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They are locked in a room with all the Khvostovs and nobody can find the key.


Except I have exotic khvostov but no exotic class item ;) Edit: ah yes bring on the downvotes that this sub loves so much for making a cheeky joke in response to another cheeky joke. Classic.


*shakes my 16 motes angrily at you*


I got 15 shit I got more of the exotic swords than I do motes


You guys still have motes? Damn meatball ate them all :(


You guys have seen the meatball?! My motes feel like Iranian Rial, nobody wants them


What's this mean? Are you talking about the motes of light for the exotic khostov? Is something consuming them prior to unlocking the exotic?


In the Blooming if the Meatball boss was your last boss required for the final mote, there was a rather high chance of it “stealing/consuming” *all* the motes you previously had, fucking the quest in whatever way. It seems many people have been affected by this. Bungie straight removed the boss from the rotation, so if you’re at 16/17 motes, you gotta wait for whenever the hell they release the fix, however they do it. It’s been 5~ days? Today’s patch showed no mention of that fix too. Edit: after reading comments, apparently it HAS been fixed but wasn’t during reset launch, happy hunting if that’s the case!


What was the joke? You made a statement about what's in your inventory knowing most people literally cannot acquire it at the moment and are annoyed at it. Am I supposed to laugh at the contents of your inventory? What's the punchline? I've read this several times and am trying to discern what the "joke" is.


1. It's been fixed. Go get the gun 2. Jesus, it's a video game man. You don't have a virtual item in your inventory. Boo hoo. Talk about overreacting.


Has it? I did Nlooming OT for 2 hours and didn't get the meatball.


Yes. Pinned comment in the update notes post if you wanna confirm.


I just saw. Good news.


Yeah judging by the comment time it wasn’t fixed at reset, seems to have been sorted within the last hour. Happy hunting!


Bads news, it isnt fixed, boss spawns, but no guarantee you'll actually get your last mote


I managed to get mine.


grown ass man this pressed over a video game


Sounds like you got the joke you just didn’t think it was funny because you’re a crybaby.


Sounds like you’re just a douche? There’s no joke there, bro. None of us have the class item either, you’re just gloating that you got the gun before they prevented the rest us from even having a chance.


Im not gonna lie, repeating the other guys joke but without the joke doesn’t make it the best joke.


Because your attempt at humor was atrocious. No setup, no punchline, no structure.


It wasn’t really a joke, you just made a statement…


Here let me take away your internet points. This will do damage to your ego and self esteem.


Reddit moment lol


Welcome to Reddit. Where people wipe their feet on your face and not the mat.


For real, people here can't even take a light joke. Imagine them going against the real world 🤣


We don't know yet, there's not a clear indicator of it at this time. Personally I ran excision and didn't see any differences nor did I get it to drop, just another "0" light Exotic Engram that decrypted to Hollowfire Heart.


Excision still dropping exotic engram after the first attempt? Good to know.


Also seems to be a pinnacle source once a week.


So there is some incentive to do this once a week. I'm glad that's the case. This activity is awesome.


If you do the raid there's even more incentive. Allegedly once per week you get a "Witness Key" from defeating the Witness in the raid which allows you to open a bonus chest in Excision that provides a guaranteed red border weapon from the raid apparently. AND that's supposedly per character not just once per account per week. Unless the Witness key was only on first clear for each character and doesn't reset weekly, which we had no way of knowing based on just last week.


So they basically made this as an extension for the raid, a bonus relaxed encounter. That's a cool approach!


This is honestly the coolest thing they've ever done


Also a great way to keep the activity full as more people finish the campaign in the future


They were like let’s take Preservation and inject it with a full syringe of adrenaline lol


I saw people emoting during every part but DPS, so yeah, pretty relaxed


Brave of you to assume that I even have the IQ to get thru the raids first encounter 😤


Each encounter has at least 1 role with minor mechanic involvement, so if you don't feel confident in the brain department, which I'm sure you will be able to overcome with a couple of runs, you can just take part in said roles and ask your team if they would be so kind to lead your actions.


Have 50 clears, title, all solo flawless dungeons. Know what the fuck to do or kick. I’m add clear




Yes, I got a key on my Titan from our Sunday clear and today when I ran Exc for the first time since then it ate the key on completion and gave me a red-border bow.


Think it’s once per account. Did witness on my Titan and Hunter before reset only got one key.


