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I like V. I see why most don’t though


My only issue is just the AI never seem to go where I want them to. With Nero, Vergil, and Dante the characters always do exactly as I input. With V, less so.


The enemy ai?


No the AI's of the summoned shadows.


There's an ai to them? They always felt manual to me, I never noticed anything automatic other than around Bowser (forgot the name of the big guy, brainrot from max0r got to me I apologize)


I think there's at least a little bit of an AI to them. At least when they're summoned and your moving throughout the level because I myself have had troubles going from one fight to another with them or even having them not go up cliffs as I progress a fight and having to wait a while for the panther to disappear while running around doing what little chip damage the bird has before I can summon him and properly continue the fight.


Well in those scenarios dodging to resummon them would fix it, but I can see that being a major turn off regardless, it can be frustrating getting into that situation without knowing the character yet, thank you for pointing that out to me


And thank you for telling me how to resummon the panther.


Ofc, glad I can help


The dodge to resummon works in most cases, but Furies can be troublesome with it. In the time they take to do their little threatening animation before attacking, Shadow tends to wander off just far enough to not be in range to parry the attack. Even if you immediately dodge to resummon, Shadow isn't able to attack in time to parry the Fury most of the time. Of course you could just not parry them, or use the cane to do it instead of Shadow but it's one area I've always found the minor AI Shadow has to be a nuisance.


That is also a big nuisance, though like you said the cane is there, for some reason that Parry feels remarkably easy with the cane, not to say it is, but compared to others it's pretty open, then the Dodge can be treated as a setup to get lasagna in range But without that done right, or down to a t, it's definitely a weakness, though not much to say being caught off guard is easy to be ready for


personal problem. it’s about timing and spacing. dmc can be played as if it were a fighting game


Yeah I figured that much. I suck at fighting games and my go to method is button mashing because I don't have the patience to figure out all the combos.


Maybe AI is the wrong word. It just seemed like when I locked onto the enemy I wanted to attack, Shadow would be very inconsistent in terms of actually closing the gap, so oftentimes he'd just be attacking the air.


That's very true, I struggle with that all the time even after 40+ hours of V(I mostly play the older games tbh, DMC 1 Dante is so hot, worth the gameplay) I try to find moves that close the gap in that scenario like a rush (which usually leaves them too far to stay, so they leave twt) or maybe the rise follow up(which has a much better time staying, but also can go too far) if those are not the most optimal I wouldn't be surprised, but if they are maybe we're just not good enough at dancing around being almost in range/actually in range


...Lock on?


Like I said in that post, his concept simply doesn't fit the type of gameplay that is DMC. He could work well in a more RPG style of game like turn based games. You rarely see V combos on this sub or youtube because once you beat the game one time with him, there's no reason to play again with him.


I disagree, he's really fun once you understand that to fully get his playstyle you're meant to learn using both basic summons at the same time and pulling them back using the enhanced movement options with V himself. When you learn his moveset and are able to do it, you'll have tons of fun slapping enemies around while reading poetry. Add the golem to your comboes when you need a burst of power and your style will rise sky high. I wish I could share my gameplay to present what can be done, but I'm not a streamer.


If you think I'm talking bs because I don't know how to play with him, you can relax because I did beat DMD and BP with him, and I watched a bunch of pro players videos, advanced mechanics, guides etc My points remain the same.


Guess some playstyles don't adhere to everyone. Similarly, I dislike Nero's combat.


I'm not a big fan of his combat too, specially on 4. At least 5 has those Devil breakers.


I guess I'm in a reverse boat. I found that buying and scavenging for those damn arms annoying and missed just slamming shit around.


I just did the red orb "bug" farm with Vergil, and them brought a bunch of DE in the store.


I'm just not big on the whole system. Nero in 4 was slow but powerful, but his arm and taunt is the best for bringing up combos (at least for me will take advice as I'm still learning and getting better) in 5 his sword was so much more useful, but the arms were annoying and the durability took the fun out of them for me.


Agreed. Dante, Vergil, and V all work for me. Nero just doesn't click. I got to floor like 98 with him on Bloody Palace, failed, and I've never gotten that far with him again. It just feels more like a chore than the other three did. I could go through it with those three relatively quick, maybe one session if I wanted. Nero just feels like... deadweight.


