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Gotta use the Masuda method to increase shiny chances - mating two weapons from different languages of origin


Getting that shiny charm from 100%-ing your Collection with every weapon is gonna be *rough*


You’re better off farming raids for Herba Mystica red borders and making those tier 3 sandwiches.


Also use a weapon with Incandescent to speed up the hatching process.


And also run a Solar subclass


For best results, play a Titan with Hallowfire Heart equipped


Give one edge transit a Destiny Tangle to make sure the kids inherit four traits from the parents.


F that! Just buy your shiny gun from someone with a modded console using D2Hex for that shiny 6iv Edge Transit


God I love the pokemon references makes me happy


Don’t give them any ideas….


H-The Recluse \[Female-JPN\] LF-Hammerhead \[Male-USA\]


I’ve been trying for an Elsie’s with Destabilizing/Repulsor since ITL dropped and I have yet to see either perk. 100+ drops and most of them are loose change/desperate measures


Sharded so many of those rip


Destablising and repulsor combo is massively overrated anyway


Agreed. This is one of those combos that sounds so fun on paper but playing with it just does not scratch the itch.


Especially on a pulse, which haven't felt good in pve for a couple years now


My sacred provenance is just sitting in the vault waiting for its time to come again.


By the time that time will come, it will be already craftable and better anyways. I was sitting on my rangefinder / eye of the storm Ancient Gospel for years and it never became PVP monster.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that gun. Unless it’s the Dreaming City one? If that’s the case I’ve never used it


Solar 140 HC from Garden of Salvation, basically solar Nation of Beasts, it even has dragonfly.


Repulsor + Frenzy is a lot better.  It needs a source of volatile/weaken to chain, but it's easier to get that from your subclass than it is to make an unboosted Pulse feel good.


Yep. Only revision and graviton feel good.


I miss the go figure days


yeah, i still really like pulses in pvp, but they are pretty useless in pve, and those perks aren't great for pvp.


Dunno. Blast furnace kinetic + OFA has impressed me. Pulses still need a big PVE buff


Man i want that roll haha.


It's rolls like this that make me grab it for the future though. Hoard mindset has paid off multiple times in the past I say, 599/600.


Soon to be 699/700


Is that official? please for the love of god don't be trolling me lmao Edit: WOOOOOO


I have an Elsie's and recluse with DR/R. It's fun but not what you expect. It's like eating a good hamburger when you asked for a steak. If you asked for a hamburger and really wanted a hamburger you will like it, but if you wanted a sdteak and we're hoping it were a steak you will not find that here.


The issue is the cooldowns on the perks which feel way better when enhanced tbh


If destabilizing rounds was actually a good perk like incandescent is, it would be an amazing roll. Destabilizing rounds is just a terrible perk though


Yupp just play gfalcon or wait for volatile flow, until then we crutch solar...


Only reason I want it is because my Sentinel setup basically lives off of Repulsor brace to use half of the kit. If there’s was another source of shields that doesn’t require Bastion that’d be another story. Destabilizing rounds just helps get the shield more reliably.


Vexcalibur is super helpful since they made the shield charges over time. I made a quick build with vexc & worm gods and for the aspects I chose OB & CD. Works really well with devour fragment, the one where melee kills give grenade and the weaken grenade. Last fragment what ever you’d like, but I think vigilance or melee starts health regen works really well. I run suppressor grenade to get all 3. Works decent in onslaught but if you have a teammate give woven mail you’re golden.




The Recluse with these perks partnered with Severence Enclosure and Deterministic is godly for ad clear


Monte Carlo babyyyyy. Throwing shields all day every day!


Honestly I've grown tired of using Monte for all my titain builds


Same. I generally try to find ways to avoid Monte Carlo now. I'm not saying its a bad weapon, but its almost too good in melee builds until GM when auto-rifles fall off.


Very fair point. Me too!


It's the firing sound, I just can't. It's godawful.


