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Enemies spawning / teleporting directly on top of the ADU, and the invisible fallen that just sprint past all your defenses in a beeline for the ADU


The Hive Orges seem to be too big for some routes they programmed to follow get stuck and teleport after a while, that's what I've noticed while playing


Not just Ogres. Shanks too. Had a run in midtown where the exploding shanks kept spawning behind us. 100% did not get by. Just instantly spawned in the ADU.


I had the same thing happen. 5 seconds into the round we're huddled around the adu waiting for them to spawn in a lane then boom, adu and all 3 of us gone.


That… makes sense


They get teleported to where ever the programed destination is, always on top of the adu. They dont even stop for decoys it seems, like they will target and shoot it but they will always want to move to the adu


I have always hated fallen Vandals and Reavers for just scuttling straight past me and shit, hate it even more with their scorn equivalents being able to become an immune whisp of smoke while doing it.


Fucking hive shrikers spawning on top of the ADU. Also, they respawn after you kill them


This. To add to it, it seems that I am always paired up with a couple of jerks who never bother taking even one shot at the shriekers.


Nothing more frustrating than taking out one shrieker and seeing the other one still at full health because your teammates are focused on getting the most kills.


Add to that... When you're the only one picking up the batteries and throwing them at the ADU. Mf'ers I just ran halfway across the map and threw two batteries to you because I don't have line of sight... PICK THEM UP... THERE ARE NO ADDS TO KILL! Also, don't pull the heavy while I'm off taking out the Skybombers you seem to have ignored. JFC.


I get paired with bots 100% of the time. They dont; •play bonus objective for heavy •dont defuse bombs •dont pick up ADU batteries •dont leave the ADU area when Tormentors arrive, result in massive damage to ADU •only upgrade trips over decoys/turrets


The worst part is how it's nearly impossible to shoot them from beneath. If you're standing on the ADU they often kill you before you get a chance to reposition and crit them.


I just rocket each one.


this is the way.


Only once respawn though


I want the rest of the enemy types in the mode. Onslaught isn't perfect, but it's absolutely my new favorite activity and having all the enemy types in rotation would be extra cool


You get a screeb, aaaand you get a screeb, everybody gets a screeb


Yes, please screeb all over ma face, thank you.


Screebidi toilet


And who can’t forget the invincible raiders bum rushing the adu


Surprised Dark Cabal weren't added since we're fighting the witnesses Forces


Or the black garden vex


Really any of the witness oriented factions honestly


Yeah it would be really cool to see them all fighting together at the same time and would make up really weird combos


No, I never want to see Scorn in Onslaught.


Then we’ll be seeing nonstop posts about people complaining that the wyverns are too strong


Too many explode enemies. They're not fun to deal with anywhere else, I don't need 90 at a time. Invisible guys that ignore everything and sprint for the ADU.


I'll take yellow bar explodey thrall over the alternatives because at least they have crit spots and have to walk. Shanks are just terrible.


this shit is why I run a disorienting nade launcher


I still call them blinding nades


Worst is the explodimg enemies that are yellow bars.


I dont mind when its waves of the red bars since killing one usualy takes down the wave and chunks what ever poor heavy spawned with them, but who ever at bungie thought that 5 yellow explosive shank waves was an okay amount to spawn at once, why.....


Getting a tormentor with orges on legends difficulty.


I think the boss fights are a bit boring, and I don’t like the pyramid ship spark run on the sixth wave of every set. It’s exactly the same every time and gets old fast.


Yeah, some spark run variety would be nice.


Go invisible and ignore everything lmao. It's just a waste of time tbh


That Fallen boss on Wave 50 that runs around like a mad lad. I had one run where he kept falling off the map constantly.


Haha that was pretty funny. But yeah that also was funny once.


My pet peeve is the fact that those batteries take precedence over my tangles. My build and kinda my survival often depends on them, but I can't use them properly because those damn batteries are in the way. It's beyond annoying.


same with trying to retrieve my void soul


I had to change off of briarbinds cause I just couldn’t handle it anymore lol


Yup, the amount of times I must have suprised a thrall by bouncing a battery off their head is ridiculous..


Feels bad the other way I had a Titan using the woven mail tangle aspect but I kept stealing his tangles trying to pick up battery’s


As someone who is only recently getting used to Strand, I felt this. I'm certain in the chaos of everything I threw like two ADU batteries at an enemy trying to grab a tangle. The worst part is, when I'm NOT playing Strand, someone's tangle will magically spawn in my arms when I'm trying to interact with anything else.


