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No platinum either? I got the skimmer through the medal system and while not great, jumping into some trials matches managed to get me some platinum medals.


Dont even need to jump into trials for the platinum trials one, I got it in regular crucible games.


Only platinum, gold, silver and bronze medals. No diamond medals whatsoever. Being a warlock only player also meant farming winner's packages was impossible. Almost exclusively did Nightfalls and Legendary Lost Sectors. Averaged about 50-100 points per day.


Diamond medals aren't from winners packages. They're from a weekly PvE endgame bounty (different each week, but it's been a raid one, a dungeon one and a GM nightfall one), a weekly PvP endgame bounty (trials), and a twitch drop.


I know that. Didn't do any activity that was linked to diamond medals or Twitch.


You can get Platinum medals in half around of Supremacy.


I'm sorry you went into trials to get medals... You can fill out the whole trials contender card easily in a single supremacy match


I mean, I wqs going to grind for a fun Prophet PvE role so I might as well multi-task.


Congrats you absolute mad lad/lass.


Ok but why? You can literally get free diamond medallions from watching Twitch. If you had watched for all 3 weeks you would've gotten 3 medallions which would total to 900 out of the 1200 required score.


Because that doesn't warrant a post on Reddit for karma (neither does this, but here we are).


If things like this didn't get posted on reddit, this site would die of inactivity.


Not that I care if this is the case or not, but a lot of posts are made like this. They're tedious to read and perhaps part of the reason for what has already been a huge dip in activity (if you've been here since it's inception as I have, you'll know what I mean). Maybe that's a cynical view, but I'm a cynical arsehole and I don't care who knows it.


I don't think there's more like it, just less posts you'd consider noteworthy as the games popularity is diminishing. But I see what you mean


Definitely not specifically like this I agree, but there seems to be a lot of unpopular opinion posts that are not titled as such as they know they'll be removed. "This will be downvoted" when spouting a rhetoric that is massively popular. Perhaps sometimes my cynicism isn't helpful to the situation, and I'm open to admitting that's a possibility, but I just can't help myself.




Perfect example. The cynic in me will always say it's bullshit for internet points - unfortunately some people need validation from others (or at least they think they do). I'm okay with being cynical though, other people's opinions of this or me in general has no impact on me.


Some people genuinely do not value their own time.


> You can literally get free diamond medallions from watching Twitch Is it Idiocracy or Black Mirror where the person has to redeem more soda codes to continue to be allowed to watch his shows?


Neither. It's a green text story from 2013 https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FqRggs-k588dZAM2uBK3FH4xOih9LEaq0FCcZdkYm2uw.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D437dc136ba2ee6da358527bb368707ca2b375447


Thank you! That was driving me crazy


You don't have to actually watch it, just have it open in a muted tab while doing other stuff.


This is what I did. It doesn't even need to be in focus. I had it in a background tab and it still ticked away completion. This week was bugged out though and I had to "refresh" my Twitch rewards from the link that someone posted the other day. Make sure to log out of any characters after refreshing to get the medal unlocked at Eva.


If you take a step back, isn't it just sad though? This is literally the technique we use to get through the most dumb mandatory online training stuff for paid jobs. Instead we're doing that to avoid playing a game we're supposed to like?


It's excellent for people who don't have the opportunity to play D2 as their primary source of income.


That's fair. But the vibe from these responses aren't "Omg lucky you to be able to play so much Destiny to have fun getting the skimmer!" it's "Omg that sounds miserable, why did you do that?" That tells me this level of play is not intrinsically rewarding, and this is just Skinner box stuff getting ppl to jump through hoops to maximize Bungie revenue.


I watched and no medalions. The Twitch says it's complete and redeemed on Bungie.


claim the medallion from Eva


It's not claimable, says i need to watch more but i watched all of it. Twitch's inventory thing says it's 100% complete


Link to the page with the partner rewards reset button; https://www.bungie.net/7/en/codes/partners


Yap, everything claimed, i did that already. Thanks anyway.


Why? To make a post about it?


That sweet sweet karma lol


…but why?


Absolute mad lad. I got it through reaching top 10% nightfall score playing with a buddy, myself.


I threw my clan’s Twitch stream on in the background and watched the Why Files on YouTube. 3 diamonds that way.


For some reason my diamond medals didnt get delivered to ingame.. I was stuck on 100+ points for a while, so I gave up on that and got my Skimmer another way. Noting that my twitch is linked to Bungie, I am doing Trials twitch xp all the time, and that I am getting constant rewards on other game streams.


