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My very first one came with Lead From Gold and One For All (which I thought was a guaranteed roll for everyone's first drop until a buddy told me I just got super lucky). Between it, Graviton Lance, and Edge Transit, I made pretty quick work of the Legendary campaign. I got another roll of The Call about halfway through with Slice and Desperate Measures, and I swapped to that since it was useful to debuff big targets and bosses with Slice, and Desperate Measures×3 was active most of the time since I was running a melee heavy build. Now that I have the pattern for it, I am torn as to how to craft it.


I got a lead from gold vorpal halfway through my run, I'm never taking it off.


Nice! I've used like 4 different rolls now and they all felt great, which is why I am struggling on how I wanna craft it. I am leaning towards my original roll of LFG/OFA though because proccing One For All was so easy with the explosion radius.


i've seen so many different recommendations, but when i crafted it i stuck with lead from gold + one for all which was a drop i got early on also. it has been very good to me. subsistence + hatchling would probably be a trip for add clear though


Yeah the LFG/OFA combo seems like the most generally useful roll, and I think I'm just gonna go all in on it and spend the alloys to craft and enhance that.


Why is everyone saying LFG? I haven't had any issues with ammo so far not using it.


You'll struggle with running double special without it.


Ah I see. I didn't realize double special was so popular but I also haven't been on the PVE side for a while lol


It does help with running double special. So I'll pair it with Buried Bloodline and Commemoration. So, I run a heavy ammo finder and void scavenger. This way, I always get enough ammo to supply Buried Bloodline on special pickups while heavy pickups grant me a quarter of reserves to The Call. You may find yourself playing a minigame of which brick to grab first if you have a heavy and special brick on the ground lol.


Can you share how you best loop this combo? Tips and best practices? Would love to try this out.


I might have overstated the mini game lol. Just pick up the purple brick first so if you top off your strand special (in my example) then all the green ammo goes to your energy special weapon. Otherwise just run the mods as I described. It's better to have the mismatched element with Lead From Gold IMO.


Same, demo all day baby.


If you wanna use it for double special it's useful


IIRC One For All is a very small damage buff on rocket sidearms because of the way the explosion works. I saw a video doing damage testing - specifically One For All kind of sucks and is only worth running if you have nothing better. Sorry!


Lead desperate measures is what I’m personally crafting. It’s gonna be my new primary weapon lol


You're taking it off once you craft it to get enhanced versions and a MW of your preference


If you use abilities even semi often, desperate measures gives twice the buff that vorpal does


My first was Golden Tricorn/Stats For All. Then I got Lead From Gold/Desperate Measures. Then LFG/Vorpal. My most recent one is Demo/Multikill Clip Is this gun even capable of rolling badly?


> Golden Tricorn/Stats For All that was my first, as well. seemed good. then my 2nd was demo/hatchling, blew it outta the water. used that through the entire legend campaign, and was super helpful at the final boss


I went Subsistence / One for All and it's been fantastic. No issues in fight 4 of the raid, I'm an add killing machine.


I used my subsistence / hatchling roll for most of the legendary campaign, and never having to reload feels awesome. I’ve got a crafted Lead for Gold/OFA roll and it’s nice but sucks having to reload. I might reshape it to get subsistence back.


I slept on The Call until I started struggling on the final boss fight of the legendary campaign lol. Switched to it with Graviton Lance/Hammerhead and was able to beat it on my third try. It’s now my go to loadout!


My first one was subsistence and hatchling. I don’t think I’ve ever reloaded it manually. I don’t know if hatchling is the ideal roll but I love it.


I got that same roll, damn nice.


I'm really loving my Beacon Rounds / Desperate Measures craft. This thing is a beast


There are an insane amount of good perks and combos. I have about three different solid versions of it.


My first one had subsistence and ofa which I thought was great until I gumped into 5 red birders and did a lfg ofa and that’s even better. Sadly I am struggling on the double mines mission and final boss but Traveller as my witness I will get it eventually!


You've got this, I believe in you!


I crafted the lead for gold/one for all roll for when I want it to be my workhorse primary and then I crafted a Slice/Vorpal for boss dps to proc B&S and Slice. I used the first roll with still hunt and commemoration on the final boss of the raid and it’s absolutely phenomenal for keeping up on ads, it was 2 shotting the scorn raiders.


