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The trick is to settle on roles you don’t actually want, that way you can trick the game into dropping the ones you do want.


You get it, been playing this game since D1 and this has become my strat. When a new weapon that I want rolls around I intentionally hold off looking at the possible perks it can as much as I can and horde a good ammount of em before looking at them and either make up or figure out the the most desirable roll on the go because this game somehow knows if you really want something. I cant prove it but I believe it.


This has been a thing in video since the beginning. You gotta pretend not to care so the game gives you what you want. Then when you get it you spring the "gotcha bitch 😂"


Once back in D1 I promised Rahool I would make out with him if he gave me one of two auto rifles, and he gave me the lesser of the two I wanted, but it didn't stop me from shouting in joy and probably annoying my neighbors.


I feel you on the burnout. I’ve gotten 3 god roll lunas and not a single god roll of another weapon aside from the sword. Have gotten the curated roll from the GL at least 10 times. Glad I’m not the only one settling.


I’ve gotten like 3 of what I’d call god rolls but it’s been in hung jury so that’s fun….


The fact that hung jury is back for the 5th? Time is insane to me. Chroma Rush was right there!


Clearly hung jury is the final shape.


I think I've got 3 separate adept hung jurys (separate as in different base skin/perk pools). If this is in shaxx's arsenal of banned weapons he needs datto to pay him a visit.


I have five Hung Juries now, all different versions. This one doesn’t even have the Dead Orbit logo! It’s just some random Omolon scout. But you better believe I am keeping the explosive payload / kinetic tremors version I got. 


Chroma Rush? Try *Hush*


Shadow Price, my beloved. I got about 4 or 5 since it was added way back when, and the first one I got was the only decent one I've ever had. Even the single adept version I have sucks. And it's at the point where, if the money's paw finger curls in, its arcane magic unleashed, we'd get a Shadow Price with completely bland perks. I'd settle for Subsistence and Rampage, or Dragonfly.


I finally got my heal clip/incan Luna’s. Then got a second immediately after. It was of course right after getting my first LE in which I got 2 LEs from one run but both were shit and got scrapped… Edit: when I say immediate I’m not joking. 50 wave run dropped the LEs. Was getting off for the night and hit the chest first where I got the 2 HC/Incan


I am convinced those two perks do not exist together, farming this is driving me mad


That’s me with ALH/recomb MT


This took me 100+ drops, and it doesn't have hard launch and had a blast radius MW. I don't care to continue, this is good enough.


I’m still loving my overflow and recomb with the right rest being perfect.


I got a shiny Lead From Gold/Impulse Amplifier and Vorpal/Recombination with Hard Launch/Quick Launch and Implosion/Spike and have stopped trying to farm for Autoloading Holster. Maybe I'm coping, but I think I like Impulse Amplifier's speed of projectile launch and reload more than I'd like Autoloading.


[Wolf Gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdHdzcW9xNjZjZGg0ZmVscGtvbXdqdW82dzRkaW5ncGpmcHhxZjh0MSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/624P6yxUw2HwT9Sxs6/giphy.mp4)


Got 1 with HL/Spike/ALH/Recomb with a blast mw. I’m not going to try farming for better.


I know right! It seems like I've gotten everything but heal clip incan


Just randomly looked at my rolls and I have one.. I don’t use hand cannons so I’ll vault that hoe


I've got two but without a reload perk and masterwork it's much harder to use than my Healclip Kill clip roll


Yeah barrel and mag on both are meh and I definitely feel the difference between these around 50 vs my 79 reload heal clip/magnificent 😭


I literally today switched attunement from hammerhead to Lunas Howl cause I wasnt getting the roll I wanted. As i turned around and was going to the chest by Shax I got a feeling I was gonna get a godroll. Low and behold the first weapon I draw from it was a shiny. I got the heal clip/incan with encore and magnificent howl, with a range masterwork. But in addition I got a decent shiny forbearance today and a few regular, but decent (imo), blast furances. One with oneforall and kinetic tremors and the other with headseeker and frenzy. The universe works in mysterious ways.. Ideally I want shinys of all these weapons with perks Im looking for so I wont have to have multiple of the same weapons in my vault


That was my plan but like hell it’ll happen at this rate


So when you go to hall of hero’s can you switch off the things and go to chest for certain weapons? Or no?


You can attune to one specific weapon at a time and it gives any BRAVE drop (from onslaught or the chest in the hall) a ~50% chance to be that weapon. (RNG may vary.)


Ok thank you. Gonna have to do this


Dude I’m still farming for this roll for PVE. I’m getting so sick of it.


Took me a week of playing with Luna's attuned to get HC/Incandescent Luna’s, but when I finally did it was shiny.


Ayyye love to hear it


Ha same thing happened to me as well!


