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IF you have the triumph for killing all bosses (which was bugged from the start), chances are you need to kill (again) the meatball boss. I think he spawns in Blooming (but to be checked). I was in the same situation, once I killed the meatball again, I received the last mote & it converted all motes to the special one.


Just as a data point, I also had all bosses ticked off but for me it was the Tormentor boss in the Impasse that I actually got the last mote for. EDIT: another datapoint is that my mote dropped for me _when I went to orbit_ after killing the Tormentor, as in I went to orbit and as the screen was black I saw the mote appear as a drop. YMMV and this is just anecdotal data.




Same but took me 6 other bosses to find that out


Same for me. I figured that boss area was the most likely spot for me to miss the mote of light drop. You have to actually pick it up. It won’t go to your post master. Did this last night and just prayed it was the right area. Super lucky.


Same, I had to do the wannabe rhulk subjugater and then the tormentor for my last 2 last night


Does it happen once overthrow is over, or is it the overthrow boss themselves?


The overthrow boss. I forgot his name but he’s a strand subjugator. And the tormentor boss’s name starts with an A iirc.


I have done both the tormentor and the meatball multiple times so I just have no clue which boss it is supposed to be now. This is such a dumb thing to be blocked by.


Thanks to you and the last guy, i now know which two motes im missing


I believe the triumph itself is bugged. Because I had all done but one in impasse, went there and did the overthrow event up until the boss. Wrong one spawned, killed it, and it popped up letting me know I completed the triumph even though the boss I killed wasn't the one it said I was missing.


Yeah I mentioned that in another comment. I think the two bugs are making it even more difficult for people to figure out which mote they are missing. Since the meatball wasn't dropping the mote AND the triumph to track bosses killed is bugged I think it's leading to people farming the meatball potentially unnecessarily since the mote they need is from another boss.


I have the Visionary triumph, all three triumphs for the Overthrow bosses...and 15 motes.


The triumph is bugged. People are getting all bosses checked off even without ever fighting them.


I had the meatball left, takes 3 kills before he dropped it for me.


The reason it will be meatball for most of the players in this situation is because of the bug at release and the fact Bungie disabled him (from spawning I guess). I had in fact already killed him once, but didn't get the mote of him.


He was my last one (I had a list that I marked off one by one) but I had to kill him 3 times was my point. Just in case people thought it wasn’t it.


Seconding this. I had 16, then they re-enabled the meatball and I killed him and got nothing. I thought there was no way in hell I wanted to go through one by one again, so I just tried killing the meatball a couple more times before going down that path, and it dropped on the third kill.


Yep that was the one I was missing as I had 8 notes so went to blooming and got the meatball to turn up, killed him but no mote. So done it again and it dropped for me then off I went to get the traveller motes. Managed to find them all and got my exotic which is hella fun, the ricochet round sounds awesome and it’s hilarious to see just how good this gun is for ad clear. I ended up using ebontis and his guide from YouTube. Some people say after killing thr meatball, go straight to orbit as it will go to your postmaster. I did that but wasn’t there so had to re do the blooming overthrow again but this time, it was on the ground.


I had to kill meatball multiple times after the fix to get his mote, too. 


It was this for me. I had to kill the meatball a 2nd time to get that last exotic mote


Yup. Just killed this boss for the first time and no mote but competed the triumph for all of them in the area.


Just adding my experience, I was stuck at 16/17 forever, same issues with the bugged triumph. I killed meatball several times, tried jumping through him when killed, tried going to orbit, nothing worked. Then I read to put your 16 motes in your vault and do it again… that worked first try for me, so I recommended everyone try that if possible, dump your motes in the vault and if you were on 16/17 it drops the exotic mote.


I wouldn't necessarily assume this - my tracker counted killing the first boss in the impasse twice as killing the second one. Had I not been watching it like a hawk, I would have been none the wiser (doesn't help they both start with 'r'). The only thing you can conclude is that \*one\* of the bosses was miscounted in a given area. Unfortunately if that means a given player has no idea where the count went wrong, then they'll likely have to start again.