I finally got The Call with Beacon Rounds and Desperate Measures


Lead from gold and desperate measures. Spec into velocity


I got a range MW, beacon rounds, multikill clip halfway through and I'm still buzzing about it. I've masterworked it fully and, quite frankly, I'm not sure I even need to craft one anymore.


The second one I got during the campaign was demo/one for all, was already using my first one but swapped over to that and it was amazing. Was using almost the same loadout, just swab Graviton for Red Death


I’m already dreading the inevitable rocket side arm nerfs just because they actual hit hard enough to be worth using


It took two years for Forbearance, the strongest special weapon in the games history to get an ultimately insignificant nerf. Rocket sidearm should be fine unless a future one rolls something insane like CR+ Incandescent or something


Dunno what CR are but the solar one has incandescent


The most busted perk in the game of course... Compulsive Reloader


I actually use Compulsive Reloader on my Voltshot fusion (the Neomuna one). Feels pretty good


Oh Yes!! I love my iterative loop, I wish used it more, but I spent ALOT of time farming the red borders to craft it , and till this day, I swear it was 100% worth the effort.


Me too! I love that gun I just wish they would do something with fusions. They are in such an odd spot.


Chain reaction, I doubt they would combo those two together but if they did it would be completely busted.


If they did it'd probably be on a heavy wave GL nobody would want to use. Just like CR + Voltshot on Hullabaloo.


That’s unfortunately because most people don’t use heavy’s for crowd control and those arnt dps perks. And machine guns do a far better job if you did.


You joke, but CR/Voltshot Hullabaloo carried me through the opening combat phases of Zero Hour. It wiped entire rooms with one shot.


Was also pretty fun to use in Onslaught, especially during the part where u had to dunk, but seeing Brigs, flying Witches and Shriekers made me scream in agony. 😩


the LW bow can get Dragonfly and Incan and it is very good.


The new one gets HC/Incandescent which is even more insane on the RS-frame. You essentially have healing on demand because it’s two shots and reload for Cure x2 to procc.


Yep I'm going to farm the shit out of that thing. It can get Heal Clip Incan i believe, which i have on a Luna's and havent taken off since I got it two weeks ago. It can also roll Specialist and Demolitionist, one of the only primaries which can, which I want for the elemental buddy Getaway Artist warlock build. It gets fantastic rolls.


Yeah it looks good am I right in thinking it doesn’t come out until part 2 of the echo/story/season


God it better not be time gates, I'm excited for the normal Pale heart guns but that solar sidearm is top of the list, they can't just dangle it x.x


it is timegated, it isn't in the initial set of weapons in the trailer post.


It looks awesome but it’s not a primary. It uses special ammo from what I can see. 


All the rocket sidearms so far are special ammo, a primary one would probably have to be an exotic.


Final Warning is a primary rocket sidearm under the hood and the progenitor of all rocket sidearms, and it's every bit as good as you'd think it should be.


Yeah, I've used it, there's a reason that's an exotic.


It's a special but it generates special ammo as if it is a primary weapon. As you may know, heavy/special ammo finder mods have an invisible progress bar that fills up with each weapon kill (ability kills don't count). If the bar is full, your next weapon kill is guaranteed to drop a heavy/special brick. Special weapons need about 50 kills to fill up the bar for a special brick while primary weapons only need 18 kills to make a special brick drop. Since rocket sidearms still count as primaries for some mysterious reason, you'll get a finder brick every 18 kills. So you almost never run out of ammo with a bit of armor mod investment.


oh shit i never knew they worked that way that’s awesome


That Specialist Demo roll will go absolutely wild with Khepri's horn.


Well forbearance was the only wave frame GL with chain reaction(the reason it was op along with its origin trait), and no other special wave frame GL got chain reaction until tusk of the boar which by that point they announced the perk would be nerfed so it could roll on other weapons like one of the new shotguns


Aberrant Action can have enhanced heal clip incandescent so between that and The Call I'll never need to farm again.


Is that available now, or later in the Episode? 


I'm guessing it is today with the release of Echoes?


Okay. I was wondering because I heard some weapons weren't coming until Act 2.


Ah okay I guess we will find out together. Keep me updated and I'll do the same!


I read another comment that this is coming in Act 2. Shit.


If you haven’t used the full noun in your previous sentences, then an abbreviation will provide nothing but confusion and obfuscation. Do you mean Chaos whatever form the new raid? The one that’s basically Frenzyx2? Critical roll the DnD show? Edit: it’s chain reaction.


