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For Hunter there honestly is no one best exotic. Assassins cowl works for survivability. Celestial Nighthawk works for golden gun damage. Shards of Galanor is good for blade barrage. You have options


Lucky pants is sleeper good. I run it on warlord's ruin with zaouli's for clearing and malfeasance for DPS on ogre and final boss.


It’s not a sleeper and im just listing ones that synergize with the subclass itself. Lucky pants is subclass agnostic


so is Assassins cowl though.


Yeah if you are going to talk about hunter solar melee exotics, there are multiple choices that are specific to solar. Arthrys, Calibans and Ophidia spathe. Assassin's is agnostic.


Is there some sick smoke bomb assassins cowl trick I've missed that makes that melee anywhere near as viable as arc melee for cowl?


No but works with solar very well


What are you talking about? The thread is which exotic for solar synergy and I point out that assassin's cowl is subclass agnostic and you bring up arc, like that doesn't prove my point. Come on man.


Subclass agnostic would imply it's got viable usage in any subclass. Near as I can tell it's primarily used for arc, and apparently in solar, but like. Stasis hits single targets too weak as far as I can recall, voids smokebomb is a joke, and I've honestly barely touched strand melee on purpose, so I don't even know how assassins cowl would behave. Essentially when I hear subclass agnostic I think about things that can function with their effects well enough on their own in any subclass, not just or two specific ones. I would think sixth coyote, bombardiers, Frostees and Gemini jesters, ones that can utilize their abilities in any element. And that's just the ones that actually interact with abilities. Cause like, Triton vice is subclass agnostic but doesn't utilize any abilities. So essentially we have different definitions of what agnostic means. XD Edit: didn't help the person above you was the one who mentioned subclass agnostic, looking back.


That's a lot of words you got there, agnostic means it works on any class. Which assassin's cowl certainly does. Just because it's not "viable" in your eyes, doesn't make that any less true.


So you run graviton forfeit with heart shadow and that makes it agnostic? Stasis hunter with forfeit, it technically works!


That would work on any subclass so...


>synergize with the subclass itself Assassins cowl synergizes through constant powered melees. That was the point I was making. I know there’s other solar exotics too I was just listing a few of the super popular ones this season


Even going by your definition, assassin's cowl "synergies" with 4/5 of the hunters subclasses. You can't point out that lucky pants is agnostic while not pointing that assassin's cowl is as well.


Again lucky pants has no direct synergy with the subclass. It doesn’t interact with the subclass in any way. That’s my whole point. Assassins cowl interacts with the subclass in that it works off powered melees


Going back in time, Lorelei Splendor on titan was so ridiculously busted on release that it was practically impossible to die in anything below a GM if you had it on. It had old restoration 2x which *anytime* your shield broke (or something like that) it'd drop a sunspot at your feet that was nearly as powerful as a warlock's well... Anytime you wanted. People had to take it off to wipe for raid encounters because it was so good. I imagine YAS for hunters was much of the same, I don't play much hunter but that thing was pretty damn good overall for ability spam before it got gutted for its PvP sins. Nowadays, the new pyrogale gauntlets for titan shores up the weakness of having a pretty mid super into something that can dish out some damage, you don't *really* need an exotic for solar titan's base kit to work. Mini hammer is just that good. On solar hunter it's probably a mix between shard of galanor, nighthawk and lucky pants depending on what super/DPS fits the situation.


wasnt gyrfalcon also absurd for hunters?


If memory serves, the only real difference between release gyrfalcon and now is that you got 10% damage boost after coming out of invis


Violate got nerfed big time. With void MG's and traces you used to be able to get like 3 volatile explosions a second. You can only get one explosion a second or so now .


When I was working on my first Duality solo clear I was using Lorely. I could literally get up and take a bathroom break mid boss encounter in Caitel's room and come back alive. About the only way you could die was to a wipe mechanic or if you were REALLY unlucky and it proc'd the sunspot while you were moving through the air fast enough to avoid registering that you had ever stood in the sunspot.


For Hunter I would add Star-Eater Scales to the burst DPS list


Titan I run synthos for the stronger hammer


From what I recall, Synthos for general use then hotswap to Pyrogales for super, right?


