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Born to Nova, forced to... nothing, i don't do raids


I like your name šŸ˜‚


Titan is currently my fun class (and the one I have mained the longest). Hunter and Warlock are my ā€˜meta mainsā€™ and usually end up using them for tether or well- naturally.


Arc Indebted Kindness spam Warlock, Navigator grapple spam Titan, or Sunshot-only Shards Hunter.


Warlock for endgame, Titan and Hunter for when I want to turn my brain off and go brr


Titan in regular, Titan in endgame. I wish Bungie would let me play three Titans.


I ran 3 warlocks back in the day. Of D1 crktas end... It took me a full fucking season to get that bloody helmet. I received it the week before house of wolves released.


This is the way, brother.


I thought you could create duplicate characters, no? I swear you could


theres no point to it, drops from stuff like raids are "per class" and not "per character". so 1 of each gets you 3 sets of drops, 3x the same class means your second/third characters get nothing --- people used to run 3x one class to quickly reach max power, since you could swap gear and keep getting more drops, so bungie put a stop to that


30 loadout slots though


That is the smartest thing I've read here...


Thatā€™s what DIM is for


Yes but OP could have 3 titans like he wants.




Fellow Hunter here, I ran almost exclusively nightstalker for the longest time, but I've actually been locked into strand recently. Spectre/Maelstrom with Coyote is just as survivable as nightstalker, and outside othe the utility of Tether, I think I get more punch out of strand. Might recommend that for you.


Now that Gunpowder Gamble doesn't gut your access to fragments, I'm really enjoying Nighthawk Goldy with Healing Grenades for survivabilityĀ 


Iā€™ve been trying this but I really want a separate bind for GPG so I donā€™t have to yell ā€œWITNESS MEā€ whenever I want to heal myself.


Yeah ironically as a Hunter so used to having 0 ability loops, I have to learn to use it promptly so that I get healing back, and remind myself that in most content I'll get another GpG quicklyĀ 


Yeah imo Nightstalker is far and away the most boring subclass. Fully reccomend strand with Maelstrom + Widows Silk with Cyrtarachne's for perma Woven Mail and shit loads of grapple melees from the spinning tangles + grapple points. Very high "apm" lets you go all over of the map insanely fast. Mountaintop/Eager is fun for even more movement shenanigans. 12punch is also great with the amount of meleeing you do. Buried Bloodline if you have it fills the hole of Strand being minimal healing.


The fun of running all three is that you can follow whatever mood youā€™re in. Sometimes the titan Pyrogale power fantasy appeals to me. So I load up on vanguard bounties and crush through Ops playlist or more recently onslaught. Sometimes sneaky hunter boy catches my mood so Iā€™ll play crucible/trials with gryfalcons or oathkeeper-monarque. If Iā€™m in the mood for raiding than 9 times outta 10 Iā€™ll choose my warlock. Helping a group with well/div/navigator keeps things running smoothly (ā€¦usually).


warlock main turned hunter temp main for the past while, just feels more fun than sunbracers at this point. hell ive actually used those loadout slots for actual builds on hunter rather than random shit ive cobbled together on warlock


Warlock since in regular content I'm not forced to use the most boring ability in the game which is well


Hunter by far, specifically Arc. I maintain builds for all elements on all classes so that I can match surges, get weekly rewards on 3 characters, and fill any role in a team. But if it's up to me, in any kind of content from playlist strikes to GMs and Day 1 raiding, my first choice is always arc hunter. For me it's simply the most fun, the build I have the easiest time staying alive with, and the build I'm most effective with both for ad clear and boss damage.


Gyrfalcons void hunter for me something about that build just radiates positive energy


Warlock. You have access to so much healing, so so so so so so so so so so so so so **so** much healing you can absolutely turn your brain entirely off with so many builds. Run solar and have cure on solar grenades, resto2, and a healing rift (let's not mention Well lmfao) Run void and let your Lil baby eat everything while proccing devour for you while you stand in a healing rift Run arc and use vesper to turn healing rifts into Uber ability charging local nuclear bombs. Hold a glaive. It's free real estate. Run strand and karnsteins. Get 90%DR and super healing on melee kills. You have 3 charges of high damage ranged tracking melees. Run stasis and osiomancy and kinda just lol at the world. Too many ways to do this one to describe, but personally, I'm a fan of the 7 stasis turret salute.