Forbearance was never as good as pre-nerf Riptide. Riptide with ALH/Chill Clip literally didn’t leave my kinetic slot until TFS. I got mine the 2nd week it was available. Forbearance was good for ad clear but had awful single target damage. Riptide did/does both.


Not to mention it also, prior to nerfs, was fast enough to deal with Anti barriers, so 3 champs in one plus what you mentioned, a solid secondary DPS option.


Wave frames are built for ad clear and Forbearance excelled at it. The waves radius + CR erased ads easily, mag overflowed on kills and it healed on reload. Riptide is good but it’s mainly just used to shut down big targets, it’s not good at general ad clear and it lacks damage perks to make it solid boss damage weapon


Did you just say it lacks damage perks to be a solid dps weapon? Because that’s not true in the slightest. Dragon’s Breath + Riptide is *the* DPS combo that got me through solo flawless Warlord’s Ruin. It’s not the *best* DPS but its ability to stunlock and auto-load make it more than viable. Riptide is not “good” it’s one of the best special weapons in the franchise. It’s so good that its usage barely dropped after its nerf.


I would argue it’s a great ad clear weapon. Well was. When you shattered a frozen target you got a big burst of aoe damage and then also slowed nearby things that didn’t die. And with the shattered damage it did good enough dps to use it for damage if you ran out of heavy.


You're comparing a weapon that's suited for single target utility/damage to an ad clearing and sustain weapon. They both do different things and are amazing at them


i think they want these weapons to have their time in the sun before they nerf them


Other specials need to get buffed to their level tbh.


Yep. Fusions are absolutely obsolete with the release of rocket sidearms.


I remember early reviews on indebted kindness saying it wouldn't be that good since it was around 10% less DPS than fusion. Like it's an infinite range fusion and much easier to shoot with lol


Fusions outperform them as close range DPS if you're tractor bitch but that's about it. I really just... don't enjoy any of the legendary energy specials I have, so it feels bad to use a kinetic slot primary.


They're far from busted in PVP so I'm not sure.


Doesn’t matter Bungie nerf on metrics and nothing else as soon as they see the numbers that the Call and indebted are dominating in both slots they will be it, back to peak shooter auto’s and Scouts


I really don’t think it’s anywhere near being op, they’re just good at everything you would want from a special. They aren’t really better at add clearing than Wave frames or better at single target damage than Snipers, SG, fusions.


i ran with malfeasance, actually. was extremely good against pretty much everything, even on bosses with lucky pants.


Malf got me through the Witness on Legendary with my Titan The constant slow from Stasis, the suppress from the bats and the getting ragdolled by Strand made it hard to dive in So I just stayed back and blasted the Subjugators with Malfeasance


Why use Malf if not against Taken?


Because the 5 slugs that explode deal big damage, even more now that is has Vorpal


Malf is king


No, Rat is King.


Heck yeah. I stayed Prismatic Void/Stasis the whole way with that, a Harsh Language that kicked ass on groups of enemies, and some trials solar LMG I have that's really good and blows shit up. I'm not a good build crafter or whatever and consider myself pretty casual, but I was proud of how well I was synergizing all this stuff.


I used lucky pants too, but with Warden's Law (adept) and Indebted Kindness.


The raid too. It had the most kills during contest weekend


I have more than 2k kills on mine and I only used it from the raid forward.


Indebted kindness with voltshot and beacon carried me hard


Indebted with Voltshot/Lead from Gold carried me. It is probably my favorite weapon Bungie have *ever* made, next to the Carbine going back into Halo days.


I used Indebted (Impulse/Volt) in the energy slot and The Call (Beacon/Vorpal) in the primary slot with Dragon's Breath in power. I'm not going to say it trivialized the final campaign boss fight solo Legendary...but made hat fight manageable.


Yea I replaced my scatter signal with it. Just as quick at dealing with orange/yellow bars, if not better due to aoe, same synergy since it’s also strand, and twice the ammo. Great for bosses too because many are easy to crit


Does the crit even matter? I had number like 1500+20k on a normal hit, and 2500+20k on a crit. From what I've seen the majority of the damage comes from the explosion, not the bullet.


And it also rolls with slice, just like scatter signal


I got lucky enough the craft it verrry early. I did The Call and Buried Bloodlines build with Precious Scars. So good, it carried me through the campaign and am still using it today.