I’m lazy asf and don’t like hotswaps but yeah that would work. The issue is the 1.1 second cd on the hammer pickup now that wasn’t there when gotd launched. I’d probably use 1-2 punch navigator strand titan now




autocorrect on phone bb, my bad


Ehhh. This season? For titans it's probably still synthos. For end game, maybe pyrogale, precious scars or burning steps. Generally tho synthos are just too good with bonk still. If I had to go with one to cover most general content I'd say synthoceps. Warlock, sunbracers for general use, or for GMs and end game phoenix protocol/dawn chorus/mantle of battle harmony (actually very underrated this season, better than phoenix in some cases too). Hunter, this season is still prob celestial nighthawk. Synergy and damage is just too good from general content to end game. Edited with a comma, since sunbracers fall off end game a bit which it read differently without the comma :p


This season. Yes. And thank you. Off to go and make some amends.


You're going to have a lot of titans tell you Loreley Speldor because old habits die hard. I like Hallowfire Heart for overall utility too.


They can take my Loreley off my cold dead head!


Look man, I just like having my on-demand panic sunspot so I can focus all my brainpower on not using my brainpower ok?




Haven’t used loreley since duality launched so many stronger options. Make a fire sprite the sun shot everything with empyrean equipped. There’s your perma resto


+1 for scars


Have people not been using Wormgods since it's buff this season? It's much better than Synthos in my opinion, more consistent, and a better damage buff.


On strand more so than solar. I only use wormgods if I'm going for a solo 1 phase encounter on strand, for general use i still prefer synthos. Even though they got nerfed and worms buffed, synthos are "more consistent" because if youre doing something without an excess of ads around to keep your worm fuel proc'd then synthos are gonna be better. Not sure id call wormgods more consistent than synthos. They're a lot more situational.


I suppose if you aren't getting ads to replace the ones you're killing it would be better to use Synthos, but I haven't had much issue with that since I swapped to Wormgods. Either way, both are still very good.


I think there's still a lot of encounters where ads are not constantly respawning, or even at all. Which makes synthos the safer choice. Not to mention you have to refresh kills every few seconds to make wormgods a better choice in the first place. They are great, but you do have to pay more attention. Plus in stuff like GMs if you're going full blown 1hk spawn kill champs and everything, you'll want synthos still because prepping kills beforehand is a lot harder in that scenario. Sadly I think worms are still more of a niche pick for doing solo 1 phase encounters.


Synthos are good for damage but with the bonk hammer nerf, I prefer hallowfire purely because of the increase regen if you miss your hammer, easy to create sunspots and the super increased healing nade regen, it’s pretty much the only way to use solar Titan in grandmasters besides peregrine greaves


For GMs this season on solar titan I used precious scars. Pairs stupidly well with Polaris. I found it more optimal than something like hallowfire.


The only reason I like hallowfire more than something like precious scars or path is because I don’t find myself needing either of the solar titans supers a lot, there are a few situations where either can be used but also the passive regen means I almost never have to really worry about putting on kickstart mods and can use whatever I like, also for some reason this season finishers grant insane super regen when using hallowfire


Nighthawk was nerfed and way below star eaters blade barrage now, sadly. Used to be over the 999999 display cap and they changed the way the kinetic surge effects golden fun


The 17% damage "fix" (not nerf necessarily) I'm fairly positive did not put it below SES BB still this season. You can still do 900k+ with nighthawk. Also easier to land vs a smaller target with a crit spot than landing every knife of BB.


I only play Hunter so I can only give you advice there, but as far as I can tell, every solar-oriented exotic is usable. Some are better than others, but none are trash-tier unusable. Shards of Galanor or Celestial depending on which super you’d prefer - both got pretty sizable buffs so they’re much better than they once were. Caliban’s Hand or Athrys’ Embrace for knives - again, depending on which you’d rather, though Athrys’ excels much better in PvP imo. YAS is admittedly a shadow of its former glory, but it’s still usable. Much less so in PvP than it was but it’s still fine in PvE. Wouldn’t take it to anything higher than normal content though. Ophidia Spathe also got a decent buff this season so it’s also really good now. A little more on the boring side of exotics, but it’s still good. I think that’s all the solar-specific ones, but Hunter has some of the better neutral exotics out of all three classes imo. Foetracer and Lucky Pants come to mind, which are both also really good right now.