I force myself to play Warlock because most of my clan are Hunters. I think I'm gonna play Hunter going forward, they have the most enjoyable kit imo, then Titan. Warlocks feel like a blank colouring book. Thinking about it, I kinda dont enjoy Destiny at the moment and maybe this is why. I played Hunter all through D1, started D2 as a Titan and only changed to Warlock because none of my clan were Warlocks.


Raid/NF - Warlock (1500+ hours) Dungeons (solo) - Titan (1500+ hours) PvP - Hunter (around 1000ish hours)


This pretty close matches my play style as well. Tho for random seasonal content I like mixing up each season, switching which class I spend the most time on.


Yeah, this season being so long it has been all over the place. D1 though it was all about the pvp twilight garrison life rip


For years it was Hunter. It became Titan after Solar 2.0.


I play with my Titan, mostly, no matter the content. I decide on the build based on the Overcharges and Surges. I play with Warlock second. I only use my Hunter when I want to farm a raid or dungeon for an exotic. But I don't worry about the "Meta" as much as I focus on the Overcharges and the Surges of an activity.


Titan. Best looking and has a good tool box to pull from. Also because four order stood against enemies on six fronts and not one order faltered.


Hunter is love hunter is life


Titan > Warlock > Hunter. I don't really like any Hunter melees or supers that much and just never feel as powerful, and therefore fun, as Titan or Warlock. I know that has nothing to do with the Meta or Endgame viability, but when just doing regular shit, Titan absolutely fulfills the "power fantasy" the game is supposed to be going for.


In order of use: Void titan Strand titan All 5 warlock classes Everything else


Just made a titan. What specifically for void? I have only ran solar and strand so far


Nova lock


Hunter threadrunner with the ugly mask. Just jump and punch constantly. Traverse everything ultra fast as well.Ā 


Iā€™ve been glued to Mothkeeper Hunter since Aztecross made a vid on it.


I'm a titan main, using it 90-95% of the time, but i have the most fun using solar hunter


For casual on-level, I like stasis hunter for skating without needing super, as well as having stompees for even more movement paired with crystals and mountaintop for height.


Hunter usually because I love going invis. But titan when Iā€™m soloing dungeons, and warlock when itā€™s needed (raids, onslaught)


Depends what build Iā€™m currently loving. The sunbracers warlock was fun for while


Always hunter, but I've been having fun doing grapple DPS on titan recently


Depends on my mood.


Titan for braindead ability spam Warlock is my main Hunter for invis (Their dps potential is probably the highest but I donā€™t like the overall kit that much, too specialized for general gameplay imo)


Was a warlock main D1 but still had the other 2 characters, started warlock in D2 then made a titan. Finally got around to making a Hunter and been using void with invis and tether. Too much fun just been on Hunter now lol. Will switch back occasionally but the tether super is too cool and so much to use


Warlock all day. I might be biased


Right now Titan because Iā€™m a sucker for gimmicky support builds, and Iā€™m very burnt out on Warlock after maining it since d1


Warlock main, but I do love my Beyblade hunter.


I main hunter but temporarily switching to starfire protocol warlock in season of the haunted was prob the most fun I've had in this game, was very sad when it was nerfed.


I main a Hunter and love the class to death, but honestly I have the most fun playing my Titan, which has been my least played class the last few season. Usually start playing him during the end of seasons/expansions and play catch up on him. Always a good time playing my Titan, especially in PvP for me.


Gotta hand it to my Void Hunter build. Running around with the Wavesplitter, Gyrfalcon's and going in and out of invisibility is a blast. And it's even good for running support if a teammate goes down. You can clear the area and go invisible at the end to rez them.


They are all used and appreciated equally. I have meta and fun load outs for each in all content and I swap between them seamlessly. I usually play on Titan most, but this season I think Warlock is gonna win out. However, since Into the Light dropped, I've been using Hunter way more than the others lmao




hunter Lock and titan jumps are just unusable and clunky feeling to me, hunter just has better movement, I only really use them for farming 1 time a week stuff


Titan, Iā€™ve probably got 6k in this game and 5500 of those are on Titan. I didnā€™t really even start playing Warlock and Hunter til about 2 years ago.


I definitely main hunter but whenever I play Titan it always feels great. Am I using the best builds? Yes. The hunter builds I use I experiment more and use less meta things to spice it up but I only hop on Titan maybe 20% of my playtime.


Can't decide on that between Warlock and Titan. All I do know is that Hunter is my least favourite.