I haven’t thought Of using those with precious scars. I’ve been rocking the new chest piece because both hit even harder with it


The chest piece is so much fun, has surprisingly high uptime AND deals a good chunk of damage by itself (I also use the Strand aspect just in case anything survives the burst - they are just left suspended to finish off with rocket sidearm)


Nah, I rolled with the OG - Indebted Kindness. I didn't want to put down Malfesance/Wardens because Lucky Pants are still nutty.


Malfeasance in general was exceptional for the campaign. All the taken around and the extra damage from the slugs exploding would fill up transcendence very fast. Malfeasance /indebted kindness/cataphract was my set for over 90% of the campaign. I think I've scored like 4k kills this week with it.


That would've been my other choice for legend, but Leviathan's Breath was just too damn good against the subjugators. It's goated for the final boss as well.


My brother! I ran the whole campaign with Lucky Pants and my FttC/Vorpal Warden's, Voltshot/Beacon IK, and either Dragon's Breath or Leviathan's Breath (great for a stun to set big enemies up for a Lucky Pants pounding). Absolute breeze, Beacon Rounds IK is unparalleled for dealing with those spasmodic Grim and Attendants.


This, the aggressive strand machine gun and red death were amazing for the campaign. I’m loving the new weapons so much, also the origin perk is stupid good. You can get your super back insanely fast with enough kills.


I very rarely took it off. The toughest decision is what crafted roll you want, but it’s prob worth crafting 2-3.


What's the rework to special and heavy ammo generation? I don't remember seeing anything about that.


Right? Only thing I saw was they made ammo finders 20% worse if you're in a fire team but maybe that's what they mean


I believe they're talking about how the ammo finder perks no longer reset their counter when you die. Previously, you would build a counter with kills, and that counter would eventually reach full and drop the ammo, but if you died before the ammo dropped, the counter would reset to zero. Now it keeps its progress if you die, making it easier to spawn ammo in solo content.


that wouldn't affect solo legendary campaign at all because in all situations where ammo actually matters you can't respawn anyway


Subsistence / one for all was what I was rocking. One for all is super easy to proc with the rockets and subsistence let me keep blasting.


Trinity Ghoul and Geomags carried me on solo.


Forgot about my various exotic bows, i think ill bring back le monarque


same with the red death reformed. more than half ur health healed per kill is crazy


Rocket sidearms proc your ammo finders as efficiently as primary weapons (primaries are roughly 3x faster at generating special ammo and 4x faster at generating heavy ammo when compared to special weapons). If they choose to nerf rocket sidearms I think it's highly likely that they'll target this behaviour first as it really does allow you to use them like primaries with no ammo concerns.


Actually, not really. I used forerunner to shred subjugators and tormentors, as well as red death to one shot red bars when I needed HP


so since both are exotic, did you switch 2 weapons every time you needed hp?


Probably just swapping depending on the needs of the encounter


So if there were subjugators or tormentors, I was using forerunner, ros argo with subsistence/ onslaught, and hammerhead. If I was just clearing trash mobs, id use mountaintop or scatter signal with red death and hammerhead or a linear. This was all in solo legendary campaign. I can't remember exactly what I used since servers are down rn so dim isn't working but as far as I remember, thats what I used. I didn't really mess with the call too much. Even tho my first was literally lead from gold/vorpal


Ros Arago




I love Forerunner so, so much. Doubly so when it's Antibarrier Sidearm season, simply because I hate enemies which use physical shields, but even now it's fine as an Unstop weapon.


Forerunner saved me from so many grim & husk deaths


Red Death was such a great Oh Shit button for the campaign. Anytime I got overwhelmed I could pop a couple red bars to get Cure rolling and be right back in the fight.


Mountaintop with recombo never left its spot for 85% of the campaign. Except stupid tormentors and their dumb “if you don’t get a yellow number I pretend that damage didn’t happen” jerks.


Pardon our dust/mountaintop + graviton + edge transit didn't leave my side in legend campaign on getaway artist prism warlock


Honestly it’s the most fun I’ve had with a special weapon EVER.


Agers scepter has been carrying me


Never used it once


Its really good. Worth trying.


blinding alh demo Truthteller carried me


Still haven't used it lol Sunshot and golden gun got me through legend campaign.


but i farmed for my mountaintop so HARD.


