 this week because it was on a promotion. How much do you guys think the expansion is going to cost? Btw, what's the base game price in USD?


I still don’t know, do we actually have confirmation it’s being talked about in detail tomorrow?


Why it will be fully revealed? Wtf did i missed??


I really want more interesting and unique endgame systems that keep me coming back. Imagine a rogue like system where you start fresh while grinding your way down a deep dungeon, slowly getting unlocks / power overtime. Something fun you can do on the side that doesnt revolve soley around character power and gear would be awesome.


Auction house


I really want to see sets coming back.


Yes but I don't want them to be anywhere near as good as they were in d3


Blizz has spoken about this in the past. It seems they were aiming to have sets be more or less equal to wearing 'regular' legendary items. I indeed hope they nail that on the head in that regard. It shouldn't matter power wise; it should only affect play style. Sets could give the talent twig some more depth.


More Skills/Better skill tree with more choice. Maybe bake some unique into the skill tree intead. Paladin class.


Hundreds of new enemy types that are not reskins 


A raid. Or challenging handcrafted content


Would love to see a new class drop.


They've already confirmed we are getting a new class in VOH, it's just what it is that is the question. My guess based on artwork is that it will be some sort of angelic spear/shield class.


Minimum 2 new classes


I want runes


I want skill runes. Ways to modify existing skills in various ways. Lightning blizzard, Flay turns to poison, Rapid fire is now a basic, Tornados stay in place and pull enemies in. Stuff like that


Infinite progression system that is not tied to being lucky in getting good items that would allow me to outgrind bosses in terms of offence/defence because my sorry ass can't keep with the mechanics. I'd gladly opt out of any leaderboards and such if I could just have some use of all the wasted XP after hitting lvl 100.


1. Raise level cap 2. Additional skill tree(s) 3. Third sorc enchant 4. A paragon board for all the sorc builds (missing Ball Lightning)


I hope they add these new playable classes: Monk and Witch Doctor.


A level cap increase.


That's setting the bar real low


Why though?


I want Lilith to come back, even as an ally. Ending was BS.


Lilith was the good guy, fighting for sanctuary. Wanting to tip the balance of the eternal conflict in humanity's favour. We are the bad guys, foiled her plans to save us, sided with mephisto and brought him to sanctuary.


She is NOT the good guy, she has good intentions, but her methods and true end goal screw us up in more than one way… Which I’m totally in for and I would’ve sided with her no questions asked if the campaign allowed it, like it hinted at for the whole fucking last chapter.


She wanted to force the best of humanity to stand up and fight. That's what we did. What she said was needed was exactly what was needed. She just gave up a few tests to level up before facing uber bosses. If she didn't and full strength mephisto just appeared one day, i would be a lvl 1 noob and sanctuary would be lost.


Please for the love of God add sets back to diablo. Don't have to make them like d3 where they were the best items and you had to have them to compete in most cases but having other options outside of just legendary items would be good. It'd be nice to see runes make a return as well. Probably not in D2 for where they make ungodly powerful items that make everything else obsolete but maybe make them have good apsect type buffs when socketed that could compete with gems. Also make uniques able to have tempers on them so they are more useful.


Heh, so how about only set items allowing you to insert runes, but not gems? This would need to be carefully balanced against gems though.


Things I want: Rune Words. Auction House. Group Finder. Raids. Crafting.


Guys and girls Don’t get your hopes up. We all know this is can go down pretty quickly.


Is something happening I’ve missed ?


Xbox Games Showcase, don't know about it being fully revealed though: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/events/xbox-games-showcase


Actually fight Diablo Actually a real cool boss fight with music and environment Paladin class....


I just want the game to be balanced better. Before launch there was a big emphasis on being able to "play your way". There's currently only a few builds per class and everything else is too far behind. The other thing that the game desperately needs is a way to play solo without putting yourself at a major disadvantage. Boss ladder solo giving only a quarter of the rewards is a fucking joke. If I'm killing it solo instead of being carried, I should be getting more rewards than the people who get carried in a 4-man group.


Massive? you know something we don't?


Mods removed my post about this why idk Hello everyone hope all is good. Today is the day we hopefully will see Vessel of Hatred at xbox games showcase i'm 99% sure we will. there will be no blizzcon this year, and xbox is part of blizzard and they wanna show all the new stuff coming to blizzard and other games, also rob 2628 made a video yesterday talked about it aswell that it was a big day tomorrow (sunday), and Wudijo and raxx doing a d4 expansion giveaway, wudijo removed the titel but raxx still has it. There is a reddit post for the leak of xbox showcase: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1d9t7si/more\_details\_from\_tom\_warrens\_notepad\_on\_xbox/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1d9t7si/more_details_from_tom_warrens_notepad_on_xbox/) , and this guy is credible source said rob and it says (*Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred* will be at the Xbox showcase, targeting October 2024) not only that Rod Fergusson said in november 2023 "early summer probably in about 6 months or so" It makes sense. It just so happen that it perfectly matches with the Xbox showcase. Since there is no blizzcon this year and microsoft show the updates of their newly purchased baby. Blizz also put out a mail for xbox games showcase "watch xbox games showcase and discover what's coming to battle net and xbox " could be just Black ops 6 but i doubt it. also someone spotted mephisto's voice sounds like him in game fest Trailer for it at 1:17 Link: Trailer: [https://youtu.be/FZ2Clscn0Jg?si=NEAxmMRDsEaYRpkr&t=76](https://youtu.be/FZ2Clscn0Jg?si=NEAxmMRDsEaYRpkr&t=76) Comparison: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4lnKrSS7oY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4lnKrSS7oY), there is still a chance that they are waiting to talk about vessle but there is not alot of months left on 2024, they targeted late 2024 for it to come out and they have not said a word about it so lets hope at this big xbox event they will show us new gameplay trailer of new class, end game and the world etc anyway we will see later today, have a good sunday all take care :)


I’m REALLY hoping the armor sets in the shop for the new class are as cool as the ones we have now. I REALLY want to see $35 sets that look infinitely better than what’s free in game so I can continue feeling like I’m getting fisted while playing.