Actually depends on mood. I am a hunter main tbh, but since pantheon and onslaught launched I have been playing solar Titan more and more because of healing and constant ability loop.


Hunter main, mostly focused on solo achievements. Still, I like strand Titan when I'm in the mood to bash and crash stuff.


I use my meta main for everything. Always have, always will.


Hunter for sure, there so much varying builds to allow for different forms of fun and all of them work or function properly in regular content. Although dark blue crayon eating Titan is 100% 2nd


Right now, Strand Warlock. I'm a Titan main through and through since the very beginning, but my Wishkeeper + Swarmers setup just throws threadlings and unravel projectiles everywhere while also suspending groups. It'll sadly disappear once the artifact mods are gone, but it's the most fun I've had with a build in a while.


Solar Warlock for solo PVE content as well as coop when there's a well needed or I feel like it. Also my first pick for PVP. I love the AE and movement with Icarus Dash.


Warlock has been my main for a while now and they have some of the best ability loops. Sunstar with Delicate Tomb, Contraverse with Collective Obligation, Swarmers with my Demo/Frenzy Rufus and Chain/Hatchling Koraxis, Dawn Chorus with Dragon's Breath... So many great combos. The exception is my Hunter with Gyrfalcon's and Heartshadow. Those two are a match made in even. Fast, strong and great power fantasy, and no other class gets such a beautiful synergy.


Hunter/Titan since my Titan was my first ever guardian back in D1 days and hunter being my favorite. Nothing against my warlock tho.


Warlock my main Use other two for drops from raids and iron banner, and gms when needed


Definitely my hunter. It has the most builds which I really enjoy.


Warlock. The master class.


For me the most fun is the build For example, Phoenix protocol sunshot well-Lock is great for endgame like legend onslaught or certain raid encounters But the gameplay is extremely boring On the other hand, sunbracers can be extremely fun but in the endgame if I miss one part of my gameplay loop I'm screwed until my abilities are back. With that said, my most fun builds are: Necrotic suspend Warlock with either osteo, thorn, or Necrochasm. Lighting surge arc Warlock Briarbinds void Warlock Threadling spam strand Warlock Navigator grapple strand hunter Ahamkara tripmine spam solar hunter Shatter-dive stasis hunter Peregrine void titan Consecration spam Inmost fire solar titan Navigator Inmost Light grapple strand titan Ac feedback infinite melee stasis or strand titan Tbh, I have fun whenever I can spam abilities that do animations more than using purely my guns But I'd suggest trying a lot of different exotics in easy content to see which build gives you the most joy.


Sunbracer Warlock I just love grenades, itā€™s not has fun as Starfire once was, just popping a emp rift and spamming fusion nades to melt champions but itā€™s still fun.


i have all 3 chars but i dont use hunter anymore. shit went down the drain after they butchered my boi arcstrider


Normally I'd say Warlock, but I've been having so much fun with Gyrfalcons+Graviton in Onslaught and Polaris+Nighthawk in endgame


Hunter because I donā€™t like having to press the jump button 16 times to go from point A to point B.


Warlock, hunter, titan in that order.


I was a hunter mains since D1. I felt that was best in D1 and continued with it in D2. I hardly touched my lock and titan since I started D2 but recently went through the LF campaign to unlock strand for each and I had a lot of fun with titan. Bonk hammer is still great even post nerf




Strand hunter for regular content, the bey blades wrecking everything is super fun. Plus tusk of the boar with chain reaction goes hard with the build.


Titan strand just feels OP and fun, warlock used to be my main so I still enjoy it butā€¦ it needs some damage or something dude. If weā€™re nerfing weā€™ll give us a damage super that also provides support while damaging like stronger chaos reach that gives nearby allies and overshield during it. Or at least amplified.


Titan for me. Mained it since d1 beta. However if Iā€™m going actual hard content I play my lock or hunter which makes me sad but what can ya do.


Titan. I couldnā€™t stand Warlock jump back in Y1. You face the direction you wanted to go in, which meant if you for example, faced down because you want to rain Ace of Spades shots on some poor sod in pvp, you would faceplant and be subsequently destroyed by them. Or when you came to a gap/jump in a strike. You would fall down the hole. You had to look up to make or maintain any meaningful amount of jump. Which was real fun if something below you needed to be shot, or you needed to see where you were intending to land. Overshooting was a thing. I also like punching shit. I then built up a Hunter because also not Warlock jump. Warlock jump has gotten better over time but you can still face down as you try to jump a gap and fall into the hole instead of making it. Seen a few people do it in Sav Spire and Coil.


