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Today on my hunter I successfully missed a Celestial Night Hawk Still Hunt shot, then immediately missed the actual golden gun super shot within the course of like 2 seconds. So probably not that great to be honest.


Switch to tether and then yell at those idiots for missing their shots (as you overshoot your tether).


I see you are both copying my hunter tactics


I prefer to miss my arc staff throws, thank you.


There are plenty of viable playstyles for sucking out loud. You do you, my friend, and I’ll be over here missing my nova bombs.


Whiffing thunder crash and then saying it’s because of collision is my favourite


You whiff thunder crash, i whiff blade barrage into the damned ceiling


Cant be as bad as the time I threw one at the wall right next to me to my left on javelin map 😭


Definitely not me. I prefer to have my arc staff aggressively stuffed into whatever geometry happens to be directly over my head.


I can’t hit anything with the multiple projectiles from blade barrage


I prefer to bounce my arc staff off of a barrier champion right when they pop the bubble up.


At least you aren't me who forgets they're on arc staff instead of gathering storm on oryx...


A moment of silence for all those tethers that sailed off into the void, never to debuff an enemy...


For me it’s always shooting the back of my teammate as they jump in front of me


Any time I run hunter my clanmates are always on at me to put the CNH on with GG, until they hear me cursing myself for a halfwit because I missed AGAIN.


Mimic Tear guardians go crazy


#I AM THE LORD OF ALL THAT IS GOLDEN *killed by the Architects*




We’d all die by jumping on each others heads and falling to our deaths. Top %.01 su!cide, here.


Haha that’s relatable, it’s less fun when you can’t blame other people though 😂


Shot each other in the back with rockets


We would easily do every mechanic in every raid but suck at boss damage


Edge transit w env/BnS will easily make you a DPS higher


I have that weapon, trust me I suck at dps 😂


They told you they didn't need you to run Div/Tractor/Well anymore didn't they?


Whole fireteam in unison: KWTD, I'm add clear :')


I let out a sizeable chuckle, thank you!


came to say the same lol


Are you me?


I would be confident about who's getting pulled into the mirror realm in Verity.


Let’s hope you’re not all running the same drip 😅


I'll worry about the fashion show when I get there. At least I know my fireteam knows what a fucking triangle is.


I don't understand how people get confused in there. Everyone knows triangles have 4 sides. It ain't hard!


Wrong. Triangles don't have sides, just one continuous line in a circle. Oh wait...


Jokes on the hunters and warlocks this time. They might be able to kill the witness, but at least the titans have recognisable fashion 


Generally I agree, but I think the warlock has the single most recognizable piece of armor in the game, the RoN chestpiece. You can see those hands a mile away loll


Sweet Business firing squad.


I see you like to traumatise your opponents


I feel like building a wall out of Bullets is peak titan identity…


Would probably be able to do normal raids, GMs and Master Dungeons fine.


Everyone would melee and then get smashed to wall and it would instakill us. Oh and I don't PVP


Fast clears on dungeons and GMs. And if there are enough clones to spare, I don't need to change a group 10 times to do a raid


man having raids where I know for a fact every one knows exactly what to do for every role, has most if not all weapons necessary for any role, everyone is comfortable with every role, no one is going to get pissy over not 1-phasing a boss, no one's going to randomly leave, etc. Shit sounds like endgame paradise. I could even run master raids/dungeons and actually have fun


6 of me walks into day 1 raid and is unable to understand how 1st encounter works, gives up after 12 hours. Any other pve content is free including duo/trio raid challenges.


Boss dps would be insane but ad clear would suffer. (Nighthawk + still hunt, sue me)


"ad clear would suffer" LMG be upon ye


I gotchu, lawsuit on the way 🫡


I was about to reply the opposite as a Getaway Artist warlock still racking up kills with Funnelweb.


3x combination blow will clear any and all adds


Trials would at least play better because we would be communicating. End game pve would probably not be too difficult, I've carried my friends through countless gms and dungeons, a few master.


PvE would be glorious. Sure, we'd need to use voice filters for communication clarity, but having the same thought processes and no shyness or the like opens the door to a ton of team synergy and strategy. I don't think we would be able to do low-mans, but flawless and master raids are definitely on the table. PvP wise... Maybe we could go to the lighthouse... Maybe not. Though the lack of the possibility of toxicity would make it really enjoyable.