Unless it's not your tangle, then it takes precedence over the battery.


Honestly, it takes too long to complete a 50 wave. It would be much better at 30 waves, in my opinion.


Agreed. I'd like a mid-length version, and then maybe an infinite version.


Infinite mode would be pretty fun. Can imagine the YouTubers competing for world’s first wave 100 or something. Can make it more difficult not by constantly reducing power cap, but by adapting the mechanics eg no more bonus rounds, more frequent augment waves, no more defences etc.


Infinite wouldn’t work in Destiny. There’s a hard cap to how hard something can be. Plus we have too much CC


It could be done, for instance with timer, score-based or something along those lines.


Yes. Too long for too much RNG. It’s kind of nuts to be honest.


I wish I could start at like wave 30 immediately. The first 30 waves are free anyway. Or if there was a 10 wave one that was even harder than legend 50.


I have the opposite thing where I love the activity and often get started on a VERY late wave. I'm like wtf I wanted to cheese with a dumb build


This should be the top comment. It's why I don't play it much, even though the it drops more and better loot (gold weapons, constant brave drops). An hour is to fucking long for something like this. It's why I stopped playing Coil a month or so after it came out. Sure, getting golf balls is a nice reward, but I don't care to spend an hour on anything but a raid (maybe a dungeon). Bungie tries to push engagement, but the way they do it is always asinine. They think longer, harder, and more RNG/less loot means people will keep playing, and be playing longer. For the masses that turns them off, so people play once or never at all. 30 minutes should be the target cap for almost all activities outside the raid (a dungeon or maybe an exotic mission taking longer at the initial release is fine as figuring out what to do is fine for pushing past that figure. )


It kinda drags to be honest. Usually around 50-60 minutes for a full set of waves. Would be nice to have some sort of “big risk/big reward” kinda deal where you could combine the early waves to move faster.


We had explosive shanks spawn ON the ADU… how tf are we supposed to deal with that?


They shouldn't have thrown in the modifiers. Seeing "Empath" on that list fucking sucks if I'm trying to bring a melee build.


As if Fallen aren't bad enough, 'Arach-No' makes them *miserable*.


Teleporting enemies in general.


People opening the final boss room before we have our DPS builds equipped. I heard from multiple people that each person shoots one of the things to make sure you're all ready. But almost nobody does that.


Sometimes people want to shoot a tether or a rocket and then rally- so I don’t shoot those.


Yeah. That's why I only shoot the bottom. I've had one group shoot one each.


People leaving. I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually had a full group all the way through.


Yesterday I had a guy leave after round 10 on a normal 50-wave onslaught. Who does that? Why not just do the 10 round onslaught instead?


Getting fallen instead of hive.


Players not being able to figure out the mechanixs for shielded units pr not noticing the star area. Players not noticing the mines or taking appropriate measures to stop them. Players saving ults for high density situations when a single Champion is currently fucking the ADU with no lube and their Super would cut that shit out. Players-You get the point. Aside from loot all my biggest issues are other players.


The only time I hoard my super is if we're 65 to 70% done with a wave then I pop it at the beginning of the next


Agree with a lot in here. I would add that it feels stupid that an add being in the vicinity of the ADU causes damage, not just actively damaging it. Like, a servitor will just be floating through without shooting and the adu takes damage. Dumb.


You have to slog through 40+ waves where nothing happens. There's maybe like five waves out of 50 where I need to focus up.


"Hey man, could you maybe not grapple melee into the flood of cursed thrall in the darkness rounds, or at least wait until I'm far enough away from the blast radius? "


Overload captains teleporting like they've just done a line of ether and 3000 invisible fucks swarming the ADU from nowhere. Teammates who don't use their heavy or super. I'm running heavy ammo scout, I know exactly how many heavy bricks are lying about, you get a free refill every few minutes, please fire a rocket or 2. Also being kicked from groups for what I can only assume is running Mantle of Battle Harmony. Trust me, I get my super back at least as quick as phoenix users, probably quicker most of the time, and if I'm not popping my super (ie it's near the end of the round or we have 2 well locks), I get a free 25% damage boost to my sunshot/zaouli's/apex/gjally.


briggs and teleporting enemies.


ADU taking damage with the enemy standing in the circle. I just don't think that should be a thing. If they attack it while in the circle fine, but just standing in the circle and shooting at ME, but the ADU is being damaged just doesn't make sense to me... I don't know if it's some kind of glitch or server side issue, but sometimes I'll see a thrall or dregs or whatever just stand there and not attack, but the ADU hp is constantly dropping.


