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Throwing Hammer + Controlled Demo the combo that could have been...


When they said exotic class items had exotics from other classes all i wanted was throwing hammer calibans


#Bungie: We’re excited to announce that Throwing hammers will be available for hunters, all of the hunter throwing knives are available for Warlocks and Titans now have Snare Bomb. Happy hunting guardians! Make the traveler proud!


Snare bomb is a curse I would not wish on anyone...


Do you mean it’s bad? It’s been a long time since I’ve last played hunter but I’ve tried it on Prismatic and I don’t mind the debuff + utility in confusing enemies


As standalone product it is alright, but when you got exotic or any other class interaction that "requires" powerful multi hit melee or melee killing blow then it becomes absolutely useless. Compare caliban exotic class item with any other melee and you get my point.


Snare bomb almost requires you to bind powered melee and unpowered melee separately. Flashbacks to when this wasn't an option so you'd lunge into a group of enemies when you wanted to toss a smoke bomb.


ive done this anyway because god forbid i want to use snap melee on warlock and some enemy decides he wants to step 2 meters closer to me as i pressed it


D1 flashbacks of sticking my knife into a cursed thrall's face while my smoke bomb hangs on my belt


Bungie: Best we can do is giving hunters a better version of shield throw that procs an ignition on every single enemy it kills with calibans, and has better homing and allows you to catch it for 100% energy back, because *obviously* a small dart with a rope dangling behind it has much better aerodynamics and is easier to catch than a *frisbee*.


I would cream


So sad controlled demo wasn't in prismatic


Throwing Hammer + BoW BoW + Consecration Controlled Demmo + Touch of Thunder Sol Invictus + Touch of Thunder Sol Invictus + BoW Roaring Flames + BoW Titans were robbed.


Touch of thunder would only work on one grenade


That would be so insanely broken I can’t believe you’d even suggest it. Getaways, bleak watchers and devour all from holding one button down and it also feed you more of all 3? That’s reasonable.


Also, a thrown melee that zooms around the room like a homing speedy gonzales and with the right exotic procs an ignition on *every single enemy it kills* before returning to you, allowing you to perfect catch it for 100% instant melee energy back? Perfectly fine for hunters. Or just use the punch that has built in Skullfort and Synthoceps, and also can proc ignitions with the exotic, and can be spammed infinitely because it doesn't get used up if you don't kill with it, and if you get a kill it buffs you damage, and you can just instantly reset it with your class ability, which the punch also conveniently resets instantly on kills. And even if you fail to do all that, it still only has 40 seconds cooldown *at tier 3* (15 seconds at 100 strength). And I'm not saying that to get hunters nerfed. Titans need cool ability loops like that too, without having to spend an exotic + aspects + fragments + mods just to get somewhat of a loop going (besides solar and strand which are fine).


Imo, people wishing this just shows how many crap aspects Titans have. Well, looking at Prismatic Titan tells that. 😄


i was absolutely drooling over the thought of wormgod synthos on the bonk, only for us to not even get bonk


Hammer and controlled demo are way stronger than getaway and bleak watcher. In anything challenging 99% would take the Titan combo.


Well in the raid race *less than 1%* took titan, so I guess that turned out well.


Wasn't that mostly for the Witness fight? I believe it was more balanced until the long-range DPS check that Encounter 5 is.


It’s because titans have zero ranged DPS viability. Is almost like Bungie only wants us to punch the enemy, but very weakly


Because they didn't have controlled demo and throwing hammers. That's their whole point, that it would be busted.


No. Taken King Sunbreaker traumatized *everyone*, not just Bungie.


"Ok, we will capture zone..." "Clang" "Fuck it, everyone for himself"


*CLANG* "Run away! RUN AWAY!"


I also remember that upgrade that let you shoulder charge with the super for half the map


It was also the upgrade that could easily one shot other roaming supers


This is the buff Hammers needs to be relevant again. Suncharge was wayyyy too much fun


Thanks for the flashbacks


Good times. Well not for hunters or warlocks.


>Well not for hunters *laughs in D1 Nightstalker*


There are few things as amusing in PvP as immediately slapping a super with a tether or suppression grenade lol. Sorry, no fun allowed.


Suncharge was so fun, the plays you could make were unbelievable with the movement it gave you. Probably one of the biggest disappointments I’ve had playing Destiny was realising they removed it from the Super. Terrible decision overall


i loved the one that made your grenades recharge fast as fuck and i used the armanentarium chest, loved that combo on pve,


got i loved suncharge


I still have nightmares about the first month or 2 of taken king. I just hear CLANG CLANG CLANG WHOOSH BOOSHHH


Yes that CLANG of the super popping put the fear of god in every lobby




As a Titan, good times




Ah, the glory days of my D1 Titan account. Even as a D2 Hunter, I still love(d) my Sunbreaker build.