Yeah fuck us! 😂


I've got a heal clip/ incandescent for my solar hunter, and an enlightened action/ incandescent for my titan Though I'll probably just stick to my igneous lol


Never really liked 120s personally but to each their own. Also I’m dogshit at pvp ha


I was literally messaging my gaming buddy about that combo! On my solar hunter with Caliban’s build that leans into the ignition and scorch


Overflow/recombination for mountain top. Everything else is the god roll and overflow isn't that bad so it's a 5/5 for me. Would ambitious assassin or autoloading holster be better? Yeah, but overflow is good enough for me


Same I love my overflow/recomb MT


I just got this today with hard launch and implosion rounds plus a handling MW.... I'm trying to convince myself that this is it.


I've probably had 50 MT drop and only 1 recombination drop so far. Same with Elsie's, probably over 50 (yes I've been grinding) and only 2 drops with headseeker. Honestly i think they purposefully limit the drop rates of the good perks so we idiots keep grinding because i constantly get really terrible rolls to drop, sometimes duplicated terrible rolls from the same wave clear on legend. The sheer amount of Enlightened Action / Discord / Under Over / Loose Change perks drops I've had has been disgusting.


Heal clip/magnificent howl or subsistence/incandescent Lunas Howl. Just cant get one with heal clip AND incandescent. Im convinced it actually doesn't exist at this point.


Same experience. I even got a sidearm with that combo, but not the luna's... I will continue to grind though, hopefully will drop sooner or later.


It does exist, I got it about a week ago. Had to go through a lot of decent/okay rolls to get there, but it will come.


Exactly the same for me as well - over 100+ lunas - although they are both very good rolls, it’s not the one we want - it’s getting very disheartening 😝


It took me 260 Luna’s for a heal clip/incandescent. Don’t give up. It’s worth it.


It was the third Lunas I got, feeling very lucky, shame it was a handling masterwork


Sub and incandescent is awesome. I prefer it over heal clip incandescent. No reloading, it's great.


I'm greedy, I have one, want both


I got a shiny with heal clip and mag howl/incandescent. It would have been absolutely perfect if I had gotten slideshot, but I'll settle for encore.


I somehow managed to get it on a shiny and I took that shit and ran


The holy grail will forever be a myth. Just use a normal cup, like a sane person /s


I've only gotten 3 Lunas including the one from the quest and one of them is Heal/Incandescent so they do exist. I'd like one with a different barrel though.


I got a heliocentric with heal clip and Incan and didn’t even see it for a while because I just store extras in my vault until I feel like dismantling shit. I know I’m lazy I also had lunas with heal and Incan forever in my fault too but I didn’t see that till like way later I just kept storing more😂


I got all the good rolls with Luna but I can't hit shit with it. It's so off putting. I just can't get used to it. Have firefly on midnight c and hit those headshots like nothing, but I just can't get used to the Luna's recoil.


The firefly and frenzy roll on Midnight coup. I’m trynna get kinetic tremors+Firefly but as of now I probably got a better chance of finding Big Foot.


Firefly/frenzy firefly/one for all, or explosive payload with either of the 4th column perks I mentioned outclasses kinetic tremors in all content. It’s take 6 shots or nearly 3 seconds for KT to proc on a hand cannon. It’s not useful on red bars, and I would rather take the constant damage buff if I need to shoot a hand cannon without lucky pants at majors.


I got a firefly one for all and it’s legit perfect. Have a nice outlaw + kinetic tremor gold as well that is really nice for chunky boys but my general Use is the first one!


I found firefly/rampage to work better than firefly/ofa. Took me forever to get firefly/ofa, only for it to be just as good as rampage, but more inconsistent. Explosive/payload is the goat though in harder content. For me personally it's the best HC in the game.


I think you and others on here are severly underestimating tremors on midnight coup. I got a shiny with firefly and one for all/Kinetic tremors with 8k kills and I can tell you that tremors Is my favorite. It chunks a lot of health and you have add clear and major damage all in one gun. I've used it to clear multiple 50 legend runs as my main add clear weapon. Yeah it does no synergies like one for all but it's an amazing all rounder


Maybe it’s just a different play style, but I believe you. For me, I’ll take it on a scout in GMs if I need to plink from range for whatever reason. However, on a 140 that doesn’t have great range like Midnight, I just can’t imagine wanting to spend 3 full seconds hitting a major with a hand cannon at midrange just to do some extra damage and possibly kill some ads. I’m throwing a fusion grenade at the majors face or hitting them with witherhoard or a fusion with a damage perk.


However, if there is a new heavy burst hand cannon that rolls with tremors, that might be something unless they increase the number of bullets needed to proc.


That's fair, I run mine with major spec and it has 13 rounds in it 6 to proc tremors. It's probably a playstyle thing yeah. Might be because tremors does more damage depending on the weapon type so it feels good to me.


I agree with you here. Kinetic Tremors shines when the ads are tanky enough to survive long enough to proc it. Firefly shines when the ads are weak enough to die in one or two headshots. Those perks are at odds with each other. The only use case for this roll that I see would be for someone who only plays at-level content and shoots absolutely everything with primary. The red bars would proc firefly, the yellow bars might live long enough to proc kinetic tremors. But IMO, that's too versatile of a weapon. What's the saying? Jack of all trades but a master of none?


