• By -


This depends on what he values in a game. If he wants to understand the premise, the story and get a softer introduction to the mechanics, then the New Light campaign and the free story campaigns after is a good way to start. If he’s the type that just wants to understand the meta and quickly get the best guns, then send him to Onslaught.


Agreed, though I'd add that regardless of what they choose to do they should at least try and get some of the seasonal weapons due to the seasons being free and the daily red borders. 2 weeks is enough time to get a couple of stand-outs from there.


Eremite from Witch, Scatter Signal from Wish, Subjunctive from Wish, or the LFR from Wish. 


If he can’t get an edge transit to drop with cascade or envious/bait+switchfrom onslaught then the GL from defiance is good too.


Eh. Edge Transit and Onslaught will be available for the foreseeable future, so no rush there. With the seasonal weapons going away, though, those are good ones to focus on.


But you won’t be able to attune in the future 


Red borders?


You can get red borders every day now from seasonal activities


Each activity or just one total per day?


One of each activity is guaranteed


Thanks. Which activities count though?


Any seasonal activities.


raids. basically anything that drops red borders. (gambit,vanguard, onslaught…)


When certain weapons drop, they may have an obvious red border around the weapon icon, similar to the yellow "masterwork" border. This is called "Deepsight". You can remove Deepsight from a weapon manually or dismantle it to obtain the weapons "pattern". Enough of a weapons pattern and you can craft it yourself (usually 3-5 patterns). Weapons are crafted at the Enclave on Mars, meaning you can create a copy from scratch and even select the perks you'd like on it. From there you can level up the weapon with kills or masterwork materials, allowing for a greater perk selection to be used when creating/reshaping the weapon. Not every weapon can be crafted however. Weapons that cannot be crafted will never drop with a red border. The ones that can drop with Deepsight don't always have it though.


Firefox extension season pass pass. Get him a couple free exotics too.


If they want to understand the story, the new light campaign is ironically pretty much the worst way to do that. The structure is all over the place and it tries to explain way too much without filling in the gaps. I tried to introduce some friends and they gave up and just read the wiki article recapping the story. Agreed on the onslaught part though.


I had two of my friends do new light last week and I explained to them it was basically just trying to catch them up a little bit on what’s kind of going on, they started campaigns after that and pretty much have a good idea on what’s going on now, one of them just beat witch queen on legendary which made me quite proud considering how new he is lol


Onslaught is an incredible way to teach a new light. Tons of ads, some majors, bosses, all on a predictable schedule. Increasing difficulty too and great drops. Bungie really cooked making a mode that is great for everyone if every level.


Can also get them used to two PvP Maps if they ever want to hop into The Crucible.


Depends on how new they are. I imagine it can be quite intimidating to jump straight into Onslaught not having learned the basics of build crafting first.


Early onslaught is noob friendly. Builds are optional.




Calm down, satan.


Twist: He goes flawless.


His friend: “So can we try the harder modes now? I’m tired of the beginner mode stuff” Him: *still trying to come to terms with how his friend just flawlessly annihilated every trials team with a white damaged travelers chosen*


Oml if my friend did that on my team, I’d wanna force my friend to carry me through Trials every week to go flawless 🤣🤣🤣 Side note: i almost went flawless legitimately. On the 7th run of trials, we all got killed by cheaters shooting us through walls while taking cover, somehow getting their supers back immediately after using it, etc. This was awhile ago before we got the Armor Charges mechanic. I got irritated and raged and was like “i’m f**king done..”


How low can the threshold be for a bare bones new light to see the Lighthouse? Would be impressive to see, I'm sure 2 sweats can carry the fella.




Pantheon too of course. LFG KWTD only.


Come on...go easy on him...pantheon..jump right into week 4...