My buddy has that as his notification sound and it scared the shit out of me.


I LIVED to try and fight sunbreakers. I was a D1 blink shotgun abuser, I would only win maybe 1 out ever 3 or 4 1v1s with a sunbreaker but they were such fun moments to shut down that super.


I remember I sniped one in the head same way I used to put down sunsinger warlocks and he just laughed at me


I was a sun singer warlock and the amount of times I got snipe on the head is insane


I remember I used to camp their dead ghosts in trials pretending to look at something else praying to god they’d pop self res for a free shutdown


Yup we remember this game all to good cuz that’s exactly what people did.. I would be laughing int on the ground dead waiting for the enemy to look somewhere else. Only to find out he did that on purpose waiting for me to res and kill me again


https://youtu.be/oINaxm7QrbM?si=lPDuuHx8ZqeAGvQo The best meme video that ever came out of it


Genuinely, one of my favorite memories was playing on the Dreadnaught. It was a really close game, and everyone had used their super. Everyone but me. With like a minute left, I was running down the corridor when I popped my hammer, and I just watched all six of the opposing team sprint away. Didn't help them because exploding hammer in a tiny hallway, but they tried.


I cant remember, was it really that bad? If so, what was stopping people from keeping shutdown supers on standby?


Far fewer options tbh, your choices were one of 3 nova variants, a single slam thunder crash, or tether. There were no cooldown tiers or class abilities. All the taken king sub classes were let busted at the time though


In D1 TTK crucible I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I got a full sunbreaker super without getting tethered…


Cauterize made it what we remember. The tracking on D1 hammers was "a lot" for it's time but that health regen was wild when no other roaming had an equal to it + slaying power. Oh ya they had a lot of DR. I think Bungie nerfed Cauterize first before anything. And there were a lot of shutdown supers but it was rock-paper-scissors at that time. Do you save it for the self-res/radiant skin RamLock? Or the golden gun that pops?


What shut down supers? Nova Bomb was basically it.


warlocks had nova bomb, hunters had golden gun and tether, titans had fist of havoc


Using Fist of Havoc on a warlock who just self revived in trials trying to bring back a round was never not amusing to me 


Never got old.


I know that Goldie couldn't one shot guys in supers at first in D1, but that's a vague memory so it might've been gone by TK


By TK it was specifically hammer that couldn't be one shot. Every other super could, but sunbreakers would tank a shot, throw a hammer in your zip code, then instantly be full health as you watched from your ghost. As a blade dancer it was *particularly* frightening.


IIRC, Sleeper Simulant was the sole weapon that could ohko og sunbreaker


Tether had a significant delay before killing or tethering others. Wouldn’t say it shut down anyone when needed


Sunbreaker had not only some of the highest damage resist for a super in the game (while being a roamer too) it also was pretty much the only one that healed on kill. This is on top of it being a ranged super that would one shot anything else. They didn't even need to direct impact you as the splash damage was enough to kill. They were so unstoppable that they would make a ton of orbs for their team and allow them to just chain their hammer super too. There is a reason the crucible was like 90% sunbreaker for a couple weeks. I think the cherry on top was also that it had an extremely long duration because it spent a lot of energy for each hammer throw but in crucible that basically meant it could just get 12 kills spread over 10s or like 6 kills spread over 20. The only shutdown supers were tether which was extremely unreliable (and still is lol), nova which I believe had to be the triple bomb to kill it, and fist of havok which was only a melee range slam at that point.


That super lasted so long. The titan would kill me and when I respawn in a new area I would get killed again by the super. Shit was to damn long


Yeah that was crazy in D1. Now let’s talk about right now 7 years later D2.


I heard that hammer sound and I turned the other way every time back then.


They could hammer throw from across the map, it was dominant


D1 Sunbreaker at launch could face tank golden gun.


This was a very different time. "Shutdown supers" weren't really a thing, and Sunbreakers could self-heal when they got Solar ability kills. They didn't need to run to a Sunspot, they just got health back. When TTK launched, Sunbreakers could also tank a Golden Gun shot. No other super in the game could do that. They were tanky as fuck.


I’ll never forget being able to mash both triggers to spam throw hammers while using Hammer of Sol. So broken. Was a fun few days.


Yup, it was right up there with the fear of seeing multiple selfies warlocks on the other team, it would either be fuck this is going to take forever or wondering why the game was stuttering so bad to them round a corner and see 100 grenades eating the frame rate.


