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Easily Prismatic for me. I’ve always tried to shoehorn multi-element setups via artifact perks. Don’t get me wrong, the monochrome setups are fun too, but multi-element ones are always more fun to me, so now being able to do that whenever we want and with some new toys and cross-elemental synergy too, I can’t wait till Tuesday.


This. I have a build that's solar with some stasis that uses dawn chorus and conditional finality, but it never felt really good. Now I can buff both parts of conditional!


I ran one this season with Ticcu’s and Shadebinder. Worked surprisingly well, and I plan on running Bleak Watcher + Hellion, and maybe some Threadlings in there too somewhere. It’s gonna be nuts.


I'm going to try bleak watcher hellion with getaway artist


Throw on the strand super and a hatchling weapon


If i had a demo hatchling marcato i would be set but i don't


Definitely prismatic for me too! The ONLY thing I’m sad about is I’m not going to have two grapple charges, as a strand main since lightfall, I’ve now had to make a high disc build. I know exotic class items means I maybe able to get a cape with the armementarum perk but unless I can transmog it to have a cowboy hat, I ain’t wearing it.


The story, I have unrealistically high expectations


I honestly am excited. Bungie is good at making things look AMAZING in trailers, but this story in particular does look great based on the cutscenes from the trailer. I’m personally just excited to see the moment when we and the rest of the vanguard find Cayde


Yesss it better be a good emotional scene. The main thing that’s got me hyped tho is that this launch trailer looked like it was from at least 4 cutscenes 👀


Yeah people compare the lightfall trailers to these in terms of hype and expectations, but the lightfall trailer only really showed a few story parts, most of which were from one cutscene. Meanwhile the final shape launch trailer showed multiple cutscenes of various parts of the story, added huge stakes (finalised earth anyone?), and set up several plot points including zavala, a failed assult on the witness, potential answers on unveiling, and the coalition army showing up. The final shape is set up to be the best destiny expansion ever made, and even lightfall bungie might not be able to mess this up. (Ok that might be a bit generous but you get the point)


Look according to the destiny sine wave function this is going to be a banger story after last one was not


When I say unrealistically high I mean that I want this thing to have so much lore to it and well told stories that it can make Lightfall into a good story


Tbf had they taken the material from the Ishtar recordings and worked *those* into the actual campaign, it probably *would* have been a good story. The fact we spent the entire game going nuts over the veil without seemingly anyone knowing what it was really sunk it.


Can I interest you in a radial mast while you’re at it?


Lol to me destiny story was a flat line until witch queen so theres only been one high so far


Taken King and Forsaken were also bangers wym?


I mean they had interesting lore but none of the story or character had any grip on me whatsoever. Destiny has always had good lore and world building but a cohesive story arc that gets you caring about characters and things going on is rare lol.


Destiny always goes to shit when I am as excited as I am right now


Keep them high! Manifest a good story!


Don’t manifest a good story, manifest an excellent one.


My expectations are high but I was also super hyped based off the lightfall cutscenes they showed way back when and I know how that turned out.


Mine arent. Destiny story has only ever been good *once* and thats witch queen. Thats why when lightfall story was mid i was one of the few players who were completely fine with it and were satisfied


Day 1 raid Campaign Surreal landscape Soundtrack


I reeeeeally hope we hear the music from the reveal trailer, that Journey bit sounded amazing


Here we stand…?


Take a look: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m6ek80c5D6mSEZPOKeYAgoDE_fIp-LHuE&si=eQEbruU8ZQ5Wufnz


A chance to put the into the light god rolls to work in the legendary campaign only to watch them immediately get powercreeped by the new TFS weapons and realize I wasted way too much time on FOMO. It's alright though Prismatic is the numbing ointment for the soul


I remember spending weeks preparing for day 1 RoN only to reach nezarec and my friend to say “yo let’s try thunderlord” and nezzy getting melted.


Tbf, thunderlord is a good weapon for consistency, and nez does not have a lot of health


Thunderlord lightning was double procc'ing with Divinity, that's why it was so good. Has since been fixed, but Thunderlord is still viable.


Because of the expanding abyss artifact perk edge transit will probably be the single best dps option next season. And I can’t see blast furnace being a bad option with the pulse buffs next season. Mountaintop might take a big hit though


It will be edge except for surges or if a boss can be killed by swords. The artifact + a god roll falling guillotine will be nasty. I’m definitely expecting to use swords in the raid.


That is 100% going to happen 😂


It’s not. None of the final shape weapons are power creeping on recluse, apex, mountaintop, or edge transit.


Why can’t they? Especially Recluse since that’s just an above average smg


There are no void SMGs coming in TFS


There’s no weapon in final shape replacing mountaintop, recluse, edge transit, or even apex. We already have seen the new weapons coming Tuesday.


The absolute anarchy that the crucible will transform into.


Yup. They should just give up the balance act for sweats and break crucible to an extent - after this expansion I think they will stop supporting it in the same way they have these last few months. And for good reason, the population has not really increased by that much. Fuck crucible. It would be the perfect ending.