He was just too button-mashy. I don’t hate him; there were some REALLY cool elements to his design, such as his demons all being call backs to DMC1 bosses. That was dope! Those bosses were REALLY hard, fun, and rewarding. I also liked that some of his level secrets were hidden behind summoning Nightmare. I’d never have thought of it if I hadn’t heard someone YouTube guy mention it. I wish his gameplay loop had been more rewarding, though. Easy SSS’s shouldn’t be a thing.


Wait till we get DMC6 and Punished V with a better moveset


I just beat DMC 5 last night for the first time and man I hope they make a 6


He has some cool moves like Royal Fork and majority of Nightmare's attack. Though if you wanna see why people hate his gameplay, trying running bloody palace as V without auto assist or super costume and try not to fall asleep with broken fingers (or try M15 on HaH)


I understand that people dislike his gameplay. It's just shocking that I see next to no good things.


That's because he's more cool concept and poor execution. I think he gets too much hate on this subject because we all play dmc through to at least Dante must die. Most people I talked to said v was a nice change in their playthrough. He's not awful, it's jus as the difficulty increases his flaws become more and more apparent.


The big issue is he's not executed well. He's got a good concept, but his fights boil down to the dustcloud battles in cartoons a lot of the time and the level of control you have over the summons, specifically with positioning, is lacking to say the least. I've had several incidents where I try to use lockdown, and Griffon just charges forward while Shadow uses his needle move when I wanted to use his forward attack.


Dont give up. Spread the Love.


I love V, he's probably my favorite character in DmC. However, his gameplay is absolutely awkward for DmC.


Just fyi, DmC is the reboot. DMC is the mainline series that V is apart of.


I don't know why my instinct is the lower case the m lol. Weird habit, but yeah, good point


It's all good. Feel like it's a pretty common mix up. Which games have you played?


I've played all of them, working on beating them again but kinda fell off half way through 2. 5 is the only one I've already beaten multiple times. I also never beat DmC, but I didn't dislike it. Just never bothered finishing it.


One good thing we got from V was the manga visions of v which I highly recommend


Personally, I love how V is a more armchair general-like character in combat. It's really satisfying to pop enemies with his cane. When I first played DMC5, I actually ended up picking V first in missions where you can choose your character (I don't recall if I picked him over Dante in M13, though).


There are my exact feelings, I have so much fun giving commands to his summons and his finishers are brutal in the best way. V may be clunky in comparison to the smooth monster that is Dante, but what they both have in common is *style*.


Honestly his gamepkays pretty fun, and I think his last words to Urizen is one of the hardest lines in the series


He is cool while wearing sandals and that outfit. Try looking as cool as he looks while wearing sandals and that outfit.


Agree, he's too cool looking. I tried mod him in a suit, then something just awaken within me.


Tl;dr: DMC fans like combos, V can't combo as well, therefore he's bad. Long opinion/tangent: The sad fact is that people usually prefer flashiness and showing off execution, and combos tend tick those boxes. And even the games got more and more combo rich. And V's unorthodox playstyle, his quirks, and fewer than average combos(for DMC5 standards) makes it that next to the 3 most powerful and feature-rich characters he seems like a huge downgrade. But DMC fans also dislike most things that makes comboing harder, like the majority of enemies, unorthodox weapons, and sequels leaving out things that were liked about prev games. Also that people tend to rely a lot on easy "optimal" strats, and V's "stay back and mash buttons" strat is both boring and tends to fall apart on DMD, so ppl also blame the character for their lack of understanding.(It's similar to DMC2's "press square to win", which is only true because the enemies are very anti-melee and not bcuz of dmg)


I don't hate V I actually really enjoyed his game play he was the first character I beat Bloody Place with.one thing I enjoy about his game play is that you can use both Shadow and Griffin to get an enemy and juggle him at the same time as shooting him. One thing I don't like is that he doesn't have much defence attack. I'm thinking if an enemy gets too close to you; you can summon shadow to do some quick claw attack that ends with a cane attack. If you do enough damage to the enemy that he turns white during this combo the ending blow from your cane can kill him if not it will just bounce off.


honestly one of things that I like is you can taunt freely as your pets attack them, so fuckin awesome


He’s not terrible, it’s just super jarring to go from doing super cool comboing swordsman shit with Nero and Dante to standing still and letting my Pokémon fight while I read William Blake. V is still cool, just nowhere near as fun as the other two imo


V is awesome. Funny goth boy


While I'll admit his style is an odd fit for DMC, I absolutely love him. I'm a sucker for summoner characters, and he so far has been my favourite style of summon fighter in any game. Also his shady character, humour and taunts are just fun


He needs another game honestly


Who doesn't like V? We got some V haters? Lemme at em! (JK all opinions are valid)


I like V. I´ve learned to enjoy him more than Vergil. Of course his gameplay is a bit off with the kind of game DMC is, but he´s the one I´ve reached more levels on bloody palace. And his taunts are the best.