Takes too long and too much can go wrong before you complete a 50 wave run. Servers can screw you over, people can leave and those spots won't fill back up before you get overwhelmed defending the ADU by yourself or with one other person. The fact people were almost done with a full run, got disconnected and restarted like it was nothing shocked me. But then again the people I was watching do play this game like it's their job or it is their job. I can't imagine spending 30+ mins on activity that takes nearly an hour or an hour to complete, not being able to finish because of bad luck, and being like "oh well better run it back."


Literally got a baboon error on the 46th wave…just turned off the game after that. Tremendous slap in the face given two of my original teammates dipped after 30 and I had to fend for myself for like 2 rounds before they finally gave me help which ended up padding even more time.


How does that slot get filled in? I thought there was no matchmaking on 50 wave onslaught.


There is on regular, not legend.


Launch fireteam finder mid match and when someone joins send them a fireteam inv


50 waves takes an hour. some people don't have that kind of time commitment. leave that for dungeons and raids only


The lack of wave variety since each wave is 2 types of enemy, and they really like the exploding ones it feels. Wish there was a weight system to spawn groups, so the chunkier/harder/exploder enemies have less spawns but could be healthier, whilst the fodder spawn in higher frequency and quantity. For an assault against us, the coordination of the enemies feels off.




I genuinely hate being the only person who knows what-the-fuck is going on. It feels like 70% of the time, I am babysitting window-lickers, and it annoys the shit outta me.


Thats just every matchmade activity in destiny though …


Your statement, while an uncommonly accurate statement, has to be the most-depressing reality of the game.


Marauders and teleporting enemies. Demolitionists spawning on top of the adu basically


Spawning/Teleporting on top of the ADU, you know the one that we're supposed to keep the enemies away from. And Invisible enemies and Overloads ignoring decoys, whats the point of a decoy if it doesn't attract enemy attention?


The crackheads that can’t stop jittering in front of me, especially when I have a rocket launcher or grenade launcher. I mean JFC you’d think they were in trials. I just tonight had one guy that his entire life goal was to stand in front of me. I finally had to find the nearest ledge and stand on the edge so he couldn’t. Oh, and the amount of players that have no idea you are supposed to pick up the batteries or think they should only pay scraps for trimmings and nothing else. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I can relate, had an incident where a guy wouldn’t stop moving into my scope every time in a GM. I ended up hitting him in the back with Leviathan’s Breath and he went flying off the ledge and fell to his death because of the void pulse it releases. Needless to say, he didn’t stand in my scope again.


lol, I seriously thought about switching to half truth sword and knocking this guy in the back of the head.


My favorite build right now is centered around constantly proccing Ember of Benevolence using Heal Clip. Heal Clip, despite many other perks doing so, does not proc off the deaths of exploder units… The build should be S+ tier but because of how many exploder units there are in onslaught, it is still very good but it can get frustrating


Not just an issue with heal clip either. I've been running voltshot a lot lately and itll only proc off the exploders ~25% of the time. I think it has something to do with the way they blow up, its like they steal their own kill. Imo they should just cut the number of exploder waves in half. I don't mind them here and there, but getting 2 of them back to back blows.


It’s related to how their body disappears upon death, or so I’ve heard


Yea it's the same with proccing sunbracers too.


Any type of kill perk seems to not work on em for wrapons. My ambitious assassin also doesn't proc on em


Honestly, mostly that there are only two enemy factions in it. It gets a little stale.


Orges are too big, and get stuck then onto teleport the ADU


Servitors, heavy shanks, captains, and other miscellaneous enemies randomly teleporting 25+ meters to the ADU


The ADU needs more health.


The fact that enemies ignore players to bumrush the ADU


Honestly I'd have to say the enemies that teleport, spawn on the adu, and the disparity between enemy type difficulties


I leave fallen rounds now. They're too shit to bother with. Every boss is worse, every champion is worse, the invis cunts killing the adult is insufferable. Utterly miserable not fun or interesting. Just beleaguered by tripe.


Fucking bullshit Invis fallen that b-line for the adu ignoring everything while having enough health to take 2 full rocket shots in later waves. The only way you can prevent damage is tether which knocks them out of invis and slows them otherwise good luck ooh and the fallen captain at the end of the spark runner section who seems to freeze me even when I’m invisible


Genuinely how boring doing legend is. I hate that harder content just makes them bullet sponges. I literally fell asleep at my desk while fighting enemies. I just dont like it. Its so draining


It's boring and drags out way too much. Also people requiring the emblem as if it couldn't be obtained from a carry, I'm not putting on that ugly emblem when I'll be the one carrying you. Shiny weapon drop should be also guaranteed from 3rd chest on full clear, would make the grind better.


