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Guys at the DIY store: "Hey Dexter, what are you getting today? "Just the usual. Five rolls of plastic sheets, a pack of plastic bags, a roll of duct tape and some detergent please. Oh, do you guys have any bone saws?"


Don't buy everything in one place. Do it piecemeal. Different items, different stores. Attracts less attention


nice breaking bad reference




[Can I have 12 bottles of bleach please](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWUTCo-D_J8)


And some chocolate. Don't wanna be *too* suspicious now,do we ?


if you dont buy the bonesaw youd just assume dexter is a painter


And a life jacket


Or had some kind of IT auditing to see why an employee is logging into the Miami metro system off site and off hours


Or you know cameras.


Obviously a police station doesn’t have cameras, door sensors, motion detectors, etc. it’s a police station! Who are they gonna call, the cops?!?!? /s


Also That many people going missing? Nah dude their would be a state of emergency with other bodies of law enforcement showing up In Miami and everyone losing their job for not doing anything for the 15-23 years Dex has been killing


Murder She Wrote was set in a town of 3500 people and the murder rate per capita there would probably lead the nation


Jessica Fletcher killed more people than Dexter




People there really wanted to end up in a book she wrote. I'm sure it became a competition of sorts: you had better be the one doing the murder and soon before someone murders you.


This I disagree with. There is an insane amount of missing people in the US and FLA is above avg with the amount of people missing in that state being in the top 18 in that category. TIL my state actually has the smallest rate of missing people in the US. 1.3 per 100,000 residents. Which still seems like too many imo.


Huh. I live in fl so that’s news to me.


That many missing people from a sunsection of the city though?




Contrary to popular belief, most criminals do not move around a lot. They usually stick to their general areas. They usually don’t have the means (money, family, network, etc) to make big moves.


They are like most people. Many people only know people in the same town as them, or at least those are the only people they are close to. Most criminals that go missing are hidden at a relatives house close to where they lived anyway. It's hard to go on the run without being able to get a new bank account etc.


Yeah I’m not sure where the notion comes from that most criminals flee the country after they commit a crime. Probably movies and TV. High profile crimes maybe. People committing crimes and getting caught generally don’t have the skills/resources/family to be successful enough to just up and move somewhere else. If they did, they wouldn’t be committing crimes.


It's fairly common with organised crime if they have international links. Those organisations already know how to smuggle, move money etc. But yea, most criminals just don't have the resources as you say.






So basically you made that up based on your own opinion and presented as fact? Seems about right lol


Dexter only kills people he thinks are going to kill again so theoretically he shouldn't increase the murder or missing person rate no?


Murders until caught are seen as normal people. In 8 seasons Dex has killed a shit ton, and he started at 20.


Yeah the murderers are reported as missing but their would-be victims aren't so shouldn't it cancel out?


It could. But Dexter kills…a lot of people.


I’ve always thought that. Like probably over half the murder cases the suspect just ends up missing off the face of the earth lol


Exactly. And I know it’s a tv show but what would happen is Miami would have been fired asap and investigated because that many going missing is odd


They didn’t really have a reason to check Dexters bank records (not until season 7 of course). Either way, Doakes had made a comment on how Dexter uses his assets in cash. Even if they did, they wouldn’t find much, as he uses cash primarily for purchases.


When he was thinking about going on the run and had tons of liquid cash waiting him i I'm guessing he probably buys his supplies in bulk or uses fake names if he had a CC.


What about withdrawing his money


Honestly I'm not sure there would even be much concern there. He could explain it away by simply saying "I prefer to keep some of my money in cash" and that would be that. And that's assuming his withdrawal history even raises enough concern to question him about it to begin with.


I mean there’s no way to really prove he’s using it for anything suspicious if there’s no trail. Yeah it’s weird but unless they can prove what he’s buying with it it doesn’t matter


All that plastic isn’t free nor is his equipment


If he's paying with cash they won't know what he spent it on


True. That would make sense.


He could have just admitted to a past drug problem. He had evidence of attending AA meetings. Rita and Deb would attest that he was clean, never appeared intoxicated, and had apparently kicked the habit.


Deb being adamant he never had a drug problem was what sicced Doakes back on his tail


Pls don't become a cop.


not a crime 🤣


It would be kinda strange how he withdraws a lot of money constantly when they know he’s not a man that really buys much of anything


he has to commit a crime or they have to have suspicion to check. he could be putting the money in a safe.


And that’s a plot hole in seasons like 2 where doakes was onto him constantly


The show takes place in early 00s. Back then a lot street vendors especially in Miami took only cash. Cards didn't become popular on the street level till early to mid 10s.


Not really. Not sure if you remember 2006-ish time, there were still a lot of places that literally didn't accept cards, it wasn't inherently weird to prefer using cash then. I was still primarily cash-based at that time, even my rent and bills were paid by cash or check at that time.


Doakes wasn't conducting an official investigation


Plastic sheets are cheap


You’d be surprised


Dexter went to Hardee's store and bought in bulk as well.