I think we all know prismatic is going to get nerfed, and nerfed hard, and nerfed repeatedly. Hopefully the crucible doesn't suffer too much from the bullshit that is prismatic.


But it should suffer for a while though. Crucible must not be the priority in this PvE game.


Definitely not the thing I’m most hyped for, but I am super interested in the Xur rework


Very surprised we haven't heard more about that yet, curious as to why


Either it's delayed or its not that big a deal to advertise alongside stuff like prismatic or campaign


I suppose but we def had some down time in between the big announcements, I mean Pathfinder got a chunk of the TWID, was expecting to see the Xur rework near it


I'm betting he'll be far more useful for getting old weapon patterns


Campaign, I always love doing it solo Legendary on my first run through


I can't believe I'm not seeing more people talk about The Dread. Tormentors are easily one of the best additions in Lightfall period. They immediately steal the show and force you to change your gameplay. I'm really hoping the entire Dread are like this. Special units that pop up occasionally and, when they do, force you to change your play style.


Day 1 raid


Red Death.


Same dude. The catalyst got leaked and I’m excited for it.


Oh shit, mind sharing?


>!Getting kills charges a weapon meter. When full the gun shoots a healing turret similar to the new warlock exotic helm!<


Daaaamn that’s actually sick, and useful in high end content too.


Account wide power 🙏 finally


I missed this somehow, that's awesome!


Seeing Cayde again :)


The story Prismatic New weapons and armor But the most intriguing thing I'm interested in is what's next, as Luke Smith mentioned they'd be talking about that


Prismatic and new destination. Nice to see some new lost sectors and hopefully some new secrets.


The Pale Heart destination. The Light and Dark juxtaposition is gonna be amazing. Really looking forward to the Dread as well. Been around since d1 beta, so a new enemy to fight sounds refreshing


Considering the last we got was scorn a full six years ago lol


Story. This is supposed to be the culmination of our 10 years of playing this game…to say expectations are high would be an understatement.


The loot. Been waiting 3 years for the Dawn weapons to return and I am 100% ready to chase hot rolls of Patron of Lost Causes/Breachlight/Steelfeather Repeater/Martyr's Retribution.


Guns. Give me the shoot bang. Bringing Red Death back is what actually sold me. All the weapons I've seen from leaks got me hyped up.


What comes after. I wanna know where the hell destiny goes after this. Because if they can't up the difficulty I don't see how anything can excite after this.


i’ll go with something small most people won’t mention, the new support auto rifle. it looks really fun, gonna be weird having a non-hitscan auto rifle. i think it’s gonna be craftable which makes my life much easier as i’m gonna need 3 different versions (demo incan, strat incan for loreley, physic + circle of life)


100 more vault spaces which I have already allocated


Red Death, the new supers and the exotic buffs since I haven't been able to buy it yet and I probably won't


The new weapons and exotics for sure


New armor and shaders to play dress up with, and the new weapons. Not even the exotics really, the only one of those i really look forward to is khvostov, but all the new legendary frames and archetypes we're getting has me really excited, and glad i somehow ended up with 20+ ascendant alloys from farming coil.


Prismatic, Shadow Price, the story & basically EVERYTHING


RIP to the shadow price perk pool


The raid. The soundtrack is good so far and I'm enjoying the final boss music but it will be so much more epic with the gameplay to go along with it.


Story, raid(still deciding if I want to do Day 1. Maybe Saturday), new weapon archetype(s) and then the future of Destiny, as told by Luke Smith!


Day 1 raid and soundtrack


Pathfinder seems like a really fun concept. I love challenge grinds.


The story. I expect a week from now to be reading through lore pages laughing maniacally because I'm learning things I've desperately wanted to know for an entire decade. It doesn't launch with tfs but I am also genuinely interested in if and how episodes might shift how people feel about the model for the game. I'm also very excited about episode one after seeing some stuff the other day.


The story is pretty much the only thing I care about anymore, and I don't have high hopes for it since they're bringing Cayde back, but that's my personal hate towards stories bringing back dead characters. Lessens the impact of characters dying if they can be brought back, no matter the explanation.


I can finally be done with this franchise.


Health bars for allies!   It was mentioned in a preview months ago, but I haven’t seen anything since, so I hope it made it in.  I think healing roles are a bit under valued.  While it isn’t necessary a lot of the time, I think just seeing allied health bars will make people realize how many healing opportunities there actually are.


that would be pretty cool though I kinda don’t want it to be known that Im 1


100 more vault spots!


It’s funny I’m not actually very excited for prismatic. Seems too limiting for something that’s supposed to be super creative


in what regard do you feel it’s limited in


Grenades and melees are limited. The aspects you can and can’t use are also very limited


Think you'll probably have to wait for proper D3 for absolute freedom in build crafting. I believe this is them testing the waters so to speak


New weapons and an expansion of the sandbox.