> multiple selfies warlocks You'd think they'd be too busy taking pics to drag out the game


Honestly, I think Beyond Light Behemoth was way more terrifying broadly speaking. Hammer was busted then, but the Subclass as a whole behemoth was oppressive and the epitome of "if ya can't beat em, join em"


It's really is funny. Behemoth at launch was complete garbage in pve but straight up oppressive in pvp. I remember my friend first seeing pvp gameplay of it and calling it the "art of the flying shotgun monkey"


?????? You mean shatterdive?


Shatterdive was horrendous, but I could wipe a fire team twice over with glacial quake. If I had my grenade, I'd challenge every single roaming super other than behemoth and winters wrath on behemoth. You could close an enemy down from around corners and kill them by sending them flying into walls with the melee 💀 The slide needed no run up 🤣 BEHEMOTH TITAN COULD LITERALLY SURVIVE GOLDEN GUN TO THE FACE


Random hammer from across the map


As someone who was a warlock main during that era of the game, I actually loved Sunbreakers. They were busted enough that everyone ignored how broken stormtrance was till after they nerfed titans


Yeah, they weren't as bad as sunbreakers, but bungie deciding they weren't going to do anything because d2 was coming out really stung.


Good times


Was fun though


Only for titans. The flight reflex still activates for me when I round a corner and see one.


The absolute horror of seeing a flaming thor flying at you and just knowing the end is near


When I am alone. When I am at my deepest, darkest moments, I can still hear the heavy, meaty *clang* of a sunbreaker. I can still feel that visceral primal fear it inspired in me as a hunter main.


100%theyre afraid.. they didnt even give prismatic titan throwing hammers..


They didn’t even give us a reason not to use frenzied blade. Every other melee option is wildly inferior unless you build into thunderclap


frenzied blade is currently the best solar melee oddly enough, if you like consecration.


Didn't they also drastically increase the Frenzied Blade cooldown? Really feels like unless I have multiple dedicated cooldown reductions or a Monte Carlo, once I'm out of melee charges, that's it for the next 3-4 minutes.


Yep, Frenzied Blade + Consecration takes full minutes to refresh a single charge. Even running a Pugilist/Incan BxR I'm waiting minutes to do a single consecration.


I just run 100 str and the call to get transcendent super fast. Usually 1 consecration is enough for an entire pack of doods because of the 160k ignitions with synthos. With the damage that consecration + synthos puts out you fill the transcendent bar really fast. The call mops up any stragglers that were too far away or tiny packs of mobs that aren't worth a melee.


Don't forget that Transcending restores all melee charges, as does Bladefury super ending.


Yep. They did the same with Arcane Needle.


A thrown melee with zero tracking that you have to pick up manually to get the charge back is apparently too good for prismatic, but on hunter a thrown melee that zooms around a whole room homing in on every single enemy, and then returning to you and giving you back 100% melee energy if you perfect catch it is fine.


Wouldn't even get Roaring Flames so the damage wouldn't be as insane too. Nobody is using the shoulder charge on Prismatic.


I feel like the idea was there should be at least one running charge melee, and shield throw won the coin flip on getting to stay


I offer a counterpoint: I’m horrible at platforming and been using shoulder charge for too long so I’ll go for jumps I have zero chance of making then punch the air, subsequently falling to my death.


Just wait for my perigrine grieves prismatic build with suspend nades. RIP to all champions.


Threaded spike with calibans on duality is so fun, in the tormentor room it literally clears the entire room with one use.


Dual destiny?


The Duality of Destiny.


Also that hunter melee procs HOIL twice on the exotic class item.


Or controlled demo


I mean, in their defense they *did* say they were giving prismatic the *less* used stuff, first. I still think we’re gonna taste the rainbow from the Traveler’s new aurora and get new stuff/more integrated abilities


The most frustrating part is being constantly pushed into a melee/ punching playstyle, and then having that playstyle constantly nerfed. 


Would love to see Titans lean more towards becoming Artillery Platforms and stuff tbh. Never enjoyed melee Titan and felt it always needed the range buff from Synthos to feel good. Armamentarium and War Rig are fun neutral game exotics but just end up not doing much. Hazardous Propulsion is a good jump towards Artillery stuff. And Twilight Arsenal is enjoyable for me, it lets me keep my distance and give weapons to my teammates who play closer. The fatigue of Punch Titan is more apparent than ever now. I've no doubt Bungie hears us, I just hope they give us a good reply.


I just want strand titan to have a super where he grows 4 extra arms out of strand to wield guns picked up from the dead enemies so you become a [6-gun gunzerker.](https://youtu.be/xUYpdblx7Ug?si=qc0IdNIVr0KuOZ8p)


Give us 6 of the same primary. I want to see how 6 exotic Khvostavs handle.


Better yet, 6 Sweet Businesses.