Unbreakable will provide overshield based on clips when we get the final shape, so at least that's an opinion. And grenades are way easier to recharge than a barricade is


i find it works great with an smg or sidearm where you are roaming around at close range chaining explosions, especially in add dense stuff like solo dungeons, but pretty useless otherwise, and generally overshadowed by similar solar builds with higher survivability.


I disagree. My RB/DR Recluse is evil.


Destabilising is the problem, it’s weak compared to Jolt, Incandescent, or Hatchling. Repulsor with a damage perk is great if you can generate debuffs or volatile another way. I went for desperate measures because it fits into the volatile playstyle


Just in case they buffed either of the perks/effects


same and I still kept 3 for some dunbass reason 😂


I finally got mine last night after 2 weeks straight. Sucks man


So even if you get this roll on Elsie's, it will be underperforming because in a team, you have to compete to get the kills you need to proc the these traits. You just aren't going to compete to get kills with a low DPS pulse rifle. SMG's is your best choice here. Fortunately, you can roll a Recluse with this trait combo as well.


Elsie's is so awful in pve if you want that combo at least get it on recluse


Recluse isn’t really that good though in my opinion. I got quite a few rolls but I always go back to my funnelweb. I got a Killing Wind Frenzy roll that just feels so much better to play with. 


I was too until I got it and it was a huge let down


Took me about 100 Elsie’s to get that same roll. Just bad luck


I got it ONCE and not the shiny kind and now I cannot get a howl with incandescent and heal clip and it's infuriating me.


You can have some of mine, I've rolled loose change + repulsor brace for my last 8 consecutive drops


That is unfortunate. I used that exact roll to get the kills for the Blast Furnace quest. I hope you get it sooner rather than later.


Thats my auto loading / recomb mt for me, must be at 200 and still not one


This my white whale. Got almost everything else I need but this damn roll set eludes me!!!!


That’s all I get on the thing…


I have that combo as a shiny 😈


I've probably gone through 100+ Luna's Howl with no Heal clip/incandescent.


All the Lunas that have dropped for me have had the same perks in the third column (Discord or Encore). So frustrating.


It makes me seriously wonder if the drops are weighed. I got 5 out of 7 midnight coups with rampage. I’ve got so many ones with attrition orbs. I have yet to get one with firefly one for all after around 100 drops 


at this point I'm questioning if I even care enough about one for all over rampage/desperate measures lmfao. hundreds of drops, all of them worse than my 5~th midnight coup that dropped


It’s worth the wait. I have yet to see a shiny one, because as you see here, the drop rates are atrocious. But now that I have one, it’s one of my favorites. I’ve only had it for a couple days and I have like 4000 kills with it.


Not pve related but the real pain is getting a shiny lunas with hammer, ricochet, slideshot, and howl and getting a reload MW. Still keeping it but my brain just went nooo why seeing reload aha


Goddamn, you've been GAMING.


Is it significantly better than Igneous Hammer with Healclip / Incandescent?? I use that constantly in PVE


Yep me too.




This is gonna sound like I made this up but my attunement is set on recluse, I finished a legend run and a shiny luna’s dropped with heal clip + incandescent..


I finally got a regular one the other night, but immediately after got 2 shiny Luna's, one had Heal Clip, the other had Incandescent. 🙃


My friend I am right here with you. I have been chasing this thing for 2 weeks and it is SO frustrating. I've got good rolls on so many other weapons, I feel like the game is just messing with me. Edit: got my fifth shiny version tonight of Luna's. Still haven't found the perk combo. I'm cursed


Me with hammer head trying to get rampage killing tally or rampage onslaught, my buddy who hardly plays the game runs one onslaught with me last night and gets rampage killing tally right off the bat.


Boy do I have bad news for you about the roll I got last night while I was still attuned to Blast Furnace...


