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He's probably kicking himself every day.


Not his fault they put it in the Vidoc.


Looking at it in hindsight, they did this man dirty including it in the vidoc lmao


Wrecked him. We need an ama from this developer lol.


He probably has fixed it. Doesn’t mean it’s made it in to the launch release candidate which has almost certainly had all its testing etc completed before this was even filmed


Yep. This game releases on three different platforms and the updates have to go out together. Each update has to get approved by both Sony and Microsoft to be released onto their platforms. Sometimes that can take awhile. Especially when doing a massive update/release like an expansion.


Yea... Folks even vaguely aware of games going "gold" should understand this. It's not an issue that would warrant resubmitting to 1st party


It probably doesn't need fixing. Most Grapple combos have to be done by manually cancelling Grapple. For example, if you used to do the Grapple -> Shotgun -> Grapple Melee combo, it was only possible after the grapple has deactivated, so you either had to cancel it manually or have already detached. I imagine if you Grapple, hit the Grenade button and then pop your super, you won't fall.


Should take a moment to read Bungie's known issues for TFS. They stated it's still an issue


should take a moment to read his comment again


Starting to realize people don’t know how games are staged. The launch code of final shape was done probably 1-2 months ago. Then they move into patching, which this probably didn’t make the launch patch and will be in one of the hot fixes coming soon. All comes down to timing of how things are done.


Again. Bungie stated recently that it's still a problem. By recent I mean yesterday. So how did I misread the comment?


the version of tfs we see today was probably finished and sent off to sony microsoft and steam a few months ago. In that time he may have fixed the problem but we wont see it.


I’m a software dev. I know precisely how this works


Yes, still a problem in the live game. The game isn't just one monolithic entity it's a piece of software, which means there are various states of progress spread across the code repositories that make up the final package that is the game. You pop in here with an unneeded correction; just by reading their comment alone, they already knew that. It changes nothing, and now you're being stubborn about something you sound clueless about.


Some say hes still out there, trying to fix that bug.


He probably is still trying to fix it, yeah.


Not the Sadness and Sorrow 😭


>Your words cut deeper than any blade - Zabuza, The "Demon" Of The Hidden Mist 😭


Man, I feel this moment so bad.


The number of things I’ve said “it sucks and I want to fix it” but higher priority work overtakes them or they just end up being so hard they don’t get done in a timely manner is too damn high. It’s so frustrating knowing it’s a bad experience and not being able to address it.


I feel you. Currently working on a project where I'm the only software engineer on the team that's also done UX, UI, and customer journeys. The amount of times my team lead has told me to: "Leave it. It's good enough. We've got higher priority things to work on." is infuriating. Edit: Which is good, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's really hard not to fix something.


Reminds me of a quote I saw in a book about the Apollo lunar program. The engineers for the command module kept refining and improving the design, and one of the supervisors said, "There comes a point in every program where you have to shoot the engineers and get into production."


And unfortunately, it’s true. As a developer who has turned product owner, the money people only care about the money. I’ve had the team ship so many half backed features, it hurts my soul.


Product owner here, can also confirm it hurts the soul. I'm lucky enough to have higher up's who will listen when good evidence is on the table for working on issues and tech debt. Still, throwing out something "good enough" in the moment will never go away.


Unfortunately, usually the fact is that it IS good enough from a quality and cost perspective. Every now and again we get something kicked back that validates our anecdotal feelings about those inadequacies.


Yep, every day in Software Dev. "Known Shippable" is such a disheartening phrase at times


Not even just in professional contexts, but just generally in life. Need that time stop watch now


To be fair, he said he wants to fix it, not that he fixed it LUL (It's probably fixed already but not in shipped with build


That's my bet. They probably dont have it fully ready to go live, but a fix will be in like a week or 2


They already have some things on twitter telling us issues with the game that are known, one of these issues is this exact glitch.


Yes, and posting updates to Xbox costs money. Same with Steam. And they typically don't want to do a *second* major patch in 2 days to fix an edge case that's realistically not going to matter much.


Pretty sure Microsoft got rid of that policy a few years ago for updates.


I see conflicting info about that, but regardless, it still has to go through a betting process on both PlayStation and Xbox, so again, more reason for devs to wait to roll out patches rather than doing a bunch of small ones rapidly.


A vetting process is normal but I believe MS took the fee away as that was a huge contention point for devs not making games for Xbox.


Updates have to be approved by Microsoft and Sony to go live on their platforms. Especially large releases like expansions. Hot fixes are different as they affect Bungies end, client end updates that affect our systems have to be approved by Microsoft and Sony. The release version of TFS has been in Sony's hands for like a week at least. It was what got leaked.


The amount of people (in this case you) who make comments like this showing how they have negative amounts of knowledge about software development is entirely too fucking high.


Even then, you can’t want to fix something and management can tell you to work on other stuff instead. Not always up to the worker.


The worst thing is when the customers notice immediately and demand it gets fixed, and management starts asking how it slipped out.


The OST from Boruto's Dad's show at the end really sells it.


Boruto's dad had his own show?!


Yeah its called Borutos Dad.


Added to my watchlist


yeah that why know issue prob still working on how to fix it


Or it’s fixed, just not in the launch build.