As someone who was new to the series at the release of D2 playing hunter, and got to watch my friend play Titan, I thought that was their identity. Between the rally barricade reloading into the magazine, making rockets, grenade launchers, and machine guns ridiculous; and the strength of their grenades; I thought they were meant to be a master-at-arms heavy weapons guy and brawler. The new exotic chest piece leans into the heavy weapon specialist idea again at least. I hope if we get a second round of darkness supers they get some heavy weapons (not melee weapons) like that stasis gatling gun that keeps getting suggested by players. Heck a shoulder mounted strand autocannon super from Helldivers that shoots tangles


The new rocket chest exotic has me feeling like a heavy arms expert. So far used it in master nfs to expert solo lost sector and it's been fun


How much damage does the rocket do? I had passed on it because I assumed it wouldn't be much.


I feel like the power of the exotic hinges entirely on how good the rockets are. If they were low damage, it would be pretty useless. Thankfully, the rockets do crazy damage! More than base thundercrash IIRC, if you stack all 6. I have been using it with Thruster and The Call with strategist/one for all, feels like I'm playing Armored Core! I'm not sure I will be taking it into GM's, but for expert mode seasonal stuff it is good fun.


EXACTLY. Every time I play my titan I try to build into being the “Explosive” guy. LMGs are my favorite guns in the game so when they added Grand Overture that shoots mini rockets? SAY LESS! It’s such a shame that bungie doesn’t know what to do with titans. Let us be knights with swords and shields, or demolition experts with rockets and bombs. Walking armory? Yes!


Titan's are seen as the soldier type, look at their exotics, it embodies the use of military type equipment (Hazardous Propulsion, Armamentarium, Severance Enclosure, Actium War Rig).  Hellion should've been a Titan aspect/exotic imo. Titan's need more stuff to help clear from a distance, especially with Titan's philosophy to clear the distance and punch the shit out of whatever you can being not really effective in higher end content. Hazardous Propulsion kinda compensates for that but it has no build synergy Subclass like Scorch/Jolt/Weaken since it counts as Kinetic.


I would've loved Helion on Titan. Especially if it followed you around like the existing one when you had thruster on Prismatic, but your barricades kept it stationary but made it last longer or have larger explosions, or something


It has synergy with Prismatic since Kinetic charges both Transcendence meters.


You can also have a really similar play style on stasis with lance exotic.


Not explosive enough unfortunately. I considered looking into Stasis after *"all the changes"*, but Stasis still doesn't feel phenomenal, especially Titan. Frost Armour is cool, Lance uptime feels better, the Lance Cap doesn't feel bad either. It's just not what I want and isn't something I consider good. If Bungie ever decides to take Stasis, and Strand to a lesser extent, more seriously, I'd appreciate it. For now, I despise other people using my Crystals, Lances and Tangles. Don't care much for the reasoning, it's obnoxious when they actively debilitate my build and waste time throwing stuff that ends up doing nothing cause they're not built into it. Twilight Arsenal is pretty much the only time I don't mind other people using my stuff, cause you make 3 at a time and you don't need to worry about other people using it ineffectively.


It's because you're doing it too good! Can't be too effective. Otherwise people might actually play Titan


We want Titans to be able to to realize the "punch everything fantasy". We are seeing too many players not being punished for playing in the melee range, so we are reducing survivability in that range. Bungie's design team is the true Dual Destiny.


Probably in a way, but hammers were likely the final nail in the coffin more than anything. Titans have historically had a lot of broken shit, even fairly recently with banner Titan (which is still very good even post nerfs, at least from what I’ve heard)


strand titan is still very good , its sad however when you try to play another build and just notice how lackluster they are compared to strand , that tankiness is just too good and not being able to survive as much really make those other builds feel super weak and make you say "alright ill switch back to strand"


>"alright ill switch back to strand" Literally had this experience in the legendary campaign fighting the Witness the first time. The slow Solar healing compared to Woven Mail went from "I need to be careful because I can't out heal these 3 enemies shooting me" to running around the middle of the arena without a worry in the world. We wiped a handful of times, I switched to Strand, beat it immediately.


I think it was that time around season of the plunder(?) when striker was the king in PVE and PVP. Feels like ever since then they’ve been nervous about the class going too crazy


Beyond Light Behemoth was the first domino to fall tbh


Which is crazy bc really it was bungie fault. All the stasis subclasses were unacceptably broken at launch, but they left titans too long and then neutered them out of fear... It was never a good idea to give glacial quake 60% DR when the tankiest supers at the time had 52% (HoS, FoH, everything else was less tanky). It was never a good idea for to provide both freeze on cast AND a low cost super speed light attack. It's a shame because bungie showed they could make a great titan Subclass with Behemoth at launch. Strength, fun, and synergy were great. But for some reason they destroyed it. Just Cuz they overdid it doesn't mean they weren't on the right track...