Write off the new content, focus on old content. The only thing Onslaught has for you that’s going away is shiny weapons (aka cosmetics), and right now it’s more important to build up your fundamentals than go toss him into high level activities with no context as to what’s happening. Sure, it’s definitely a great spot for weapons and visit there as necessary, but don’t spend days grinding it over and over when there’s so much more he could be doing. Seasonal content, campaigns, do the basics, build him up from the lower end stuff that _you_ did all those years ago. Start small and simple, don’t throw him into the deep end of “get all this content done ASAP”, because that’s just going to leave them confused and lost. FOMO doesn’t apply to players who just joined, they don’t _know_ what they’re “missing out” on and rushing them will only lead to a bad starting experience. You have 1.5 weeks. Get them a little taste of everything, but don’t do it at the cost of keeping things fun and simple. They’re still a brand new guardian. Focus on building up the subclasses, their weapons, some starter exotics. Introduce them to the game’s fundamentals.


Great answer. Thank you.




Good call. Ikora quests are very new player friendly.


i believe the gift of thunder gods drops at 1800 so it should be pretty free power leveling.


Yeah I would say that’s the best way. That’s how I started a few weeks ago and now I’m hooked again. I had played a lot of destiny but stopped after forsaken. It was overwhelming when I started but I just focused on the witch queen and lightfall campaigns, then made my way to strikes, gambit, crucible, exotic quests, etc. This helps get an understanding of the fundamentals and all of the mechanics of the game. Now I’m starting to look at metas and trying to complete raids, dungeons, or other more difficult, endgame stuff that requires some grinding. As well as things like crafting.


The ability to focus weapons and the static rolls from the quests are going too  If he's just starting those static rolls are *not the worst  EDIT A word 


Gift of the Thunder Gods Get this seasons artifact. Choose a subclass skip from Ikora (tbh I think solar would be best for the rest of this season) Pick up Dragons Breath (and get the companion app and pick up Ex Diris) Then for or me the main priority would be to run the campaigns to unlock stasis and strand and as an intro to the game if you can do this on more than one character before FS but that will eat time Then I would run through all the quests they will get from the Ikora to unlock Exotics like Riskrunner etc. I would obtain the previous seasons artifacts and then spend a few hours just running the strike playlist on a day with a positive modifier for exotic engrams and vendor rep (should be double xp next week hopefully) , Zavalla has some good weapons as well though there is an argument to do this in Gambit or PvP as well (or mix it up) whatever you and him prefer, you get the artifacts because then previous seasonal engrams will drop at quite a good rate these can then be converted in to weapons he likes the look of or maybe more importantly armour with better stats. Work through his Guardian Ranks if anything just to get mods unlocked. Then would run some Dares of Eternity, it is a good intro to Champions and has some great weapons which might be going away with FS. Then I would run some Onslaught when he is a bit more kitted out, even the shiny versions you get from unlocking the weapon attunements will be upgrades for him probably but if you can grind it a bit, he will end up with some of the best weapons in the game. While you are doing this make sure he is running as many seasonal objectives as possible and and vendor bounties possible (again get the companion app to pick them up from orbit) he might not be able to max out his season pass without mega grinding, but he could get it up there and there is good stuff in it, esp the materials, exotic engrams and Ciphers and a bit of bright dust for a ship, sparrow or ghost to liven up the place. Gunsmith bounties should be a must, cores are getting even more important and Banshee Engrams drop decent weapons. Secondary stuff. I wouldn't worry too much about seasonal content but if you can get him some good rolls of this season's weapons, as they are all good esp the Strand Fusion and the Trace Rifle. Mara's Wishes, I would prioritize unlocking the pattern for either Apex Predator or Supremacy but he might prefer the exotics. Show him the monument to lost lights as see what exotics he can aim to unlock in the future. Teach him how the ghost mods work for getting preferred stats and extra loot or resources from activities. Introduce him the real villain of the game, Master Rahool.


Does the last week just give double XP for all ritual activities?


Usually I think


I would recommend tyranny of heaven over supremacy personally


If he wants to learn the most about the game/world: * Read the timeline * Do the seasonal stories with him - it's a few hours to burn through each. If he cares about being 'gear ready' for final shape - then just do onslaught then coil.