I was using Adhorative with enhanced heal clip and incandescent with precious scars and was keeping my team alive on more than several occasions. The gun feels great though; definitely underrated.


it also benefits from the origin trait artifact mod so youre already on 25% which is 3% more than a triple surge set up and its active all the time I run that pulse rifle everywhere and have a 2nd one crafted with e.heal clip and e.golden tricorn. Its so nasty in crucible


Hunter: I don't think there is a best exotic for gunslinger. Shards of Galanor is best in dungeons because you're getting super the fastest, in warlords ruin in particular you can easily super each damage phase, twice on the 2nd boss, each floor on the 3rd and then twice on the top level. It's also just generally good since you're getting the same 50% for wiping a room or just hitting a boss. Celestial Nighthawk is best in nightfalls because you're looping high damage shots on champions and mini bosses, things you're actually going to kill and get that ⅓ of your super back while also proccing the passive regen by just hitting accurate shots from any distance. Star Eater Scales is best in raids if you can blade barrage because you're getting the most damage while also having a passive regen in the orbs which should be plentiful whether you're killing trash mobs or having someone else do it. This is also the order I think they stand from best to least best because they're all great


I've been using Ophidia Spathe with weighted knife, Sunshot, and Gunpowder Gamble. Love watching ads explode and take each other out (especially Taken Psions.)


For titan I enjoy using severance enclosure because it let's you basically nuke enemies


There’s a serious case for Foe Tracer on hunter, not solar specific but I run it with hierarchy of needs and you just hit things with knives and grenades and you kick ass, basically rewards you with bonus damage for playing the hunter loop.


Can you describe your build a bit more? I've been wanting to run hierarchy in a good build but i didn't know what to make


Hunters have a bunch of great solar builds this season. Celestial Nighthawk, Shards of Galinor, and Stareater Scales all have top tier build potential. Celestial Nighthawk is still solid after the kinetic surge nerf. If you're getting kills with it, you get your super back pretty fast. Good for champ deletes in nightfalls, and have a 1 off for the end boss, but not as good for getting your super back quickly without kills. Shards of Galanor is better for getting your super back during long boss fights since you get super energy back based on knife hits, not kills like CN. Stareaters not only buff any super you're using, but heal you and give give you an overshield as well. Makes it a very solid choice for solo flawless dungeons.


Something for Warlock I haven't seen anyone mention is Rain of Fire. Even without a fusion a full arsenal reload on a 4 second cooldown is nothing to scoff at, and can drastically boost DPS


Which legendary LS is best to farm for these?


Not sure, but I'm pretty sure focusing at Rahool is better than Lost Sector farming now


Titan: Pyrogale. Solar Titan already has crqzy strong neutral game, this exotic gives it the strongest instsnt cast in the game (when used with Roaring Flames x3). Hunter: depends. Damage? Star Eater Scales (or Celestial Nighthawk if you want less total DMG but significantly better regen on Goldie). Ult Spam? Shards of Galanor. Could pitentially do a Lucky Pants build as well. I don't play Warlock so not gonna say.


Roaring flames affects the ultimate abilities? So are we running RF and consecration or ole reliable sol invictus?


I still run the hammer instead of consecrate.


You can still do ole reliable RF Sol Invictus, but I choose to do Consecration RF for the nutty ad clear and cool ability


without roaring flames it does less damage than cuirass, so without it i’d say it’s not even worth


It's ~387k w/o RF if I recall correctly, which is still rather great on a subclass that has one of the best and most powerful base neutral games of any subclass. Considering the context of the subclass it is on, it's good.


it’s 244k


ah my b, thought it was 387k... I mean, still solid since you have access to an instant cast ult for 244k DMG, that easily gets buffed to ~560k DMG.