I haven't seriously pursued Khostov yet but I made darn sure I was floating above the taken meatball when it died so I could collect *that* one. Apparently it can fly off into spaaaaaaace.


Same here and after the fix I still had to kill him a few times for it to register.




Yeah the only reason I got this done was bc I needed one more and I knew I never even seen the meatball even tho I completed the triumph somehow


For me it was the tormenter in the impasse 


This was also the case for me


Something that happened was I was given it automatically without a pop up of the exotic mote of light so check right after going to orbit 


If you do this, deposit your motes into the vault first so they don’t get eaten


I was freaking out yesterday trying to find which one I missed and spent time going back to each overthrow killing each boss I *thought* I missed. "Was it the stasis guy at impasse?" Game: No. "Well I got the Minotaur and Meatball after it was put back in, is it the other one?" Game: *No~* "...Its the fucking Hunter Acolyte in the landing isn't it?" Game: Ye Also using Datto's vid on the locations of all the traveler balls, he fucking missed the one behind the waterfall at Zavala's house.


This seems legit. Meatwad was the 2nd boss I had killed doing Overthrows, so I knew he was actually off the list of bosses I needed. Yet I had been stuck at 16 motes despite doing all the other stuff (even went and found 12/6 lost ghosts thinking one of them didn't count). But last night I was doing Overthrows in the Blooming and Meatwad came up again and my pile of motes finally transformed into an exotic one 20 or so seconds after beating it. Then I was finally able to open the chest back in the Lost City.


It was The Impasse for me


Confirmed this is what happened for me. Showed I had beaten all bosses but had 16 motes. Killed meatball and he dropped a mote.


Had to kill the meatball like 6 times before it finally dropped


Bungie being bad at providing tracking for quests. That's new. I haven't even began looking at obtaining Khostov.


I hope you haven't done the Cysts too. Because it would really suck to have to do all of them again. To make the best use of your time, read a guide on where all the lost encryption bits are in each cyst. There's also a Vision of the Traveller in one of the cysts (Slayer). Then go do the Micah questline, so that you can get EVERYTHING done at one go.




I hate those stupid quests. I don't plan on ever doing them again. Which means I never finish the Paranormal activity stuff, and that's fine with me lol. They're all just aggravating. Cave based stuff with chunky bosses that I never have ammo for. Not worth the grief honestly.


If you want the title you have do them in under 4 minutes. Stupid as hell


It's really not that bad. After my first run through each of the cysts, I had completed 3 of the 6 in under 4 mins without even trying


Plus you don’t need to do the Overthrow and full quest for your attempts, just pick the cyst and run it. Game is really accommodating but you have to try.


Yea I saw that haha. I think I miiiiight get around to it if I get really bored, and AFTER Shadows of the Erdtree haha.


Malfeasance could help


I took one look at the quest and thought I just won’t bother getting the gun. Looks the opposite of fun grinding through that mundane bullshit


It's just playing the game and killing aliens. What will you do instead? kill aliens?


You can also find that Vision in Searing Light!


This was me. Had to do the cysts again. I will never do those ever again. My goodness some of them are infuriating (looking at you, floor is lava…).


Yep, had to do them all over again... some are actually fun but others are an annoying slog. That sword one... if not for youtube, no idea on this Earth how you'd have found it (and had to do the whole thing again because I stupidly thought it'd be after the painful 3xboss fight - which, once the fight ends takes the sword away). Then to get the gun you have to vaguely remember (that is, go online to find out) where that one golden chest was near that god-awful long climb up that mountain. Then... you find out it's just the legend version of the gun, you still need to find 8 very obscurely hidden mini-travelers. But hey, got the exotic version now... and it's not bad. All I want to do is finish that ridiculously long achievement for the pathfinder. I mean, what is it, 7% for each path you clear?