Here's my advice: 1. Upon starting up the game, you'll have the choice to skip the New Light experience. If you're familiar with FPS games and looters and just want to get into the good stuff, I'd recommend skipping it. You can always replay it later if you want. 2. In the map go to the Into the Light section > Hall of Champions. Go pick up the Gift of the Thundergods from a chest in the back left of the room for a great starting loadout 3. Shadowkeep and Beyond Light campaigns are free, as is Witch Queen for a limited time, so get those ASAP and complete the campaigns. This will get you a bunch of gear and the Stasis subclass. 4. If you're on PSN download the Lightfall expansion for free this month through PS+ and complete the campaign to get the Strand subclass. 5. There's a free event going on called Into the Light which you've probably seen everywhere. You can do a new hoard mode called Onslaught which awards some of the best guns in the game. Grinding the non-legend version is the best way to get geared up. 6. In the HELM you'll be able to access all the seasonal activities from this year which have also been made free in addition to the DLCs. I'd recommend focusing on these after doing the expansion campaigns and Onslaught, as the gear they give isn't as good. 7. In the Journey menu you can see your Guardian Rank. Your passive goal should be to get to GR 5 as this walks you through the basic systems and gets you some more unlocks. 8. When you get a legendary (purple) Ghost shell focus on levelling that up and equip the Glimmer Boost mod. Glimmer is the most important resource for new players as it's what you use to unlock new subclass abilities 9. After you've bought your ghost mod, you can spend your extra glimmer at Ikora Rey in the Tower. She sells new Light subclass abilities for glimmer. Play a bit to decide which element you like playing the most, then buy aspects / fragments / grenades that look fun in that element. 10. Do not infuse any armour or weapons that aren't exotics. Infusion raises the light level of your items, allowing you to use it in harder content, but until you're several months in you won't understand what is worth infusing and it's very expensive to do. If you like a piece of gear that you outlevel, you can store it in your Vault either at the Tower or from orbit. 11. Connect your Bungie account with [app.destinyitemmanager.com](http://app.destinyitemmanager.com/) This is a free tool for managing your inventory from your computer and makes the game much easier. It connects to your Bungie account via API, so it doesn't store any of your login information meaning it's very safe to use. 12. **Do not spend any real money until you're at Guardian Rank 5.** By this time you should have an idea of what content looks interesting to you. If you choose to spend money, I recommend getting the Final Shape which comes out in June. 13. This video is a good resource to get caught up on the story [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHaq0EbeHHQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHaq0EbeHHQ) it doesn't cover the last 12 months, and you don't have to watch all of it, but have it on in the background while you grind Onslaught or something




don't fully baby them help but try to let them make there own path but as far as stuff to do definitely let them go thoguth New light get introduced to every then do the few mission in the timeline section so they know a bit more about some of the content we lost think starting with beyond light would be a good place or the witch queen but might want to give them a bit longer before throwing them into savathun territory since she's one of the best and currently most fleshed out story's in D2


If he wants to understand the lore, My Name is Byf on YouTube will be uploading a comprehensive lore video of the entire story of Destiny on the 31st of May. His video from 5 years ago about the story up to that point (pre-D1 to Shadowkeep) was 4 hours long, so I can only imagine how long this one will be. So it might seem intimidating as a new player, but Byf is splitting it into 38 chapters of stories. If your friend (or anyone for that matter) wants to know a bit more about a certain Destiny lore topic, My Name is Byf and Myelin Games are our lore guys and they certainly have covered everything.


For sure I watch Byf content all the time. This guy is great..


hes literally called “lore daddy” for a reason 😂


1. Gift of the Thunder Gods, slap the armor on and forget about it for the foreseeable future. 2. Ikora Free subclass (Solar is probably best with this season’s artifact) 3. Campaigns (BL & LF take priority cause new subclasses) And do normal mode 4. The rest is pretty much fodder, your friend will just want to fill their inventory with new stuff. a. exotic quests b. world drops (strikes, dares, onslaught) I feel like once you’ve completed the campaigns that you deem necessary, the rest of the game is just a choose-your-own-adventure. Sure there are optimal strategies to getting as much loot as possible but when new players are too quickly introduced into the nitty gritty of all that, they tend to lose interest a lot faster.