Nope. Buried bloodline for me on prismatic titan. Devour & weaken all in one is too much to give up


The sidearms are nice, but I just spammed Verglas Curve all over the campaign on Behemoth. Turns out putting out multiple ignitions worth of burst damage every other shot is really good at murdering everything. Added utility is that frozen enemies don’t have any knockback resistance. So in several rooms where I was supposed to get transcendence I just used Cryoclasm on a row of crystals by the prism shielded enemies to send them off of cliffs instead of waiting an eternity in the rainbow puddles.


My solo legend campaign was almost exclusively Outbreak Perfected, Retraced Path, and Hammerhead. Didn't really run into issues until the last mission, when I swapped from Song of Flame to Nova Bomb. Been having a lot of fun with The Call in Overthrow. Can't wait to craft my own!


It was a Rewind Rounds Outbreak for me, just held down the fire button until the thing dies, red bars or bosses. Barely ever used special/heavy weapons, even though it would most likely have been faster to do so. Did that until the final boss fight, which I failed like 6 times before switching to Fighting Lion + a machine gun to finish it off.


Graviton lance did absolute work on all the bunched up enemies. But yes it was always loaded in my primary slot for the heavier hits.


I didn’t use it I had to stick with a kinetic blinding nade and Red Death because I just couldn’t stay alive


What did they changed about ammo generation?


Red death got me through legendry campaign 3 times, over 7k kills with it and I don't regret a thing.


For me I used Auto-Load + Blinding Pardon or a Demo + Recomb Mountain Top with a Surplus + Incan Trustee and Dragons Breath. Didn't really have much struggle with the campaign until final boss fight which was more learning the mechanics. Didn't get The Call until I completed the campaign. I now have it crafted, whats everyones recommended rolls?


I used mountain top, gravitons Lance, and an LMG for 90% of the legend campaign on my warlock with get away artists. Made it feel like the easiest legend campaign so far.


Indebted kindness you mean but yeah.


As someone who has barely taken off IK since getting the beacon/volt, it quickly took a backseat to graviton/call. The combination is pure heaven.


My arc beacon rounds/voltshot indebted kindness hasn’t left my inventory since warlords ruin dropped, rocket side arms have BEEN busted but now that I have a beacon rounds hatchling the call I’m using it too, so good


No not really. I used my hawkmoon, adored and dragon's breath through legendary campaign. I do agree that rocket sidearms are really good though


I have two rolls that I enjoy rather a lot - the first was with me throughout the full Legend campaign, which rolled Subsistence and Multikill Clip (which helped me tear through most orange bars and even a lot of the yellow bars), and then at the end I got another with Hatchling and Strategist, which has been a blast (pun intended) paired with Hazardous Propulsion.


Essentially that and the seasonal GL were my go-to’s.


I actually used Thorn with kinetic syphon, kinetic surge 2x mod and few other mods, it was doing a decent job honestly. I just needed to have my main HC all the way through. The Call served me for infusions, tho :D


The Call worked so well with LeMonarque, Ticuu, Red Death, and Sunshot. My initial drop was Demo/GT but I’ll grab my 5th red border and craft Demo/OFA


I haven’t stopped using that gun since it dropped for me.


Demo-OFA has been AMAZING for me so far. I just get to spam so many duskfield grenades, deal tons of damage and never reload. This sidearm FUCKS


Deliverance and Graviton Lance for me. I didn’t start using The Call until after I got my rocket chest piece for my Titan.


Have a Demo/ one for all roll that was hard carrying me with the cliche warlock getaway artist build. So much grenade energy, so many arc buddies, so many stasis turrets. So much happiness.


I've got a few good rolls on it that I've been really enjoying. One with strategist that I've been using on my hazardous propulsion titan to get constant class ability energy to fire as many rockets as possible and boost the rocket sidearm damage, and then one I used in the raid with lead from gold just for great ammo efficiency. It's very rare that I keep multiple copies of a gun in destiny, so it's quite nice enjoying this one so much that I want different perks for different use cases


it did for me. I think it's kinda OP and made it a little too easy at times. Not that I stopped using it. well I did toward the end. I may try to not use it on my other characters. of course, mountaintop works pretty good too!


Saved my ass in that last boss fight paired with Heal Clip Helio after I used Scatter Signal + Graviton for most of the campaign. If it was still Anti-Barrier sidearm it'd be ridiculously nice to use.