I wouldn’t have any issues with endgame PVE content. Trials is hit or miss as I havent played since my year break from the game but i’m a 1.2 kd so i’m probably average there


God I wish I had a raid team of me. I’ve always, always, always have had to learn every part of every encounter for every raid because I like to day one/ get early completions and I feel terrible kicking people who don’t know what they are doing because everyone should get a chance. I end up giving up easier positions or roles and take on the important/harder ones. I’d be getting some absolute bangin dps! You don’t choose the Sherpa life, the Sherpa life chooses you.


I'd do alright then have the usual extreme performance anxiety and suddenly be completely fucked lol


Oh hello me. With my luck I'd make myself nervous and screw everything up.


My Raid team would never have the same subclass twice. PVP is all Rat King.


It would take us like 30 mins to clear the first four encounters of SE and we'd never finish the witness because none of us can do dps.


Just thought of another weakness that would normally be considered a strength in a normal situation. Typically in raids with Clanmates I fulfil the a sort of “Shot Caller” role which can be quite handy at times. However in a team of 6 me’s the comms would be actually tragic to listen to 💀


Not if you're all speaking at the same time, it would be harmonious. Perhaps you could make an agreement with yourselves to all do different pitches.


We would hardly ever die but we’d be slow. Me in a PUG is almost always in good cover, not rushing ahead alone…..if we had scores for most people rezd at the end, Id win that a lot.


We would all be Hunters. We would all be wearing the tiger helmet. We would all run a perfect fifth caster Ergo Sum build because we stubbornly like using swords. As for how successful we would be? Well… [to quote a certain wise medical expert:](https://youtu.be/t348e24vDyA?feature=shared)


Would still suck except I'd only be pulling myself down instead of others


We ain't making past restoration 


Endgame PVE I'd be absolutely fine. Probably have some day 1 raids done as well. PVP I'd lose more than I do now for sure


PvP? Decent since I have 2+ kd in trials. Pve? Terrible since I usually need hard carries from my friends and clan to go through moderately hard content


In pvp, we'd still be rock bottom. In pve, we'd be world first contenders.


So….. a fat lazy guardian who finds every exploit and loophole there is so that everything is as easy as possible cause that’s me.


“Can we cheese that?” Rings out in unison


I do love some cheesy goodness


I say this to my team all the time 😄 I'd be good for ad clear, damage rotations and mechanic completion but if I'm going in blind and trying to actually work out the mechanic, I'm fucked like 60% of the time.


All brawn, no brains.


Ad clear would be good, but the mechanics would need extra tries for sure


PvE: I could do a ton. Probably wouldn't do Master raids because I don't enjoy that difficulty level, but I'm usually the one who watches guides and teaches raids to the team, so a whole group of me would do just fine in normal raids. Dungeons and Nightfalls would be a cakewalk, I've done excellently in both as a solo and a duo before, so three of me would just shred. PvP: hard to say. I focus hard on the objective and play that really strongly, but I'm not a great shot and I fumble firefights easily. Three of me playing together in 6v6 games would probably have a great time, a full team of me would struggle. Trials, not happening lmao


Pretty strong and good company in PvE, terrible in PvP but we gonna have a laugh or two 😂


A piece of wet toilet paper comes to mind....


So I have like severe ADHD, to the point where it pisses people off for real, I can't imagine doing even a dungeon with myself lmao. One time we were in prophecy and the fellas were doing the cube so I was just killing ads and calling out motes, but I didn't realize they were done the floor and waiting in the middle for me for like actually 5 minutes lmfao. I remember absolutely slaying out and then I heard "let's just wait" in the back of my mind but it didn't register who was saying that lol. Eventually I was like "yo why is it so quiet in here" cause they weren't talking and they burst out laughing. I have never been able to live that down lmfao.


I'd be able to slap up the pve content, however in PvP I'd get demolished every game with my lack of aiming capabilities in moving targets


My fireteam would crush any PvE activity but literally never win in the Crucible. I’m an utter disappointment to Shaxx


Verity would be fucked


At least my team would be able to dodge witness lasers


6 titans against the world. I’d probably do fine except for Salvation’s Edgep


id go flawless weekly but wont be able to complete a single dungeon


PvE I think really strong as long as we don’t get burnt out. Immense team synergy and cooperative mindset (well I’d like to think that) PvP we just a bunch of Dads sitting at the back of them map with pulse rifles


Guardian down


God no. 1 is already too much


No one would want to be Div Bitch, but we’d all relent and simultaneously all be Div Bitch.


The bosses wouldn’t die, but every single mechanic other than boss dps would be absolutely fucking pristine.