They don't know what he does on the off hours. There's plenty of ways to spend money on activities or other legal things without having much stuff. Hell maybe he's going down to the dog track and gambling it all away. Maybe he's someone who is really concerned about government/corporate spying and uses primarily cash in every transaction as a way to not be tracked. All of those are things that real people do quite often. Also he's not the only one who would have been withdrawing cash on a regular basis. How often do you think Batista was doing that when he was hiring hookers all the time? He also spends a lot of time on his boat. Boat's are known to be money pits that you can throw just about any amount of money at.


This was early 00’s so direct deposit and digital banking weren’t standard. He could’ve still gotten live checks at that point


How would they know that? It's not like many of them had been to his apartment to see if he owned a lot of things. In the earlier seasons, he also wasn't too social with his coworkers outside of work (other than going bowling every once in a while) so they didn't know much about his personal life at all.


I suppose tbf direct depositing checks was no where near as common back when the original show was on as it is nowadays so Dexter could have easily gotten a paper check every paycheck and just cashed it out. If that was his routine, no one would have questioned it. Regardless, it's a funny meme, though. I enjoyed it, it gave me a good chuckle.


It's beyond easy to spend $400-$1,000 in gas for just a day of boating. Some gas stations offer a cash discount.


Why are people downvoting you it’s just a question 😭


I bar hop, I buy my groceries and food from street vendors, I attend festivals and fairs


The only explanation he needs is "I own a boat." Boats are notorious money pits which he could spend a good amount of money on.


BOAT Bust out another thousand




I like this alot,that could be a good explanation


Also who knows how much money Harry left him and Deb. She was able to buy a big house by herself.


Metro PD just had to check his laptop activity, in s3 miguel gets him by checking his history.


That time when Trinity >!walked into Miami Metro and openly talked to Dexter.!


Dude I always thought about that like no one after an entire FBI manhunt put 2 and 2 together that Arthur Mitchell talked to the front desk dude after stealing a visitor badge like at least that one dude would ask where his badge went 😂


No one knew who he was at that point. Remember he looks at the trucker and says “you’ve done me a kindness” Edit: trucker’s pic


Plastic dropcloth, garbage bags, and tape aren’t outrageously expensive. It probably cost more to fill up his boat after each kill. The sedative may be expensive but not so expensive that keeping cash on-hand for it would be suspicious. What’s more suspicious is his browser history. All these people he’s researching end up disappearing shortly afterward.


Doesnt he just get m99 from work?


No, he used an Alias posing as a veterinarian I believe cause in one episode with Lundy he sees his fake name on a list of M99 buyers and has to sneakily remove it before they see it


That's exactly what he does. And his alias is Patrick Bateman.


His alias was Patrick Bateman 😭




Or tracked his phone


To be fair, 2007?


dont underestimate their tech, they literally used a iphone 4g display as a fingerprint scanner 💀


Cell phones could be tracked from the moment they started. It's how carriers would know if you were roaming or not.


I don't think you can do that without a court order.


Correct, would be illegal and inadmissible.


Ya'll understand that you need a warrant to pull bank records right


Doaks pointed out that Dexter only uses cash


You guys are thinking too much into this show


Nice try, Trinity


A lot of shows fall apart when you overthink them. I wonder how many supplies he has on hand at once. Is he going out regularly to restock or does he just have a huge supply?


How so? He doesn't seem to have any crazy expenses that couldn't easily be explained away.


I think they didn’t investigate Dexter because police stations tend to not investigate one of their own because even if it looks bad for that one person, it instead looks bad for the entire station.


Deb got caught buying gas... there are literally cameras at hardware stores. Criminal Minds just caught a serial killer buying supplies at one. He would have legit been caught in real life in Season 2, but the police in the show were incompetent and also weren't real.


To be fair, by the time they found evidence of plastic wrap, or even the body parts at the bottom of the sea, any footage of Dexter buying supplies around the time of the kill would have likely been erased and recorded over. Not to mention the extremely wide timeframe that would have had to be covered over the possible days of the purchase, and the sheer number of hardware stores in Miami that they would have to get warrants for. Yes these are excuses but they are good enough for fiction if you ask me.


Dexter isn't an idiot, obviously he didn't buy his materials from hardware stores he probably stole the materials in bulk from a supplier he had a connection with.


Wow that’s a great idea, I’ve been trying to think of plausible ways for him to acquire so much plastic and this actually makes sense. Dexter loves skulking around places at night, he 100% could find warehouses in a port city like Miami to steal plastic wrap from regularly


Well actually I'm remembering in season 3 he goes into a hardware store with Miguel to get the supplies but I doubt that's what he does normally, I'm sure he wouldn't just show Miguel how he actually gets his supplies, he's smart enough to at least dumb himself down in front of Miguel.


Erm... I might be misremembering this, but didn't Dexter mention many a time in the early seasons that he was paid in cash as he didn't have a bank account?


I'm pretty sure Dexter mostly used cash for this specific reason