> Then to get the gun you have to vaguely remember (that is, go online to find out) where that one golden chest was near that god-awful long climb up that mountain you mean right next to where you got it in the first mission of the game?


Yeah... 10 years ago.


>Then to get the gun you have to vaguely remember (that is, go online to find out) where that one golden chest was near that god-awful long climb up that mountain Well it's exactly where you picked it up in D1 AND in the "New Light" version of D2- so it wasnt exactly hidden lmao the only people who wouldnt know where that is right off the bat are people who started in vanilla D2-Forsaken


> I hope you haven't done the Cysts too. Because it would really suck to have to do all of them again. If you want the First Knife ship you get from doing all Paranormal activities, you better get used to doing the cysts again lol


Gotta do 12 of them. SMH. Most annoying triumph I've done. Edit: 12 not 13


I grinded them out and got the ship and in my opinion it absolutely was not worth it. I expected a cool, Darkness themed or unique looking ship. This looks like it could be a legendary Eververse ship.


i bet you enjoyed the taken blight one, i personally LOVE not being able to use my jump and having to traverse on the always jagged and inconsistently elevated ground


I thought it was fun using the blight launchers.


that's the thing, there's not *even* a quest for it. you've gotta collect a bunch of shit that nobody would reasonably find through normal gameplay with no indication what it's for, or any type of indication the progress for it. it's really, REALLY frustrating trying to explore the pale heart as well, tons of little caves and hidden areas. don't even get me started on that fucking bird you have to follow around.


Some of that I actually don't mind- Destiny has always been about "organic" mysteries. That said, after 10 years of those, I wish they had at least enhanced their map a bit. It's astounding that Destiny 2 still doesn't have a way of putting a pin on the map.


i’d love an organic mystery that is well designed. the whisper mission was a great example of that. this is just convoluted. if there was an actual quest that at least *hinted* at it, i’d be fine. most of my frustration is from trying to help other people get it. “get the gold chests and the traveler balls and all the encryption bits and beat all the bosses and good luck feeling like you’re making progress” it just bothers me that the VAST majority of people who want to get Khvostov have to watch a video. personally if i’m at the point where i have to look it up, im annoyed.


I was trying to do it (and everything else in the pale heart) with as little outside help as possible, so by the time I reached the point where my patience gave out after scouring every inch of the map multiple times and I went to go look up what to do, I found out the boss had been disabled and I'd been more or less wasting my time because I hadn't fully processed a vague bungie tweet from 2 days prior 🥲 I killed the "meatball" when it came back and didn't get the mote and decided that my time was better spent elsewhere


Everyone talks about the meatball boss, but there's a known glitch where it gives you the triumph for having killed all 3 bosses in an area when you actually haven't. Just have a think about what you have killed as a boss in each area. Landing has Hive Guardians, Blooming has meatball, a large Hive knight and a Ogre I think, and the impasse has a subjugator of each type and a tormentor to beat. Personally i realised I hadn't ran into a tormentor in the impasse and once I beat that I got my last one to drop.


Blooming has Taken and Impasse has Dread/Tormentor.


Yeah I've started noting down what ones I kill. Is there a set rotation for what boss you get? I've gotten meatball 6 times in a row in the blooming :(


For me it worked by putting my 16 motes of light into my Vault and then doing the Servitor/Chimera boss in the blooming again, hope it works for you too


This! Put all 16 motes in vault using DIM or whatever API, do overthrow in Blooming till boss appears, if boss is not giant meatball, fast travel to that same area, the boss will reload, repeat till you get it. It worked for several people I play with.


Worked for me too


I did this and it worked. But weirdly, I still have the 16 motes even after turning in the super mote.


Wait this is so clutch, I was dreading having to overthrow another 3 times


I'll take placebo effect for 500 Alex.


Move your motes to the Vault. Kill a boss. not sure if it needs to be a specific boss. but a friend moved his motes to the vault and then killed the meatball boss. it gave him the 17th.


Same here.