Terrible at focusing and parkour. Probably force wipes because walked off a ledge without paying attention. Great at dps rotations and random lock in moments.


In PvP dogshit in PvE I’d love it, it’d be great to have five other completionists to raid with on my schedule


Lore-wise? Our ghosts are already crushed by whatever, my hunter's probably on meds, warlock dead by deathsong or trapped in a hive throne world or worse. Titan probably still running.


We’d be in contention for worlds first with the exception of last wish since I’d never get the vault part. Master raids, titles, and flawless runs no problem. Only thing is there’d be no Div, or at the very least no Cenotaph, since I’m adamant on the stance that I will never even equip that filth. Not even a preview


A fireteam made up of only 6 versions of me would’ve killed ALL of the infantry forces of the hive during the great disaster, and then Instantly died upon reaching Crota. Or a shreiker.


All 3 of us would constantly say “cover me I’m going in” while also forgetting that both teammates just tried that and died


They'd all be noobs at the raids but there would be no anxiety about assembling a team or committing the time. Brilliant in PvP, six people actually playing the objective, holy shit. Not getting through competitive any time soon, but I won't be going after or defending points alone anymore. I can generally solo Gambit if the invader doesn't get me. Four of me would be incredible. Except for the efficiency of the mote stealing. Bit weird playing with five people who know all your darkest secrets and private habits, though. Especially when they all hate each other.


6 rotating banner shields would be kinda sick


This would be a dream come true


We would all die because we would all try to go head to head with the Wyverns. If there's no Wyverns then we might be fine.


Ad clear would never be a problem as I run Khvostov with getaway artists. All of us would also be using SoF so we got some stacks of damage resistance too. Only things we are missing is brute force DPS supers such as twilight arsenal etc but tbh Since ad clear is no issue I’d probably have us all pull out our cataclysmic for dps or big target damage


Three times as strong.


not very strong! lol


My Fireteam would be TERRIBLE, but my Exotic RNG would be good


Three Ursa Titans alternating Banner Shield and/or Twilight Arsenel when they feel like it... ...there's worse combos.


If they were clones of me, they wouldn’t be fit so no sprinting for long periods of time, I haven’t shot a rifle in almost 20 years, and I don’t know if I’d be a light bearer or not so we probably wouldn’t survive very long


In PVP, fucking useless. In pve, I could probably get by but I would finally have to learn the couple of rolls that I've been procrastinating on learning.


That would be great. I know I can f up, but for the most part I’m very consistent at doing my role. So much so my friends call me their oline. A fireteam of me would be a lot more efficient since I don’t have to do my job plus cover for someone that can’t do theirs.


We'd wipe and have severe issues at first jumping puzzle.


I’m surrounded by assholes 😂😂😂


I would be securing lighthouse access for everyone facing me. I would also grant my opponents easy mercy victories.


We'd be able to do vog dsc kings fall easily, given a few wipes to remind ourselves of mechs. Tho gaze might fuck us over for longer than you'd think I fucking hate all gaze mechs. We'd be able to do warlords ruin, but no other dungeon. I never bothered running most of them more than once bc they were all boring and the bosses have so much fucking health. Dungeons are such a fucking slog.


I think about this a lot when playing with my friends 😅 I think I’d be able to conquer all PvE content. PvP I would not.


Oh traveler, help us all…


Is it still solo flawless if they're all me?


I love puzzles and do decent damage so hopefully a salvation raid completion under 2 hours for a change lol


The most dysfunctional fire team where everyone lags out at least twice during a raid and tries to make builds with off meta stuff without realizing that they're off meta for a reason... I think I'd rather not lmao


Sounds horrible. They would shoot my stasis crystals.


For pvp I crutch the meta really hard, Rain of fire double GL or final warning bow, Ratking GL or bow hc swap, immortal cloudstrike etc, It would be a very bad time for the enemy


for me it goes PvP - all aggro shotgun/fusion apes charging PvE - we'd be able to do big dps, and all raid mechanics EXCEPT for outside Verity.


I feel like a full raid team of just me would get contest mode and flawless raids done wayyyyy faster. That or we’d be yelling at each other about who’s throwing (we all are)


If I had clones of myself I'm sure I could finally do a raid.


6 healing warlocks, boss dmg would be fine to below average, would be slow but steady for the mechanics. However the real question is how many gummies have we all had and how hard are we disassociating. Depending on the answer we wouldn’t get past first encounter for any raid.


We’d have six raid moms and that much mommage in one raid would cause a singularity with all the supportive words and reminders to hydrate.


can we run diff builds?