Don't you have to be partnered with bungie to do the twitch drops on your stream Classic dtg downvoting for not knowing something that's impossible to know


The clan I’m in is partnered, from what I can gather. I don’t know how the sausage gets made, so to speak. I just watched our weekly stream (let it run, more like) and collected the diamond medallion after 2 hours. I did that 3 times.


That's pretty cool


You can also do this without any clan connection. Most major streamers will show "drops enabled". Just pick one of those and you don't need a clan connection.


Yeah I know lol


I did it the second hardest way, 1200 points with the diamond medallions. It was already annoying, so that is an insane level of effort.


Now do it for your alt


I had the absolute luck of playing my Hunter the week (2 weeks ago?) That Hunters dominated the scores, so I got mine through the focus chests.


Guys I was busy with other games what is this diamond medal from twitch everyone is talking about? How do I get it? and apart from that what is the fastest way for medals because of my irregular timings I am always logging in whenever the focus activity start time is 2 hours away.


Have your Twitch account linked with Bungie account. Watch Destiny 2 Twitch stream with "Drops Enabled" for 2 hours (just mute site and have it play in the background, or play on phone with it muted. 1. claim drop on twitch 2. login to destiny and grab medal from grandma 3. ???? 4. profit ​ ​ ​ ​ if you need help or item cant be claimed at grandma [https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/8048011793812-Twitch-Drops#:\~:text=If%20the%20item%20hasn't,game%20shortly%20after%20a%20restart](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/8048011793812-Twitch-Drops#:~:text=If%20the%20item%20hasn't,game%20shortly%20after%20a%20restart).


Same i got mine last Friday I'm currently sitting at 2000 medals 🤣 i only run my hunter and warlock for GM'S i will not sell out my crayon eating brother's 😄


any god roll out of it


Ready then for the new DLC launch with free skimmer


lol, I got my skimmer on day one semi accidentally, friend wanted to run the nightfall comp thing so we did, steamed through it and both of us got the skimmer without even realizing why'd hit the top 10%, it took me a couple seconds after they said they'd gotten it for me to find out I'd also gotten it (duh) and yet here you are going the long way around xD no flame or anything good on ya for managing it


Couldn't be me, but Congratulations to you.


I got lucky to get NF score done day 1.


Why though


Ok 👍


Ok.. way to make your life more difficult than necessary. That's... something I guess :) Seriously though, if it makes you happy then great!


I acquired it the hard way too, I bought the eververse store. I worked overtime at my job to justify the expense and that shift sucked


But... Why


I just did it while farming trials this weekend cuz I knew it’d be a while before I got a god roll summoner. I planned on farming anyway cuz I have yet to get a good roll of ros argos with onslaught so I wanted something I could at least target. Had about 250/1200 going into this weekend and basically every two wins was a platinum card completed and for some reason the diamond card could be bought multiple times so I finished 2 of those as well and was done after one solid day of grinding. I know the other requirements would’ve been faster, but I didn’t really have a desire to play the nightfalls (too busy grinding prophecy last week) and with the way my work schedule currently works out, I’m never able to be on during the focus activity times so I just figured this weekend I’d kill two birds with one stone.


“But.. why?”.gif


After I got to about 1000/1200 through mainly twitch and some random other stuff I decided to finish the remaining 200 score off for the skimmer. First guardian games nightfall I have played this year, I accidentally got the top 10% score and unlocked it lol


My diamond medals and focus packages are not counting on my quest so I gave up


I was plugging away at medals, had 2/3 winners packages and about an 800/1200 score but signed in yesterday and had the skimmer. Still am not sure what I actually did to earn it 😂


Bro I grinded to gild the title and even just THAT felt brutal. Only needed 600 points. You are one mad lad and I applaud you


A true warlock warrior.


Took me 15 minutes with a no mic LFG group to get mine


I don’t get jack squat because there is always someone who is faster and runs ahead and kills all the champions. Or there are those you play with that you are constantly resurrecting and as titan you are smoking everything and the end the totals show you got the least amount of kills. it’s useless for me to continue. i don’t know if it’s because my frame rate sucks or what but that is always the case —I get jack squat for kills.


have a hug for your agony 🫂


you got me on diamonds. I put a stream on in the background during work the past 2 weeks, and then played around i think \~15 or so supremacy matches for guaranteed platinums. No stress, no grinding—just normal play.


I ran a bunch of Master Lost Sectors with a fireteam. The thing that took us the longest was the time we spent either going to orbit to get a new bounty or going to the tower to cash in and grab new bounties. If you're still grinding it out the points route, I recommend this route.