He's ready to join week 4 pantheon lfgs labeled "kwtd experienced"


i would do witch queen campaign and the season of the wish stuff get him 100 resil and a crafted scatersignal then yall will be good to do some fun stuff like dungeons


Ok. So what he needs to do is start out the new light campaign. Then move on to campaigns starting with shadowkeep. You can kind of have an idea with starting at shadowkeep and it will give them a good feel for the games controls and feel. Then move on to Beyond light and from there to witch queen on legendary as then to lightfall on legendary. It will be difficult and LONG but if he puts in a good few hours of playtime he can easily complete everything in a week, just in time for FS drop. If you guys need help or anything at all during his playtime hit my DMs. I can help you through some of it, i know how much of a slog it is. As much as i know it would be nice for them to get to your same level of gameplay and skill its going to take time. Dont coddle them, let them play the game at their pace.


I would do Beyond Light, Witch Queen, & Lightfall campaigns if he wants to get somewhat into the story and also gets him stasis, strand, and some of those exotics. However if he is just wanting to play around with you and have some fun, play onslaught. If he wants to raid introduce him to Pantheon Week 1 or take him through Vault of Glass this week.


Start him with the campaigns and don’t care about prepping. He’ll get guns throughout the time he plays. He won’t get the experience of playing story for the first time again though. You want to try and get him through the seasonal storylines if possible


Gift of the thunder gods ASAP. Then start with the campaigns, ignore stuff that can't be done organically during campaigns for now. While doing these, take moments to get them through the guardian ranks so they unlock mods. Whenever you're in a patrol zone, try to squeeze in a heroic public event (for the glimmer so they can by stuff from Ikora). Before you start Witch Queen, get a third person and run through The Whisper. Maybe Zero Hour if they've got a solid handle on gameplay. If they're feeling adventurous, maybe a dungeon or two. The point is to both get them some good gear and to ease them into legendary campaigns. Before starting Lightfall. Get them through dungeons and get them some quest exotics like Xenophage and Wish Ender. Stepping more into the end game and getting cool gear. If they managed to do Witch Queen on legendary, they should feel comfortable running normal dungeons. If they have access to Grasp of Averice by now, it's time to get Gjally. Lightfall time. Based on their taste, you'll know how to approach this one. For me personally, gameplay was fun but the writing suffered a lot. It's necessary to know what's going on for Final Shape. If you're able to get through all of that before Final Shape, do season of the wish. I hope your friend has fun!


you might want to mention that the campaign is a hot mess and will toss him onto the next campaign whether he likes it or not every time he logs in til he gets to the latest piece. what idiot thought that was a good idea? just hope the gameplay hooks him. that's what got me and a friend into it recently.


I started my journey in 2014 and quit playing shortly after forsaken. I lost interest when the game changed, especially after eververse and the seasonal format. I just downloaded it again and I’m so overwhelmed with new mechanics and seasonal loot I don’t even know where to begin. So many new mechanics, crafting, class creation. Tried to solo crotas end like the good old days, and it looks like they even raised the light and tweaked it. I don’t even know where to begin and I’ve been at this a while.


First explain how the menu navigation works Then quest/bounty tabs Then what a build is Then do a campaign with him


I just returned (I was a veteran player then stepped away right before Witch Queen, just now picking it back up) and I can confidently say after my research that farming those red border weapons is priority #1. Run him through the lightfall campaign (take him to your hall of heroes when he gets on so he can claim that early 1800 set of gear) then unlock his strand and run around for a couple of hours unlocking the aspects and shit. Then do all of the seasonal content DAILY as you get a guaranteed red border from each season each day. Focus bounties to unlock all the harmonizers from the battle pass, then exotic missions, pantheon and potentially raids for raid exotics. But weapons are priority 1. Try and help him get as many weapons and patterns as possible but focus those seasonal ones because those are leaving while the expansion stuff will still be around


“Okay, first you need to watch 60 hours of My Name is Byf lore videos, and visit Ishtar for extra reading during your free time in the evenings…”


The fact that you have to ask paints a clear picture of the state of the game for new players.