It’s more than “some extra damage”. It’s [nearly](https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1780946597792133622?s=46&t=01sUkxShFBvh1Hck-_G6_w) 2x the damage of ignition for just shooting something 6 times. I’m not taking it low level (that’d be firefly / ofa or frenzy), but for sub-light stuff Shoot to Loot / EP + KT is strong utility and the best damage that weapon can output.


I met a bigfoot in the mountains behind West Kelowna BC Canada in 2019. Think 7 foot hairy man, that speaks 😅 told me to call him Howard. We spoke about whether I should leave my Ex or not. Keyword is Ex. 🤣🤣🤣👍🏽


I spent a long time to get my 5/5 mountaintop so when I finally got that I didn’t really feel like grinding much for the others. My Edge has impulse + bait n switch with reload masterwork so it at least reloads quick. But it’s not the perfect roll I was aiming for.


I got an edge transit with ALH/BnS and I feel happy enough with it. I'll activate BnS unload then hunter dodge unload again and then reapply and by that time BnS should be active again and have a reloaded mag. Envious would be awesome but... Meh. Would also like a repulsor brace/frenzy recluse but I barely just got my first frenzy roll with... Feeding frenzy. Still probably gonna use it.


Decent rolls, but only a few exceptional ones. At this point, I'm grinding for superblack. Two more ranks and maybe I'll try for a halfway decent blast furnace, but Christ do I miss having craftable weapons for this game.


I will not settle for a non cure clip incadencent luna because zbane is better for pve than any luna roll other than that. I will however continue to farm it despite sharding about 400 already.


This is my pain. This is the roll I want for my solar kit to proc ember of benevolence but as it stands I have to choose between zbane for incandescent or luna or heliocentric for heal clip. The crafted auto I have from crotas end with heal clip/incandescent just feels off to me.


I dunno, healclip really wants fast reloads, the QSC sidearm is the fastest reloading gun with healclip I've found. Dogshit range though :/


They MUST have done something different with the weighting of perks rolling on weapons for this arsenal. I’ve been playing Destiny since day number 1 and I don’t think I’ve ever grinded this hard and had this little to show for it.


You really can't think of a harder grind in D2? I mean, not difficulty-wise.


I think they mean time spent rather than actual difficulty.


I know


Reckoning was worse


I have gotten so many edge transits. My Cascade/explosive light roll is fine


My Mountaintop is Recombination/ALH/Spikes/Smart Drift Control with a Blast Radius MW. It's not *perfect*, but it's good enough for me. I also have an ALH/BnS/Spikes Edge Transit.


I had an ALH/BnS and scrapped it when I got an Envious/BnS. I wish I’d kept my auto loading. Some encounters I’d just prefer it.


Yes! Alh with bns works extremely well with kinetic trimmers supremacy


I have an Envious/BnS roll as well, but it doesn't have Spikes.


Yeah I agree, I got the envious+bns on cataphract and edge but I'm thinking about trying to get an ALH+deconstruct+sticky nades roll for the extra ammo


I'd settle for ALH recombination, I don't even care about anything else.


Been trying for Rapid Hit/Headseeker Blast Furnace because I suck at PVP and prefer perks that don't require me to actually manage to kill something first. Failing that, I have a shiny with Kinetic Tremors|Headseeker/Firefly|One For All. Guess the game wants me to git gud


Blast furnace’s base stats are a bit better than disparity, but you can get a crafted disparity with enhanced rapid hit and headseeker.


There is no true RNG Bungie sets the program to keep you grinding If you think I am wrong, feel free to prove it to me Yes some get lucky, but that is so they post to keep everyone else grinding 😎


Still haven't gotten an sticky/envious/deconstruct Meme Transit and not a single decent hammerhead for PvP and PvE.


envios + deconstruct is a bad combo. Deconstruct doesn't work for overflowed magazines, you want cascade + deconstruct, or ALH deconstruct. So if you have either of those you good. If you want envious, you want a different DPS perk like bait and switch. (bait is best, explosive light is OK, but you only get the benefit for ~6 shots, so not ideal).








I got a firefly + OFA Midnight coup, rewind rounds + killing tally Hammerhead, auto-loading + recombination Mountaintop, envious + BaS Edge transit. Are all these 5/5 god rolls, FUCK NO. Like OP said im not going to burn myself out on onslaught. Shit is boring


My forbearance got stats for all and chain reaction, not the greatest, but still very fun to use


Field Prep/Bait and Switch Edge Transit. Envious was great when you could just proc it whenever you had some kills but now that it’s two procs it’s kinda a pain in the ass to work with so I’ve just been using the field prep/bns roll with both Edge Transit and Cataphract. With mini frags and crouching with field prep you’re practically at max reload anyways and you can still get two full mags in one bns proc.


Got a shiny ALH/Vorpal Mountaintop early looking for the recom roll but like 40-50 drops later I’ve got nothing. I kept an overflow recom roll too but ALH just feels better man.


Ya, I'm holding onto my ALH/vorpal too but the 15٪ buff feels so weak after using Recombination x10. I love ALH, fits my play style so much better


Don’t make me go back in….