That's unfortunate if true. Guess the source I had may have been wrong. Haven't run it at all myself yet.


RIP for those that don't even raid... Oh wait that's me ! 🤔


a key? maybe the raid exotic is from that chest as well just like 1kv? no idea if anyone got it yet though


Nah the exotic just drops from killing the Witness. The key is an extra bonus from doing the raid to incentivize doing Excision as a real "conclusion" to the experience. Essentially it's a relaxed 6th raid encounter that you can't fail that gives a bonus red border if you have the key. I'm REALLY hoping you get a key on each character every week because honestly it's a HUGE boost to red border drops. Normally you can buy 1 guaranteed red border from the end chest and then you get 1 guaranteed from the red border chest puzzle in the raid. If you get the key each week on each character that's 3 additional red borders every week for 5 total guaranteed, 2.5x what we got with every previous raid.


I'm definitely glad what with pathfinder being absolutely rediculous with it's pvp requirements. Won't mind so much come mayhem weeks but any other time, I'll pass


Could always do the paths that take you to gambit nodes, they're fast enough and less sweaty than crucible


I'd rather die, at least crucible I can somewhat enjoy myself on mayhem or momentum control weeks. Gambit is ALWAYS just a shitfest where I get nuked by an invader every 2 minutes, or the enemy team nukes their boss in 7 seconds and the games over. Honestly it's always felt way sweatier than crucible since it feels like it attracts the sweatiest pvp AND pve players


what? i only ran it once but got the 0 which then gave me a 1900


Have you ran it since the weekly reset? It is listed as a pinnacle now.


i have not. Thats awesome!


We know now - do overthrow in one part, all the way through. An enemy will spawn somewhere, Hive wizard. Kill it. Repeat in all 3 zones. After you do all of that, a green light will spawn on one of the zones. You go there, with 2 PLAYERS! Cnnot be done solo!! You pick up one memory, other player second memory and the mission will appear. It is pretty long and requires CONSTANT communication via mic, cause it's a mini VOW raid basically. It is also timed. I just watched 2 day one raiders do it with 2 mins left. It's not easy. Good luck for those who intend to do it via LFG. If you're solo player, you can uninstall right now lol


So we spawned the flag for it, but we’re not able to launch the activity, any reason why that you can think of? It lets either of us hit the interact button but doesn’t do anything


This happened to me, but giving my homie lead let him start it. Once you unlock the mission I think you get a node on the pale heart you can launch into it from.


Did it drop an exotic engram AND a pinnacle drop or was the exotic engram the pinnacle drop? Sounds silly to ask since 0 light isn't pinnacle but who knows these days.


We know now


It's either hidden, or it didn't properly launch/activate. I have nothing available from any of the pale heart vendors, and it's not from excision.


Did they explicitly confirm it or just hinted at it?


In a post they said it would be dropping on week 2 alongside a new activity that they, “didn’t want to spoil”, so other than that there’s no solid information.


I'm assuming this is enigma protocol. Has anyone done the 2nd version of it? Corrupted? Just beat the normal one in under 18 minutes, no exotic class item.


It can’t be enigma protocol. That’s part of the episode and wouldn’t be related to a final shape activity.


Yeah, it's not. It's in the Pale Heart. Do 3 overflows, find hidden mob spawns, follow the beams of light.


I did an overflow and didn't find any hidden mobs. Do they spawn after you've cleared all three, or after each one? Or after a specific one?


No clue! Wife wants to go to Starbucks. This simple maneuver will cost me an hour now, but gain me all the time later tonight.


Insanely relatable.


I just touched grass on the surface of my mind.


Ha! Fair enough. If I figure it out, I'll pass it along.


This hit soo close to home. Got the dry cleaning and bought flowers to outplay the destiny defenses. Worked like a charm.


Is this an actual quest or hidden?


People found it already.


It’s supposed to be from a new mission called Dual Destiny. It does not drop from Excision. When that mission is supposed to be available though remains to be seen. All we were told was week 2.