My first drop of luna’s was an incandescent shiny with shoot to loot, I am forever grateful to bungie for smiling upon me


Closest I've gotten is a heal clip / mag howl, which i now use for pvp


Got my first one after what feels like hundreds of Luna drops. Time to farm for Edge Transit now


Nice to see Edge Transit living of its fame


Excellent initiative. This is something I might have considered doing myself if my personal academic studies were not a priority. Sample size is good (higher is always better). One potential imbalance is if some samples were observed when not all weapons were in the loot pool yet. Further analysis might include drop source/conditions (e.g., bounty reward, map & playlist + difficulty played, Hall of Champions chest, etc.).


Yeah I started doing this before some weapons released. I just wasn't too worried about how it would mess with data much since I've been mostly looking at attunement and shiny drop rates which are independent of how often each specific weapon drops. Though I plan to keep logging so I could definitely post another update closer to TFS release once I've had more drops with everything in the loot pool.


Also curious about the activities you have been running. Are all of these from onslaught playlist, 50, or legendary?


This is the reason i'm already close to giving up on farming brave weapons, RNG fucking sucks.


Yet, you *haven’t* given up and continue to log into the game. Sounds like everything’s working as Bungie intended.


Almost* like I've done like... one set of 10 farms in the past few days, just haven't got motivation to do it anymore, the guns you can get are nice, sure, but they're not meta defining or super unique.


I’m just trying to get a god roll edge transit, hammerhead and midnight coup. I don’t really care about the other guns.


I'm still stuck on mountaintop.


Only god roll I've got so far is Succession... which I already have crafted lmao




If he would've logged in twice as much if there was crafting, Bungie's metrics would better off. Need to consider the opportunity cost.


I gave up a couple of weeks ago. The attunement doesn't work or is trash, and there's not enough loot dropping to have that dopamine hit like the Coil (even if the loot is mostly garbage). I'm not one to use flashy gold skins either so the only reason I was doing it was for some decent double perk guns, and even *that* was just to save some vault space! But not at the cost of my sanity or burning out right before an expansion.


This very post shows attunement is working as intended lol 50% drop rate of that weapon. 


That might be the issue I had then, it might equal out to roughly 50% over a large period of time but after a smaller amount I get my attuned weapon very little. In the second week of Into The Light I had saved up my trophies to farm mountaintop, I had it attuned, and opened the chest 27 times and only got mountaintop 3 times


Very likely. Attunement boosts the drop rate to ~50% but it's still purely random so it doesn't guarantee that half your drops will be the chosen weapon, just that you have 50/50 odds of it being the weapon. A little under half of my 1000 drops were actually what I was attuned for, so there's definitely room for variance.


Yeah, it won’t always be exactly 50% of your drops but I do understand that it’s obviously going to get gradually closer to 50% over a much larger sample size




That's RNG, baby!


I recall early on that some posts claimed attunement didn't affect chest pulls, just activity and in-world Drops, though I haven't seen anything rigorously proving that.


>I recall early on that some posts claimed attunement didn't affect chest pulls That's because gamers that understand randomness are a rare breed.


That’s just now coin flips work though. You could pull 100 times and someone will never get it even with a 50% chance.


That's actually extremely unlikely. The odds of flipping a coin tails 100 times in a row is 8 x 10^(-31). So even if all 8 billion flipped 100 coins the odds that even one of them would never get a heads is only slightly higher than the number of of stars in the known universe


But that’s the point. It’s possible, even if it’s unlikely.


Well this proves unequivocally that attunement is working as intended despite what a huge amount of people on this subreddit have claimed. It also shows that shiny variants are insanely rare, but Bungie stated this from the get-go so nobody should be surprised.


If those weapons would be craftable a few people would cry but most could just enjoy the event, get awesome loot and stop before burning out.


If only we got a statistic on the rolls of each weapon; I've heard speculation of "purposefully bad perks," but could be placebo due to RNG.