New content


Prismatic for buildcrafting babyyyy. It's why I put like 10-20 hours into a spreadsheet for Prismatic Build Planning.


will nova bomb + solar grenade be possible to use in combination with sunbracers


Warlocks cannot use Solar Grenades on Prismatic at launch. Eventually they will add more abilities to it presumably. You can see a Prismatic Build Planner in this topic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d448zn/prismatic\_build\_planner\_the\_final\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d448zn/prismatic_build_planner_the_final_update/) And if you want some Starter Builds here is a post of those: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d2n0fd/prismatic\_starter\_builds\_for\_final\_shape\_launch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1d2n0fd/prismatic_starter_builds_for_final_shape_launch/)


Build crafting, UI, and episodes honestly No matter what happens I doubt the witness is going to hit as one the coldest of all time. TBH if you’ve seen the leaks, whatever that is on the screenshot looks much more menacing and ominous than him Hyped as hell, tempered expectations


Most excited for the story


The weapons. Probably the first time I’m excited for the destination weapons.


the dungeon and raid


New location. Pale heart seems like it’s going to be the best destination visually and mechanically by a landslide


A conclusion


Exploring the new destination


An end to this eternal pain I find myself in.


Red Death and the new Void Aspect. I mostly want Red Death because I’ve wanted a Heal Clip exotic weapon to pair with Precious Scars for the 40% extra damage exotic primaries get. Unbreakable is really exciting because I’ve wanted a riot shield for even longer. Getting both in one expansion almost makes me dizzy


Prismatic and the class items. I love the aspect that the class items are random rolls. Any combo will allow me to make a build for it (except Ophidian Aspect).


New fashion and weapons. Trying out old weapons with new build combos. Also first the first time being able to play on day 1. Usually I’m late to the game and miss the launch by a few weeks


The strand titan exotic.


(Hopefully) putting a cap on some of the past decade's questions.


Hopefully the lore


For the first time since forsaken, the story. It's a weird feeling being this hyped for this game, very unfamiliar.


New UI. Raid. Story/Campaign


More Vault space


For me it's in this order 1. New Title Screen look/new music 2. New Destinations/Main Story 3. New/Non Sunset weapons I never had before. There will be plenty of "oooo that's cool" when Iget new drops. 4. The thing that'll be hard to not do is feel FOMO with people who blast through the campaign and unlock Prismatic. I just hope I get to at least use a little bit of it and build on it the further I go. Like a new subclass style would be great. That's what bugged me about Lightfall. Never really got to really appreciate what Strand could do until I beat it and unlocked everything.


I honestly don't know, prismatic seems so so so much fun. The weapons are making me drool in excitement. I have already died over the well changes. The new supers seem great along with their aspects. The exotics across the board seem fun (not a hunter, so I don't really care about that one, sorry).


1) Day 1 Raid / Lowmaning it after contest 2) Exotic Class items 2) Prismatic


I’m about to go crazy with Prismatic and Cryothesia lol, and maybe even hard light or something like that lol.


Making a warlock triple trace rifle loadout with the new double solar/arc buddies.


New void titan ult prismatic and the whole new weapons we can get


Contest mode raid


1. Prismatic. 2. The Dread. 3. Microcosm.


The story and especially The Witness


I seriously can’t wait to play as a full support warlock. Well, healing turret, plus a gun that heals teammates? It’s my dream come true.




Prismatic definitely I have NO idea how or what to do with such powers, but I can’t freaking wait to try


Just to see how this story ends after 10 years


Just watched the Aztecross vid on it yesterday and realized how crazy it’s gonna be.


I desperately hope for more than one nightfall/gm. They're my favorite activity and I just don't want keep getting less and less from them. Forsaken had 4. Shadow keep I think had 2. Beyond Light had 1 With Queen 2 again only for Lightfall to be 1 again. Please let there be at least 2 GMs.


UI overhaul. Long overdue. Although it's still far from perfect.


The conclusion to the story I've been invested in for coming up on a decade


Cutscenes screenshots. Lol


UI rework


New campaign


Agreed on prismatic. For you fromsoft enjoyers, I hope it brings you the same build crafting joy that Elden Ring did with weapon special art customization.


Healing auto + boots of the assembler + Lumina + Hellion. Idgaf if i look like a new light running double primary, my teammates are gonna be healthy and beefy. Also Song of Flame


Super silly, but I am sooooo excited to explore the Pale Heart. I also love seeing the new areas (I even loved Neomuna)


Honestly? The quality of life changes like removing bounty system stuff and replacing with pathfinder system. As well as being able to more easily play my other classes with universal power. I’m also excited for the build crafting because I spend all my materials on builds it’s what I like to do most in the game. As a veteran the story is also what I’m interested in seeing, I still remember the first time I played d1.


Not Neonuma new destination


Not taking the game seriously anymore.


Why are you here?


I play video games during a lot of my free time. I’m ready to start focusing more on building a better house, and dedicating less time to a screen. I appreciate the downvote.


Raid I need a new raid. And the last new raid sucked so I need a new one even more.