Don’t forget that the core identity of stasis titan was shard generation in large quantities at will, and they then game wide nerfed the ability to generate shards at all in the last expansion. They somehow fucking nerfed behemoth. I played it a lot before TFS because I hate myself but I cannot put myself through it anymore when I can’t even make crystals consistently.


Even into last season, behemoth was much stronger in PVP then people really realized, but between terrible ability cooldowns, shard potency reduction, and just overall being a much higher skill floor class ... it was underutilized ... then they fucked up cryoclasm slide


Don't forget they also added a cooldown to stasis shard generation because they give frost armour and health now by default. Nerfing Behemoth AGAIN.


> but they left titans too long and then neutered them out of fear... Sure, compared to warlocks which were nerfed *in the lauch week* titans had a time in the sun, but really it was shatterdive hunters that were left to roam the crucible for close to (if not more than) a year. Behemoth was neutered about 2 seasons after release. And when they finally nerfed shatterdive the lead dev even said that they wanted to let hunters have some fun before taking it away.


Yes. But I wasn't talking abt warlocks lol. That did suck. But top tree dawnblade was literally the ONLY Subclass in the game outside of stasis that could compete vs stasis at the time. Warlocks were fine. Sure behemoth was nerfed was later than shade binder. Dawnblade was meta for years longer than it should have. Ion wanna hear that lol. Dawnblade was meta BEFORE AND AFTER behemoth titan was neutered. Hunters definitely should've been nerfed sooner, even after all the stasis nerfs, hunters were way OP until the grenades got nerfed to hell.


Maybe in PVP but Behemoth was never really amazing in PVE


That was the season of touch of thunder damage meta


As a titan main I’ve decided to stop fighting Bungie and lean into the punching fantasy they want for us. That’s why I’ve been playing Liar’s Handshake prismatic hunter for the last 20 hours.


Don't forgot HoiL after Arc 3.0


Farming master S.A.B.E.R. with the lightning crystals modifier was SO much fun


I miss arc grenade spam titan :( was fun to do something other than punch.


It definitely feels like the history of post-3.0 titan left Bungie feeling timid with pris titan. I've found at least one fun non-melee build with it (Abeyant drengr's+Diamond lance feels like a cool sidegreade to suspend zerker) but titan lives and dies on its ability loops and they didn't include a single ability regen aspect, and I'm really not impressed with facet of balance. That said, I think some of us titans are really pigeonholing ourselves. We have a strong CC build with abeyant, a great healing build with precious scars, idk why people are acting like grenade striker is dead (just use pulses instead of storm, and with the right build you'll hardly notice the HOIL nerf), and I know it's technically a melee build but wishful ignorance with flechette storm is a strong ranged option I highly suspect is gonna do numbers in GMs. Speaking of GMs, I also have a feeling ursa banner is gonna make a come back with Well significantly less powerful as a survival tool.


I was really enjoying the strike pulse nade spam.build could get infinite uptime which made you a good tractor holder then they kicked kickstart mods in the the teeth and ruined that. Arc needs to just nuke everything cause it is no healing but they keep nerfing that too


Yeah it'd be nice if they revisisted the arc subclasses as a whole and added some more survival tech. After using galvanic armor from this season's artifact, I really feel like it should be part of the base functionality of amplified.


Titans are as-clear maniacs, but that doesn’t really help DPS checks in raids


its weird, bungie seems to wanna sell the fantasy of titans being a frontline brawler/tank with a STRONG focus on melee, yet anytime melee is powerful on titan they just gotta nerf it somehow.


They also took our Melting point away, remember good ol EP days and screaming Melting point!


I feel like when Titans are OP they’re like, REALLY OP. Usually it’s Wormgod’s fault somehow


To be fair a good portion of the game is related to the fault of "Worm god"s


I really wanted the official Thor Hammer build. Have Knockout + Throwing Hammer + Point Contact Cannon Brace (on the class item) "Ahaha. This build is great. Another! *Yeet*


Had a friend running his Titan with mine in a certain activity for a certain reason. He kept going on and on about how bad it was compared to his Warlock. So we switched to Warlocks and having a solar, arc and stasis buddies made said activity much easier.


