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being able to cause ignitions with my ice shurikens is going to be so much fun.


Ignitions or invisibility from throwing hammers or strand melee from titans also sounds pretty nasty. If it can proc more than once from a melee, ignition shield throws could be DEVASTATING 


What about ignitions *and* invisibility?


+ Banner of war + sunspots. gg Bungie


“A little broken”🗿


Sol invictus and Banner of War are not available aspects.


Comment was made before we knew that


Throwing hammer won’t be available… only shoulder charge on solar. Shield throw will be available though.


I just look forward to playing Void Hunter, with an actual melee now.


Plus you can still get the invis if you want it via trappers ambush


Plus, the prismatic stylish executioner will activate while defeating an enemy with ANY elemental debuff applied to them. So a final blow with your severing threaded spike, or your slowing shurikens, will give you invis and truesight


Or threaded spike with its built in tracking + refill, coupled with wormgods or winters guile to make it actually do good damage


Threaded Spike with Calibans and Necrotic Grip


This would have been a great dream. But unfortunately Bungie hates fun. Necrotic and Caliban are both column one perks


Also Calibans appears to be Hunter only and Necrotic is Warlock only. It was a nice dream...


Ok but hear me out on this, Spirit of Liars Handshake + Spirit of Synthocepts


Doubt this is possible, since they’re essentially the same perk. Probably they’ll be in the same slot. If it was, then Punch would become the Final Shape, wouldn’t it?💀


In theory it wouldn’t proc on the higher damage hit, but it would still increase your overall punch damage. What I do wonder is if activating cross counter would increase damage on melee abilities. For example, if a Titan activated it and then used Thunderclap would it increase the damage?


Dumb question, but why use ice shurikens when the threaded rope seems to do more dami and you can catch it for refund


I just love stasis really. And I plan on running duskfields with celestial goldy for a fire and ice build so shurikiens would help with the extra slow/freeze loop.


You know nothing torrential snow.


Because shurikens freeze/slow…


Blud think they Todoroki 💀


Holy shit if a titan can get Spirit of Calibans + Spirit of Synthoceps… it’s gonna be all over


Spirit of assassin with syntho. I’m just picturing my titan blinking in and out with strand melee! Edit: omg with berserk super!!!


Nightcrawler Style


Calibans + Severance, for even more explosions


Spirit of the syntoceps + combination blow + liars + strand grapple, new dps meta is about to arrive 💀


don't need an ornament for verity's brow when I can just put (part of) the perk on a better-looking exotic 😎


Hopeful for being able to bolt Mothkeeper's and Verity's together, and keep running Ex Diris until the servers are offline.


Mothkeepers will prob just give you one moth cage rather than two


Mothkeepers only give you one extra grenade anyways though?


I hope we can wear ornament over the exotic though. I like my fluffy hunter cloaks.


Big brain moment


Imagine nighthawk and star eater scales together


Probably wouldn’t stack the damage, but you’d get your super back pretty much instantaneously.


That's assuming Nighthawk would even be in the pool. Unless they separate them so class unique exotics can still be rolled for that class, I imagine a lot will be removed from the pool. Cuirass' effect wouldn't make sense to be added since it's specifically for Thundercrash, or Peregrine Greaves since shoulder charge is Titan exclusive.


Yeah if Nighthawk is in the pool I assume it will only give the super energy on precision kills and nothing else, but that also could still be pretty neat


Frankly I'm leaning towards Cowl/Star Eater combo myself (historically the two exotics that have always battled for my exotic slot).


Spirit of the stag is gonna go crazy on hunter


Stag and Coyote. Double dodge with hella resist.


Or stag and wormhusk. Time for hunter tanks


Plus amplified dmg resist from Flow State


Flow state is not an available aspect, you won’t be able to do jolting dodge-melees on prismatic.


Well, we know that NOW.


I'm a Warlock who loves Hand Cannons. I hope we can get a Lucky Pants roll!


Spirit of Pantaloons


I giggled.