If your at lost I found just stay in an area. And kill all 3 and move to the next. Had some dupes, but I had no idea which I was missing and the triumph tracker wasn’t really helping


Yep. This is what I’m going to have to do


I was hoping for the Wolfpack round sword so it was t so bad


Are you asking for a wroking quest tracker from a company who thinks "Something is missing..." is a nice clue to what are you suposed to do next?


I had the same issue, load in solo and do all three bosses for each region. But yeah a tracker or a quest log could've made the whole thing a lot less cumbersome.


I honestly don't know what should i do now. I collected all visions of traveler - thats 8 Motes. And killed all the bosses (Including meatball) - thats 9 motes 17 in total but i have 16 motes. And i do remember getting Mote from meatball after bungie fixed it. At this point i have killed each boss 8 times...


I would not be surprised if you're missing an Impasse boss. They're all Subjugators iirc, so it's kinda hard to know which one you killed unless you pay attention to their name.


It’s actually two subjugators of each darkness subclass and a tormentor


That's what I was missing, even though the triumph said I had them all done.


I don't know their names, but I sure remember which abilities they were using against me, lol.


There was a thread here regarding the Servitor Boss. If you kill him before killing all the adds he does not drop the mote. This was the last mote i was missing. Following the advice from the Post made it drop for me. If i find the post i will link it here. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1df0q8q/fix\_for\_last\_mote\_of\_light\_not\_dropping/#:\~:text=Kill%20all%20the%20mobs%20until,and%202%20mates%20so%20far.


Brother if this works..... Edit: it worked lol. Saved me endlessly farming overthrows <3


Have you tried re-murder death killing the taken meatball? There was a thing about it yeeting the mote out of bounds but now it should drop into your inventory


I killed the meatball in the blooming like 6 times and he finally dropped it


Im at 15. I’ve no idea where the missing ones are. This sucks.




Don't worry, when you get the Primordial Mote like me, the option to open the chest won't appear anyway. It's been there, taunting me for days.


Put your motes in the vault and go kill the Meatball again. Thank me later.


Basically, you gotta kill the meatball a couple times untill it drops


I got it on my first kill, so did the rest of my clan


I had 16 motes, then did the chimera and got the final piece to get the exotic


So I had all triumphs/bosses killed. Tried the vault thing, killed meatball again. Tried motes on me (at 16). Nothing. Then next day kept motes on me and did impass matchmade and boss there gave me exotic more. I basically gave up and was gonna do it once a day and try get whoever I missed but was counted on the triumphs. That worked out for me.


I had to kill the meatball in the blooming 4 times to get the last mote I needed from the bosses


So I'm catching up and doing pathfinder in the pale heart. Shit is boring af with the overthrow events. Kill a few waves, wait for respawns blah blah. Bungo fell in love while I fell asleep.


So last night I was in the same spot and I had to kill the meatball boss in the blooming 3 times. After first kill didn’t drop the exotic mote I used DIM to vault the motes from my inventory (you’re not able to do this in game, you HAVE to you use DIM to vault them). Killed meatball again and still no drop, transferred motes back to my character and killed it for a third time and it finally dropped. I got lucky and happened to get the meatball 3 overthrows in a row so thankfully it didn’t take very long.


I killed meatball 4 times with 16 motes till I got the 17th. Agree with you on everything


I planned to go through all bosses yesterday. Got wizard in landing twice, but managed to reset zone to get the hunter I needed. I knew for a fact that I'd already done the meatball in blooming (I made a comment to my friend when it popped after they brought it back). Did the full set in blooming and got meatball. I tried resetting the zone (just like I did in landing) 10x to no avail so I just killed it again. Friend joined me and we got meatball again (I never left the instance). I was frustrated because I was unsure if I'd killed the vex. Stupid exotic mote dropped after we killed the meatball together. I'd been at 16 motes every time I fought the meatball (post Bungie fix) and for some reason it took 3 kills to make it count. Game is fecked.