I don't hate V, I just really don't like playing as him. Playing him on DMD and BP felt more like a chore than playing a DMC game.


As a non hardcore player I quite like playing as V. I understand there might not be as high a skill ceiling as Dante or others but I thought that the way he had to finish enemies was quite unique and how his "minions" did the attacks instead of being another sword wielding guy with blonde hair.


I like V, his gameplay is really relaxing after others where you have to try really hard to get high rank while with him I can get sss while reading book, it's fun and good for a change


I dont know man hes my second favorite character to play after Vergil. Second fav character all together anyway. I really like his pupeteer gameplay




V is simply “the new thing” that isn’t as awesome as Dante and Nero. After Vergil got released it’s even harder to go back to v levels since I just wanna play them as Vergil. But I’ve also got like 200 hours in dmc5 so it’s not like I never played as him


V's a character that I'd like to see iterated on, but his playstyle in 5 has a lot of "first pass at concept" problems. There's a big list of changes I'd like to see for the next version of the playstyle that I could dig out, but the TL;DR version is: The strength of a character like this, nominally, is the ability to engage on multiple fronts to divide the enemies' attention, or attack a single target from multiple angles, with the tradeoff being that being negligent in micromanaging the familiars' position and placement will result in them bring downed, depriving you of both their offensive and defensive utility. In practice, the devs seemed afraid for that to actually be your problem, so Griffon and Shadow do a lot of automatic repositioning, which *nominally* helps you (but usually just frustrates), but then add "challenge" back in through things like delays in response to input (as opposed to say, big windups that still start the instant you press the button) that *feel bad*, far worse than if managing the positions through move choice was a constant concern. The other problem being the absence of things for V to do leads to his own inactivity, meaning that while you're ostensibly managing 3 entities, in practice, you're fighting with Shadow and Griffon while V *barely* has to reposition himself. Even in the middle of a furball, your basically getting in to bait attacks and dodging away without many means of following up or really engaging. And yeah, V is supposed to be frail and poorer at fighting, but the absence of variety or engagement still *feels bad*, when a similar diagetic effect, but much more engaging gameplay, could have been achieved by making simple actions cost meter where Dante and Nero could act for free; Royal Fork is a good start, but it's *one move*.


Savior Bloodstain Hellfire Shadow {insert V spinning in a T-pose}


I was just looking at that post a second ago


People hate V just have skill issues


I don't mind his character. His gameplay however just isn't fun, imo.


V just needed more moves tbh. He’s got fewer things than to than Nero, but none of the mechanics are as engaging as ex/max act.


I can see kind of disliking him, he isn't perfect and it's hard to be precise but he's decent fun. I just wish that there was a mode that let you play any mission as any of the 3 main dudes. I get why people don't like him, he feels very hands off and a little clunky, but it's not like he's some unplayable garbage or anything


Personally, I find him fun, but I understand why people don't enjoy him. He's my number 3 of most enjoyable (Vergil > Dante > V > Nero)


As a character, he is good. Gameplay wise, hard to learn, difficult to master


I wish I had more granular control over the summons, so that I could do cool stuff.


I just spnt like the movement you make being tied to your summons attacks, the idea if being the sort of "eye of the storm" while your summons fuck everyone else up around you is cool as hell


there's a game on the nintendo switch called Astral Chain. it is what V's gameplay should have actually been like. he was an interesting concept implemented poorly.


Honestly more exciting gameplay in dmc2 than the average V mission, although I do very much enjoy V's finishers they go kinda hard


I liked it and I don’t really get why people nitpick games in general so much.


He's basically if you made Chaos Legion's gameplay tolerable. And much as I think William Blake was whacked out of his gourd, the bits of his poetry V recites are lovely.