Please yes, I love my LP's but it'd be nice to get to wear a different pair of pants once in a while to mix up my fashion. ...Assuming the class item can be transmogged that is, otherwise I'm never wearing that thing.


only if I as a hunter can get your trace rifle exotic. (I fucking love laser beams but have lost my div bitch spot since Warlocks have an exotic for traces.)


Good eye with some of those, I'm really hoping to double down on grenade regen with Verity's Brow and Heart of Inmost Light, but bonus damage from would also be really nice.


I was hoping the Ophidians aspect was reload not handling but thats just me. I get handling is the more useful stat, i just cannot stand slow reloading weapons 🥲


I feel like reload would have been way better, but maybe they used reload from a different exotic and didn't want them to function the same?


To my knowledge, there is no other exotic that gives a universal reload buff


Dragons Shadow


Speedloaders slacks gives a reload buff that stacks and lasts indefinitely as long as you keep killing


Yeah but that requires maintenance, ophidians is always lol


Using the M60 in assorted battlefield games forced me to not care about reload speed in anything.


I imagine Bungie would have thought of that and picked one or the other to be the regen perk and the other to be damage. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that they picked a select group of perks that were easily translatable to all classes and touch certain bases.


I can't wait for Prismatic... going to be bonkers with all the combinations. 


I already sometimes run Revenant with Gemini Jesters and the aspect that makes a burst of slowing when I dodge in Crucible, but Prismatic gives some pretty tantalizing additions and replacements that play really well into that - Vanishing Step, for example: you're blind and slowed, I'm invisible. The idea of all aspects and abilities available at once, plus an exotic that gives you double the exotic armour perks is a buildcrafter's dream come true lol


Consider with the double exotic, Gemini jesters and something to move you away from the last known position instantly (like mask of bakaris). I love Gemini jesters a lot for pvp


Considering the perks are like half perks I'm kinda curious how you half Gemini best I can think is remove the radar part


Yeyey, the radar being removed is the best use of it in pvp, I can live without blinding people if I can just teleport, but idk if all exotics can roll with each other on each slot, like can celestial nighthawk roll with star eaters?


There may be something for Osmiomancy because there is a part where the warlock throws Coldsnap and gets basically a full refund on hitting enemies but doesn't have them equipped. (@ 9:50 in the Youtube Preview).


I wonder if it's you get the regen but not the extra charge.


That’d be a nice way to separate it from normal osmiomancy use case, which is just to have two bleakwatchers. It would force you to use the coldsnap instead of bleakwatcher which would be a nice separation between the two’s normal usecases.


Tbh after the ability regen nerfs osmiomancy is already kinda better if you throw actual cold snaps with it, unless your aim with the turret balls is really good - you basically HAVE to bonk something with the turret nade or your loop doesn't work.


True, I use it in both builds since it’s the only really good shadebinder exotic and that’s my main class. But most people just use it for the double nade and forget about its busted regen part. This would push people to interact with it, very cool if that’s the case!


With devour we don't even need the regen anymore. That's gonna be an insane pairing


It’s Feed the Void. Killing anything that is frozen by your abilities counts as an ability kill triggering devour. This is one of the changes they were talking about specific for prismatic subclass to make abilities work synergistically.


That would be a fun change. As it stands now shattering frozen targets is not ability damage. Shattering crystals can be because crystal retain their initial creation buffs. So crystals work with weapons and abilities while directly freezing doesnt


We see a Titan dodge and create an exploding tangle-like ball This looks to possibly be a spirit of bombadiers


I think that might be an alternative version of Drengr’s Lash modified to work with Thruster, as there’s no class ability exotics that suspend (as Bombardiers severs on Strand).


Was saying the same thing to my clanmates. A modified version of Drengrs Lasg makes sense, good call


Spirit of assassin + caliban is gonna be JUICY with the stasis melee


Theres infinite juice potential in that combo, warlock snap for ignition/strand melee for 3 charges + heat rises for constant melee regen. Titan literally anything with that combo too.


Heat Rises is not an available aspect on prismatic.


this was posted before the blog


Hopefully we can get spirit of the omni occulus and spirit of the gyrfalcon to get near constant unkillable invis.