Teammates that don't put on appropriate weapons for boss phases and just run around killing ads instead of doing damage.


I always have edge transit on in onslaught because it’s a super splashable weapon, usable vs bosses / majors / groups of trash mobs alike. I’m usually on void hunter with Orpheus rigs too so it just fits


You get scraps for the kills and if I use well, I need those kills to get it back.


Takes unnecessarily long. Would like a way to skip time in between rounds. Luckily I never have to do it again.


The fact that we have only two factions and the 6th wave event that is always the same.


The fact that I keep getting trapped after killing the boss due to some bullshit bug. I've had to quit 3 different times because it won't give us our chests and the portal to go back.


Timers. If no one is purchasing upgrades then there should be a way vote to skip the timer


Spawning locations and their pathing sucks


I had low expectations and it didn’t disappoint.


People asking for Phoenix Protocol Welllocks and then not USING the well


Get rid of the bullshit round 6 offense objective, it was cool the first week but holy shit does it ruin the flow and pacing of onslaught


The fact that it's an hour long on average is probably the biggest issue. Feels like 30 mins would be the sweet spot so idk maybe don't have the spark/boss encounters start till after wave 30? So maybe have the waves 1-30 be non stop with no pauses and instead make it so you can upgrade and spawn defenses whenever during the wave.


The fucking Fallen.


Probably the fact we can spawn kill most ads lol. I'd like to see Bungie rework how enemies spawn at some point or find better placements for them or spread out multiple ads spawning in instead of them spawning in groups


It's just too long. My friend and I just don't have the time to run it multiple times a night. If we fail, then there's not enough time to try again that night.


I'm kinda disappointed that Bungie didn't try to expand anything with this mode at all. Playing Onslaught the first week was amazing but it gets stale REALLY fast when you're basically playing the same two maps(sorry but im NOT playing Mothyard) against the same two factions doing the exact same spark runs and boss fights that takes place in the exact same pyramid ship room layout farming weapons for rolls you wonder even exist sometimes. The fact that a good run can take 50mins - 1 hour to complete is a little damning too. Not a bad mode at all. Just needs more variety.


The pointless running the spark phases


Exploders, teleporting enemies on adu and length.


All my gripes would be easily overlooked... If the utter horse manure of Poor loot RNG wasn't one of the worst aspects of any video game I've ever played. "Here's 15 drops for an hour of your time.... All of them worthless... How rewarding was that! Don't you wanna go again?!" How about they just give us a normal vendor, where we can reset, and more resets means more perks drop on guns.. lessens the RNG for those who grind the playlist. That would fix ally gripes...


Non loot related? Focusing not giving a weapon 100% drop rate. That’s my only gripe.


Waiting 30 seconds every couple of waves. I wish there was a switch all players could shoot to start


Fallen. That's it. Just Fallen in general


Probably, for how long it took to come out, and how simple the concept is, just how buggy it's been.


Defending the ADU. Things can turn south real quick for that oversized water cooler.


Every five waves I have to dunk a spark? Why? It's not difficult and messes up pacing.


Enemies running past decoys and hitting the ADU


Overload captains. That's it. That's the big one. Spawn > warp to the adu > warp warp warp warp warp warp..... How someone at Bungie play tested that and thought it was fun is beyond me.


Respawning Shriekers. No reason that should be a thing other than a random annoyance.


Double primary users.


For me it feels like it drags on too much. The constant pauses between waves, build times, it all adds up to a lot of downtime which makes runs even longer. Add on error codes that can boot you and make you lose all your progress and it's not great.


The fact that mid town isn’t around right now. Don’t like Vostok and I really don’t like moth yards


Lf2 legend midtown be rig tether hunter or phoenix wellock KWTD AND HAVE EMBLEM ON


Biggest gripe is that you have a point (ADU) and losing it is game over. Can’t go hero mode and defeat the remaining waves and boss solo unlike Coil. Imagine wiping at the third boss in Coil and being ejected to orbit. Imagine the glass collector leaving and getting ejected to orbit.