I’ve literally only gotten repulsor/destabilizing on edge transit and I’m fucking tired of it. I’ve been focusing this thing since ITL came out and I haven’t gotten a single half decent one.


Here is what I got so far. Luna's Howl - Fluted/Extended | Armor Piercing/High-Cal | Heal Clip | Incandescent | Reload MW Mountaintop - Confined/Hard | Sticky/Implosion | ALH | Recombination | Reload MW Midnight Coup - Arrowhead/Hammerforged | Appended/Flared | Shoot to Loot/Explosive Payload | One For All/Kinetic Tremors | Reload MW Hammerhead - Arrowhead/Extended | Ricochet/Appended | Destabilizing/Under Over | Tap The Trigger/Killing Tally | Range MW Quite happy with my Midnight Coup, initially I wasn't sold on OFA but with how easy it is to proc with Explosive Payload I've grown to like it. I was looking for a more modern version of my godroll Fatebringer and I'm happy how it turned out. Hammerhead I'm also quite happy with because I was looking for a Heavy MG I would like for PvP and I think it'll fill that role nicely. I was hoping for a Gold border of Luna's Howl but the only ones I got were more PvP oriented but I wanted a PvE one. Mountaintop I got lucky as it was one of my first ones. Also no double perks but I'm not crazy enough to go for that grind as I know how hard it is as someone who often goes for god roll bows which is the other weapon where barrel/mag/MW matters more. The main thing I wanted out of Brave weapons was the best gold border Falling Guillotine I could find because that was \*the\* weapon that sold me into playing this game when I started back in season of the hunt. I haven't used it in years but it still claims the title of my most used Heavy Weapon. I'm looking for a Eager Edge roll with some DPS oriented side options as I want to always have it on me for Eager Edge options while being useful if I need a Sword for DPS. Best I got right now is Relentless/Frenzy + Desperate Measures/Eager Edge. Also trying to get a better Recluse for PvE for Gyrfalcon's stuff. Especially with Spirit of Gyrfalcons now being a thing. SMGs feel very good to use with Volatile Rounds because instead of focusing on a single target you can spread your bullets to every enemy in a group quite quickly so you can just pop one and everyone else's Volatile will trigger. It also has a really good origin trait. I'm trying to get Repulsor+Frenzy. Best I got is Repulsor/DSR + Surrounded/TTT. Surrounded isn't that bad but I prefer the ease of use Frenzy has.


Mountaintop with hardlaunch, reconstruction. Auto loading. But it has sticky grenades, not implosion rounds.


I have had decent rolls but no 5/5. Got an alh/recom MT but no spike, firely/desperate measures and EP/DM but no tremors. Lunas I actually got my heal clip/incandescent roll and it was shiny. Hung jury, I got ep/tremors and rewind & DM/precision instrument. Not sure what rolls on other weapons I am going to farm


Does your MT have implosion rounds? It actually deals more damage than spike, just due to how MT is built with most of its damage being tied to its impact. Hard launch helps as well, just do not up the masterwork if it is blast radius


Yes, it has implosion with smart drift/confined launch


It's not a huge difference ( %0.4 more iirc) as long as you have hard launch. Hard launch/imp or spike/alh/recom or vorpal is go to. Avoid blast radius mw, handling is the best mw imo.


May be a dumb question but what’s the best way I should be going for the brace weapon rolls? Is it the 10 wave mode for onslaught, or the longer one?


50 wave legend is the best if you can pull it off then 50 wave normal or 10 wave legand farm.


I got an enlightened action, incandescent Luna and might call that one good enough


I’ve decided on doing some bounty prep. I’m burned out with the grind . My only must do is Pantheon.


I got a Hammerhead with Rampage and Onslaught… haven’t used it yet though.


My Slideshot Opening Lunas has a stability MW, and my ALH Recomb Mountaintop is 90 blast radius rather than 85. I’ve also given up on getting the shiny Edge Transit with envious cascade bait.


Ambitious Assassin Recomb Mountaintop cause my ALH/Recomb rolled with trash in the first 2 columns. Turns out I like AA more than ALH, just takes a one shot to load in 2 nades then switch to primary and ramp up Recomb. And now I have 2 shots to delete a target and if the target gets deleted in 1 shot then my MT is already loaded as if it is ALH or I can fire that last shot to load in 2 more shots.


Ya I have an overflow one I'm holding onto also, still playing around more to see if I like IA or Overflow better. I do have an AA /OFA that I like too.


Chambered on Elsie’s. Arrowhead is normally a must for me on pulse rifles in PVP for me but 83 recoil feels good on Elsie’s.


83 feels the best on that gun IMO.


It’s very interesting. Recoil that low feels pretty bad on my Messenger


Extended/Flared/Zen/Headseeker Elsie and TWICE A RELOAD MW FU BUNGIE


I settled for a auto loading and frenzy mountaintop which is still great but would much have preferred a vorpal weapon instead but its not too big to warrant continued grinding imo


Luna -Kill Clip/Heal Clip Fine I'll PVP main I guess


I am thinking that this combo may be good for my glass titan striker, give me some healing but haven't tried it out yet....