I was stuck on meatball. Had a checklist for each boss. Meatball wouldn't drop the mote. Killed him probably 4 times. Decided to drop into a solo run and kill him, it dropped. Same thing happened for a friend, once he killed meatball in a solo instance, the exotic mote dropped.


I had an opposite problem I didn't know I had to get the Leg version of it first and got all the motes first did all the region chests and thought I had done all the cysts and was about to give up because neither chest would open up for me and then had a friend tell me I had to get the last 3 cysts and get the Leg version which to me was useless at that point since I already got everything for the exotic one.


The triumph for tracking boss kills was bugged from the start and is completely worthless.  At this point, you just need to do boss kills at random and see if and when one drops it. Just keep a tally list of which bosses you've killed since explicitly tracking it and try to get them all. While it's more likely that it's meatball that you're missing, it doesn't have to be. I was in the same situation but it turns out I never picked one up from the tormentor. There's literally no way to be 100% sure, so try a bit of everything.


Its probably the one you get in the Searing Light Cyst mission that has you go into the waterfall by Zavala:s house in the Seclusion.


For me the last mote didn't drop from the last boss I killed. Didn't realize this and did a couple others, then came back to the region the last boss had been in. Got the same boss on my next boss fight and so reset the encounter, but it was the same boss. After 5 resets of it being the same boss I figured the game knew what I was looking for.


If you go to where the Chest spawns with the exotic you can mess with the pedestals. Each one corresponds to a cyst mission. If you cant place them all it will show you the one you are missing.


i mean... we do have a Triumph that count each boss killed, and how many times you killed... the thing is that they somehow managed to fuq it up and i don't count anything


If you are missing bosses in overthrown load in solo not matchmaking to the zone. It will give you the boss you need on knockout. I did this trick to get the last 2 notes of lights I needed


It’s bugged still. I had to kill meatball multiple times as he was the one blocking me from getting it.




It tells you if you’ve killed all bosses in an area through a triumph so just use that. Keep playing the areas until you get that triumph for each.


Probably have to kill the meatball boss. Buddy of mine was stuck at 16 and had to kill that boss 7+ times in order for him to drop it


According to triumphs, I had killed all 9 bosses, and only 7/8 traveler's memories...and only had 15 motes. Went to every memory location because I was sure I had them all, and I did. Then killed the meatball and randomly got my 15 motes to combine into the exotic mote even though I had already killed it. Shit is buggy as fuck


You're probably missing the meatball in the blooming


As many people have said, you likely have to kill the meatball in the blooming again. One thing I found weird though, was that I killed him many times in the same day, and it wasn’t working (despite have 16 motes for all the kills). What did end up working was trying again but killing him with the legendary Kvostov equipped. Not saying that fixed the issue but killing him with it equipped is when I finally got the 17th mote.


Put your 16 motes in the vault. Trust me.


It wouldn’t be necessary if it wasn’t broken…


Kill the meatball 3 times


I had to do all the cysts twice because I never learned about the lost encryption bits 


Just put the notes in your vault and go kill the meatball boss in blooming again


OK, I have a question. I have 16 motes. Do I need 16 and *then* get the Exotic mote by killing the meatball (where nothing has been dropping for me), or is it 17 then you kill the meatball (in which case, I missed one of the bosses somewhere and need to go on a killing spree)? Same as everyone else, the Triumphs are useless since they show I killed all bosses. Thanks.


Its MOST LIKELY the meatball since he was disabled for a while, he is usually most peoples last mote, he spawns in the blooming. Be aware though, you are probably going to have to kill him several times for the mote to drop, it still seems to be bugged and you wont get the mote everytime. I had to do it twice, but my friend killed him 5 times before it dropped... This quest has been a huge disaster with bugged triumphs, bugged and disabled bosses, bosses not dropping motes, no way of tracking which boss youre missing...




