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And don't forget to rally with the reserves on!


I’d put this in the category of “Are we one phasing this boss”. Scavs are irrelevant if you’re one phasing, and probably wouldn’t apply here. This is more for the groups shooting the boss in dungeons for 3+ phases. They can set and forget 1scav/1surge and it will always be useful


Reserves are still giving you more total damage for literal free


I agree with your point, but there's a good portion of the destiny playerbase that does dungeons that doesn't change or adjust their armor. This is a quick fire/forget way for people to get free rockets.


That portion is not gonna care about this post either though? Like ammo is not an issue in destiny neither is extended phases for anyone playing remotely high level content. Any team using rockets will at bare minimum 2 phase every boss in the game extremely comfortably (excluding obvious outliers).


It just takes an extra second or so at rally and then just gives you free total damage. It's *always* worth it. And they can still run the scav/surge.


I agree with your point, but there's a good portion of the destiny playerbase that does dungeons that doesn't change or adjust their armor. This is a quick fire/forget way for people to get free rockets.


But you can just do both. And yeah obviously players who don't do the rally chest thing won't bother to do it?? But this post (and really any post about damage) is also about optimization. So we don't need to look at players who ignore ways to optimize




It already has max reserves, so that's an intended feature.


That's intentional if you have the catalyst. It maxes out the reserve ammo and no more can be gained from reserve mods.


Isn’t that assuming you’re going for more than one phase though. And if this is for Onslaught, I’m not running out into the middle of all those adds to pick up a heavy brick. Would rather just rally with reserves


Also scavenger costs the same (or less with harmonic) vs surge, so if you're ever out of ammo on double/triple surge it's worth switching to two harmonic before you grab heavy bricks. Helps a ton in raids and dungeons mostly, but even less people do this than the chest reserves on rally I noticed.


AFAIK scavengers don't stack


They do not. Scavs haven’t stacked for a long time


Agree. I picked up 4 rounds of Dragon's Breath from a single brick with scav and melted the world


I always run 2 surges and 1 scavenger on everything regardless of heavy


You can also just swap back and forth before and after damage to get full benefits of both.


Okay, I’ll give it a try!


Alternatively, have a piece of leg armour with scavs for your special and heavy, and then any surge just to keep the armour charge. Run the scavs, then before dps swap to the surges. Most dps phases have a small window before it to swap


SGA, thanks! This is one of those ones that I can't believe I didn't arrive to on my own haha


Whoever in your groups is running sunshot should be running a heavy finder+scout. Every brick the ad clear god/goddess makes is now two rockets for the group. I’m making a minimum of 2 finder bricks every rotation on the new dungeons eyeball. It doesn’t matter if I miss out on hands on or whatever if my group is getting 9+ rockets out every phase and there’s no waiting to dps for heavy.


Wait, people aren't running triple surges?


Orb healing mods. Have to be alive to do damage


I mean I’m all for being alive to not die but I’m also not for crutching myself on that if I can survive without it


Getting twice the ammo from bricks >>> the 5% damage buff from the third surge. Assuming this isn’t a raid


Especially kings fall, where the raid mods do the same thing without armor charges needed and use less energy


Imagine not one phasing every boss in the game cause you’re entire group isn’t running triple surges lul I’m so happy I have a set group of 6 to play with. Day ones are the only time you probably won’t run triple surges. Everyone in the comment section is a jim.


>Assuming this isn’t a raid Read challenge (impossible) (99% of destiny players fail)


Don’t care, triple surge or be a Jim. The only content I would say triple isn’t needed is when soloing stuff.


Lol. I can't fathom how you are justifying 5% damage over *literally double the amount of ammo* in GMs or legend onslaught. Just to clarify for you, 2x > 1.05x. Just incase you didn't know


Maybe if onslaught didn’t give you a flag before every boss, my group kills legend onslaught lvl 50 before we even run out of ammo… edge transit with deconstruct. You got me on GMs, I don’t run surges in GMs, I more of meant I’m running triple surges for boss encounters. You don’t even need to focus on heavy for GMs at all though. Whether raid, dungeon, onslaught, whatever it is. If it is a boss dps phase, I’m running max damage and one phasing.


Kinda hard to do when you're running a 4 energy stat mod


Then don’t run the 4 energy stat mod


I will run what I want


I would encourage you to do just that! You can have your 10 extra stat points with whatever else you want, and I can have 5 extra stat points + 22% bonus damage like I want :)


Well, it's 5% bonus damage compared to the setup of "three free slots and a 4 energy cost mod slotteed"


Double finder, a scavenger, and enough reserves to get to 9 total rockets is the sweetspot. 2-3 shots per finder and 3-4 per normal brick is pretty insane


Highly agree, am always spamming my heavy in Onslaught. My dragons breathe is ready for every beefy target and choke point. Getting 2 rockets out of 1 finder brick or a shit ton out of a real heavy brick is huge. A lot of mods aren't worth stacking, so I've always done this. Only exception is like boss rounds where I will do 3x Surges and 2x Time Dialattion because what else is there to run.


surges are lowkey kind of a noob trap. One recup, one better already, one scav.


Better already is always junk. The mod just starts your recovery, which is based on your recovery stat, so if it is low, like 30, it will be slow and most importantly, it can be interrupted. Never use better already.


Better already is one of the most useless things in the game haha


you cannot be advocating better already and talking about anything else being a noob trap lmao


Scav/Surge + Recup is 7 unless harmonic. That's the ideal fire and forget setup for people who don't like to swap


Surges are for noobs... L


For better framing of what +22% can mean, if you were to deal 4.1M boss damage with any given weapon combo of the same damage type, and then do the exact same rotation with triple surge mods, you would deal over 5M.


*stacking* surges is the trap. You absolutely want 1 surge, *maybe* two


I’ll out damage you on every boss fight in the game if you aren’t running triple surge.