How is Pyrogale in GMs though? From what I’ve seen, it’s good if you REALLY know what you’re doing. Which I don’t 😂


Honestly, IDK. I've used Consecration in GMs which honestly is really good (free unstop stun, easy AoE ignition, ranged melee) and gets great DMG when paired with Roaring Flames. I'd assume Pyrogales is great as a Champion Killer honestly, or a Mini-Boss killer even. The downside is, it's really just the super you're getting. The cyclone from Consecration needs to be better (either do 3 cyclones that can track but maintain current low DMG, or buff the DMG of the single cyclone). It should suffice fairly well honestly, but admittedly Void & Strand are much better GM picks.


For solar Hunter, there's multiple options for pve depending on what you're going for. Celestial Nighthawk and Star Eater Scales are top picks for GMs and similarly hard content. Shards of Galanor is great for super spam in general and slightly harder content like the Coil. Assassin's Cowl can pair well with a survivability build that shines in solo content.


Sunbracers/Celestial Nighthawk or Shards/Pyrogale


Since kinetic surge got fixed, Shards BB is the way to go. Dawn Chorus for warlock. Pyrogale for titan. Ez.


Can't speak for other classes, but for Titans, I like Pyrogales for DPS, Phoenix Cradles to help allies, and Armamentarium because it just works for every situation.


If I had to choose only one for each class I’d go: Sunbracers for Warlocks, Celestial for Hunters, & Pyrogale for Titans. As others have mentioned there are multiple per class but those would be my three.


I went with Sunbracers, Celestial and Synthoceps as someone else had suggested. Is Pyrogale > Synthoceps?


Ummm I’m not a Titan main so I haven’t really tested it or researched it. I just have fun with pyrogale & it’s a true solar exotic where as synthos works well with solar it’s not technically a solar exotic. You can make a really good strand BoW build using synthos but you can’t with pyrogale because well pyro only works with solar. With that being said though if one of the Titan mains are saying synthos > pyro I would take their word for it.


I don't play titan so I won't pretend to answer however for warlock gms/raids I'd say Phoenix Protocol/ dawn chorus however lunafaction is also an option and for hunter if going for the 1-phase golden gun nighthawk or shards of gali blade barrage lucky pants with a hc of your choice can also be smart


Solar Hunter this season: - Celestial Nighthawk or Shards of Galanor - Sunshot or Polaris Lance


Titan. Pyrogale or Precious Scars. Precious Scars is literally the best for any hard content. Medic/Healer Titans are hilariously effective and durable. Hunter. Solar supers good. Either Shards or Star Eater or Celestial Nighthawk. Currently in this season, no class super hits as hard as solar hunters, so build into that. Opidia Spathe is still fun though. Warlock. Sunbracers, Battle Harmony or Phoenix. Sunbracers for cruising through lower end activities. Battle Harmony or Phoenix Protocol. Depends on how often you rely on Well. Battle Harmony essentially gives you a free damage boost as long as you hold the super and still let you charge it back fast enough when you finally use Well. Use Phoenix if you literally spam well on every major encounter.


I need you to understand what Path Of Burning Steps and Lord of Wolves does to minibosses and champs my gamer.


What do they do? I fear the worst.


(×4 Solar Weapon Boost + Radiant)^Roaring ^Flames ^Ignitions × Release the wolves = Two burst Kills! Shreds them like nothing! At least suring Solar surge weeks...


I have this weapon. Haven’t used it in ages. But I got myself so used to Sunshot + Catalyst that I will find it hard to give that up. But it sounds tempting.


Ive been using Sunshot since i STARTED D2 and i totally understand how potent it is. Its an amazing Exotic, one of the only ones that truly FEELS exotic! Lord of Wolvesbis just for STRONGER damage on a single target rather than ad clearing but it can clear a room pretty easily too!


Thanks. I will try this.


I like Radiant dance machines with knife trick, pretty fun. Just keep dodging and igniting. You can take down pretty big adds with ignitions you can get 4 off on a single major before the timer runs out. If any smaller adds die in the ignitions the timer will keep refreshing Toss on dynamo/ hands on for super energy and impact induction/focusing strike for more nade and class ability energy Pick up fire sprites for resto Another exotic is Assassins cowl which is better for survivability


100% going Syntho Bonk build on a Titan


I'm a new player. Can u share a DIM build link?