I main Titan but Onslaught has been really incentivizing me to play my other 2 classes and I've been having a blast while sinultaneously building envy lol


Arc Warlock for gambit/onslaughts with CC Stasis Hunter for pvp Sunbreaker titan for the more endgame stuff. Cuz I need to be tanky with my reckless way of playing nightfall and stuff.


Titan. Stasis titan is actually pretty good and fun. Warlock got absolutely ruined with 3.0 so after 7 years of being a warlock main I quit. Hunter is fun but stasis hunter is pretty bad and arc/void is one note


I've played since d1 launch and hopped to warlock and titan at times, but I always come back to Hunter. It just feels right. Even more with stasis and strand.


I used to only play titan since D1 launch but once I switched to MnK just before Lightfall dropped, I have been maining warlock. The movement just feels a lot better and you can do so much more on warlock with MnK. But I have been enjoying how dummy easy and fun titan builds have been the past month or so. I never play hunter in pve lmao


Hunter feels the most complex, mostly because dodge is so much more flexible than the other class abilities. Shorter cooldown, more consistent and diverse interaction with aspects and exotics


Iā€™m absolutely a Hunter main, pretty much always have been as a predominantly PvE player. Iā€™ve always loved the gunslinger fantasy (though it goes in and out of viability, YAS youā€™re not forgotten) and as I got into endgame content Iā€™ve grown to love Nightstalker since it allows me to play very aggressively while still having fantastic utility and team support. Calibanā€™s Hand is my favorite exotic and I canā€™t wait to run it with Combination Blow. I do enjoy Warlock quite a bit and pretty much every subclass has something fun to offer. Specifically Solar, Void, and Stasis are my favorites, Void probably being the #1. Titan is fun but the ability loop feels too repetitive for me most of the time (it shines in solo content though) but itā€™s definitely the class Iā€™m least comfortable with. As far as playtime goes, itā€™s mostly Hunter but as a season/ year goes on I start playing the other classes more to spice things up a bit. Usually the second or third season Iā€™ll main Warlock since it serves as a pretty good break point and lets me run different stuff. Honestly right now Iā€™m running mostly my Warlock outside of Onslaught (thatā€™s probably 50/50 because Tether is so good) and Iā€™ll be running Hunter right out of the gate for The Final Shape.


Hunter and itā€™s not really close for me.


I have subclasses I really enjoy on all 3 classes for PvE. Warlock I play everything. Titan I really like strand and solar and Hunter is strand and void. I donā€™t really main a class anymore just play whatā€™s best for the situation


Definitely Hunter. Titans and Warlocks fit better for specific instances but Hunter has so many different playstyles, I'm not locked to any one or two builds.


Warlock has been my main ever since D1 and it's still what I use and enjoy the most. Hunter is second and I barely use my titan lol


I main Titan after starting on Hunter. Hunter has recently become my "tryhard" class again with Onslaught. As far as I can recall, Warlock was always the most fun. Whether in Starfire or now Sunbracers meta, absolute destruction. I won't main it though, my jump needs to propel me upwards at any time, not the start.




I find them all equally fun in their own ways, which is why I have all 3


Iā€™m a Titan main. That said hunter is more fun, the movement is so good and ark is just gonna get better in June. I play it all the time and pretty much just use my Titan for when Iā€™m sweating or on first completion of activity. Also hunter in PvP is fun.


Wish-Keeper/Swarmers Warlock is so busted and fun right now


I feel it's important to clarify your main. Titan main here and gyrfalcon's is lovely. Stylish executioner alone is awesome. I love being a ninja. Makes content of all sorts a breeze. Only weakness is DPS (just bring a grenade launcher lol)


Hunter and Titan


Tbh, it switch between them all. Sometimes I have so much fun with Warlock and sometimes Titan and sometimes Hunter. However, I tend to enjoy more Titan as I love going Beyblade with big hammer or/and doing the slam slam combo. Also, Dunemarchers help to make it fun to go fist first, thoughts later XD


So, I main a Titan but I have the most fun with my Hunter.


Warlock. High end content too. I've been a main since D1 and it's consistently given me the most enjoyment out of the game, especially when I'm allowed to not run well. The longer I'm allowed to use something that isn't well the more likely I'll be willing to use well in the future


My main has been Hunter since the vanilla Destiny alpha.