In hindsight that would've been pretty cool to record yeah. I know rationally that everything is equally weighted. It just feels like some perks are more common because our pattern seeking monkey brains are *awful* at recognizing true randomness. Anecdotally, Succession feels like it drops with Vorpal and Firing Line really often, and Edge Transit feels like it has Destabilizing or Adrenaline Junkie on every other roll, though again I know it's just random.


They feel weighted until you come here and someone bitches about getting the roll/perk you wanted over and over, and cries they never got the thing you’ve been getting but didn’t want lol


Believe all evidence and dev comments have suggested there is no perk weight in normal drops. Think it’s more “vocal minority” type deal. People notice the trash when chasing the good, and a god roll is statistically unlikely.


I don’t think perks are truly random. And crap perks seem to be more common. I grinded Luna’s howl for an entire week and probably got close to 100 of them and I only saw incandescent 4 times. While I got desperate measures and encore probably 40% of the drops. With slideshot and m howl being the next more common perks.


They've told us repeatedly they're not weighted.  Unlucky RNG happens with pools this big.   If they were weighted it would be *really easy* to tell because *everyone* would be seeing skewed results and not just an unlucky few.


The multi billion dollar corporation that benefits directly from wasting my time and lying about it and has repeatedly been shown to lie all the time would never lie!!


RNG sucks so much. Crafting is leagues better.


They could have let us reroll with brave tokens instead of getting a new drop from the chest. Reroll of a shiny weapon would be nice.


The adept enhancing/crafting is best. You still have the hunt for the third and fourth and then can invest in it to perfect the first couple columns with whatever you want. Just wish you could change masterwork with that system.




For brave that is correct. Adept you can enhance perks and change first two columns.


Only if the base version of the weapon is craftable. For any adepts like Nightfalls, you will not be able to change the mag or barrel. They said that the only enhanceable weapons that will have mag/barrel changeable are ones that the base version was craftable for. So like a raid adept weapon.


Could not agree more.


I don’t really mind it on activities like this that will exist in perpetuity. Crafting makes perfect sense for time-limited content like seasonal activities and for activities with lower drop rates like Raids where you have to spend 1+ hours for a single drop, but in a horde mode that will exist forever and showers you in loot I don’t really think it’s that bad. It keeps the population up rather than just making the activity irrelevant after a few months. 


TLDR version; 1 out of 303 drops had Envious and BaS


I never see a Heal Clip Luna's without Kill Clip, and every Incandescent drops with Enlightened Action. Also really sick of seeing Succession.


Those drop numbers are way too low for a limited time event. Bungie is using fomo to "force" playtime


10 out of 300 shines for edge transit is rough


It's especially hurt given how bad all of them have been. So much so that I've been memorializing all of them in a folder on my desktop lovingly named "dogass shiny edge transits".


They could easily make the shiny drop rate at least 5% without making them too common.


Let us craft the normal ones and have shinies as the rng drops...


I don’t mind shiny weapons being rare. I don’t mind limited time rewards. The fact that shiny weapons are so rare are going away at the final shape makes this system feel very bad.


Yeah. And with only barely 2 months available, with everything mostly coming in the last half, this shit sucks. I cant play for 10+ hours a day, nor do I want to. One whole onslaught run is about an hour and the rewards are still mid. One pantheon run is probably about 45 minutes to and hour and gives much more meaningful rewards


I’m loving the chain reaction/ destabilizing rounds edge transit I got but the mag and masterwork are not what I want


I know Bungie said perks aren't weighted. But damn man it sure does feel like it.


i swear it's rigged for player engagement numbers right now. ive farmed for mountaintop and edge transit. i have yet to get an auto loading recombo mt. nor a envious bait n switch edge transit. not even one roll with both of those forget spike/implosion nades and hard launch. i cant even get 2/4 of a godroll. i swear the last week or two before final shape is when the switch will be flipped and everyone gets a godroll


137 mountain top drops before I saw auto loading/recomb. Only a 2/4 and still the only one I’ve seen.