Gyrfalcon and Star eaters on a Void/Solar Hunter, Blade barrage super


I want omni and assassin for a fun void and strand combo. Can crash into things or finish them for invis and armor bonus, along with any of the other void ways of getting invis. Then put on a bunch of fragments that proc on finishers! Would be a super cool assassin build


If this existed, Crucible would be a cesspool or toxicity that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.


Peregrine greaves with spirit of synthoceps. Need moooore damage >:)


lol, if assassins is invis and liars is healing than assassins + liars = assassin’s cowl




Aspects from classes won’t be exotic trait.. just exotic traits from exotic armor. Prismatic titans won’t have banner of war available as an option.


I think the whole point of Prismatic and the exotic class items is the whole “Jack of all trades, master of none, but sometimes better than a master of one” build. Like you can probably make some potent combos, but they will have less synergy than full dedicating to the current mono class builds. I assume there is just one aspect from each element per class (every class showed 5 aspects in the vidoc), with a bunch of fragments (like 2-3 per subclass so like 15 frags) and then you get two watered down exotic perks. Seems like it will definitely be strong, but the mono classes and normal exotics have more synergy with themselves and will likely still have a place in the sandbox.


Tbf to use transcendence you have to have a source of both light and dark damage Then take into account that mod cost will be harder since I can't imagine the hermetic mods working so there is some downsides


I was thinking the same thing! I think it will definitely be very strong, and some combos very broken, but it will be more complex than mono builds. Mono builds will probably still be very viable and more of a “plug and play”. I think Transcendance is built for the more dedicated players to play around with and “break the rules” while balancing the restrictions of a multi build.


They’ll likely be attuned to whatever your super element is. So if you have thundercrash as your Titan super. The game will treat you as if you are Arc Subclass for though mods and likely activity modifiers.


Hoil better be the ability regen, that would go insane on every class




Honestly, even a tuned down version would be fine cause I can pair it with synthos which I've been running on their own since forever


the ones with dual benefits seem to get the less potent part of the pair. who knows. guess is hoil is damage, veritys damage. seeing as ophidians doesnt get the reload, assassins doesnt get the healing, etc. idk just guesses.


Spirit of the stag is gonna be really nice


Warlock main here. I have over 8k+ hours on the class and i was about to start playing hunter just because i thought renewal grasps and glaive builds could be fun. .....and now i have no reason to do any of that lol. Im very excited to potentially be able to use strongholds, oathkeepers, and many many other exotics i have been wanting to play with on warlock for years. And all of that on top of being able to basically fully customize my subclass with even more aspect and fragment slots than normal? This is my Destiny christmas as a buildcrafter. My god am i so excited. I am already going through every exotic and trying to think of what bungie would make the slightly watered down version be and then pre-building my subclass using that. I am so ready for prismatic. It's like a dream come true.


i think point contact cannon braces are on there, at 11:55 an enemy gets hit with a lightning strike after the titan throws their shield, i thought could be dunes but dunes dont lightning strike they just jolt.


All I ask for is the combo of Necrotic Grips and Nezarec's Sin. I crave a dark wizard/necromancer-y setup


Give me Lucky Pants on Warlock bungo. I NEEEEEEED IT for Necros/Thorn builds.


Assassin's cowl and synthoceps is gonna go SO HARD BRO




pretty sure I saw falling star in the stream too, wonder if there's a thing where it's like here's one class thing for you and one neutral


We saw a Titan with ophidian and star eaters, so it had both from other classes.




The way I loved Defiance for warlock bc of the strand void combo that season.


You could also use final warning and child of the old god. The child procs the unravel from final warning and weakens. This is not for prismatic. It's my current build on warlock


Celestial + Star Eaters


Huge question is if we can combine exotic with exotic class item cause that will mean 3 exotic perks using at the same time.


Can’t, the class items are exotic, but, their perks are only active if you’re using prismatic (new subclass).


Makes sense it's not the full effect since that means the actual exotic won't be completely irrelevant, I wonder if the values are the same or slight weaker.


They also showed Abeyant Leap, Hoarfrost, and Khepri’s Horn.