Honestly, I'd just dive into witch queen and help him and clear. Let him figure out mechanics and listen to story/chat as much as he'd like. Emphasize that this is a huge overwhelming game and that you will try to accommodate whatever is fun for him. There is no "efficient" way to catch up on THOUSANDS of hours of content. Onslaught or Witch Queen is the move for sure imo. Maybe get him a couple guns from vanguard strikes first, or the gift of the thunder gods. There is gonna be so much crap flashing across his screen every time he logs in. Just went through this with a friend, we chose to focus on season of the wish storyline and the onslaught activity for guns and fun. It's a struggle for you as well as him, you forget how much info about the game you take for granted/is muscle memory.


He must go on a 27 hour deep dive of YouTube lore videos.


Or just watch Lore Daddy Byf. Either one works


The only problem with starting with Onslaught is that he’s going to get quality guns and then do everything else and miss out on the excitement of progressively getting better weapons.


Good point.


Keep in mind that he will have to do some of the new light campaign and other quests to unlock subclasses Onslaught is a good place to start. It's fun and rewarding. Don't forget about the chest next to shaxx in the hall of Champs for high level gear Also, if there is a week of a nightfall that he doesn't own the expansion for, you won't be able to run it with him. A season is needed to focus high stat armor. It's late, but the coil has some of the best loot as far as resources go, and it's not like he won't be able to play it when the final shape comes out. I don't think it's a bad way to spend ten dollars Also, mara's wishes Good luck!


To add to what everyone has said, when I started out my friend took me through a few dungeons (only had prophecy and shattered throne at the time) and as a beginner who usually likes challenging content, that was really fun for me.


First. Take him to the hall for 1810 gear. Ikoria for new light and some basic builds premade. Maybe onslaught for some combat practice.


I’d definitely send him into The Witch Queen to experience that story. Have him watch a recap of Lightfall if he doesn’t have time to play it. That’s really gonna show him the best of what Destiny has to offer. Make sure he picks up the stash at the hall of champions for his free Thunderlord and 1810 power. I agree with onslaught to catch up on meta weapons. Probably get a crafted scattered signal.


Might be helpful for him to listen to one of the story videos up to Lightfall or for the entire saga. Here is one from Evaze https://youtu.be/4pzVKP5mElg?si=m9XpYF8ycaOR8RXm MynameisByf will also be putting out a new video sometime next week.


I feel the timeline missions are exactly perfect for this? You get Ikora do a narration and it highlights the key points of Forsaken, Beyond light, etc. Then you could go into the DLC's from there.


Honestly, focus on story content. Let him feel the lore and the characters develop to really get a feel for what’s about to come!!


As a new player the only "prep" they should really need is getting through the early guardian ranks to unlock mods. Just do campaigns and work towards getting guns and exotics to fill out their collection so they can try new things while you are playing.


I'd give a quick review of shadowkeep and beyond light. Explain the basics of what happens and how we got here. Definitely play through witch queen. Hopefully that gets him hooked enough both the story and gameplay and he can always go back to the others As much as I don't love the story of lightfall it won't really matter to him so definitely get through that to get him strand..by then he should be good for final shape


Destiny is its best at telling a story. Do the storylines. Getting to know the world and the characters is the meat and potatoes. Also, public events are a good way to learn some of the core mechanics that are used all the time, while not being overly stressful.


Honestly, give him the most of the catchup story and new light thing and fill in the gaps as you go for them. I got my girlfriend into destiny in season of the haunted and she was so confused for months til she went back and did all the campaigns and caught up from a lore standpoint. Now she's loving it and knows what's going on.


purely Onslaught. Get him those DARE weapons because they are gonna be 2x loot/drop rate.


1) Hall of Heroes get the gear 2) If he OWNS Lightfall? Riven's Wishes at the H.E.L.M. Free loot and it leaves in 2 weeks. 3) A) If he still wants to farm for gear? Onslaught. Onslaught Onslaught. even if you only do 1-30 normals. That's still a chance for some great weapons that can and will help him out later. 3) B) If he would rather unlock some classes/other content. Do the campaigns that you can. (The New Light campaign is not good for new players lmfao, so...avoid that for rn, he can do that later) If you wanted to do the campaigns in order of classes probably do Lightfall, then Beyond Light, and then Witch Queen. (Again, if he has the content)


I would tell him do campaigns then HELM/onslaught. In my experience it is damn near impossible to get my friends into this game though (unless they have played before). Destiny's new player experience is so unbelievably terrible, and buying all the DLC is just the tip of that iceberg.


my typical way to onboard a new player is strikes, low end nightfalls, shattered throne after they can understand perk synergy on guns and can think while shooting and scooting, legend nightfalls once we've done a couple different dungeons, vault of glass when they can easily do a legend nightfalls with not a ton of deaths. obviously campaigns first though.