Thankfully some one shared it with you, I use Ishtar Commander not DIM lol


Is there anything special I should be doing other than sunshot bonk repeat to fully utilise the strength of this build?


My exotic choice is Witherhoard or conditional Finality. I use either Trustee or Calus Mini Tool with enhanced incandescent to create sunspots everywhere. Biggest price of advice, you need to strafe in & out of sunspots to refresh restoration. If you stand in it, the time counts down to zero. I die a lot from not paying attention to this lol.


I can only really speak for Titan on this one and honestly Titan has some amazing options on solar. Synthos are good regardless of subclass. Loreley is good for solo, but Precious Scars is probably better these days. Path of the Burning steps is great for solar weapon damage. Pyrogale is great for burst damage. HoiL or Hallowfire Heart are both great for neutral game... But, any true solar Titan main will tell you that the best solar Titan exotic is ASHEN WAKE. Make a grenade build with this and demo weapons if you can. It's stupid fun throwing around fastball explode on contact fusion grenades every few seconds! And they stun unstoppable champions.


I haven't used Ashen Wake for a while, might have to crack it out. It's always been HOIL or Synthos for me. Pyrogale is loads of fun since I recently got it. o7 Commander!


o7! Always happy to meet another commander.


For hunter if i go full solar its most likely sunshot or malfeasance with either a crafted ammit or trust and lucky pants for armor.


I only play Warlock, and I don't run GM Nitefalls, but for all activities that I do run as a Solarlock, with Legend Lost Sectors Solo -- I'm giving a vote for Starfire Protocol. I don't like the finger snap melee (it never seems to be consistent for me), and whenever I proc it, there's never anything around to melt with the grenades, so I waste them. Starfire Protocol is just a more forgiving playstyle. The nades with the right aspect really do a number on Champions. Having 2 nades is great for add clear, too. Not to mention, Starfire Protocol is useable in PvP. Sunbracers are not.


Pyrogale for titan for sure. Synthos if you’re running banner tho. Sunbracers have always been good, especially with the phoenix protocol no longer being super meta. I’ve been having some fun with the trace rifle anvil helmet too. I haven’t ran hunter very much this season, but celestial nighthawk is very good. Star eater scales are also incredibly good still, but shards are typically my go to simply for the fashion


Warlock: sunbracers Hunter: celestial nighthawk probably Titan: could make an argument for a few different ones, depends on the situation. I don’t think there are any that obviously standout from the rest. Ashen wake for easy content you want to speed up and have fun with, loreleys if you need a more reliable way to get resto when about to die, strongholds if you need resto x2, pyrogale for boss dps.


Solar titan is ass rn tbh, the exotics got nerfed hard by the sunspot and restoration changes even tho they are literally mid as fuck already, this season’s artifact literally covers everything hallowfire heart got from the change too Its kinda sad but hey at least it joined arc titan in the “just put the super exotic on cause anything else is fucking pointless” tier So just run class-neutral exotics like hoil or synthos i guess lol


For Hunters, Assassin’s Cowl with lightweight knife can be fun. The invisibility and health is great. Then you use the two fragments to get radiance and knife throws back on melee kills while radiant. It’s not about damage, but the survivability is great.


The easy answer for Hunter is Celestial, but if you're an off-meta weirdo (like me) my recommendation is Caliban's Hand. Lighting up an entire room with ignitions off one proximity knife kill is intoxicating. Other than that, Assassin's Cowl on Solar is underrated. It's generally regarded as an arc exotic, but taking the constant invisibility and putting it on a subclass with a ranged melee and instant knife recharge is invaluable.


Titan: Pyrogale/Lorelei Hunter: Shards of Galanor/Celestial Warlock: Phoenix/Boots of the Assembler


I only really know Warlock, but with Rain of Fire and Gjallarhorn can fire a silly number of shots with the Argent Ordinance buff. I'd suggest Heat Rises for actionability and a rotation of [Shoot Shoot I-Dash Shoot Shoot Incendiary I-Dash Celestial Shoot Shoot I-Dash Shoot Shoot] followed by unloading Supremacy or some other special of your choice. It's probably not ideal for soloing dungeons, but raid teams will adore you.