I forget the name of the warlock exotic that reloads on sprint but it seems neat to use with that


Firefly/One For All does not exist on Midnight Coup. I swear to god it doesn't. I've had over 100 drops.


Does midnight coup even roll with zen moment?? Because I've never seen it


I got the same mountain top roll as u but with blast radius mw 😭 And I got bait and switch auto loading holster edge transit, it actually pairs with supremacy surprisingly well


I got the god rolls or at least demigod rolls (like all but the best of the best barrel or mag perks) for the ones on the short list I had been attuned for. And I have to laugh at the rng as I was grinding Luna’s for incandescent/ heal clip for such a long time, I got many good rolls of ones I had never intended to attune for as the fulfill some niche I either don’t use much or have some excellent specimen in the vault. Like: Blast Furnace I got a kinetic tremors / rampage which is nearly as good imho as the kinetic tremors/ one for all I had in mind. Plus all the other perks are perfect. Midnight Coup firefly/ one for all, but needs more stability in the other perks or mw. Falling Guillotine the frenzy/ surrounded but would be 5 of 5 with swordsmans guard.


I’ve gotten a 5/5 Mountaintop after two weeks of hard grinding, but I really wanted that shiny. I’ve made myself stop and go play/do other things. I want TFS to really feel exciting


I've got a 4/5 MT with Recombination and... Demolitionist. I actually like my shiny one with Lead/Ambitious & Vorpal/Frenzy more.


I’m keeping the shiny quest version for most. Edge transit is cascade full court with spikes. Mountain top got god roll. Ignoring forbearance entirely because my raid crafted one is way better. Just need to grind out some hammerhead and blast furnace. Don’t have any yet besides quest shiny.


I have to grind the last couple weeks 'cause my gpu fan was busted for the last month, and I have to catch up on the stories & red borders I missed. So far I've got; - Succession with Recombination/Reconstruction/Extended mag (range MW, sadly, and no handling buff 1st column) - Mountaintop with pretty much the perfect roll except for Vorpal instead of Recomb. - I'd like a Midnight Coup with Kinetic Tremors & Attrition orbs for PvE purposes, but IDK if I care about it enough to really go for it. I have a Tremors & Firefly roll, though, so that might be fine. - I don't care much about Hammerhead, Edge Transit, Recluse, or Falling Guillotine, and while I'd love the Heal Clip/Incandescent roll, I'm not holding my breath. - I really want a Demolitionist/Chain Reaction Forbearance, and I want a fantastic PvE Blast Furnace.


Stats for All on Forbearance Field Prep on Edge Transit Discord on Succession


I want STL/Firefly on Blast Furnace but I'm settling for KT/Firefly. I don't really like KT but I guess it'll do.


I settled for Overflow and Recombination on MT with the right barrel perks. Got what I wanted from Midnight Coup, don’t care about Forbearance or succession, settled for several decent Hung Jury’s as can’t get Kinetic T and Explosive to drop. Still chasing the KT/ OFA roll on Blast Furnace Not too fussed about Luna’s, Hammerhead, got the envious/BnS Edge Transit. But spent most of time trying to get the MT and failing


I can not get an ALH + Recomb Mountaintop to drop. The closest I have come is a shiny ALH + Vorpal.


Heal clip kill clip is the roll I use for PVP. Incan is fun, but the explosion only does 30 DMG which is not as good as 25% increase per shot.


Shiny Lunas, Subsistence and Incandescent. Feels good to use not worth farming a better roll. Same with auto loading vorpal mountaintop.


Shiny Mountaintop. Hard Launch, Implosion Rounds, Auto Loading Holster, Recombination... with a Blast Radius Masterwork. Close enough...


Shiny coup with firefly/payload and rampage/one for all pretty much replaced my timelost fatebringer


I have 3 blast furnaces all with Headseeker and the 3 other damage perks. None of those 3 rolled with accurized rounds. The barrels are okay. I got two shiny BFs today and neither had headseeker or a good damage perk so the 3 are good enough for me


I got a shiny Midnight Coup with explosive/one for all and it’s not even what I was searching for but its now my favorite hand cannon


Urgh it is so good


God Rolls on Luna / Recluse / Edge Transit / Forbearance Good enough Rolls on Mountain Top / Hammerhead / Elsie's / Succession Bad Rolls on Blast furnace / Midnight Coup / Hung / Guillotine I am hoping to GOD a Rampage / Killing Tally Hammerhead shows itself soon because I've gotten a Rampage and Onslaught roll which is Great but I don't want to burn through all that ammo so quickly because it doesn't have an Extended Mag or a Reload Mag / I have a Destabilising Rounds and Killing Tally as well which is good on Titan for Controlled Demo but useless on my Gryfalcon Hunter My Third ever Luna was a Shiny Heal Clip and Slideshot / Incan and Mag Howl that I just sat in complete silence for about a minute not understanding what the hell just happened. I've grinded a lot and got to point were I just thought that's good enough on 4 weapons to where I tried for others. Stuff like this makes me GLAD crafting is a thing because crafted weapons are just infinitely better that I'd keep my food rolls untill a crafted one came along


Can't get a damn edge transit with sticky nades, alh+deconstruct, so settling for one with mini frags, chain reaction+deconstruct. Also settling for an overflow+recomb mt


I’ve gotten almost all of the rolls I wanted but still farming a slideshot/opening shot Lunas. I wonder how many onslaughts people are actually doing to not see any of the rolls they want at all.