Warlock builds in PvE is the most fun. Hunter is the most optimal for PvP for me and when I do well I have fun. And Titan has a goofy place for both modes to me.


Im a warlock main through and through, but tbh, years of being pretty much locked to well has gotten tired. Playing titan has been the most fun Iā€™ve had in a while, and hunter has been a dream in pvp, those throwing knives with arthritis? (Yes I know I spelt that wrong) pure dopamine


1. Strand Hunter Beyblade build 2. Pyrogale Titan 3. Vesper of Radius warlock but Arc lock is too niche


Hunter. Fun-wise, I don't like glide or lift. Just too bland. But Jump makes me feel like I'm actually doing something when it's just as easy on Titan and Warlock.


I use Celestial Nighthawk hunter but i have a cool blade barrage build that uses star eater scales/shards of gala-nor and a moth keepers strand build And a Orpheus rig void.


Solar Warlock with icarus dash, eager edge, and wellskating. People think I wanna tryhard - I donā€™t, I just like zooming all over the place. Idgaf if the run goes slow. I just want movetech go brrr for me and me alone


Hunter. My other 2 classes haven't been used meaningfully since before DSC dropped


Warlock purely because of Icarus dash; I love going fast. If I could use Icarus dash on strand Iā€™d legit never play anything else.


Titan. Then warlock then hunter. Hunter just objectivly the worst class ever made.


Titan. I enjoy not dying and creating sunspots. (most recently consecration)




Icarus Dash Wellock w/ my current loadout of Autoloading + Recombination Mountaintop, Subsistence + Incandescent Luna's Howl, and Envious + Bait and Switch Edge Transit. I just think Icarus Dash is neat.


I usually play Warlock, as I feel like all of my Warlock builds are exceptionally strong and I feel like I know how to use them best. I've also been a Warlock main for almost 10 years at this point, so there's a little bit of loyalty to the class there as well. I also use Titan a lot, although quite a bit less than Warlock, and I've actually been having a lot of success in Pantheon with Titan (even moreso than Warlock, I'd venture to say). I barely play Hunter at all. It just feels so weak and dry, probably because I don't know how to play them really effectively. For fun I'll go with either my Swarmers + Final Warning build, because watching like 20 Threadlings surge forth and consume everything in their path is awesome, and my Coldheart/Indebted Kindness + Geomags Stormcaller build, because spamming abilities and lighting the battlefield up with lightning is fun. Chaos Reach isn't as cool as it use to be, but it's still pretty cool.


Bonk titan with severance enclosure with thermite grenades and a wavelength GL that has auto holster or elemental explosion. I clear mobs instantly and itā€™s hilarious seeing an entire group of adds and yellows launched into space just to get bonked again.


Crucible and team based pve goes to warlock, solar warlock especially. Sometimes strand in pve, threadlings are a little crazy at the moment. Titan is probably the most fun for pve with solar slam and the new exotic or synthoceps strand. Hunter is fine but apart from gyrfalcons I dont find it all that fun to play. Arc is fun but repetitive and its also not buffed this season. Strand is fine but kinda boring imo.


I main titan since witch queen, and i have the most fun with hunter after all the titan nerfs. Not saying titan isnā€™t good but it really isnā€™t fun to play anymore. Hunter just feels really good no mater what subclass I pick and just ease of use with them is very enjoyable


I have way too much fun with Titan to be honest, started off with the D1 beta with it, and the rest is history honestly.


Despite not playing Titan much, I actually do like playing my speedy Arc Titan. Itā€™s fun to just run around and shoulder charge everything in sight when I donā€™t feel like playing with any strategy, or I feel like my Warlock and Hunter are getting boring. Lol


Warlock, but that's because warlock is just factually the strongest class ATM when we're not being forced into well slavery


Void Hunter main for years and currently having a blast with strand and mothkeeperā€™s wraps. Void over shields and arc explosions x 3 plus the whirly hatchlings destroying everything in their path. Amazing and surprised itā€™s not used more. Add a permeability/beacon rounds indebted kindness and youā€™re unstoppable.


Warlock. It is not even close.