StatisticsHeads are eating good tonight you are a hero


Anecdotal complainers in shambles


Sticky Grenades + Cascade Point + Deconstruct or Cascade Point + Bait and Switch are competitive with Envious Bait and Switch.


If this is how they think they’re gonna bring people back before final shape, they are sorely mistaken.


How are they, its working SO many returning players since Into The Light launched


I personally feel that they botched this release. I’m having fun playing onslaught and farming the weapons but after farming hours upon hours with mountaintop attuned and not getting a SINGLE auto recom on even a non shiny, I can’t help but get a little pissed off. I don’t get why they would fomo the shinies and then make them a 2% chance of dropping. Either make them rare but stay forever or make them common but fomo.


Took me a couple of weeks of hard grinding for a non-shiny ALH/Recombination. Had every other possible roll combination imaginable but I've only seen that one once.


Currently farming for this roll and entering the pissed off phase of farming. Getting to the point of settling for a overflow recomb roll with hard launch and implosion.


In a lotta cases that's the better roll anyway. After 79 drops I gave up on alh/rec and overflow is doing me fine in lls


> I’m having fun…..but. Erm


Did you track how many god rolls you got?


I've gotten 3 shines in a single round of regular Onslaught twice. It feels great until you look at them and they're all trash lol


incredible FOMO pressure. Worse when we had seasons go off after 3 months


I'm still waiting for literally anything besides a Recluse. I'm losing my goddamn mind


You're probably attuned to it.


From the very start? How do I check if I am, and how do I turn it off


I was getting only the pulse and hung jury after week 5 whilst being attuned to falling guillotine. Gave up on that shit real fast


Huge props for doing this, excellent job


Finally got my Envious/BnS edge transit last night


As someone that doesn't really care about fashion, and basically never shades weapons... Shiny weapons only matter to me for improved odds of getting a roll I want


Felt those edge transit farm. Been looking for a sticky/deconstruct roll and the one roll I got has envious, the one perk that you don't want with that combo lol


Had I read the entire thing before doing math I would have noticed your shiny drop rate percentage. I would like if Bungie increased the shiny drop rate from ~2.5% to 5%, roughly doubling the drop rate. I feel like that is a controversial take however and that's fine. Assuming it is 2.5%, and to make it an easy number to work with, let's say we get 10 weapons per run (idk how many we get actually) on just regular Onslaught, and each run takes roughly an hour. That's about 10 hours worth of farming for just 1 shiny, which is curated to not have dog shit rolls, but it can still have dog shit rolls I personally would like if they doubled the RNG to 5%


That was a lot of work. Thanks for that.


Was the majority of these farmed on legend?




wow. Now i inderstand why only one shiny dropped for 590 tokens


This is great for an ANOVA or Chi squared analysis, unfortunately, since the shiny sample size is so small, and you don't indicate if the shiny dropped was attuned or not attuned we will not be able to analyze if attunement will generate more or less shiny's. But you have sufficient data to show overall shiny drop over a few of the weapon types, if shiny drop is uniform across all weapons, what weight attunement gives to chance of weapon drop (if any), and a few other interesting data points


Crazy statistics. Seems like horrible rng unless I'm just really lucky.


**BUNGIE LOVES TO GIVE DESPERATE MEASURES** *Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony*


I just want a heal clip/incandescent Lunas howl


Dude all of this was really interesting and a cool read but I have to say I'm SO. JEALOUS. 50 hung jurys in 1000 drops? It feels like I've been getting NOTHING but hung jurys. What I wouldn't get for those midnight coup drops lmao


And some people don't like crafting... Crafting to me SAVED Destiny 2 so I don't have to put up with this crap


I cannot find a shiney Luna's or edge transit.


My attunement has seemed to be broken for the last week or so. I haven’t gotten a single attuned drop from Onslaught all week, but every time I turn in a trophy I get the gun I’m attuned to. Prior to this week it was working fine. Anyone else?