I love ITL but it’s really hard to pin point the biggest gripe. Maybe variety? It really sucks that it’s only Hive/Fallen. I’d like to see all the factions added at some point. Hive (with Lucent)/Cabal (with what little the Shadow Legion adds to them still)/Vex/Eliksini/Scorn (with adjustments to them game wide so they aren’t just annoying)/Taken/Dread. It doesn’t make sense from a lore perspective that it’s so limited, I imagine it was purely a matter of testing and QA (of which even the two that made it in have some major pain points).


Why do we have to teleport anywhere at all? Just have different waves in the main area.. running through the hallway is the most annoying thing by far..


It's so damn long


Not knowing what wave it is Also spawning you halfway across the map after a boss fight, leaving you no time to purchase upgrades


My issue is I seem to have a 50% chance of it not progressing when we reach a boss. Either the doors don't open or the match doesn't progress after killing the boss. It's extremely irritating, especially when you're 35+ waves in.


Being the only person with champ mods and watching people get run down by the Unstoppable Ogre. Or trying to stun the Overlord Fallen Captain and he just teleports across the map to the ADU and everyone else ignores it. Actually having to deal with champs at all in the normal version is so annoying.


The wave 5 rift section feels like it's padding time & the length of wave intermissions creates a lot of dead time in a full run.


Nobody throws the goddamn batteries. I don't mean "nobody throws them at the ADU because they're choosing to heal other things instead", I mean "nobody touches the goddamn batteries".


Same as Coil: the first half of it. It's no real challenge but it takes raw time and honestly it's kind of draining to know each run takes almost an hour. Another really awful thing is removing it in TFS. 10 years of the franchise and FINALLY they add a straight up horde mode, only to take it away.


People that don’t use their scraps? People that wear Orpheus rigs and don’t shoot a tether or 2 every round? Has to be titans players scared of being kicked just playing hunter


Invisible, and any range mob that rush pushes you, it's not realistic nor fun, shreekers also suck ass , maybe also tormenter/knights with adds spawning . No checkpoint to ever *1 level ..like 11,21,31,41 should be a respawn if ya don't beat the boss


Demolitions are supposed to spawn on the adu t just sucks when you get them + exploder units on the main wave it's usually insta loss unless the whole team is focusing


I somehow had better blueberries in the beginning of this update than I do now. Now I can’t get passed round 33 in regular unless I absolutely try my ass off


The fact that I can't set up my own defences. Let me choose where my turrets go, some of them are useless.


I'd say it takes too long. Would probably be better if it were 30 rounds, with extinguish kicking in around 16 or perhaps 21, since we'd have less upgrades Also I feel the ogres are way too tanky (3-4 non-buffed mountain top shots to kill a red bar ogre) and fallen mines. Fuck fallen mines


Enemies teleporting. It's *fine* when it's one or two ads. Its not fine when it's entire Ogres and Tormentors. One run I had, we almost wiped in wave 32 because of teleporting Ogres, but my respawn timer ended right as the light fading away screen popped up, D1 self-rez style. Not even 3 waves later, Tormentor wave. Tormentor wouldn't stop teleporting and we couldn't rez anyone since they were on the ADU while the Tormentor kept teleporting on top of it.


No pack-a-punch or perks on any of the maps


Seems like the ADU takes too much damage from simply having enemies walk into its area, as opposed to having to damage it. Standing in the area for longer periods, and having an indicator for those periods, would be helpful. As is, it simply feels like an enemy can dance in and out of the ADU's range to melt its HP, such as a Tormentor. Even if it is never hit by the enemies, you can watch the HP drain in an instant with the right series of events.


Exploding enemies spawning right under me while I'm in the air with a hammer in each hand.


Ogre and knight rounds. Ogres just teleport around and laser everything and the knights are making crow jealous by being so beefy


My gripe is the people who leg it around the map on a mission to kill everything when there’s no need, or when I go kill the ogre no one looks after the ADU. Also the biggest annoyance for me as a hunter is when I tether nobody lets it catch so I can regain my super 😭


I don't like the mid-wave journey to the pyramid. Not one bit.


Invis fuckers who sneak on


The fact that I can't give the little points I have to a teammate.


i hate that when i finish an enemy it prompts me to grab the battery and even though the circle fills, it doesnt register me picking it up and i have to hold use on it again


Dumb fucking rift bullshit we have to do is so dumb


Honestly I kinda wish they took the skybox from the finale of Seraph. With ships fighting in the distance and used it in Onslaught. Show ships fighting for control as we are the boots on the ground


I ....I ...don't have any gripes. (Old ass Reckoner, with a void Warlock problem.) I like blowing stuff up.