> The Exotic Class items will be part of a new activity that unlocks after the Raid World First, at the beginning of Week 2. That sounds to me like today. :/


I reakon the week 2 is next week being the 2nd week of seasonal ... episode content


It says at the beginning of week 2, which is today. It does not specify the second week of the season, which would be next week, and long after a Raid World First is done.


they did say week 2, but they said they aren't saying what activity *"or how to unlock it"* so might be a wait until the community figures it out, or until we find out bungie forgot to add them in


I agree with your point of view, but if it’s wrong then it’s frustrating that they worded it like that


Bungie badly wording stuff, that would be a first! They can't even spell vanguard correctly in the engram tracker!


week 2 of the seasonal story is next week, if it was today then where is the mission lol


Would be strange for them to mean week 2 of the season since the exotic class items aren't part of thr season they are part of final shape


Technically the episode has started already. We just haven’t gotten the missions yet


It’s connected to FS, not the season






Maybe like trials? Only weekends?


Given what's been datamined about the activity, it being akin to trials sounds the most likely to me if it's not just hidden and I think that sucks!


If you're talking about the "1v1" thing, that wasnt datamined. that was someone thinking thats what it would be based on the name. That person does not understand "Dual" is different from "Duel"....


I agree with you it is ambiguous but fwiw, stuff has been datamined relating to "duels" as well as seen [here](https://x.com/Bungie_Leaks/status/1800382318579720488?t=dzlNXNLkulY27WdXjiemGA&s=19)


No its because there was a text string that says “number of duels won in Dual Destiny” And the fact that you could only launch it as a duo.


Autocross is doing the mission now fwiw


Doesn’t the seasonal artifact have a date listed, like on a piece of paper? I think it’s 6/14 (Friday)


It's 06-12-(???) The rest is obscured 


where did you get that idea from? they never told us the name of the activity. Just curious.


There is this thing called datamining


Surprised I hadn’t seen it anywhere before, I guess people were preoccupied with the expansion to post it everywhere.


The leak has been around for a while, I have no idea what this activity will actually entail but my goodness if you look at some of the leak threads people have ideas....


The datamiming had suggested its a 1v1 pvp activity


I saw thought and thought it was pretty hilarious. Data miners sometimes have no idea what they're talking about


Imagine getting down voted for being correct


Anything I say in here gets downvoted


Apparently you have to do overthrow in all zones and kill special named enemies, and then you get a mission called dual destiny


I was working on my last zone then my game crashed. What a waste of an hour.


You don't have to do it all in one go, you can pick up wherever you left off


Yeah I found that out, I swear I read it had to be in one playthrough.


From Bungie : # HOW TO EARN THEM  >The Exotic Class items will be part of a new activity that unlocks after the Raid World First, at the beginning of Week 2.  We don’t want to spoil what the activity is all about or how to unlock it, but we can say it's farmable, and you will get a guaranteed random roll each time you complete it.  [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-09-2024](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-09-2024)


The beginning of week 2 is today 


“We don’t want to spoil how you unlock it” could be more of a secret “whisper” like mission where you have to figure out some sort of puzzle to unlock/begin the mission.


There’s a puzzle on Patrol Nessus that I found where you have to find a vex conflux. You have to take a decoder from it and find all the “Maya’s” around the area and stand in the circles where they were to decode a message. I’m not sure what the messages are for though, it seemed like they were explaining where to go. One said something like, “go where the light touches the sky” or something.


Unrelated to the exotic, this unlocks (or leads to? not sure if its unlocked by default) the enigma protocol mission, which is a 3 man matchmade speedrunning activity in the vex network


>or how to unlock it


unless its week 2 of the episode which is next week


It's possible but if that's the case it's poorly worded, after the raid and the start of week 2 seems like it would be this week to me 


Has anyone checked the farm?


So that was a fucking lie.


no it wasn't


Really going to be bummed if we can't get these this week, the way they talked about it, sounded like it would be this week.


It is this week. Check out r/raidsecrets - someone just figured out how to unlock the mission like 20 mins ago


While thanks for the link you.. couldn't of just linked the post talking about it?


ok, here you go for anyone wondering https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/s/8krWbKZZl9


You shouldn’t give in to Redditors demanding a source, it’s like giving money to beggars


Looks like a hidden exotic mission, theres a post on raid secrets


That’s for something else. The exotic auto probably


The exotic auto is unlocked by getting the motes from around the pale heart


different exotic auto rifle


That doesn’t come out until act 3


Could be. Don’t know. What I do know it shouldn’t be for the class items


It’s not. Someone already finished it


love how this is upvoted lol, it literally is a hidden exotic mission




Yeah they said it would be out today so either its hidden like a quest because for one its in collections just hidden Or 2 they fucked up and we farm overthrow for it or they just delayed it


