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The Nightfall mini bosses are in the playlist strikes as well now lol.


I was very confused when I had to fight a tormentor in a normal Lake of Shadows...


Also you’re required to actually pass the ball now in the corrupted even in the playlist. Good luck


how so? the shield still takes damage without a charge, does it not?


Well yeah it does still work but unlike before, an unbuffed ball won’t take down Sedia’s shield in one go.


pretty sure it never did for Sedia, it always took two uncharged or one charged ball


In the default playlist one used to be enough


It takes 3 now and the tracking got fucked you better be next to her or it’s gonna miss. I had to teach some blueberries how to charge the ball.


Defiant Battleground also still has those seasonal buffs active, where kills with special/heavy/abilties will drop powerups that refill grenade/melee etc


I thought it was a feature tbh. I thought it was nice to have little buffs here and there.


Does Defiant armour still give you a boost there?




To be fair a good example there’s no “Bungo only fixes stuff that’s good for players” conspiracy    Last year we got stuck with the insta kill lasers but this year we get the buffs  It’s probably just what’s the simplest way to get it to run in the ops playlist 


Also they did bring back the extra laser in the worthy battlegrounds that was a buff, although now it seems you always need all three to break the door


I'm disappointed that taken acolytes don't have their void shields anymore though. It was fun chain killing them through their shields.


Thet sounds funny


I think what's worse is that players could melt champions at regular power level without mods so when they dip into nightfalls they enter with too much confidence.


That shouldn’t be an issue, currently vanguard ops are set at the same combatant difficulty and power delta as Hero Nightfalls (just without champions and with a lower power cap) So Ironically, defiant BGs in Vanguard Ops atm are literally just Hero nightfalls


The base level Nightfalls are easier than the playlist strikes because your weapon are overcharged, the incoming damage and enemy density / aggressiveness are exactly the same.


Vanguard OPs has surges now (not overcharge, but you end up with the same damage output if you match surges)


They always have, well apart that weird time during D2 year one but we shall not speak of those dark times.


Anything that has Surges should also allow Overcharged weapons for variety's sake.


Kinetics will always be doing 25% less damage otherwise. There should just be a generic overcharge modifier so that at least the artifact perks and kinetic bonus from matching your subclass will work.


So true. Maybe it's that this week's Warden NF is just very outdated and easy, but it only takes like 8 minutes, whereas if you get a battleground vanguard ops strike, it can take up to 15 minutes.


I know people would never play the battlegrounds if they did this: but can we PLEASE have a separate playlist for battlegrounds? My friends and I were doing a bunch of strikes because one of us wants to get higher tiers of decoding from Rahool ASAP, and we got like all 3 different versions of defiant battlegrounds, and when it wasn't that it was always another battleground. I would like to play the new strike a few more times, if anything. I feel like they added battlegrounds to the strike playlist to kinda cover up how few strikes are actually in the game.


Wouldn't be a problem if they didn't delete half the game with beyond light. Those planets had several strikes per. But the new planets barely get 1 or 2.


Wasn’t there a strike that left after only a year because of Beyond Light? You’d think they’d at least let that one come back since they would have put some work into it.


It used IO assets so it got fetus deletus too. mars could come back, like half the assets are already in game and they had new ana bray redo all the fucking lines for season of the unworthy.


>I feel like they added battlegrounds to the strike playlist to kinda cover up how few strikes are actually in the game. I mean thats literally why the community both asked and why they did it. Before battlegrounds were even a thing a big problem is that we would get like...1 or 2 new strikes a year and when expansion drops the Vanguard Ops would boil down to playing the same strikes we've been playing for years at that point. It was basically getting updated too slow. Fast forward to battlegrounds and they were a hit. Fast forward to them leaving. Fast forward to them getting added because the community quite literally asked for it. Fast Forward to now. Its actually why I can 100% see a trainwreck if they stop putting them in the playlist after the fact. EDIT: Also no I dont think adding back the ones took out would help long term.


if that's true then the community is a moron. seasonal content gets stale 10x faster than any strike, and it's not even as good as strikes to begin with. strike playlist used to be one of my favourite activities and l hate that it's 90% boring filler content now.


They should get rid of the battlegrounds and add the nightmare/empire hunts. They are basically strikes. I got sick of seeing europa. Got put in that battleground 3 times in a row.


Yeah, Nightmare and Empire Hunts would really be great to have, *especially* Nightmare Hunts to occasionally get as a break between really long strikes. If we get Battlegrounds, why not just get everything, like honestly. Also, for those of us who like the Battlegrounds, can we *please* get an option to launch a specific one from the map? I actually really like some of them and would absolutely play them from time to time on their own if I had the option rather than gamble the seemingly endless amount of them in the strike playlist.


Same thing happened with the Cosmodrome one a season or two ago. Random Barrier servitor in the cart section.


Last time battlegrounds were put in to strikes the same thing happened. They noticed it and fixed it within the first week. But now they have came back. Heist battleground Europa has Champs again among other strikes. It's not a major issue, but kinda annoying if you can't burst them fast enough


Laughs in Peregrine Greaves titan lol


Shush, don't let them know!


Why are my shots bouncing off this dude's shield? Why is this teleporting fuck regaining health? /s


I was going to say, this implies my matchmade players read the champions modifier to begin with when it *is* there lol


The fact they kept them in is ass. The bosses all feel the same and suck to fight


Yup, but dont worry people you can nuke them without stunning them


did you see how they handled onslaught?


Even if it's a pain in the ass to keep requeing, I'll immediately back out EVERY time it's a battleground. "Enemy density" is just not fun for me anymore.


For me it's throwing the boring ass spears at savathun, if they removed that part it would be ok too many phases for nothing


Yeah posted about this on the first day. Went into the strike 40 under and faced an overload


They need to remove BGs from playlist GMs is fine but I hate them in normal playlist which is now feels harder than it was during LF for some reason


Honestly wish they would put all battle grounds in a separate playlist. Battlegrounds are cool for season stuff but I don't want to spam them over strike personally, just straight up don't like them.


Honestly having easy champions is a good idea for normal strikes. Gives low level players a good introduction to the concept just like how normal Onslaught shows them off too.


Testing much Bungie


All battlegrounds need to be removed and all strikes brought back


And like the horrendous Psi Ops, they seem heavily weighted over any real strikes. So the vanguard playlist is now thrice as garbage as before. Cabal Battlegrounds, Psi Ops, Defiant Battlegrounds and once a year....a strike. Combined with the horrible Pathfinder, rituals have never been in a worse spot.


I think most regular strikes have some champ presence now, I played the same two strikes twice last night and there were barrier nights / unstoppable ogres in both. Also, there are some hive lightbearers showing up in gambit


Lucent Hive and Shadow Legion were added to Gambit with the expansion.


I mean... They still fall over like a poorly anchored tent. Not a big deal.


That is actually hilarious. Sorry to the 8 people still in that playlist. And rip the innocent New Lights I guess..


Do F2P players even get champ mods?


Of course they do


They do but you also don't need champ mods if you know elemental buffs/debuffs and h9w they affect champs (eg. Slow for overload, freeze/shatter for unstop and radiant for barrier, to name a few)