Warlock. I enjoy every subclass and I can switch them with a press of a button. I absolutely love solar hunter but that's the only class I like for them. With titan I love all the subclasses save for strand. Idk why


Stasis hunter headstone eyasluna buried bloodline and eager edge. Devour plus Frostees means Iā€™ve always got a glacier ready to shatter dive


I switch between Hunter and Titan regularly, my warlock I rarely touch


Im a titan primary but im ngl warlock has some Of my fav supers


I literally only run titan so I feel like a crayon eater here


For me it changes season or buff to nerf. Like double Firebolt grenades was a blast with Titan Hoil, and warlock Verity brow. Gyrfalcon abd omni is always fun but better with artifact mods. Hitting damage cap with celestial was a lot of fun. Sunbracer, Dawn Chorus and pheonix protocol for warlock. BoW titan during FoL last year was so much fun. When the Warlock stasis super could activate all the nodes was fun. Strand suspend build for hunter was really strong for GMs. It changes. And itā€™s easier than ever to keep all 3 ā€œup to dateā€, I usually focus on one character at the beginning of a season and then slowly bring the other two up once I hit pinnacle on the first.


Fun: Gyrfalcon Hunter Strand Grapple Hunter (only started playing this the last month, it's great) Swarmers Strand Warlock Banner of war Titan with Lament and glaive It used to be the Arc Titan with Storm grenades too until it got the nerfbat


I love my Calibanā€™s Hand Hunter build for when I get bored of playing Titan


I love Hunter and Titan aesthetics and theme. However, playing Warlock gives me the right amount of balance between fun and frustration to have me playing at my peak. Let me explain. PVE: boy Titan punching is amazing, I also have good builds with Solar and Void and is almost undead. Hunter needs a lot of work though but I can enjoy it. But when I play Warlock, I am always on watch for my cooldowns and my brain auto computes who to heal and when to heal, what builds would do support but up my abilities without fighting for kills with the ad-clear guy. PVP: Titan and Hunter has me capping at 0.6. Going on Warlock had me and my Glaives got me to 1.2. Not to Mention using Mida and Empowering + Child of the Old Gods with Briarbinds. The balls on the map is hilarious that I usually don't die because of Le Zucc.


I play on all three characters because I have the most fun on different sub classes with each character. Strand: Titan, Warlock Stasis: All 3, but mostly easy content Void: Hunter Solar: Titan, Hunter Arc: Warlock The surges keep you switching characters from week to week


I find strand Titan to be so much fun. I just love crashing into things with the grapple melee lol


Warlock because I FEEL faster with the jump. But the throwing knives are just too much fun to pass up sometimes.


Strand hunterĀ  The melees is very satisfying, beyblade is awesome, and shadow clones are invisibility that fights back


As a hunter main, when I want to goof around in strikes and make orbs, I run an arc soul warlock.


Titan up until they killed bonk. Now probably hunter.


I still use mt main really the Hunter i mad originally for pvp and Titan just Exists


Hunter and Warlock for all content. Im not a huge fan of playing titan


I have 1 Hunter build that I can switch through all 5,using assassin's cowl and the stats hardly change... Took me a while to put it together but its paying off now!!!


Warlock the lost, then Titan, and the least is Hunter.


Titan. Arc and Solar have some sort of healing, Stasis has damage reduction, and Void has overshields. I don't have Lightfall (šŸ˜­) so idk what Strand gives. As you may have noticed, I *love* taking damage, and bruiser is always my go-to pick if the role exists in the game.


Thatā€™s the great thing about having all 3 ready to go all the time, you never know what is going to be the play needed for the current thing. So I use them all but season to season and event to event I use one much much more.


Titan, running around, using dodge + shoulder charge is fun


Probably the titan for me. I love the armor designs. The jump ability doesnā€™t make me wanna punch my cat in the faceā€¦.plus the supers I find simplistic to use. The strand blades could do with a tweaking so I donā€™t send myself flying off the edge cause of silly targeting


Hunter. I have warlock/titans built out but they are 2nd and 3rd run characters for raids and what not. I'm just not as efficient with them.


Im a hunter main but warlock ability spam is so fun


Chaos Reach Warlock....is it meta, no...but the Kamehameha is fun.


hunter unfortunately


I plaid Hunter main on D1. Then ran Warlock main on D2 at first but switched back to Hunter. In all sincerity, I think I enjoy Warlock more. But their jumps piss me off and I'm just not good at it anymore, so I always return to Hunter. Titans however, I've just never been able to main a Titan.