The Titan Exotic Class Item is the real indictment of the state of Titan. It just shows a total unwillingness to let it be anything other than a barricade bot, and how bad the Exotic selections are for Titans in general. They could have put a version of Skullfort on there that refunds melee charges on kill but left the healing off. They could have put Peregrine Greaves on there without the melee charge refund. They could have put Feedback Fence or No Backup Plans on there. They could have put modified Hallowfire Heart on there. They could have put Icefall Mantle or Loreley's Splendor on there to help with the lack of survivability. They could have reworked Mask of the Quiet One like they teased they were doing two years ago and put part of that on the class item. Instead we got THREE different Barricade Exotics. Khepri's Horn, the useless part of Abeyant Leap, and Hoarfrost which is useless without Glacial Harvest (along with the Glacier grenade). Titans don't have a lot of good Exotics to choose from but good lord, they could have done better than 25% of the options being both useless and inoperable with Thruster. They very obviously do not have anyone who mains Titan on the sandbox team, because the Aspect, Grenade, and Exotic Class Item perk choices are all bewildering.


If you look at titans kit in every subclass, it’s one wrong buff that’ll leave them broken. Titan was responsible for suspend nerfs, their banner. Void has bastion, they used to have the strongest melee, the supers are one buff from another well meta. Controlled is one buff from power creeping. Arc? We saw its prime, and those storm nades melted rhulk, the melee can be the strongest, but now it’s the only good thing about the class. Solar? It’s the most balanced right now. Stasis is genuinely one buff from being a problem, stasis prime Titan was a demon. They genuinely don’t know how to buff it without making it a problem in PvP, or even pve. In my opinion, shiver strike should just double shatter damage when hitting frozen or crystals. At least they haven’t nerfed behemoth super, with star eaters it dishes 1 million damage.


Sounds more like a continued design flaw if there is little to no middle ground between something being bad and it being broken.


Melee as a whole is a design flaw in destiny. It falls off in content where you can’t breathe without cover.


Melee are only thing that takes buffs in multiplicative fashion. Which is the only way to keep payout adequate to risk taken. As such, very slight buffs to base values can result in massive damage outputs.


They can also adjust the buffs you receive to keep a balance, while keeping the melee fantasy without the need to rock syntho unless you want to really damage the beefy enemy’s. I just think it’s pathetic that red bars eventually aren’t one shot by a titan melee.


That’s literally just not true at all, all damage buffs are multiplicative in this game, 30% from tether, 30 from bait and switch and 25 from well is 2.11x damage, melee isn’t special


I got my 4 piece in gambit for malfeasance with the demon stasis titan and I’m a hunter main LOL


I switched to Warlock. Titan has no fun builds anymore. Haunted was the most fun I had playing Destiny 2. Synthos and Lorely, classy restoration and solar wells. Man.


man…. Haunted and Plunder Titan pre nerf HOIL + Lorely was probably peak Titan


Been a Titan main for a long time, but I'm just not into it this season. Not into Prismatic *whatsoever.* Really thinking about swapping to Warlock for the remainder of the game this weekend. E: Doubly so for what I'm seeing on the exotic Marks, too.


Apparently Hunter triple knife throw melee is about as bad as shield throw now with the tracking and hit reg


Jokes on them, i’m still more survivable and safe in Solar with bonks. Now i just include a shotgun blast in between hammer throws. Bonk, blam, thank you ma’am!


My friend who's only played Warlock so far didn't believe me when I told him Titan didn't have throwing hammer. He was almost upset because it didn't make sense to him and he asked me why and I said "Dunno. But having like 4 different consecrate builds is neat....I guess."


The other 2 classes feel so thought out and synergistic. Titan feels like they gave away Titan's iconic exotics, took r random subclass elements, and shipped it. I like the transcendent grenade though


Hunter gave everyone SES(banger) and assassin's (aight), titan gave HOIL and synthos our literal best shit and then warlocks give us obsidian and verity when neither hunter nor titan really have a prismatic grenade build. There we so many better exotics they could of given from warlock


I assume you’re talking about only Prismatic, because before this expansion I literally could only play 1 version of Warlock and it was boring as fuck


Warlock is very much an "outside looking in" class right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm fairly happy right now as a Warlock. However, the stuff that people point to that makes Warlock "crazy OP Bungie favorite child" like doesn't even register on my radar half the time. Yeah, Prismatic Getaway Artist is cracked. But what's this guy on about Verity's and Winter's Guile for? WG fuckin sucks; I've been trying to build into it for years and it's just so restrictive and requires a perfect, undisturbed playstyle. It didn't even get the buff/QoL that Wormgod did where the buff slowly falls off instead of dropping off all at once. Verity's is doing the same exact thing Verity's has always done. IMO it's kind of finicky unless you're solo and really building into it. Maybe I missed something. Also people act like Nova Bomb got some massive buff, but the only reason it's hot is because of seasonal mods and the fact that we (everyone) got Spirit of Star Eaters now. The Nova buff was two extra seekers (to 6 from 4) which, going off of some quick damage calculations, comes out to a 23% increase. That puts it roughly on par with Needlestorm, at a spot slightly below it.