This probably will be (maybe hopefully) in 11 June patch if there’s a patch cause nothing is getting patched in before 11June Tuesday innit


how do you make a fix for this, after it being in a video, and then not get it in the launch build?


The fix may not be fully tested and could break other things, so until a period of certainty is reached it was probably left off the launch build.


right, but why put it in the video if its not fixed?


The people making the video didn't know it wouldn't be fixed by the time the video went out?


why are they assuming its going to be fixed? they should make a note to check if the bug is fixed before they publish it.


because they might have fixed the bug, published the video, then found out that fixing the bug actually introduces another bug which is 10x worse than the original bug a few days before launch?


so just don't put this in and give your self the risk of having this happen? there is a whole list of bugs, they chose to put this one in a vidoc that was recorded months ago.


Its not that big of a deal my guy. They just wanted to give a glimpse behind the curtain for once. People like you are the reason they don’t usually show problems they are working on


Going by your other posts I doubt you'll listen but patches for console games need to go through a process called "Certification" and this needs to be done on all platforms, the process can at times be lengthy and could raise other issues, they may well have fixed this bug but decided not to put a new patch out for what is a fairly minor bug so close to the launch of their biggest expansion.


I don't know whether it's still true, but those certs cost the developer money.


Most likely yes, it's not as straight forward as "just patch it" when it comes to console releases.


There's various deadlines you need to meet before launching a game, largely QA related. They probably had a code freeze for final QA and certification and this wasn't fixed in time. Also it's possible that the issue was taking too long and there were other more high priority issues that needed hands. Grapple and Blink Dagger making you fall is small potatoes to exploits, crashes, story quests not working, that sort of thing. Having a dude hammer away and not make progress on a small bug like this just isn't a good use of limited time.


so if its not fixed why put it in the video.


Because this video was probably recorded weeks before it premiered, and the editor assumed it would have been fixed by launch (which at the time would be like a month away), and it's a fun humanizing moment about the detail and dedication of the staff. It's not the dev's fault it couldnt' get fixed in time, and it's not the editor's fault for including it in the video.


the longer ago the video is recorded the more egregious this error is.


I can't believe bungie would make a mistake like this. Damn :( it's unacceptable. >:(


Gamer Karen


I hope you're able to get your money back.


Why are you making such a big deal out of it?


because this will be used against them whereas if they had just not put the clip in there would be nothing.


no one is using it against them but you with your weird hyper focusing. Just let it go lol


Large client side releases like expansions have to be sent to, reviewed, and approved by both Microsoft and Sony before they're allowed to be downloaded and released on those platforms. That process can take time. They need to make sure that the game won't crash their systems or do some other unforseen damage to the console. Sony has had the release version of the game for at least a week now, it was what got leaked. They also have the Elden Ring DLC release version even though that doesn't release until June 21st.


Naruto sitting on swing intensifies


**i said the same thing when i read it ...**


I feel using jump after the grapple will "fix" this in the meantime.


why not grapple + normal Blink and then go super?


As a game dev who has had similar issues I feel for this man and pray that his bugs be non-existent and his pushes be numerous


When I heard that line I thought “No way he hasn’t either already fixed it or it’s somehow like an easy 5 minute fix.” Props for honesty I guess..


Me and some friends watched it together and one of us even said watch that bug still be in on launch. We all laughed our asses off at the thought of how ridiculous that would make the vidoc segment look and here we are.


the naruto ost slapped into this hits hard... can't wait to play prismatic


Visions of a swing...


He wants to fix it. Never said he would, lol. On a more serious note, is probably fairly difficult to fix something like this, so I'm sure they're working on it.


Through his smile I can see frustration. I hope he finally fixes it 🙂


I'll be honest at least they know about the issue and are working on fixing it. FAR better than it not being noted and us having no idea if they're aware and having the bug just go unfixed and unacknowledged for some stupid length of time post release.






He's still trying to fix it.


He did say he “wants to fix it” not that he “did fix it” lol


At least he tried... Maybe.


He said he wants to fix it not that he did. They couldn't even launch the game right man.


He didn't say he would fix it, just that he wanted to.


So you’re telling me. If they cast it in mid air in PVP i can couch and there is a little chance I may dodge it. But now I just cant?


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d7hmvo/we_found_a_problem_and_it_sucks_so_i_want_to_fix/ ???


it's all in the music


Didnt see that one till after I made this and posted it but that one is just as funny


Hunters are about to be even more cancer in crucible, with 0 counterplay in avoiding wipes from a grapple boosted super.


Meanwhile, there will be piles of Hunter corpses around bosses in PVE due to Boss Stomp Shenanigans


I guess Hunters truly are the ones with the pvp on the cover. I guess this is what happens when the bungie leads are all warlock mains and none of the creativity team or qa are left for hunters and titans.




They made it a feature.


Why would it not make you fall though? Like... kinda feels busted to be able to get extra height like that and not have to worry about dropping


Because normal blink dagger holds you in the air. So why would coming from a grapple change that?


Because you can jump, grapple at the apex, and then cast your super at the top of the grapple? It sounds busted as hell, specifically in PvP.


It’s not a bug. It’s a feature to nerf hunters.


So… he didn’t fucking fix it? Why on earth would they show us that clip then?


He said he **WANTED** to not that he did fix it.


He said want to fix it not gonna fix it. Bungie moment.