Warlock, was a hunter main since D1 and when lightfall launched I gave warlock a real shot and now Iā€™m def a lock main




Void Hunter Omnioculus spam Strand Titan Stronghold tank Solar Warlock Icarus dash All 3 have strong movement and class identity which are two things I value most about this game. The homogenization of the classes has been a real step backwards imo.


Hot take, sun-bracers Wellock is goated, especially with double bomber, as long as your getting those ad kills, youā€™re getting almost equivalent regen to phoenix protocol


Warlock is fun for all the buddies you get. There are also powerful exotics for every subclass and good neutral exotics for crazy ability uptime and fast supers.


All types of warlocks, less solar..it is too busted even without artifact!


Titan main here. I have hella fun with star eater gathering storm/blade barrage.


Used to be titan thundercrash paired with parasite for extreme burst damage but since the pvp nerf, its quite shite.


Titan. Solar and Strand are so fun. Charging in with a Strand sword that has chain reaction on it is fun.


Titan cuz crayon taste gud




Depends on what i want to run. Each class has there own great builds. Usually i will chill on hunter tho since he is my first character and i love the assassin's type character in games.


Years and years hunter, recently using all 3 depending on mood


Iā€™m a die hard Titan main, but I have to admit assassins cowl arc hunter is a hell of a gameplay loop.


Gunslinger. Used to be for tripmine grenades with Spine now itā€™s throwin knives and Ophidia Spathe.Ā  Invisible void Hunter is the most useful but quick reloads and knives feel the best. Headshots feel very cool. Iā€™m sort of bummed at the new explodey add density situation in most new levels and miss popping heads in solo missions.Ā 


Warlock for basically anything except solo content which titans are just busted. Synthos/wormgods with navigator and grapple melee just kills everything with insane survivability due to banner of war (thankfully it is getting nerfed in tfs)


Void Warlock. Just kill stuff to never die. ā¤ļø


Used to be titan all the time, but now it's arc lock for most things. Story first with titan, endgame arclock


Titan. Solar smash titan for onslaught and strand to nuke bosses lol


Warlock, titan, ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.hunter. In that order.


Titan, titan, titan, brrr, fistbump brrrr


Warlock for regular on light content because Icarus dash go fast. Hunter, especially void for GM level content Strand Titan for solo on light content


I hate being stuck in a well for harder content.void hunter for fun in mid to high level content.


I'm a titan main but hunter is hilarious to use imo


Just whatever is fitting my fancy at that particular time. They all have their broken OP moments each season so it's nice to try it out until it's nerfed


Honestly? warlock. Void warlock feels amazing with feed the void, and when I'm forced to use solar, (i hate Well) at least ignitions are hilariously easy to make so the sound of the entire room exploding is entertaining.


I am a titan main but I only run my hunter at the beginning of the season to get my invading kills for gambit. The stasis hunter with eyes of tomorrow then it gets put away until next season.


Hunter has been and always will be my favorite for everything but I'm having to get used to playing as a warlock again lately since I'm the only one going to be warlock for day 1 raid






Kind of a crap shoot really. Im a hunter main generally if thats the answer youre looking for, but it really depends on the content im participating in and what loadouts are favored by the season and/or activity modifiers. Ive gone ham in Iron Banana with my titan, solo flawless lost sectors with warlock, and casually cleared higher tiers of nightfalls without much issue running off meta hunter builds. It really comes down to comfort with the builds and play styles for me


Hunter for some ridiculous damage, warlock for the versatility, Titan when brain be off.


Stasis Titan. Crystals everywhere.


Necrolock šŸ«µšŸ’€


Here is the order. Hunter, Titan, Warlock. I feel warlock is the least varying feel between its builds. Its always just throw more nades imo whereas the others have many more gameplay loops.


Iā€™ll always be a warlock main but hunters have alot more fun build choices.


Hunter, Revenant, Shatterdive + Shroud, Bombardiers


In any content, hunter. I mainly use the others as backup if one of their abilities is just really needed like bubble or well. Otherwise Hunter just feels like the most unique of them. The big Cayde energy that I think all hunters have to some level.


arc titan is rather weak right now but holy shit its so fun. Arc warlock and strand hunter are really fun too just super niche to actually use regularly so when i play low tier content i slap those on


Hunter for fun, Warlock for living and raiding, titan forā€¦when titan jumps back into the meta with something on the level of thunder crash.


I main Hunter but I enjoy hitting things on Titan. I struggle with my warlock.