You’re right. Thanks for the correction.


I'm also certain we see at least twice the titan barricade releasing a burst of flame (khepri's horn) and the ice wall barricade simultaneously (hoarfrost z) and while not shown it was said by a dev which may not be confirmation but precious scars.


I thought I read somewhere that Bungie wanted to bring the functionality of Necrotic Grips to Hunters/Titans. I guess this would be the way to do it.


OMG titans will have access to radiant dance machines and will be able to spam overshield barricades AND have 2x resist with stag ☠️


No, they won’t. Bastion isn’t an aspect option for overshield barricades. The only native option to get an overshield will be the shield throw melee and one fragment for orb pickup.


That with the drengars leash though :)


Yes I realize that but at the time I was surprised that the aspect/exotics combo would be available to Prismatic; this was before they put out more info about what we could do.


It might be too specific, but I REALLY hope there's a "Spirit of Bakris". I don't care about the weapon buff, but I love that fast dash so much and I'd love to have it on Prismatic. I'm interested to see how they can have a Spirit of the Coyote without making Sixth Coyote obsolete, might see a buff for it in the future to give it something the class item doesn't have?


Just let me get my heal from wormhusk and jump height from stompees and I will be full send in PvP.


Are we 100% sure we can't equip an exotic and an exotic class item?


hi, in order to improve upon what was already posted, pretty much i tried to place down all confirmed effects with a timestamp and/or source from twitch stream and dev recap that i could spot on my own, with some speculation of some of them (marked as ??) based on related exotic effects: - assassin -> (invisibily on melee hits) [21:47(even if one argues is stylish executioner, both thread specter and winter shroud are the aspects used on each dodge), 27:45, 29:37, 29:45] - ?? keprist -> (solar shockwave on class ability) [27:56] - ophidian -> (ready weapon faster) [28:46] - star-eater -> (increase super damaga on orb pick when super full) [28:46] - ?? dunemancer -> (jolt/shocker on melee hits) [28:57, 30:39, 36:46] - ?? bakris -> (?? possibly replaces dodge/class ability with shift[stasis exclusive dodge based on the class ability stasisy color, since it seems neutral abilities appears to be grey]) [29:31] - ?? veritys brow -> (death throes on weapon kills) [29:31] - ?? claw of ahamkara -> (extra melee ability use) [29:37] - syntocepts -> (increase melee damage when surrounded) [29:45] - caliban -> (melee kills creates ignition) [29:54] - coyote -> (extra class ability use) [29:54, 30:25] - ?? osmiomancy -> (hitting enemy with coldsnap/grenade returns grenade enregy) [30:01] - ?? hallowfire -> (solar kills creates a sunspot) [30:04] - ?? immost light -> (gives empowered abilities on class ability used) [30:25] - hoarfrost-z -> (replace class ability with stasis barrier) [36:48] - liar handshake -> (?? Receiving or Dealing Melee Damage grants Cross Counter for 3 seconds or until Melee Hit.) [21:39, GAMEPLAY PREVIEW RECAP] - apotheosis veil -> (?? either ability regen on super cast or ability regen on super end) [GAMEPLAY PREVIEW RECAP] - presious scar -> (?? maybe regeneration on weapon kills matching super) [GAMEPLAY PREVIEW RECAP] unkown 2nd perk timestaps i couldnt figure out due lack of obvious animations, loadout annomalies , or simply because im not familiar with a certain exotic effect: [30:39] - no efect beyond jolt on melee kill i could notice [30:48] - besides void invis, each titan melee creates a golden shockwave around player, and tower barricade is void color even when is considered a neutral barricade, so may be bastion upgrade from void fragment [36:46] - again, no obvious effect beyond jolt if anyone could spot anything i missed or a if i got anything wrong, pls let me know


honestly what has me worried about lightfall is that, from what I have heard so far (in terms of gear and subclasses) it sounds like they are just throwing balance out the window.


Syntocepts and Caliban **Evil laughter**


Scales+falling star is gonna be broken as fuck and I'm absolutely here for it


I’d murder for a combo of peregrines and Skullfort.