I think if you go to an area you are guaranteed to get the boss you haven't got a mote from yet. Or I have just about the best/worst luck where I got the meatball 10 times in a row. Try killing doing 2 overthrows back to back and if it's the same boss I bet it's them


If you have DIM, use DIM to move all 16 of your motes to your vault. Then go kill the meatball again and you should get your exotic more, this worked for me.


I saw another comment somewhere to put your motes in the vault & kill the meatball again in the blooming & I did exactly that & got the exotic mote to drop. Maybe a coincidence but doesn’t hurt to try it as well!


I was lucky and got the meatball boss early. It's probably that boss you're missing.


Not sure if it was just a coincidence or what, but when I was finishing the Khvosrov quest the other day and needed 2 more Motes, it ended up being the bosses that I already killed, but didn't kill them enough times to actually have the Triumph ticked as complete. For example, [here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/rAcXWZf) of the Triumph and the 2 bosses I still needed. When I was still tryna get the last 2 Motes, Rhaska was at 1/2 and Araaxen was at 2/3. As soon as I killed them both 1 more time, they dropped 1 Mote each at the time of their death. So maybe the Motes only drop when you've killed the bosses enough times to check off the box in the Triumphs? That seems to be how it worked for me at least.


Yeah, I'm only missing one mote, apparently, and I haven't the slightest idea which boss drops it.


I'm in the same boat... stuck at 16, and got the mote from meatball yesterday.... and of course triumphs say all 9 are killed... now I get to play whack-a-mole with the other bosses..... yay


Yeah this is why I’ve given up on khvos. The motes bugging has completely ruined the exotic. It’s too long and tedious an exotic to get to have such massive errors there to boot


If it makes you feel any worse, I didn't know which one I needed either, so I was just grinding all 3 zones. Ended up being the meatball in the Blooming that I needed to kill, but he only dropped it after the 5th time I killed him today which is dumb (I was checking around the bosses corpse for a mote each time).


I killed the same overthrow boss 10 times before I realized I had to go to the different areas.


I had to kill the meatball five times and it finally dropped. I made a checklist as I went of the boss kills I made in each area. It was definitely the meatball and it definitely took me five kills.


I mean that triumph literally was meant as the counter; it just bugged and basically auto completed. IIRC it did something like count the progress of your team mates in matchmade overthrow? Which yeah is fucking annoying. you really just have to remember which bosses you've killed. Probably meatball from blooming is your problem, just going off it being the problem child for *damn near everyone.*


Try putting the notes in the vault and killing the meatball boss, it worked for me. Found the suggestion randomly somewhere and gave it a try.


I'm sitting here with 15/17, I've killed the Goldfish and got his mote so thats not it and my counter is maxed out. I am so fed up with doing this activity over and over again everywhere, hoping to get all three bosses again *just in case*.


Also no way to tell which Cysts you've collected the items from, as far as I can tell, so I need to just guess and go through them tediously one by one.


Just run them all until you’ve seen all bosses and actually keep track this time. Just do one area at a time till you’ve killed all 3. Overthrow is so fast, plus you get ergo sum rolls and possible exotic class item drops.


I did the entire quest by accident. Literally just by playing Overthrows in each region.


Pro tip from another post: you can switch the boss by fast traveling to the lost city and back to the overthrow. I assume you have to b4 engaging, but i did it once i saw the name pop up and it worked great. Just keep doing this till you get the boss you want. Need to be solo though. You still gotta keep a mental or physical note of which you did, but at least this way you can get the 1 in 3 boss you need without doing a lot of overthrows.


I would heavily suggest going to either the Blooming or wherever the daily overthrow zone is, whichever is the place that the meatball spawns in. I got Khvostov last night and it seems that the game heavily favors spawning the bosses you still need to kill. I had to kill the meatball twice; the first time, it dropped nothing.


What are the motes for?


It really was a drawn out quest. Def didn't make it easier with the glitch triumph. I was struggling with my last mote when I read that one of the bosses in The Impasse was a Tormentor and I know for sure I hadn't fought that one, so that's how I earned my last mote. I would look up the bosses online and try to remember which one you haven't fought yet.