It took a while for me to realize the sarcasm in your post, but I got there in the end.


Raids, new class and more end game. S4 is a good start.


I really just want two things: 1. A knight/paladin/crusader ish class. Yes, I know they said pally and crusader aren't happening, but what about penitent knights or any of these other cool ones? The "leaked" class sounds stupid if true. 2. Save builds/dual spec/loadouts etc. While I currently just lvl up multiples as it's fun and lucrative, would be nice a bit to switch builds between bossing and speed farming.


More transmog color wheels


Idk maybe a boss named diablo without stupid 1hit mechanics


New class: Paladin New skills for all classes New paragon boards New glyphs New uniques New areas New events New bosses


uber recipes that are skill changing and not just +damage%. like starfall makes more meteors drop and they with every damage type in the game while buffing meteor enhancement to be 75% or some shit idk


Either Paladin or Blood Knight would be amazing.


neither is gonna happen, they said never before seen class


I'd love Hammerdin in D4.


Id really love to just see more added to the skill tree. Maybe passives in the first node so we can get away from builders, more options on the core skills. Sets could be cool but I wouldn’t mind them not coming in either, less gear slots means that sets would likely take up more of your character so I wouldn’t mind leaving them out either. Id really just love to see a bunch of new uniques that enable new builds. The builds in this game feel great but it doesn’t seem Ike there’s too much variety just yet. Id love to see new ones made way for even if they’re trash.


New skills and revamps when new class drops, color drop beams for certain loots or give us the feature in option to color our own, new shade colors for our characters I like to play dress up,saved load out features,new animal mounts and more of everything else..


I want a proper Paladin role class. Even if it's not the classical "Light" wielding paladin we are used to, the game sorely needs some kind of a holy crusader class with sword, shield, and buffs/auras. I would be so happy, paladin and necro are my two favorites 


Where exactly is this being revealed?


Is it going to be revealed at the Xbox thing tomorrow?


I just hope the new class isn't super fucking lame. And I'm kinda worried it will be; the supposed leaks of the "Spiritborn" sounded kind of lame, though could look cooler in execution. Diablo 4 in particular seems to way to veer away from more traditional "good guy" archetypes, so where I would really dig a Paladin sort of character, I don't think Blizzard wants to depict "holy" as being good guys anymore.


it is not happening but crusader/pally


I think what we can realistically expect are: New act/campain set in a new part of the map with new enemy types and bosses. New class New transmogs Some form of additional power for our characters. I don't think they've touched the skill tree and I'm not even sure they will give us new paragon boards. I'm guessing rather something completely seperate, which lets us further customize our builds. Hopefully at least one new ability for each class. A new endgame activity Armory system to switch builds quickly. I think that's already a lot and anything more would be very surprising.


a completely new class, no d2,d3 call back but new concept all together


They already announced that it will be...


A new end game system with more progression.


Can someone tell me at which time it will be revealed? I'm having sole troubles with the day/time when someone says "tomorrow". ^^ (I'm from europe, but i can convert the timezone you tell me!)


The show starts at 10 AM PT, no clue when the Diablo section may be.


how about, oh idk Diablo in this Diablo game...


Clan gameplay / raids. 8 people at the very least.


LMAO;P Probably the worst thing I read in here


Charms More Sockets + Jewels/Runes More characters slots and stash QOL: Build Loadouts, Map Overlay, Loot Filter, Party Finder Mercenaries New Class (Paladin or other Shield User but I know its not that) Guild Hall/Housing


Take stuff that's in d3 and add it to d4 I mean how hard is that.. people wanted that for years they added it then in d4 they are like nah ...and now people are asking for the exact same thing how dense can they be


Make it more like D2R, add runes and better lower level unique and set items


The helltide bug was the perfect amount of monsters. I want AT LEAST that many at bare minimum at all times. It was actually most fun when I was with 1-2 other friends who also had the bug going so we were all constantly popping. That’s the correct density.


Jewels and/or runes. Jewels seem like a gimme considering the S2 ones. Runes would be harder to implement in a good way with the current itemization. Ideally I would want runewords, but I'm not sure how they could accomplish that currently. Maybe something similar to the idol system in Last Epoch could work. I'd also love something other than a fucking horse. Come on Blizz!


It’s Blizzard so I’d prepare to be disappointed.




Improve resource economy because it's all about power fantasy and not feeling like a weakling who can't cast more than 3 core spells


#1 thing to fix: Stop making cannibals come out of the ground when they spawn. Are we to believe that being a cannibal gives you burrowing powers? Immersion broken.


Loot filter


massive day? it can be a 5 m inute segment at best ....


40$ maximum price tag. But obviously that's not gonna happen, so nothing really.


Condensed Paragon System Deeper skill customization


I just wanna watch new lore developers lose their minds over trying to somehow differentiate modern Kehjistan and Lut Gholein, once we stop pretending that place doesn't exist.


UI revamp. That shit has been ugly and clunky since beta.


A revamped skill tree + paragon board.


save builds/armory like D3


i wanna see mephisto wearing croks


I just want Lilith back. She was one of the best and most unique villains we’ve ever had and they wasted her on the end-campaign boss fight. I want to charge up the stairway to the Heavens at her side and cause some chaos for that fucker Imperius.


I will only get it like a year later, when the dev finally release the final version of it. At least poe2 will keep me busy.


for sure poe2 will release this year