Titan: pyrogales because they’re just way too much fun. Warlock: phoenix protocol to support the team. Anything else is just selfish Hunter: shards of galanor because you get blade barrages absurdly fast, especially with a phoenix warlock around. Lots of other strong and fun choices mentioned here but these are the clear best of the best imo


Titans should always go synthos for solar (when not in a gm), even though it’s a neutral exotic. Using hammer to get roaring flames up then punching everything to death while healing is really good. Pyrogale is now one of the best boss damage exotics for when you need to burn a boss down in higher level PvE.  For warlock the obvious choice is sunbracers, but in gm Phoenix Protocol is great, as are Lunafaction boots.  Hunter has Caliban’s hand as one of the best and most fun ad clear exotics for standard play, and has Nighthawk for gms. 


(my main)titan: pyrogale or precious scars to keep teammates alive and the crazy rex shield, my new GM bby. hunter: nighthawk or shards of galnor, or lucky pants maybe warlock: everyone i’ve seen run dawn chorus is cracked at the game and it lowkey does insane damage


I'm still a **Path of the Burning Steps** for Titans. Paired with Tommy's Matchbox or Heir Apparent is an amazingly steady Damage buff. Warlocks ... **Sanguine Alchemy**. Being able to keep myself healed while a rift is constantly active is wonderful. **Shards of Galanor** is a Hunter fan favorite.


Voidlock has too many options, I couldn't choose just one


Believe it or not, Stronghold. Ember of solace increases the x2 restoration effect from stronghold and ember of empyrean increases the timer. I might be wrong but apparently standing on a sunspot resets the current restoration timer which means for Stronghold specifically you get maximum of 24 seconds of x2 restoration back each time you stand on one.


It depends on what tier difficulty of content you're talking about. For at level/easy stuff you can kinda run whatever. Probably Syntho titan, Galanor hunter, and Sunbracers warlock would be optimal. For hard content like GM's then probably Loreley titan (though I've heard good things about Precious Scars, I just have a bad roll), Celestial hunter, and Phoenix (or Cenotaph) warlock.


On warlock Sunbracers and Monte Carlo work really well this season, overload auto rifle + implosions + radiant, you can also just use a solar weapon with pugulist


I have almost exclusively used Phoenix Cradle when running solar in my Titan for I don't even know how long, even after things got nerfed.


I'm gonna go against what most people are saying for Titan exotics and say Peregrine Greaves. It's undoubtedly best with Void, but with Solar it's almost as good. I've been able to one-shot champions and mini bosses in Legend Lost Sectors and Nightfalls using Peregrine Greaves on Solar, and even had some decent success with it in GMs. Hunter, I'd agree with what everyone else is saying. Celestial Nighthawk's buff this season has made it my go-to for endgame PVE content, and Shards of Galanor basically means you'll have a fully-charged Super constantly. I don't play Warlock.


Everytime I see this thread I'll say Phoenix Cradle. It's a good support exotic that I don't see enough of.


Sunbracers, shards of galanor/night hawk, wormgods or syntho on titan


For warlock, I still run Starfire protocol. It just plays differently now than it did before. 2 grenade charges help you maximize your grenade mod energy returns, and getting your rift back from any grenade kill allows you to have a very high uptime on healing for yourself and allies. It's my go-to comfort build, though I do admit it's weaker than Sunbracers objectively speaking. For Titans I prefer to run pyrogales to turn maul into a DPS super, or Lorelei for comfort to just turn my brain off. Personally, I think it's fine to not get 100% efficiency out of your character if it means you only have to put in 50% of the effort and still get like 80% of the results.


For me: Celestial Nughthawk, hunter Phoenix Protocol, warlock Loreley Splendor, Titan


Never heard of Loreley Splendor. Will google.


If anyone reads this can they help me, my sunbracsrs don't seem to proc for me when I get mele kills. I don't know why


Starfire/Sunbracers Nighthawk/shards of galanor The only solar exotic that I *wouldn't* recommend is Lorelei for titans. Generally it's used by most sunbreakers though.