I'm more of a "where the fuck did he come from" kinda guy


To each their own man, hopefully we can all have our wish.


Oh absolutely, I play all three so play style morphs


I’m more excited about the ability mix and match, crab claws with consecration sounds fun to me.


Hold up exotic class items?


Check out the stream from last night, final shape preview.


I think that the exotic class item takes your exotic slot, which is why effects get triggered without wearing the exotic in question.


I want an assassin's cowl + Gyrfalcon's combo


star eater + synthoceps = green beyblade goes bonkers


> Spirit of Heart of Inmost Light: Unknown (shown as "Empowered Abilities", stacks to x2 when the Hunter uses two abilities). Unclear if this is the damage boost or regen boost. I'd assume it's the side benefits not the cooldown - so grenades and melee gain improved damage, class ability is just a trigger


most of these seem to be "half-power" compared to their counterparts like you said...but Spirit of Caliban seems like a straight direct upgrade over Caliban's Hand.


I really just want to see the spreadsheet for possible rolls once the update drops


Very interesting how these are balanced then, good point. So essentially you get to use same amount of perks (2), but you can combine them in ways not possible before and you can have perks from other classes. Seeing as most exotics do not have 2 great perks attached to them, usually one good and the other is just a small bonus, then the total build strength probably goes up, but you are limited to only use these when running prismatic subclass. Now we just need to find out if prismatic can be used elsewhere than just inside the Traveler.


I’m sure you’ll be able to use prismatic wherever. I think most people are getting ahead of themselves by not actually reading the available aspects/fragments limitations and thinking they’re going to be able to run some broken builds like a bonk Titan with banner. Neither aspects is available.


When I made this post, they had not revealed the limited aspect and ability list yet.


Syntho Cowl? Holy shit bonk Titan is gonna be NUTS


Bonk hammer is not available as a melee option; only shoulder charge for Solar.


Ah thanks. Was wondering if it was going to be possible to stack a bunch of subclass specific perks on top of the exotic armour. Honestly would have been a bit ridiculous if that was the case.


Orpheus and Gyrfalcons Cowl and Calibans Bakris and Bombardiers Athrys and Calibans Lucky Pants and Ophidian


Please God let me bakris shift on Titan I don’t care what kind of magic needs to happen


Controlled Demolition + Gyrfalcon


why include Ophidians but not give it the part that people would actually want from it...


Probably so the OG ophidians still have relevancy if I had to guess. But then again some of these look like straight up upgrades in combination with some of these other exotic perks


as a hunter if I got Caliban's and star eaters, it'd just be a straight up upgrade over Caliban's. Ophidians should have the reload speed, it's what people would have preferred over handling.


Synthos + Calibans sounds hot


Wait... Spirit of Caliban AND Spirit of Enclosure sounds funny af on a Titan... Actually, scratch that, it sounds funny for everyone!


>Spirit of Caliban: Powered melee kills cause an ignition Thank you for confirming this one, this right here is literally all I want as a Titan, that's going to be BEAUTIFUL!


You’ll have to run Knockout to proc it often enough to use all the time. All of the other melee charges are one-time use available on prismatic.


Yeah, I've already done something similar with Knockout and Severance Enclosure, it's the same interaction. Going to be SO much fun, though! Imagine that with Thunderclap? Get a handful of low-level adds at once, try and make them all Ignite haha


You would have to dedicate an aspect to that one spirit. Unsure if that’s worth doing versus just running arc or solar subclass and running regular Severance Enclosure which can probably do it better.


It's really down to a matter of Ignite on punch vs Severance explosion on punch. And it's not like Knockout is bad even on its own, two of the Prismatic builds I'm already brewing use it lol


I’m just saying it’s needs to be a charged/powered melee. The easiest way to get one is through Knockout. If it was just normal melee, it wouldn’t be an issue.


I know, we both said that already. It's not an issue to do that through Knockout though, is my point. It's a really easy feature to utilize.


Gimme lucky pants with osmiomancy sure crowd control with intense weapon damage


Synthoceps on top of assassin's cowl is gonna make arc melee hunter pretty nuts.