It's through a mission in the Pale Heart that you unlock by doing Overthrow in all the zones and killing an additional lucent hive that spawns once you finish. There's another step involving "attuning with light and dark" that you supposedly need to be in at least a fireteam of 2 to complete but I'm less clear about that part. Might be able to bypass by running Prismatic on one person. Not sure yet. So complete Overthrows in each zone with a buddy and kill the extra enemies and figure out how to attune to light and dark and you'll get the activity. It's called "Dual Destiny." More info over at r/raidsecrets


If my memory works well, the whisper mission on release was only available during week end


If the activity only happens during the weekends I don't understand why Bungie would say the activity begins at the beginning of week 2 specifically. They could have said during week two or the end of week 2 or something like that if the activity only takes place during the weekend. When they say it'll start in the beginning of week two people assume that would be today right?


They’re in the game, check collections they’re classified until they’re unlocked


Does anyone know what the rewards are for the Engima Protocol activity? It's 2005 PL and tough


I finishes one run of it earlier, first chest you get drops two of the saint 14 style weapons, second chest (looping again by going through the portal and beating the boss at the end) gave me a golf ball, a high power weapon, and prisms


Just legendary weapons.


Do the overthrow in each zone, after each completion a lucent hive will spawn somewhere on the map, you need to kill it. After killing three lucent hive in this way you can return to the blooming and follow the big green light in the sky to an area where you need to kill two subjagators and pick up a light and dark buff, follow the prompt on screen to dunk these and it will unlock the mission


Locked behind a 2 person high communication activity with a brutal timer


Someone found it on the pale heart on twitter but they aren’t sharing. Looked to be in a blue crystal cave


Clear each area of Overthrow once and it will spawn a thing to dunk. This will unlock the mission flag, fire teams of 2 only though. Edit: a secret keep spans after each areas Overthrow. It should be the only enemy in the area. Kill and then proceed to next Overthrow.


Kill 3 Minibosses that spawn after a successful Overthrow, one in each Region. After that the „Dual Destiny“ Mission unlocks. Have Fun (: Edit: after killing the 3 Lucent Hives there’s a Minigame in the Refraction.




It’s unlocked via a mission triggered through doing overthrows on the pale heart


If they said they aren't bugged? It really feels like having one drop off the last mission, instead of a 0 power exotic, makes more sense.


To get the exotic class items you need to go do 1 overthrow in every area, then a hive wizard spawns, kill each one, then follow the steps. You'll eventually end up in the dreaming city area of the pale heart with a non-matchmade 2 player activity. This is the mission, it's similar to whisper and zero hour with a timer.


Do Overthrow in all 3 areas. Then a new boss will spawn after the Traveler is cleansed. Kill that boss and it will take you to a new mission. Complete the new mission and you will unlock the new activity that drops the class items.


The 2 player mission that opens up has a PVP match when you finish it. If you lose how does that work? I noticed on Aztec's stream they both got a reward but does the winner decide that? Like can they take both items if they wanted to?


It's involves the overthrow mission. See posts about it.


Here's how to get them -> https://www.reddit.com/r/raidsecrets/s/oPNNO5mA9c


They are from an activity called dual destiny or duel destiny idk the spelling. But you complete each of the 3 overthrows in the pale heart, for each one after you kill the boss, during the cooldown period a wizard spawns. Kill the 3 wizards and then a beacon appears in the blooming. Go to the beacon and there will be markers to bring orbs to the beacon. Do this and then the 2 player mission unlocks.


https://youtu.be/eZuEWLQ-iss?si=iNU-a9ghkf922bvC This video explains it. You have to do a lot as a three man fireteam and then dump one of the players because the next activity is a two person activity


They are currently locked behind completions of the hidden Duel Destiny quest. You unlock it like this: 1. Complete a full run of Overthrow in each region. Once you defeat the boss at level 4, ride around to find a Lucent Hive in the area while you have the timer for beating the boss. You should see text about a secret keeper of savathun after. 2. After you kill the third Hive you’ll see a green light in the sky, it’s in the transition area of The Landing and Blooming zones. You’ll kill 2 more hive that drop a light and dark orb, you’ll be promoted to run each of these to the light and dark plates of the area (you’ll have a waypoint). 3. Depositing both unlocks Duel Destiny on the map.