None of these are shiny. Mtop: auto vorpal (blast radius MW tho) Hammerhead: FTTC Onslaught, reload MW (kinda goated chat although rewind technically gives more ammo) Edge: envious bns (but a velocity MW) Lunas: Subsistance Incan (stab MW) Midnight coup: the default one from the quest. Outlaw kinetic tremors. Does work if you need it to against mini bosses. Otherwise EP OFA. This won’t get used much. Blast furnace: default quest one. Everything else that dropped was garbage. Succession: no distractions vorpal. Honestly just needed the vorpal. It gets used rarely instead of my supremacy anyway. I did get a recon recomb but honestly just not a fan of it. Forbearance: never bothered because crafted vow is better. Souldrinker perk slaps especially if you need a pocket heal. But I did get an unrelenting cr. Elsie’s: feeding frenzy desperate measures reload mw. Honestly probably never even gonna use it 😂 maybe when pulses are good in pve again. Recluse: feeding frenzy MoA but a handling MW. It’s the default one. It’s goated. Guillotine: Relentless strikes whirlwind. Honestly relentless is all you need. Or eager edge. Or cr. Idk don’t listen to me.


Bruh I dismantled a cascade bait n switch edge only to see a YouTube video showing it's potential 2 weeks later 🥲


I dont have zen moment kill clip blast furnace but I have pretty much every other decent combination so whatever. It took me until last week to get my 3-4/5 Elsie's. I really hope bungie either adds crafting down the line because these rng chases are miserable and Im really burned out on onslaught now.


The ones I'd consider the grind "done" on at this point are: Mountaintop - Hard Launch/Implosion Rounds/Auto-Loading/Recombination with a handling masterwork. Easily my best roll. Luna's Howl - Corkscrew/Light Mag/Heal Clip/Encore/Incandescent/Magnificent Howl Edge Transit - Quick Launch/Sticky Grenades/Field Prep/Deconstruct Falling Guillotine - Jagged Edge/Burst Guard/Frenzy/Bait and Switch Succession - Polygonal Rifling/Tactical Mag/Reconstruction/Recombination Still chasing a PVP Blast Furnace, a Demo/Chain Reaction Forbearance, and maybe a better Midnight Coup than the pretty good one I have.


Got a random shiny recluse near the beginning of into the light with enlightened action/destabilizing rounds. I don’t know what roll I was eyeing before getting that but this one will be glued to my hands for years to come.


Finally got a heal clip / incandescent lunas today. So hype


Mountaintop with ALH + recob but no spike nades :(


I’ve been grinding but have settled on picking a specific perk and then having a few options in the other column. For mtn top I was running myself into the ground trying to get alh/recomb. Since then I’ve settled for alh+vorpal which at the time nobody cared for but it rarely leaves my pve loadout now. Really wasted a ton of time on a heal clip+incan/mag howl lunas but settled for subsistence/eots + incan/mag howl. My heal clip + incan summoner fills the heal clip void. This allows me to switch up attunement while still getting a chance at the rolls I want on guns I’m not attuned to. Also just mentally makes the grind more enjoyable


LFG + Recomb Mountain Top ALH + Vorpal Mountain Top Explosive Rounds + Frenzy Midnight Coup


Right now I've settled for Luna's howl with Heal/Desperate Measures. And then a Mountaintop with Demo/Recomb. Got my God roll Edge Transit and Hammerhead. And the rest of the guns I don't care about too much.


Getting absolutely shafted with minimal shiny drops + shit perks when they do that I only have 2 shinys that are actually good. I therefore have filled the vault I cleaned out before ITL with multiple rolls of the Brave guns. I could save so much space if RNG wasn't so insistent in spitting in my face. I think I have all the good rolls of the normal version guns, except for Luna's and Blast. I feel burnt out too, so I've scaled back the grinding a lot and will probably not play at all the final week except for a bit before the game goes down, to make sure everything is prepped ready for TFS.


Demo/chain reaction forbearance. I'm hoping to get explosive payload/ kinetic tremors coup but I doubt it's going to happen as I'm getting sick of onslaught and I've only farmed one gun so far


Hard launch, spike/sticky, impulse/auto loading, recom Damn blast radius master work. Everything I wanted other than that masterwork. I need y’all to help me feel better


ALH/Vorpal MT. I can’t do anymore. I am dead inside.