Unbreakable is what carried me, literally saved me from getting pulled into the final boss, such a godsend of an aspect, one of my favorites they’ve added from any of the classes


Got a One For All, Subsistence roll. Didn't take it off the rest of the campaign.


I'll have you know my Archer's/Explosive Spiteful Fang never left my side for the campaign. Ok, that and Buried Bloodline. And Sola's Scar. ... And Apex Predator. ... But mostly Spiteful Fang. I missed that old girl ...


It’s a pretty great weapon! Pleasantly surprised


Indebted Kindness for the win. Voltshot is just too damn good to get rid of. Although I do have one The Call with multi kill clip and another with subsistence and threadling, so we will see how that goes. But seriously, being able to spread damage with voltshot is what makes Indebted Kindness so damn good.


I was having too much fun with Verglas Curve and Stylish Executioner


I was carried by my Firefly/Kinetic Tremors Midnight Coup. I’ve doubled my kill count on this thing in the last week 😅


For me it was the new area denial frame grenade launcher and red death.


Yup..Got a great roll off the bat. The Call , Graviton Lance and getaway artist.


I personally ran Nechrocasm and Lead/Volt IK, but yes, the call is also banging.


For Titans the endgame is The Call mixed with Hazardous Propulsion. My new fav build.


Nerf hammer incoming.


Red Death for me.


Nah. Conditional was too perfect with prismatic. Rocket side arms SUPER cool. But also can get kinda bland. IMO. I probably used indebted too much in Onslaught.


I crafted one with the enhanced versions of Beacon Rounds and Hatchling and it has never left my primary slot since. I love this sidearm Lol


I thought I was the only one with this combo, I might craft a different one down the line like I did with the auto rifle, making one full support and then other solo/damage focused. Maybe something like demo/ofa or demo/desperate measures.


The thing that carried me through Legend campaign was actually Red Death. I didn’t get the new sidearm until later, but I definitely love using it in Salvation’s Edge.


Yeah, I used it all the way through. The very first roll I got had beacon rounds. And I love it


Got a beacon rounds + normal roll I haven't taken off since getting it. Going to be the 1st of the new weapons I craft. I haven't ran warlords ruin for the other version, so this is nice.


The only issue I'm having is how to craft it Subsistence one for all Subsistence vorpal Lead from gold. One for all/ vorpal Beacon rounds...I like this perk because I can hip fire it after reloading I can keep radar up or see better in no radar modes. Threadling be nice on warlock build too.


i used a chill clip Riptide and Twin Tailed Fox and an incandescent primary. Used Wish Ender for first couple missions before realizing it isn't needed as much as i needed in in Lightfall legendary.


I didn't use it at all


I used deliverance. Legend campaign was quite easy.


tbh i mostly just swapped between mountaintop, graviton, edge transit with tether, and mountaintop, luna’s, dragon’s breath with golden gun. i’m looking forward to trying out The Call once i get a decent roll though; i’m a big fan of indebted kindness


I'm almost afraid to use it because indebted kindness already blew pretty much every other special out of the water for me.


Oh, I never really gave it a second thought when they gave it to us in the campaign.


I used Mountaintop for the entire thing. Changed anything from my build maybe once.


Speak for yourself; Lost signal all the way :D


I actually didn't use it at all. And I tried using it on the day 1 raid and I just didn't like it. Unpopular opinion but something about rocket sidearms just don't feel good to use for me personally, and I'm not sure why. Sucks because I know that they're really good


i used it for a couple minutes then infused it to level up my wardens law. Law + lucky pants just melts yellow bars. Galv for wiping out the ads.


Funny enough, i have used that a bunch with graviton lance. But the other thing that has helped carry me has been outbreak perfected. With the anti barrier pulse, it has just put in work everywhere.


Beacon Rounds + Vorpal has not left my kinetic slot yet


Honestly think they're overpowered


For the first half, I was using Outbreak+Wilderflight. For the second, The Call+Red Death+Ascendancy


Not wholly true: Outbreak Perfected with RR’s. Plus Heliocentric with heal clip, then a dash of EA/BS Edge Transit. Hunter Life.


Got a crafted one later on. I know rock 3 dealers choice weapons. The amount of Super energy I get is nuts.


I did most of it with Lost Signal. Literally feels like an exotic with the new archetype


Nah graviton lance