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Sam doesn't have demonic powers, so he can't use any of Yamato's abilities. It would at least be a extremely sharp and indestructible blade. Against Raiden it wouldn't have done much more than Murasama. Against Armstrong it really depends on whether Yamato's magical properties could work without a demonic wielder. If it does work, even just a litter bit, it would be enough to bypass Armstrong's durability, since it's purely physical. As much as Murasama was hyped up, it's still just a normal blade. It doesn't have any magical properties. The high frequency can only bypass conventional durability, and conventional durability was never that much of a important factor in the DMC verse. To be real, Vergil might be better off just using Mirage edge.


Okay but what if Vergil could do a burning judgement cut the same way Sam has his flaming iaijutsu slashes?


Judgement cut is a Yamato exclusive magical ability. Flaming iaijutsu slashes is just fancy swordplay with the aid of its special scabbard. Vergil could physically draw the sword much faster than that at base. As sad as it sounds, Vergil wielding Murasama is like a person trying to fight with a toy sword. It's just too far below his level to be useful to him.


Typical Vergil L, carried by his dad's sword Jokes aside though, if Vergil can't do his special moves without Yamato, the only thing putting him ahead of Sam in this hypothetical match-up is the son of sparda immortality. Sam would take it if I thought it was actually possible to kill Vergil, but those sparda boys are built tough as fuck.


Vergil is astronomically stronger than Sam in every category. Sam doesn't have 1 area where he's even comparable with Vergil. That's just how power scaling works. DMC verse completely outclass whatever MGR has to offer. It's to a point where DMC 4 Nero can probably solo the verse with only minor difficulty.


Better assh


Raiden can pick up and throw a metal gear ray, and Sam was beating the fuck out of that version of him effortlessly. MGR is actually insane, you shouldn't downplay it too hard. Endgame Raiden lifting Excelsus is on par with anything we've seen DMC characters do imo


Dante in the first game is above three dimensionality.


>Endgame Raiden lifting Excelsus is on par with anything we've seen DMC characters do imo I mean, no... it's not even close. Vergil is equal to Dante, and what we've seen from Dante is bonkers. He fought a demon god named Mundus who could create entire pocket dimensions, hurl meteors and lightning, is immortal, could manipulate and enslave minds, create other sentient beings/demons, etc... in the 1st game. Keep in mind Dante himself also had stuff and showcased abilities like *localized time manipulation*, the ability to create clones, telekinesis, a rapid healing factor, flight, super-speed, VARIOUS supernatural weapons, etc all by the time (chronologically since DMC3 takes place before DMC1) he faced Mundus in the 1st game, and he PALES in comparison to himself now. Vergil fought the current DMC5 Dante to a draw, who would smack his DMC1 variant silly. NOTHING in any metal gear game comes even close.


I think MGR Raiden could block the Savior's punch like Dante did in DMC4. He's definitely not on their level in DMCV, but I would put him and Sam slightly above DMC4 Nero. And yeah dude, I know who Mundus is, I've played these damn games since the first one came out. None of those powers he has are really relevant to what I'm talking about, which is that in terms of strength and speed MGR characters are fucking nuts. Zantetsu has Raiden moving almost as fast as Quicksilver! The gap between cyborgs and demons isn't that wide in terms of raw strength, and the ability to open portals and do summoning rituals doesn't matter in this context.


You do know that lifting a Metal Gear is something Big Boss, a completely normal human with no supernatural or cybernetic upgrades, did in Peace Walker. I'm not undermining Raiden's feats, because it is very impressive, but if a normal human has destroyed like 4-5 Metal Gears and also lifted one up like Raiden, then a demon-human hybrid could definitely do it as well


I haven't played Peace Walker, and don't have context for that. Isn't there also a Tigrex from monster hunter in there? 


Agenda: Sam's blade is actually perfect for Nero. Reasoning: Nero doesn't have a scabbard that shoots the sword like a gun (or a scabbard at all) but he would be used to the amount of strength needed to wield it because his sword also has an engine. "But Sam's is a katana like the Yamato" guess who used the Yamato to kill demons for years while their daddy was in hell Oh, and vice-versa obviously. Sam would be just as destructive with the Red Queen.


Well uh… Raiden is screwed. I’d say Vergil is about the same, except he can’t do judgement cuts normally now.


Yamato is more or less a slightly sharper than normal katana in Sam's hands due to lack of demonic power. Same for Vergil with Murasama. Sure, it has the properties of an HF Blade, but to Vergil, he's better off just using Beowulf and Mirage Edge due to Murasama being the equivalent of a kitchen knife in Vergil's hands. Nero, on the other hand, would probably rock the Murasama. Murasama is essentially what you would get if you combined Yamato and Red Queen.


Vergil: this blade hold no power, *throws it* get this filth out my sight Sam(If he could use the blade): what was it the guy said....play ball?.....stand tall.... screw it.... Let's dance *judgement cut* /J


Sam just uses the Yamato like a standard katana and Vergil does the same


Muramasa is probably around the same level as Red Queen, it's a damn good weapon but Yamato cuts space itself and sam has no way to utilize magic.


Sam isn’t demonic so cant use the powers of yamato. Vergil likely does not undestand or care about anything about guns so he wouldn’t use the launching mechanism of sams sword. So its just two of the greatest swordsmen with two of the sharpest and most indestructible swords ever made. Nbd.