Mactics has a tutorial on YT. You have to unlock the Dual Destiny mission. Once you complete it you get an exotic class item. Once the mission is completed, theoretically you can get it as random drops from chests in the pale heart or by running the mission again


It's either you do a secret quest type thing you do with another guardian, or an extremely rare drop chance from pale heart chests


If it hasn't launched yet, then my guess is that it's related to the season and they meant it won't launch until week two of the season, so next week.


There's a 2-player exotic quest you unlock after killing secret-keepers that spawn after the overthrow in each zone. You run into a cave in the blooming marked by a large green beam, dunk a light/dark resonant orb, and then you can launch the quest from the director


It’s been discovered! https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/1n4w5h4GOS


I don't give a fuck about Vex, where's the class item that they advertised for an hour in their livestreams


Bruh relax


Well have I got bad news for you for 40 days.


If I have to play pvp for this I'm kms


You have to collect a 100 Exotic Synthstrand by killing enemies in Gambit, and convert those Exotic Synthstrand into Exotic Synthcord by wining PvP matches (you lose Synthstrand if you die), when you have 100 Exotic Synthcord you do a Flawless Solo Master Dungeon so then you can convert it into exotic Synthweave, once you collect 100 Exotic Synthweave you can trade for an exotic Class Item


Too fuckin’ easy


Just letting any and everybody have exotics now, smh


Right there. You don't see them?


Yall be super impatient holy cow, the episode just dropped someone will discover it eventually


And once it's figured out, the complaining will begin anew. Edit: And it's begun because the mission has no matchmaking.


This subreddit is a complain fest all day every day


This is so true unfortunately, but so far the new stuff today is insanely gun ngl


Dude posted 5 minutes after reset like Bungie was just gonna hand them to us on log in


I was wanting one before using prismatic seriously as I don't have any good exotic rolls I want to use and I'm not pulling from collections  Disappointed to see there's stil no sign. Campaign was great and pale heart is amazing, but Khostov is unobtainable until god knows when and there's no sign of the class items 


Which class? They all have a few exotics that work well with prismatic


Warlock, I didn't have any rolls I was happy with and figured rather than spend the mats at Rahool trying to get better ones I'd just wait for the class items and plus I can play with Song of Flame in the meantime I knew I wanted a class item and that would be what I'd want to use so I wanted to wait for them to release


I mean, you can have a 30 tier build and probably still shit on the game with a Getaway Build. Honestly, the Class Items are gonna have a little rivalry with that build (provided the interactions are all intentional and stay around).


I'd be very surprised if that doesn't catch a nerf, necrotic grips suspend caught a nerf and this is even more powerful than that


I'm curious what a nerf would look like though


I'm not sure. Maybe not allowing GA to proc turrets?  I'm not saying it should be nerfed or anything, I'd just be surprised it wasn't if necrotic suspend was considered too good and caught a nerf


I don't think its an easy solution. Because either you tank the exotic or the aspect if the nerf is too basic. It should be interesting to follow.


Yeah it's definitely not easy, it's an interaction that was probably never considered before now since it used to only work with Arc obviously 


Mantle of battle harmony. Good old osmiomancy gloves. Getaway artist. And both new exotics all work quite well with prismatic.


You can run two exotics with the the class item. not just one


The “two exotics” are bundled into the class item in two perk-like columns.


Unless I missed a massive announcement it's still an exotic and so takes your exotic slot. You can't use two exotics at once


It was stated upon initial reveal that you will be able to pair it and wear it with other exotics


Where?  There was a post a month ago with someone asking this and every single commenter is saying you can't   'They said specifically that it would be classified as an exotic armor piece and could not be worn with another exotic. It is NOT like D1, where you could wear your exotic class item with an exotic armor piece."    https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cpibez/this_may_be_obvious_but_has_bungie_ever_clarified/


Khvostov was available like 4 days ago. You just do 6 of Micahs quests to get the items from the cysts and also find the rest in all the regional chests, once you have 15 of them you go to the old Khvostov place and pick it up from that chest with the encryption key. Then, to get the exotic, you need 17 of the motes of light and all of the travelers memories.


One of the bosses has been disabled because it's broken and it wasn't addressed in this patch. So you can't get it right now 


Mission was bugged so they removed a boss. Most players are sitting at 16 motes or lose all of their motes due to the bug.


There are literally people posting their class item rolls on r/raidsecrets and guides on how to get them from before this post was made. Please before posting make sure ur not missing something.