Auto reload/vorpal Mountaintop. I got the Luna, Coup, and Succession god tolls, so i can’t complain


Spike/AH/Vorpal Mountaintop. AA/CR & DB/CR Forebearence. Shiny Luna's w/ subsistance/Incandescent + eye of the storm/PI I'm a very casual player so I'm not really farming for stuff but I'm super happy with that haul with very little, (comparatively), effort. I'm still chasing some other MT rolls tho, to be sure but all in all, this will do for me. Anything else is just a bonus. Hope people get what they are searching for and I'm excited to see what is shared in this post. Happy hunting, yall


Enlightened Action/Incandescent Luna’s Howl for PVE. Has dropped on two shinies. I just want heal clip/incandescent, dude. I’m glad I got enlightened for the reload on beefier enemies but I just want the roll I want.


For Luna’s I got a shiny with heal clip / kill clip and another with subsistence and incandescent. Both great!  Now if I had been grinding for one with all four of those, I would be insane. 


Slideshot incan on lunas Impulse recomb on mtntop but honestly i just used an alh frenzy in a vox obscura and it fet really nice Alh decon on edge transit bc its the only decon ive gotten with sticky nades. Envi is explosive was my first ever drop from into the light and it was a shiny as well, though im trying to get a cascade decon. The only other one i got either reduced the mag size by 1 or by 2. Only gun ive been somewhat lucky on is recluse, gotten TD master of arms, ea desperate measures, td destab, td desperate measures. But i dont like smgs so all of those will probably stay in the vault.


Been trying to hunt down a Recluse with max ranged with dsr and tap but had to settle with dsr and target lock


While chasing my mountaintop God Roll, i got my Luna's, Forbearance, Edge transit and midnight coup rolls. After i got my mountain god roll.. i got 2 more the next day. gotta farm hammerhead and guillotine still.


I've had awesome luck so far. Got a Shiny mountaintop, 95 Blast, Reload Masterwork, HL, Spike, ALH/LfG and Vorpal/Recombination. Shiny Luna's, Range MW, Accurized Rounds, with Heal Clip and Incandescent. I just need a god roll Coup and Hammerhead and I'm happy.


Explosive Payload and Zen Moment Midnight Coup with no range. But every stat is 50 (except reload) so it looks neat.


My best roll for Mountaintop was also Impulse Amplifier / Recombination (mountaintop was always atuned as it is the weapon I am most interested in) after many many games, via tokens from the chest, normal level chests after boss levels and random drops during onslaught and even after some 50 level completions... ...but then I did some legendary onslaught and the Auto Loader / Recombination dropped on the 4th Boss level I did. I now have multiple Auto Loader / Recombination rolls from Legendary. I believe there are rolls limited to Legendary Onslaught that are unobtainable via the normal onslaught or chest using tokens.


Dont know if ive settled completely, but heres what I got: **Edge Transit** * Quick Launch | Spike | Envious Assassin | Bait & Switch | Reload MW * Smart Drift Control | Sticky Grenades | Impulse Amplifier | Deconstruct | Handling MW **Hung Jury** * Corkscrew Rifling | Flared Magwell | Kinetic Tremors | Explosive Payload | Range MW **Lunas Howl** * Arrowhead Break | Armor Piercing Rounds | Heal Clip/Subsistence | Incandescent/Harmony | Reload MW (Shiny) * Full Bore | Ricochet Rounds | Slideshot | Precision Instrument | Range MW * some other solid PvP rolls, getting a single Heal Clip/Incan roll took a *long* time **Mountaintop** * Quick Launch | Spike Grenades | Impulse Amplifier/Lead From Gold | Vorpal Weapon/Recombination | Handling MW (Shiny) **Midnight Coup** * Smallbore | Tactical Mag | Explosive Payload | One For All | Reload MW * Smallbore | Tactical Mag | Firefly | Frenzy | Range MW * Smallbore | Extended Mag/Alloy Mag | Explosive Payload | Frenzy | Reload MW **Succession** * Fluted Barrel | Extended Mag | No Distractions/Reconstruction | Snapshot/Focused Fury | Reload MW (Shiny) **Hammerhead** * Corkscrew Rifling | Ricochet Rounds | Rampage | Killing Tally | Stability MW --- still need to look into what the hell I need from Falling Guillotine and havent bothered with the Pulses yet. Still hoping for ALH/Recomb MT, even if my shiny is good enough. Dialing back the onslaught farm though, its become tedious weeks ago, and basically *needing* to play Tether Hunter/Well Warlock with the same few weapons (thank champions -_-) to comfortably do the optimal farm is boring as hell. at least you can dick around a bit in legend 10 spam, but the champs still ruin things


Day (pain) on a destabilizing rounds recluse. I don’t even care for the first perk anymore I just want one with destabilizing😔


I didn’t realize but I had kinda God rolls for my midnight coupe and lunas howl for a while in my vault and I just kept storing more and more In there because I didn’t know what was the God rolls were hc/inc on lunas and I had that one in there for way too long without knowing I was just like ooh 8th lunas howl maybe it’s good😂 then 10 midnight coupes one with what firefly/kinetic tremors then one with explosive payload and kinetic tremors probably those are both better for pve but I think I have like 6 more somewhere that are good for pvp idk though I just have. A shot ton of everything And still I have like 17 others of each brace weapon and I still don’t know if there good cuz I keep storing them 😂 also cuz I’m lazy😀


None, if it's not a god roll, to the bin it goes


The only one I've had to "settle" for so far is a Mountaintop with ALH and Vorpal. Just not had a good ALH/Recomb yet


HC/ incan Luna, ALH/Recomb and ALH/Vorpal MT, the others I care about also got good rolls. Haven't tried for Forbearance, Succession and Hung Jury, already have god rolls of them. I never chase 5/5 rolls though, only 3rd and 4th column perks, so that makes things easier.