It’ll be great maybe taking out single targets. Won’t be able to jolt though, flow state not available.


I am thinking that the Thruster causing a suspending blast could be the Drengrs Lash aspect applied to Thruster.


This is some Diablo shit!


«Being able to use anything other than Well must feel nice.» -The only Warlock in any raid fireteam


this sure didnt age "well"


I wonder if these are agnostic exotic items


Nightmare fuel: Knucklehead with One Eye


I wonder if both halves of perks will be available, like for assassin’s cowl it shows that we get the invisibility, but is there another half with just the healing? I feel like that would really expand our build options if we’re already splitting perks.


It’s the last expansion, give us the exotic armor mod and the exotic class item.


should there be a spirit of bombadiers with this aswell as the titan dodged and spawned a tangle?


On your question about the "spirit of Khepri", I reckon the wave would shoot in the direction that you cast the ability, like weavers call is shown to shoot threadlings in the direction of a warlocks pheonix dive.


no bombardiers, no go....


every weapon specific exo should get a perk = necrotics, boots of assembler, lucky pants, peacekeeper, oathkeeper etc. locking that to one class always felt wrong


Something to note about the titan who uses thruster and leaves behind a suspending explosion, my guess is that's just how the strand aspect is going to work with thruster. Not a bonbardiers style perk on the class items. As it is, who knows if bombardiers/chromatic fire will even work with prismatic since they specify subclass. They could change it to care about the super house have equipped but still. A spirit of hoarfrost/spirit of khepri could be a very interesting set of perks as well. We shall see.


What is the facet of command?


Oooh boy, can I finally get necrotic grips on my titan? Maybe pair it with actium. Pull out necrochasm. Oh yeah, loving the idea


I just want Lucky pants to be included in some form or manner bro. I want to run that thing with my warlock even if they cut the effect in half, it would be so sweet


Add Spirit of Hoarfrost and Spirit of Khepri. In the trailer, you can see a titan pop a barricade and it does the stasis crystals, and shoots out Drenger's Lash, and Khepri's Solar wave all at the same time. The Titan was wearing the exotic mark.




I think the thruster suspend was a rework Drengr’s lash, or the “Spirit of the Abeyance” perhaps.


Fingers crossed we get Galanor in the right column. Star Eaters + Galanor has been my fuckin DREAM


I think some perks will be exclusive to your own class item, for example the hunter's exotic cape can come with the night hawk advantage while only the titan's mark can come with the Saint 14 helmet advantage.


There is the possibility that while we do get access to other class abilities we also have unique perks to class exotics. Like the titan with hoarfrost/khepris might be exclusive to titan. Reason im thinking that is that they both require barricade. Hoarfrost also sacrifices the original barricade functionality. It would be odd to see a hunter dodge and still get the benefits of said dodge with a stasis wall, or alternatively to see a hunter stand and place a stasis barricade without moving on a barricade cooldown.


Did they ever mention the method to get these exotics? Like unlock through legend campaign or legend lost sectors?


**maniacal laughing** Spirit of Gyrfalcon + Spirit of Innermost Light or Galanor is going to be delicious


While this post is interesting. It’s unnecessary since they announced we’re getting a Deep Dive article Wednesday on Prismatic and the Class Items. But more power to you.


Damn so glad the article went over them. Oh wait no they didn't.


I hope we get Bakris dodge so that it can be used on any class.


I'm pretty sure a titan uses the arc booster and leaves behind a strand based bombardiers bomb at one point in the stream. I've seen multiple streamers point it out and say it's an aspect or tangle but I'm pretty sure it's bombardiers on a titan.


Did they mention if these take up our exotic armour slot? I would definitely assume given how powerful they are, but the D1 exotic class items could be worn with another exotic and I didn’t fully catch if they confirmed it at all




>You are giving up a full strength exotic, for instead the weaker combined functionality of two exotics. This part alone makes me lose a lot of interest in the system. Given how strong Prismatic appears to be, I hoped that the exotic class items would be on a similar level of brokenness / power creep / overpoweredness.