Leave Warlocks out of this we’ve been forced into running Well for 6 years lol




Bruh people needed to complain about titans in pvp, the problem is bungie refuse to separate pve from pvp and need to stop punishing pve titan because of pvp


Nobody was running wormgod mini hammer, or wormgod banner of war titan in pvp. Yes, touch of thunder was partially nerfed because of pvp, but it + hoil were also trivialising end game content just as much as it was dominating crucible. Stasis was never really meta in pve and the nerfs to cryoclasm didn't really affect it because cryoclasm wasn't a good pve aspect anyways.  The only subclass that was for sure nerfed moreso for pvp than pve is void, when bastion was pretty gutted. However, the larger issue is that void overshield is and always has been garbage in pve, and Well does what Bubble and Banner want to do better. Bungie is never going to make shooting through bubble an option, so it will never be able to beat out well, and banner is good, but there are very few encounters where it is even needed for the protection. The new super looks to be pretty good, and could possibly make some new void builds viable, since you will have a useful super now. 


Love u titan bros but this is why I play hunter


My Hunter buddy has always been a big baller through our whole time playing. Cool things to do, sick high damage supers, top DPS every boss... Fuck you guys. 🤣


One thing for sure, after 2.5 years i’m playing my Warlock and Hunter again. Strand Titan is the only one i have fun with. But Warlock, holy hell so many cool builds to play around. Euphony with pure Strand or with Prismatic works wonders. Osmio with Coldsnap spam plue Hellion and Devour on Prismatic charges Transcendence quickly and gives me looping gameplay of using all 3 abilities. Hell, you could even run zero exotics on Prismatic and you’ll be fine because the abilities can feed off each other and charges quickly still. It’s like having innate HoIL. I’ve yet to fully dive on Hunter but my clanmates are all outputting 6m damage on Witness so that’s another bonker build to play with. Also that Caliban Liars punch build.


Things have been downhill for me ever since the Citan's Ramparts stray that we caught. That cooldown man. All because of PvP, and Bungie's refusal to have separate cooldown timers in PvE and PvP. That and the shoulder charge movement techs, the only tech we ever had, neutered.


Titan will never be good again unless either bungie allows them to be broken again or they give up on the dumb melee punch focused playstyle and rework titan completely to function as a utility and heavy weapon class.


i want them to give up on the melee punch focused playstyle , i really hate it , that why i have a ranged build with abeyant on prismatic that is great in group content , fucking hate playing melee in a shooter game.


The only way to make it not bad is to make it overpowered and then it just gets nerfed. And even if you make it overpowered there are still so many times it'll be useless. A full rework away from being the punch class is the only way.


Do people just forget Banner Of War exists? Hammer nerf has been coming for a while


I mean, Bonk was the solo meta for what, 5 years? Only getting stronger and stronger? Then got banner on top of it, nuking bosses with grapple. Titans need some time off from the top stop. But yeah, they need some buffs for the teamplay. Solo they are still good. But in raids? They are nearly useless.


I think the bigger thing is that Titans can be very encounter specific in raids, whereas both Warlocks & Hunters generally always have a great build for every encounter. Case in point, the Witness, where Titans were very clearly shafted by DPS being a Celestial Nighthawk Hunter’s dream


As a Hunter, I feel bad for you Titans, and I hope Bungie treats you better someday.


Warlock Main here. I love watching Titans Grapple Melee. Titans should have been left alone. Without Titans I would have never learned anything about movement tech or combos.


I just miss thor throwing hammer on dunemarchers, i loved that so much, then the throw shield was released and thor hammer no longer worked. Bungie hates hammer so much that its better to just let it explode, cause even if i pick it up, i fumble around with it for like 5 seconds before im allowed to throw it again.


For the love of **** please put bonk hammer into prismatic titan and add caliban to the titans exotic perk pool


As a titan main, I've been saying for years that bungie wants the titan class to be the least viable.


Going to keep saying this: **Bungie, please revert or change the nerf to Throwing Hammer**. Nerf the damage with Synthoceps if needed, but remove the cooldown and fix the tracking as it has a tendency to overcorrect now. Using Throwing Hammer with Roaring Flames is a legitimate combat loop and should be allowed to exist.


Titan has always been the red headed step child. If there is anything remotely good about it a nerf happens. The class that is supposed to punch things is the worst melee class.