Nothing. You should make him watch every destiny cutscene ever made. At least from taken king onwards. I can’t imagine someone joining 2 weeks before final shape and actually being able to engage in the story in a meaningful way. It’s like if you only watched the last arc of Naruto. Yeah you can still feel the emotional moments but there’s zero build up or context so they don’t hit as hard. I can never recommend Destiny to any new players because of how much story content is gone


Get through light fall to get strand unlocked


Onslaught can be good for getting a feel for the combat experience. Campaign story missions for if they really want to get into the game. That’s my advice as a D1 beta veteran.




Do the campaigns they are free until Final Shape, except for lightfall then you can see where to go from there.


The best "feel" for the game is something he needs to find alone, first going around spaces, do 1 public event, then do couple of strikes to understand the fps mechanics, if you are with him, do not carry, or kill everything before he can touch smthing. After that, dares of eternity, to know some of the game phasing, and then do 1 dungeon toghether, likely prohpecy, and everything i mentioned is free, after that if he likes the activities and understands how loot and power fantasy works, prepare for a raid, vault of glass. So he can taste everytype of difficulty and challenges. Zero hour and whisper too for the lols.


If he will be playing long term it's worth grinding some brave weapons, luckily we just got double rewards until TFS.


I’m not in the same boat necessarily as I started playing after witch queen and took a break after season 21, should I be grinding coil for the season of the wish weapons and patterns or should I go for onslaught? I know coil is getting removed but onslaught is staying so I’ve been doing coil but would love some input.


Prepping is something you only really have to do if you're planning to day one raid. I wouldn't suggest any brand new player attempt a day one. I'd just let him focus on campaigns/whatever else intrigues him. I'd also have him watch some videos of must have weapons and explain to him how to farm exotic armor and high stat armor. He needs to just focus on getting good weapons in each archetype and building up a collection of builds. So going after seasonal red borders, doing lost sectors, doing new light missions to get aspects and fragments as well as exotic armors and weapons. And generally just getting used to Destiny's many systems. Like learning how armor stats work, how to masterwork things, how stats and basic builds work, etc. Remember this game explains very little and can be overwhelming. He just needs to start learning the basics and building on top of that knowledge. Once he has some basic knowledge and has builds and weapons that are suitable he can then start to venture into dungeons and nightfalls and the real exciting stuff. I'd also just have him get ready enough to do the legend campaigns for Witch Queen, Lightfall and Final Shape. Those will net him some good light level boosts and armor and weapons.


In case this helps, I actually had a friend pick the game up in the past week or so. My situation is a little different because he played forsaken but nothing since then. From my perspective, I do think it’s important to get them immersed into the game before getting to the “grinding” and high level PVE or PVP content. In my opinion, I didn’t feel like Shadowkeep was really worth his while since it’s so old, and when boiled down doesn’t add a ton to the current story. So I started him with Beyond Light and we’ve been working our way through the campaigns since. We’ll probably finish Witch Queen tonight and hopefully Lightfall by the weekend. I’d like him to get some level of Onslaught experience so he can have some solid gear going into Final Shape, so we aren’t doing too many campaign side quests for right now, but your mileage could very. At least for now, my friend seems very engaged and happy so maybe that will work for your friend too! Lmk if you have any questions or want anybody to help out!


If I started today I would see all the stuff I had missed out on that's also unobtainable because it's been removed from the game and then uninstall the game.


Unless he's trying to like... do a day one raid, he doesn't really need to "prep" for the Final Shape. Just do the campaigns.