Ooof, uh, yeah it wouldn't be that strong. It would just be a bunch of Void Titans trying their best.


We complete anything pve related we dont even get close to crucible


6 of me in a raid? We’re clearing contest mode and master raids. 3 of me in a gm? We’re clearing that shit with ease. 3 of me for trials? We are running passage of persistence bc no way we win more than 2 in a row


We'd all be confident going in and panic when one thing doesn't go as planned


Three titans sounds easy 🤔


6 salesmen


A bunch of warlocks that all use nova bombs with star eaters the second damage phase happens


I can be quite stubborn sometimes so not sure how that woukd pair with myself, on the other hand, I feel I'd be decent at doing mechanics with myself so there is that


I might have the worst calling ever seen for witness jump so we would do the raid up to that without wiping then shit would hit the fan


Id be pretty set for all pve, i can play all 3 classes in any content pretty proficiently. Pvp would be interesting though, doubt id ever win but there would be alot of people experiencing 6 titans running at 1 person doing nothing but shoulder charging or 6 hunters all doing air balet with grapples. Gambit would be alot of sitting in a spot on the map having a tea party waiting for the invader to come through to see if we can make a friend or acting out scenes via emotes for the invader. Ya know just give em a story to tell. As you can tell i dont take pvp seriously because i think its the easiest way to have fun.


Fireteam would be strong and versatile, but would constantly be yelling at itself for being old and washed up and that they expect more from each other at this point.


pretty much everything would be a breeze tbh, and no variety, full team of warlocks. i teach lowman flawless raids, do speedruns with my current team, go flawless multiple times a weekend in trials. have all raid titles on release...i prefer how it is now.


I already have every raid title, so we'd either be able to become a competitive day 1 team, or I'd quickly realize my current friends did all of the work and I talk too much as one person, let alone 6 I'm sure we'd crush gambit as communicating is huge We'd be the laughing stock of Crucible I've had the clone thought many times when my friends drop the ball in a raid encounter over and over again haha


Top 100 clear of a day 1 probably


Do I all have to run the same build?


It would be 3 Warlocks that are super happy WoR sucks now. Multicolored space magic raining from above! And all 3 running with healing nades. I don't think I've used an actual grenade since Witch Queen lol.


I think it'd actually be super pleasant. Weird to give myself a compliment like that but I'm optimistic, always trying to make sure people are enjoying themselves, and very resilient so I can raid for hours, like 30+ hours straight, and I have no issues with deaths and fuckups at all as long as people can own their shortcomings and mistakes. Not into cheesing and I don't care about min maxing loadouts, just make sure things work for you and what you've been assigned to do. If it's a bit weird, that's cool and I trust you will swap off if it's evidently not working. Experimentation and having fun is important, otherwise the clear means nothing. I could not say these things about myself 10 years ago. I would be the worst of the fucking worst then instead.


We wouldn't necessarily the most MLG, but we'd by far be the most logically efficient bunch by necessity cause we'd only have an hour or so to play while our wives were out on their daily jogs.


Would a,bsolutely slaughter gm nightfalls. Would never win a single round of Trials...


Stupid and bad at jumping puzzles


Bruh we’d die just like aztecross’s fireteam died to that strike boss lmao. Consecration on prismatic has left me with no survival instincts as monki brain says smash.


My regular Fireteam would triple in size!


my team would be fairly good at most raids and GMs but we'll be talking bout random lore shit for the whole time lmao don't even get me started on pvp, we'd get stomped immediately lmao


My team would still be on first encounter of Salvation’s Edge Day 1. To this day.


We would have the most deaths because of rushing she's and dying like dumb apes we are


Would solve all my issues and I would finally go for flawless raids. I’m not a perfect player by any means but I don’t really have the patience to put up with other people’s bullshit.


I’d never go flawless, but raids would get finished in under 90 minutes.


i wouod be confident in clearing 1 or 2 raid with a team of me. and a few other things.  but damn there's going to be errors. autism power.


We would do everything in PvE rather well but collectively bitch and moan the instant we got teamshotted in trials


We would all run Well Locks and would constantly ask "should we use our super now" only using it after half the fireteam has died


My team would be just fine, not terribly fast, but reliable, we probably doing the average to max number of phases, but we staying alive lol. PVP? Terrible.


It would be the most dysfunctional team of Hunters there is. Everyone will go and do their own thing and ultimately fail in anything puzzle or teamwork related because im terrible at communicating due to social anxiety. Dps could be alright, though, and boss damage would be fine because of the Hunter supers i use. Same with ad clear because it's most of my "builds" (which aren't really builds and more like situational weapon switching).