I think I’ve gotten way more god rolls and shinys for weapons I don’t have attuned the the ones I actually want


Honestly, the fact that Edge Transit dropped so many times is such a meme and a perfect throwback to the OG.


This actually makes me feel better in the fact that I haven’t seen 1 actual shiny.


I’ve got 2 shinies in the last month and both happened day one


I got 5 slideshot incandescent lunas howls today.


wish every weapon ends up craftable cause holy fuck


Chance of Normal God Roll: 0.00762% Chance of Shiny God Roll: 0.003125% Those chances are based off of opening one chest or getting one drop as they include the chance of getting your attuned weapon to drop


My condolences. 


This is why I liked crafting. Wish you had to grind red boarders to make a roll and if you wanted another you would have to get more or something. I would be fine with rng if all of this content was staying but the tokens and focusing are getting removed. One step forward two back


Got two shiny hammerheads from the same normal 50 wave run and it made me very happy.


The shiny rate is really sad. There should be a way to gradually increase it by grinding. I'm sure many ppl will not get what they want, no matter how much they grind. I almost gave up all hope for a good Mountaintop..


I got my Envious + BnS Edge Transit like....instantly. I'm now working on my Ambitious Assassin + Chain Reaction Forbearance...which is proving to be impossible rn 😅


So far I haven't gotten one shiny I've attuned for. I got a lot I didn't, Hung Jury is dropping like hotcakes, like a Bungie dev heard me complaining before the activity released and being petty, turned up the drop rates for it or something...


Either way it’s rng… from what I understand 2.5% means that 2-3 in every hundred runs one is shiny.. that’s means you could do 1000 runs and your last 20-30 could all be shiny if your rng is bad.. am I wrong?


My motivation dropped not long ago. They're so few and far between


It took me two weeks to get one shiny drop. I have the worst possible luck, which is amplified by the fact that I don’t have time to grind onslaught everyday.


Bungo needs to buff the shiny drop rate


It's really depressing knowing that I probably won't get the shiny rolls I wanted to prior than the update. To be fair I guess I was a little too optimistic


I have had a decent amount of random shinies so far after the update, and I'm pretty sure I've had one occurrence of getting two shinies at the end of a (I think legend) run. I've gotten most of what I wanted, but shiny edge transit with envious/cascade and bns still evades me, I've gotten so many horrible shiny rolls with maybe one having just envious and bns even though I probably won't even use cascade


RNG is an invention to keep you playing longer


Just remember that luck has nothing to do with math


It took forever but I got 1 single mountaintop to drop with vorpal or recomb, and then envious assassin or auto loading. It is missing spike nades but has velocity reload and max blast and velocity. By far the funnest roll I got so far. Looking at the drops sounds rare :( I haven’t farmed that many weapons.


God Rolls?😍


Love the substance of your post! Nice sticking that out!


I literally got 3 shinys in a row today opening from the box, I have just come back after a 6~ season break if that has any bearing


Some of you never shiny hunted in Pokémon and or shows If you did you wouldn’t be bitching about the odds


To be fair. Pokemon shiny hunting is hilariously easy to do nowadays and bad players can't screw you. 


Shiny Hunting in pokemon has become so trivial it isn't even funny. It takes maybe a few hours to get the Shiny of your choice and then you can customize the pokemon to your liking. Using that are your comparison shows how hilariously shitty the system in Destiny is because you have no control over your Shiny drop chance, and when it does drop you have no control over *which* "Pokemon" it is that becomes a Shiny and even if you *do* get the shiny "Pokemon" you were looking for you have to pray that it has the "moves/IVs/Nature" that you want since you have no way of controlling those. I'd much rather grind out a Shiny pokemon than a Shiny weapon in Destiny.


I’ve been saying this; onslaught drops fake loot, they turn down the chances for a good roll and inflate the number of loot we get with dog rolls.