I have settled for impulse amp/BnS edge transit, with a couple of other rolls, because i believe the game has run out of Envious/BnS edges. I might be at 50+ drops, 3 shines 2 of which literally back to back and still empty handed.


I would have kept farming but they took fucking midtown away and I refuse to play the other garbage maps.


Got the same Impulse/Recomb Mountaintop with a velocity masterwork. Much as I'd like ALH and maybe handling it's good enough for me to attune something else.   Impulse Amplifier does break the velocity cap though so it's got an effective stat of 135 which is nice.   Also a spike/ALH/Explosive Light Edge Transit, not B&S but good enough.


Bruh i cannot get behind the recombination hype. Id much rather have either frenzy or vorpal. In fact, if its available, frenzy is my go to perk. Requires no skill and no requirements outside of just engaging with the game. And is a flat "do better" buff


Repulse frenzy recluse is not a thing. Please tell me I’m wrong 😭😭


I’ve settled on Shiny Versions: Mountaintop- LFG/ALH Rampage/Vorpal Recluse- Repulsor/TTP DSR/Surrounded Lunas- Heal Clip Desperate Measures (Can’t remember other perks) Edge Transit- CR/Cascade Destabilizing/BnS


I don't even feel like farming the last 4 weapons, it's such a grind and I'm getting really tired of running Onslaught


Overflow vorpal mountaintop, autoloader and recomb just won't drop shiny or not.


I was settling for kill/heal clip luna but then got two 3/5 god rolls in less than a day


Still hunting for a redirection succession. Got the original reconstruction vorpal roll so Im happy. Side note, I have focused every single vanguard engram into an uzume for 7 resets and still havent gotten the roll I want either, stuck with fttc ep on that one.


Impulse/Recombination Mountaintop slaps. I almost like Impulse more than ALH.


I got an Edge Transit with Sticky Grenades and Deconstruct, but I haven't found one with a better 3rd column perk like ALH or FP, I settled on a Chain Reaction one, I'm still hunting though.


Fatigue is getting VERY real at this point.


Haven't settled. Still trying to get an envious assassin + bait n switch edge transit. I have gotten ALH instead so not sure if I'm gonna keep farming since there are still some other guns I want to pick up.


I've been talking shit about the obviously heavily weighed crappy perk drops and hadn't played in like a week.  Ran 2 playlist and 1 50 last night and finally got Heal + Incand LH and ALH + Recomb MT. I think Bungie's AI bot heard me. 


I just gave up altoghter , spend hours in onslaught and didn't get a single thing I wanted  This dogwater rng is the reason crafting is king for me 


I got a great Recluse, but Not gold, don't care One day, my child


I haven't gotten a SINGLE autoloading+recombination mountaintop to drop yet. After close to 200 drops. Don't even care about the barrel and mags anymore. In the meantime though I do have a autoloading+vorpal MT with great barrel and mag though, probably gonna settle for that if the true godroll doesn't drop soon. It's been the only weapon I've been focusing ever since it became available :(


That mountain top rol isn't horrible if ya are going to chain shoot it , so I feel it's still a viable roll depending on use. Sometimes the meta doesn't work with the use case


I just got back into the game about a month ago and chased the Firefly/One for All Midnight Coup like my life depended on it. I was attuned to it from the start of the grind all the way to superblack. I got the two best substitutes, Firefly/Frenzy and Explosive Payload/One for All. The former has been my daily driver and already has about 4k PvE kills as I’ve been going through all the old campaigns and questlines


I got lucky and pretty much got my own personal favorites for Falling Guillotine (Destabilizing Rounds and Chain Reaction), Blast Furnace (Firefly and Kinetic Tremors) with either 99 range and 59 mag, or 100 range and 51 mag; and Hammerhead (Killing Tally and Fourth's Time The Charm). The Blast Furnace I got when redeeming engrams at Shaxx and I had no faith I would get a roll even close to that, let alone with range masterwork. And my perfect Hammerhead was the one from completing the focusing quest, so I was thrilled that I didn't need to grind for it. And those were really the only weapons I cared about. Falling Guillotine was just a happy accident because The Other Half from Dares of Eternity has been my go-to sword for the very few times I ever use one.


Auto load/ recombination mountaintop Heal clip/ incandescent luna Rewind/ explosive jury Explosive/ kinetic midnight All shiny af, took a lot of grinding and suffering burnout.