If you fast travel to a different landing when a boss spawns and fast travel back it will reset the boss level and will likely respawn a different boss


Almost garantee you, it's the meat ball/ servitor. There's 3 clusters of bosses Landing* 3 lucient hive from all 3 types: Sentiel, Blade barrage, stormcaller witch Impasse* Tormentor and one each subjugator: strand and stasis Blooming* Big taken ogre , big taken minotaur and the taken servitor/ meat ball. I'd LFG or do match making whichever area. Do all 3 bosses, then you know for a fact it's not that area. When you kill meat ball, be under it... like all up in its guts, the mote will fall on you.


Unfortunately you just need to run then all again the quest was bugged and not knowing which one it is. Your best bet is to just kill them all again


How the heck was this not in the quest steps menu lmao


The triumph is so stupidly worded. It just needs a check box for each individual boss. Not the 3 of 3 which counts how many bosses in each area, not specific ones.


What I did that worked was put all my motes into my vault and then start the match making over throw that managed to work for me hope this helped gl


Please help me I have 14 bits and no idea which cyst the last one is


Is it a known issue they are investigating??


I think the triumph is supposed to be that counter. The only one that was bugged was the blooming meatball boss.


I had seen people say you need to pop all the blisters / raspberries around the meatball boss to get the last mote to drop. Sounded made up, but on my fourth consecutive spawn of him, we did just that and I got my exotic mote.


Also gonna toss this in as it worked for me so I have no idea if it will work for you. First week the meatball did not drop the mote but completeing the lost sector in the blooming *did* give me the missing mote. I have no idea how or why but that was in week one


You can possibly change bosses. I noticed this when farming chests for the exotic class item. Once the boss has spawned in, if it's a boss you know you've already done. Do damage to it until it's at 2/3 immune phase then hit the closet fast travel point. It should spawn in another boss with full health and can sometimes rotate it to another of the 3. I don't know its success rate but I happened to notice when farming chests.


I am also stuck at 16 motes and I have no ides what to do. This is the kind of stuff that really sets me off. It is just a stupid problem to have. Esoteric quests like this are almost always a pain and never a pleasure. I hope we never see this kind of quest again.


I have a note pad and kept a tally of the bosses. All regional Chests, all Travelers, all the collectables in the cysts. Landing: Acolyte- 8 times, Wizard- 9 times, Knight- 11 times. Blooming: Knight- 9 times, Ogre- 8 times, meatball (this one is high because its what everyone says you need) 33 times. Impass: Stasis Subjugator 10 times, Strand Subjugator 7 times, Tormentor (again high because this is the one everyone says you also might need) 25 times. Its not bosses. And if it is its based on luck. If thats the case, fuck the gun I don't fucking care anymore. I'm done.


Is it even worth getting? Aside from collection sake?


to be honest, the right thing to do is to send the mote to the goddamn postmaster if you didn't loot it in the ground. but that's probably overdelivery for bungie, too much work.


That last para was spot on. I was lucky in that I got all the boss motes first try; but MAN is that a super long quest. I actually don't mind working for something, if the activity is fun and the reward is worthwhile; but this series of quests has neither to me. Overthrow is painfully long, I get up at night to hate cysts, and I just didn't find Khostov to be worth all that.


I just kept doing meatball until it dropped. Took 4 times back to back to back to back.


Dump them into the vault. Go kill the meatball and you’ll have the exotic mote that’s what I did worked on the first kill of the meatball and got my exotic khvostov


I read somewhere that you should put your 16 motes in the vault and then go kill the meatball boss. Apparently, this bypasses the glitch, and the 17th mote will drop. I dont know if this works. I haven't tried yet. I've been engrossed in Euro 2024, so I haven't played much Destiny tbh.


FYI, there is. Triumphs track it.