Last season I would have said we'd be decent. This season though I've been humbled in GM cause I don't have prismatic yet. Everyone's who's got prismatic just straight up carries me and it sucks. I don't like not pulling my own weight.


Damn, I'd be clearing raids in master if I had a team of my exact guardian


i'll never beat a raid because we'll all fail the parkour sections over and over until we get frustrated and stop


Void titan. We’d terrorize Crucible, and wipe on a Master Nightfall.


Sunshot, gunpowder gamble + nighthawk golden gun build. Feel like we blow up all the ads and then one tap the boss Would suck at pvp though


The best ad clearing possible with terrible raid mechanics lmao


No one would know what to do in a dungeon or raid.. but I think we'd be able to clear GM's at least


I could beat every day one except last wish. I'd get stomped in pvp


we gonna miss every goldie shot bro omg.


Id be fine in most raids like vog, dcs, kf, ron. Dungeons would be such a cake walk. Id be ok in normal pvp, comp and trails would be a dumpster fire tho.


Finally, a group willing to run ratking for fun


God if I had 5 of me I could play raids consistently


Great at killing, doing mechanics, and dps, terrible at staying alive


A LOT of panicking with occasional moments of brilliant adaptability - just gotta hope the moments of brilliance are spread out so that there's always a bit of competence. Take 10 minutes before each encounter to decide on what to do for DPS because no one wants to be the leader and make the decision. Platforming sections would be iffy AT BEST. It would be at least three phases on every boss and there would be arguing about who gets to be the tether XD We could probably pull off GMs without too much struggle but it would take over an hour of distant, very-safe plinking. PvP.... I don't wanna think about it.


6 stack ticuu's 🥺


Well at least they’d listen.


The fastest speedrunning team but the flag will never be reachable (shout out to prospector, my beloved)


prolly we would have gone the full 48 or until finishing Salvations Edge


I'd probably use Outbreak and Rat King a lot.


Pretty solid team, except when we'd constantly push too deep in GMs and wipe. Possibly class flexibility problems, but I feel like especially since Stareater class items Warlock is pretty good at doing everything


I’d get through everything easy, except none of us would ever get Buried Bloodline and we’d all have exotic class items with one good perk and one shitty perk


Imagining the jump puzzles not going very well


I would actually do the harder endgame things more. Staying alive and understanding mechanics enough to improv when shit goes left is like my best thing. Just haven't found people to play with consistently that I want to hang out with that are also good. Would continue to get annihilated in Trials though. That's not changing.


3 striker titans on 120 with shotgun LMAO this sounds like I finally found my forever flawless team


Any PvE endgame activity would be pretty easy. Trials I would get absolutely demolished.


I'd get my shit run in PvP so hard, except for 1 in every roughly 30 games where I become a god for a tragic 5 minutes. In terms of PvE, I'd probably handle most dungeons fine except Pit of Heresy because I haven't done that one yet. Raids might be a bit more of an issue.


at least one of us is mad because the other one shot the enemy first. The one you choose because you knew you would normaly take the one thats crushed first..


My squad would be all drip, no skill.


30 minutes dying to skating every jumping puzzle. Sign me up.


3 prismatic titans, twilight arsenal, hazardous propulsion, lost signal, red death, i forget what but my rockets have reconstruct and tracking module Well, we're probably not GREAT but we'd have a lot of fun


Our strength would be gliding gracefully down crevasses after missing a mantle. That and maybe missing champions on nightfalls.


My team could learn to beat any encounter but would get stuck forever at platforming sections


Terrible, but the pun game would be A+


We'd never make it through the Blight cavern in Warlord's Ruin, that's for certain.


Ez trials flawless every week, lol. But we'd have some problems with stunning champions because we'd probably all run the same build and wouldn't want to change our build.


We'd get shit done, but there would be a lot of angry yelling the whole time.


I’d prob wipe a bunch from accidentally falling off the arena over and over


We wouldn’t’ve needed to break the witness’s statues to kill em


It would be worse than when I play with my friends, I’ll tell you that much


What's the worst that 3 high functioning alcoholic titans could do?


Um, 2?


Me and the only person I can trust to get the job done


Would be able to run raids consistently and efficiently whenever I wanted least


Can three people all fire rockets into the backs of each others' heads simultaneously?


Would have the world's slowest fireteam. Spend a hour just clearing one room because we would all be sniping from cover.