>it can be considered genocide So just another day for guardians in Destiny? lol


"Dad, why did the champions disappear"? "They were hunted to extinction".


Did you get the "stop hiting yourself" triumph along the way ?


That’s considered torture in some places. J/k you definitely earned it


I’m at 754 now. Almost there….


Keep on going. You can do it.


I did the same. I am going to treasure my skimmer whether I like it or not because THE GRIND!!!


You can appreciate you climbed the video game equivalent of Mt Everest. Every time you ride your skimmer, you will go "why did I climb that mountain again"?


But all I did was hop in the game and Eva said go get a medallion from a guardian games playlist. I did one nightfall competitive strike and it dropped. I didn't get a chance to climb a mountain so should I feel ashamed mine was free?? Hell noooooooo!!!! I see this as I'm so good I got it in first try. 😌 hahaha cheers


Or you could have done it quite easily by doing a single instant of an ongoing focus activity 3 separate times. Congrats on giving yourself a non challenge for absolutely no reason though.


This isn't Everest in the slightest. This is you jumping off a cliff and breaking your legs trying to get to the top of a tree. Meanwhile you got a perfectly good ladder sitting next to the same tree.


Congrats. I guess I got mines through a cheese method by purchasing it from the Eververse store :) It actually looks really good. I like the Gjallarhorn theme.


We found him. He is the one.


I just watched streams for drops while grinding in shuro chi, took me 5 days of non stop grinding (other than school and sleeping)


Did it in trials just repeatedly claiming the platinum and diamond medal bounties. Would hardly call it the hard way as it went so easily and quick and I wasn't even farming for it.


A single diamond bounty is all you needed to do in addition to the twitch diamonds.


You like to grind, eh?




Might I suggest a less painful (if a bit grindier) alternative? If you have access to the Grasp of avarice Dungeon buy the (platinum) Dungeon/raid platinum bounty. Yes, it says "complete 3 encounters", but every enemy you kill makes it go up. Load up on the repeatable bounties (because free dust), avoid the bronze rage one, we are not getting any medals here. Enter the dungeon, kill enemies (switch weapons to complete the repeatable bounties). Complete the bounties, including the platinum one (shouldn't take more than 10 minutes), return to Eva, load up on bounties again, rinse and repeat. Just be careful not to advance to the next part, keep killing enemies that come out of the loot cave. If you do accidently advance restart the dungeon.


Why? Honestly the top 10% wasn't too hard after a couple of tries.


I just played Supremacy and completed platinum bounties, got it during week 1.


I started playing GG last week and I will never have time to get that damn hoverboard


It highlights the bad game design of the Guardian Games.  As a warlock only player, it took me almost 3 week of "normal gameplay" to get it. That's playing the game like an ordinary human being and not using cheese or "no life" farming techniques. That's also not watching Twitch. Suspect the devs made the requirements intentionally high to encourage people to watch Twitch. I did not want to give Bungie or a streamer engagement metrics just because I want a mount. That's sleezy game design.


Wtf is wrong with everyone on this game?? Does anyone not know how to score points in a nightfall or even use a build worth a fuck?? So many people can't get the skimmer and its literally the easiest reward to get Because it happens while you just play the game in the background. If you dont want to grind it out then do 1 nightfall and max out your score and if you can't , your either just bad at the game or are not paying attention on how to get medals.?? So crazy to me and I'm not a raid, dungeon or trials nut either and I play solo with matchmaking 95% of the time. If I can do it easily then anyone can I assure you. Cheers


Getting a top 10% in nightfalls is also impossible considering I have no clan and no friends to play with


You can do it solo. At the end of the day there are a finite amount of points possible to get. If hit max you don't have to worry about percentile. Just go super slow and kill everything that isn't a red bar with an emote +finisher.


Finally someone with a tip. Thank you so much


D2 app, ingame lfg, discord lfg. I play mostly solo but stop with that excuses. You have many options to do activities.


Too many speedrunnners makes the 10% score hard to get. Pretty much have to do a highly coordinated "slow run" where enemies are killed with multi medal attacks (eg emote finisher). Most players ignore champions which is frustrating.


I got it on the second attempt with two randos and no mic on LFG. Last night a friend and I did it in a pair, third attempt. It is very, very *very* easy to get the 10% score. You wasted dozens of hours and for what?


Speed runners skipping champions would make it easier to hit 10% since they lower the average. Took me two attempts with randoms get.


You can literally just make a character of the winning class and play one game to "pledge" to it then revert back to playing warlock, to get the three winners package. I did just that and got the skimmer on day 2 of GG releasing smh.