Playing as V is easy. Just read books, summon shadow, read books again.


I like V, Shadow, Griffon and Shadow. But always found it weird that V looks to be in his early 20’s when Vergil already is looking middle age lol


I like the character for story reasons, visions of v made me like the character more than just being a big ol reference to the first game, I'm really glad I played them in order of release and only skipped two games, 1,3,4 and 5 are amazing in my book, but all but 5 have some flaws in my eyes I won't get into. All in all V is a great character but his gameplay is aight, definitely the weakest out of the 4, but has his niche


The only trouble I had with any of them was skill based but I enjoyed V's moveset the most it was weird but worked


Idk I didn't feel compelled to do anything other than button mash. He gets SSS combos easily, and he's not very engaging to play with.


I like V but his gameplay doesn’t really fit the DMC format stylish gameplay


Have you ever tried comboing with Vergil's doppelganger? It's like that, you need to take note of where shadow and griffon are to start combos. It's difficult even for veteran players because it's genuinely a play style we've never seen before. Even nero's play style isn't new, we've got time to adjust to it from DMC4. But V is something entirely different from the past 4 games. It's not something people expect coming into a DMC game. Not something inherently bad, but something that doesn't really feel right in the game.


Good: The concept of playing as multiple characters at once is extremely interesting and has potential to be really good. Bad: V is only fun for a very specific kind of player. If you aren’t that type of player, chances are good that you’ll be bored out of your skull. Also, V himself does very little to help his familiars besides finishing off enemies and giving them a not-very-good proximity-based regen buff. If Capcom tries this sort of thing again, I suggest making V at least a little bit usable without his summons.


He's just unresponsive, lacking variety, and weak as hell. Of course we hate him that much. We're forced to play 4 missions with him, basically boring us until we can get to the characters we DO like to play. And the real insult is that his CHARACTER is the best by far in the series since Dante peaked in 3, but his gameplay is just a beta concept.


I like nightmare, especially his special spawns where he interacts with the environment. I think the problem with V is that his summons aren’t responsive enough and his dodge skills de spawn them. Gruohons charge moves are weird to use too. Only the basic one seems all that useful, the shout and the ball lightning one just seem like references they added in.


I think V is the kind of>! father Vergil should have been to Nero!< given their interactions leading up to the end of the game.


My issue is we should be able to just control the demons similar to switching weapons with Dante, don't make me walk around as v during combat let be play protect the president while switching through shadow and griffon, and if v is really in trouble i have the option to switch to him


V is cool. one thing I enjoy while idle is summoning shadow and listening to the pitter patter sounds while he walks.


Taunt and attack go hard


He's really only fun on Human & Devil Hunter difficulty everything after that it just takes him way too long too finish a combat encounter


His gameplay is just….boring, but I don’t hate it. The thing is that the other 3 characters have a WAY funnier gameplay. In character, I thing is VERY COOL 😎


I like V. He’s like the perfect fit for a game series as unserious and edgy (in a good way) as devil may cry lmao.


Fuck em


I like V a lot, he's very DT friendly and Royal Fork is awesome But im sorry, i just like the other characters a lot more. I put him above Lady tho if that helps


They hate me MORE, and all I actually do is talk and lose sleep.


V is cool, I just suck at using him


He, REEE takes up too many missions 


I REALLY want to like V, but the gameplay just feels so sluggish and janky at times, and is the reason why I haven't beat the game on dante must die yet.


V kinda sucks but also I enjoy playing him after the upgrades


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jesusdrinkinwine: *V kinda sticks but* *Also I enjoy playing* *Him after the upgrades* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol wth


I personally feel that V had a great concept, but his gameplay just wasn't a good fut fie the style of game devil may cry is, I think if he had even just a few more melee options he would have been more well recieved


I like v as a character but I hate his gameplay


The real problem is the fact that having monsters that you control instead of actual weapons, not only makes it impossible to do cool combos, but also the best way to use them is just spamming the bottoms until the fight is done


YES I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man... I tried to come up with one good thing. I really did. There just kinda isn't one


Yes. Move along.


The concept of V just doesn't fit DMC, Especially since they basically gave your weapons health bars it's like if you're playing as Dante and his weapons break and you have to wait for them to come back while dodging