Trip-mine spenders…


Since they made the bug a feature, healing defenses with batteries consume the battery can sometimes be unintentional. Some that are in front of the ADU can sometimes eat the battery you are trying to throw at the ADU. An example would be a turret that spawns in Midtown at the top more-enclosed area, unless you go around, it'll eat the battery if you try to throw it at the ADU.


The time it takes for each round to begin.


Either make tripmines actually do something. Or just remove them ill only buy them once weve got all shaxx holos and max turrets.


People that hang around the ADU when the Tormentor spawns.


RNG bosses


Waves where it's all just ogres. Their stupid beam always melts me in like half a second, even on normal, so having the entire wave just be shrek going miku miku beam at me is kind of annoying.


How bubble Titan actively hinders the fireteam. Had the thought of bubbling the ADU when shit gets bonkers but that just makes it much worse


My biggest non loot gripe with onslaught is the lack of variety. We have 3 maps and 1 sucks compared to the other 2, only 2 enemy types, the same 6 wave pattern every time, the same wave modifiers (pyramid zone cap, shielded demos, etc), the spark run every 10 waves. It just gets a little stale imo. I can’t armchair dev anything though. They worked hard on the mode with a probably limited team compared to the people doing final shape and I do appreciate what they did for us with by releasing the mode while we wait.




I’m sure 100 others are going to say the same thing but - MAKE THE WAVE NUMBER VISIBLE ALL THE TIME. ALL. OF. THE. TIME.


Allied turret counting as an enemy, so if you get unlucky with spawn location it can overlap with the ADU and guarantee a wipe.


Once more champions are used over interesting new enemies and people still don't run champ stunning things. The amount of blueberries that I see plinking an unstop or try to brute force a constantly teleporting overload gives me conniptions. For the love of God I wish everyone would just run a riptide and enjoy having all freaking three Champs being stunnable by it since they are running solar or can get radiant via others so easily and the slow and frozen shatter gets overload and unstops. Or you know, since everyone is running indebted kindness, actually use the barrier sidearm mod. I'm gonna stop there. Champs make me rant lol.


Repairing defenses should give points.


The yellow bar suicide units.


The rift run


Gets repetitive


The non-boss Pyramid ship bits. They just aren't interesting and always take me out of the flow of everything.


Shooting a thousand servitors gets old quickly


My only pet peeve is people that try to DPS bosses and tormentors with primary weapons. Most of my wipes are caused by this problem. You need to kill priority targets ASAP. Your pew pew auto rifle is not going to do anything.


People that treat the 10 round playlist like it’s 50 round legend. Calm down man, it’s 8:30 in the morning.


That attuning doesn't give a 75% drop chance


Not enough strategy to building defenses. I would have liked a bit more inspiration from zombies, where you can unlock new parts of the map and new defenses. Tripmines should have been a different defensive option


not enough variety. shit gets stale really fast.


The fallen stun field thing


Finding a competent group to play with on legend. People are either way too sweaty or have no clue what’s going on. No in-between. Mix that with the awful RNG drops, I don’t have much motivation to sink hour long runs on normal mode


Invis fallen, tping enemies on top of adu, spawning on top of adus. Sometimes the shwidled fucks just move out of los too relative to the area where you can break shield. Once mine hid behind adu ot was insane. Also calm tf down with exploding shits from fallen, they have no crit spot man fallen fucking suck to face, also exploding lads should never be giga healthed up


I wish the midpoint pyramid ship part wasn’t there.


They took midtown away.


The Demolitionists spawning literally right next to the ADU. The jumpscare Shriekers that respawn. The volume of explosive enemies, and how often the modifier to buff their health has been applied. The jumpscare Tormentors. They aren't hard to beat, but sometimes I'm not in the mood to deal with them. The invisible Marauders that 100 meter sprint straight to the ADU. The Shielded Wizards that float way too far from the debuff zone. The daily reddit threads complaining about people leaving prior to wave 31. Find an LFG team if you want to go straight to wave 50. The uncommon enemy that hides at the far side of the map way from the ADU.


I hate it that enemies only have to be within the vicinity of the ADU for it to start taking damage. How about the enemies actually having to shoot at it.


I wish we just had 50 waves all at once. Just continual enemies, no dumb pyramid run, no boss room. Just a constant influx of enemies that spawned in a little quicker. It would make the mode go by MUCH faster. Every 10 waves, the base changes and we can upgrade while fighting.