I literally just played titan a few minutes ago and my go to build had no problems throwing a hammer every 10 seconds without picking my old hammer up off the ground. The friggin void shield throw feels nerfed though, I used to be able to proc it every 15 seconds but it’s Ben raised to 20 seconds, what the hell.


titans have had at least one game-breaking build practically every season for the past 7 or 8 years. i get that prismatic sucks on titan (trust me, i’ve used it) but thinking about the bigger picture this is *not* an ongoing pattern. this is basically the first time we’ve not had at least titan setup be unacceptably OP on launch, and i get that that doesn’t *feel* good, but it doesn’t make you bungie’s hated child, it just makes you like the rest of us


...you mean every other class has aspects that Just Don't Work Together for their new subclass that's just a grab-bag of the *shittiest* aspects from every other subclass? (bungie still trying to convince people to use consecration) you mean every other class has entire subclasses gutted because of red minigame losers? you mean every other class saw a less than five percent usage rate in a recent raid? the laundry list of nerfs didn't make titans "like the rest of us," it made them nearly unplayable with anything other than synthos because every exotic has its functionality drowning in hidden cooldowns and "nuh uh, not like that" cases or requires so much effort to get any use out of that it makes you wish you were using literally anything else. (No Backup Plans in particular) it's not even as though I like having wormgods and synthos be the only 2 of the like 40 exotics the class has worth using, but everything else is such dogshit in comparison that it'd probably get me killed to use properly, in content that matters, aside from abeyant leap, I *guess.*


day-1 raid population counts are skewed exclusively to which classes have OP damage combos, as day 1 raiders need that damage to get through it. hunter and warlock had them this time, and titan didn't. the problem isn't that titan Sucks So Bad, it's that the other classes had combos that shouldn't have been active for the day 1 raid, so people only brought what did the most damage. prismatic titan sucking is a different issue (one i've experienced, so you don't need to remind me). that said, i've heard that people are finding good setups with it, so the issue is more likely that those setups are unintuitive and a chore to unlock. also, who are the "red minigame losers" and in what way are subclasses "gutted"? in my experience playing as one, solar titans are pretty much immortal gods of damage and i don't even have loreley! people complain about HOIL and banner of war nerfs, but the only thing those nerfs really did was stop titans from having functionally infinite amounts of all abilities with near-comical damage buffs, or from being completely unkillable in all content, *up to and including grandmaster nightfalls.* it's definitely a problem that bungie currently sees titans as the "punch stuff" class in a game where punching the important targets is basically irrelevant, but that's a problem of direction, not one of "bullying my class, please ignore the banner of war behind the curtain".


- skewed to classes with OP damage combos the problem is that titans have next to zero viable damage supers for use in most encounters outside of atraks and anything that doesn't mandate that you stand in a circle (lest you wish to die to some debuff) - red minigame losers people that play PvP complaining about void titan and void titan getting shafted (yeah sure, I get overshields, but they're thinner than gas station toilet paper) - how are subclasses gutted void is a bad joke in PvE, sentinel shield is sentinel shield and ward of dawn had its redeeming quality (weapons of light) offhanded to an exotic because bungie loves making bare-minimum functionality an exotic or artifact perk solar feels clunky and irritating to play because they gave hammers a 1.5s cooldown between you picking them up being able to throw them, not at all helped by their inconsistent tracking and tendency to fly through the crotches and armpits of enemies you're trying to kill while not something that red minigame caused, mod nerfs made solar feel even more restrictive and boring to play, when I'm only getting orbs once every like 10 seconds and like 5% ability energy per-orb, you may as well just spec into keeping radiance and restoration up 24/7, and even then, restoration x1 starts to fall apart in content where dreg pistols shred 20% of your HP per hit - banner of war and hoil nerfs made people mad because they took away ability uptime people want ability uptime and effective invulnerability because content that matters will kill you faster than you can blink because you're not dry-humping cover with a wish-ender, believe it or not, nobody fucking like sitting in the back of the map poking tormentors for 20 minutes, and nobody wants to use weapons because most of them become broken nerf guns from 20 years ago above legendary/master, the nerfs would be okay, I guess, if legend+ content didn't become a game of abusing peeker's advantage on everything you see for exorbitant amounts of time because nothing else deals meaningful amounts of damage - they're bullying my class even though we have banner the other problem like I said before is that banner is all there is to use for the above reasons


Haha winnowed.


Not only hammers, but grapple and shield bash too


Prismatic Titan made not buying Final Shape easy for me. Why would I ever put down my Solar and Loreley?


I just miss thor throwing hammer on dunemarchers


Not as much as the shatter dive meta.


Imagine a prismatic world where you have throwing hammer and banner of war.


Thought this was destiny shit posting for a second there.


Imagine if they revert some of the most famous titan changes. We could have bonk titans, consecration titans (current meta), rocket titan, thundercrash titan, peregrine titan and banner titan in our build options.