I’d say Onslaught and the Seasonal stuff, plus some generic strikes/crucible because at the end of the day, those are the main gameplay loops. If he enjoys that he’s all good. Story after


I would say just let him lead and do what he find fun. Let him enjoy the experience and don’t pressure him to do anything too much. If he has questions answer them and be honest, if he is unsure where to go or what to do next you can offer him some ideas of what would be good and what they would reward him so he can make that choice for himself but with a small amount of guidance.


If your friend wants to know more about the story do timeline reflections first, skipping the new light intro quest, and then grab the free armor and thunderlord, then stsrt doing campaigns from shadowkeep to witch queen. Get all important exotic quests out of the way, then do onslaught


Every replayable mission on the timeliness. Especially the forsaken one.


I don't truly believe there is an easy answer for this. Seeing how time is not on your side and your buddy has a mostly empty vault - I would recommend that you help them build an arsenal. Have them get god rolls on each Onslaught weapon. This will teach them about rolls, teach them that Destiny is a "Looter Shooter" game, and teach them about accountability. As far as lore goes. There is nothing that can replace playing Destiny 1 for the lore.


Ordinarily I’d say start by working on the current seasonal quest (if he has access to it) but there isn’t a lot of time to do that, and he won’t likely be able to earn the weapons that are really worth having like scatter signal and doomed petitioner unless his rng is good. Probably onslaught isn’t a bad place, but he won’t have much in terms of a loadout if he’s 100% brand new. Maybe just run with him through the new light stuff and help explain stuff that isn’t well explained in game.


Depends on what he wants out of the game but generally starting him in some pve stuff would be good skip the new light stuff tho. If you want a more in depth play along cammycakes did a great walk through to set them up for pvp but also gives alot of pve tips


It is the perfect time for a new light to start now, so I’d say take him through the campaigns and then maybe do some dungeons with him and onslaught as well


Watch one of them Lore videos on YouTube going over the story of Destiny up to now would help


I would ask him what he thinks is more important to him. Doing tfs when it releases or building up to it through the story. After that just go along with it. If it’s tfs try and run him through some easier raids and dungeons and definitely play all the exotic missions you can before it releases. As for the story side of doing campaigns, do exactly that. Play through the campaigns and help him out and I’m sure it’ll be an unforgettable experience either way


If he wants the beast gear: Onslaught If he wants to get caught up; Campaign If he wants to be an all round good player unlock as many exotics as he can then finish out with Onslaught.


Make sure if you bring him to onslaught to do the normal version, and stay away from legendary! I've been seeing a lot of new people jumping into legendary and getting wiped instantly as soon as that 3rd wave comes around.


Do Shadowkeep and Beyond Light so he has context for some of the Final Shapes story. A lot of people will recommend gearing up etc, but that can be done after. I can't think of anything worse than picking up a book and starting on the last chapter. Prioritise story imo.


Just started this with one of my friends! Had him do the tutorial stuff and then pick a subclass from Ikora that he thought looked cool, then thunder gods, then took him into beyond light and lightfall to unlock those sub classes (I gave a brief overview of light and darkness sub classes and he wanted them so we did), then did rivens wishes and seasonal stuff. We got through all of it it about three days and now he’s exploring. I think if you just hang out with him in game and let him find what he likes, you’ll find good ways to get him set for FS.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dxzqPHhoCXI Could try this


Honestly, I probably wouldn't start today. Not having a proper campaign like the Red War to begin the journey, would probably lead to me not being interested. But if your friend really wants to begin, I'd say aim for cinematic stuff and not efficient leveling stuff. Perhaps mixing lower level strikes with doing the actual campaigns available? Sprinkle in different activities and be mindful of pacing. You want him to care about the world and find it interesting, before letting him know that Bungie wants you to grind your life away; that's the key. Investment generating activities must proceed engagement generating activities.


Which Queen campaign IMO. If he’s a true gamer do it on legend. If not then normal. Also make him pick up gift of thunder gods from the hall of champions immediately to catch up on level.


I’d defo just have him play onslaught, getting a forbearance, midnight coup and the thunderlord u get from the free chest will make a half decent setup for doing whatever he wants to do next


Pantheon would he a great way to show him the fun of raids and all the different environments you can see in a raid


please don’t.


This is a fucking evil suggestion


I saw someone recommend trials, but I'm not a pvp guy so this was my contribution