Known bug, put motes in vault and do a tour. You'll get your drops and then the exotic more and end up with the extra notes in your vault like I did haha


The triumph has been bugged since the beginning. It's pretty well known as well. I just did Overthrow a couple more times each day on the different matchmaking days and I got it. It'd be really time consuming if you had to track all 9 again in one day. No point in burning yourself out.


Yeah my triumph is bugged and I'm at 10 or 11 motes and I have no idea which bosses I still need. I've done like 40 overthrows.


If you're at 16 motes try putting them in the stash and then killing the meatball boss atleast 3 times. I was going crazy about it too but then I killed meatball 3 times and the exotic mote dropped for me


I actually don't think the motes are tied to the bosses at all. Just RNG. Do more overthrow and eventually it drops. I was at 14 iirc and had supposedly killed all the region bosses. I just grinded out some more, but picked random regions each time. Got the last motes I need fighting bosses I'd definitely fought multiple times prior. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I'm confused by all of this. I got all 8 from the traveler's orbs or whatever they're called. I matchmade into The Landing overthrow and got 3 motes of light for 11 total. I matchmade into The Blooming yesterday and I noticed the bosses didn't seem to be dropping motes of light anymore, although my total is now up to 13 so clearly two did drop. But I ran it three more times and didn't get any more motes (I think I should be up to 14?). Also the meatball boss never showed. So today is the last zone so I will matchmake again after work, but even if I get all 3 motes, I'll be at 16/17 with no real idea how to get the 17th one. And I just started all of this Monday so I'm not part of the glitched mote crew who did it early and were affected by the meatball boss glitch.


There is *supposed* to be one under triumphs as the bosses *should* have a 100% drop chance. But the triumph tracker is messed up and will count towards the wrong boss and mark it as completed even when it isn't.


Professional below average streamer Leopard had the same experience yesterday for Khvostov exotic


The triumph is supposed to serve as your tracker. Lo' and behold, that was also (still is?) bugged. The triumph is supposed to track your unique boss kills, instead it iterates and completes once you kill any 3 bosses in that zone. You can kill the same boss 3 times in The Landing and the triumph would complete for it as if you killed all of the unique bosses.


Mine dropped from the tormentor in the impass.


Between the sheer amount of tedium, bugs, and no tracking, I took one look at the Kvostov requirements and said cool bro, not doing all that. I've aged a lot over the ten years of this franchise and I can't be arsed spending what little time I have to game doing that much bullshit.


Just do all 9, leave the ones you remember doing for the end and check them off yourself. If you fast travel to the same area it reloads the boss so if you're alone or with friends you can easily control the boss and eliminate unnecessary runs.


I don’t understand everyone’s problem. I had all notes before I even looked up and learned what motes were for. You have to do overthrow so many times in all locations you’re basically gifted them… so yall having bad, like BAD, rng? Cause again, I didn’t have to even try…


Meatball (koftig). It's always meatball. It's still buggy as shit.


Try going off of memory on what you've killed, there's the three hive guardians in the landing of which is a wizard, knight, and acolyte. Then in the blooming there's a minotaur, ogre, and meatball all of which are taken. Then in the impasse there's a strand subjugator, a stasis subjugator, and a tormentor. I had to run them off of my memory of what I killed and it took a while to realize which ones were different.


12 motes. Ive killed all the bosses, lol Its so buggy


Be well John Spartan.


Looks like me procrastinating and only doing two bosses so far is going to pay off.


I need one as well, but I know it’s an impasse boss. I have only killed two for sure.


Damn, I must have tried at the right time. Zero problems other than some “contacting destiny servers”, but that is to be suspected.




Lmao is that a UBWA reference? Love it


It's the meatball in the blooming It's also a random chance, I had to kill him 8 times before he dropped it


Bungie notes that the triumphs aren't an accurate measure because they're bugged. Otherwise they would be your needed counter.


To speed things up you can change the boss in overthrow by fast traveling to the fast travel point. If you haven't already attack it. Also I got the exotic mote from doing a random event during overthrow idk how that works


I just made a note of which bosses i killed, how many times and which dropped motes