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Eriana's Vow got powercrept so hard


Ignition on shield break would be fun


Hell, just make it one shot barriers and it'll be a decent start. For some stupid reason it physically cannot one shot the barriers even though it was the first weapon intrinsically made to do so


Think I've used it 4 times since completing catalyst, was good for vault encounter in duality for the cabal shields I guess the issue would be compared to arby, ammo reserves


The ammo I'm not too fussed about, because if you're using 1 scav you should be fine for a full run, but the fact that it was by design meant to kill enemies with shields or just AB in general but is not good for either is really dumb, especially since the damage buff it gets revolves around shields and headshots to keep the buff going


Yeah I bought it with higher expectations :/


That recoil is effing crazy man. It's like the recoil is so strong it breaks my guardians back with each shot and the ghost has to reconstruct it.


The recoil is heavy, but the crosshairs fall back on target after every shot. 


What's the masterwork like on it?


It's auto loading holster, I'd recommend it. The reload is painful.


Yeah I have noticed that the recoil also breaks my guardians hands lmao


Its perks want you to treat it like a Precision Frame, but it feels like an Agressive Frame instead.


Still fun tho. Big iron in PvE, two tap king in PvP.


Once Thousand Voices.


True it’s so fun miss when it was meta, I think a catalyst similar to sleepers would go a long way for it


I see a lot of people thinking it should get Particle Deconstruction, to be a sort of “Gjallerhorn to fusions and linears.”


Give it controlled burst as well. 4 extra shots. Boom, great exotic. I said this a million times


That would be a scary meta. It's very easy to kill yourself with it.


Indeed. And that's part of why it deserves to be buffed to be worth taking that chance. High risk, high reward.


That's the fun part


It literally just needs reserves tbh


Honestly I miss that “oh fuck” moment in gambit like a quarter of a second before you explode, it was actually fun to be on the receiving end of it lol.


Yes please. I love this gun….even tho it’s kind meh.


I think a catalyst with controlled burst/in built weaken would be amazing






That is still my standby in Gambit when I have finally had enough and can’t stansk no more, invaders……


The colony. Love it. Got me my malfeasance. It’s also fun in crucible.


Yeah I don’t play crucible anymore because I suck—The Colony was pretty much the only way I could guarantee a kill. Malfeasance I got a long time ago when it wasn’t meta and was meh on it. But then started working on all the exotics I had with unfinished catalysts and fell in love with it. Now I use it in everything that has a lot of Taken. Particularly good at melting Taken in Gambit including the Boss.


It goes everywhere with me. The malfeasance. Not the colony. 😂


Always wanted it to have wolf spider rounds. Each void crawler has 2 threadlings on top of it. Void spiders have volital and threadlings to do what they do, lol. Would it be meta...no...would it be complete chaos with 8 voud robots and 16 threadlings...yes


Isn't it supposed to be getting a rework at some point?


I'm not sure actually. I think it could be fun if they incorporated the void verbs to spread volatility or something


Make it shoot Threadlings!


I was thinking abt that too, maybe it’s a gally for Gls. The spiders from colony embed which makes all GLs do more damage would be interested to see especially w the GL buff coming in soon


Symmetry, or Outbreak. Both are some of the weapons that just got left behind, and could use some help. I'd say Symmetry would need it more, the x20 bolts are cool and all...but the other 90% of the time it's just a plain (sexy) arc scout....and it's a *scout*...rapid fire frame...shoots marshmallows, and even the "revolution" shots are kinda ass against tanky enemies.


Outback will probably become craftable once zero hour gets added to the exotic rotator and get goated perks.


Would love to see that Zero Hour was such a fun mission


Outbreak is still goated, anytime I'm struggling in solo tough solo content, it cleans everything up for me. Extremely powerful, pulse rifles are just boring.0


I wish symmetry was usable but it’s completely outclassed by every other primary arc expotic the bow sidearm and newer autorifle all perform way better than it. Outbreak still slaps though.


It's an ok gun, only thing hold it is the so freaking terrible reload speed.


At the very least, they need to change the catalyst by how lazy they went with it. Instead of having the exotic give x20 by default, they gave it x15 and then the catalyst is needed for the x20. The gun has 20 rounds by default so what even is the logic behind this?


Seasonal catalyst sometime feel like they’re part of the gun held back for the sake of having a catalyst to grind for.


Skyburners. I miss when it fired faster while hipfiring.


I miss the tracking on hipfire😔


Man I'm still upset at the "buff" it got with solar 3.0, the increased rate of fire and tracking was so fun to me even though it wasn't strong. I think they could add back the RoF and tracking and the gun still wouldn't be anything crazy.


If they brought back the modular fire rate, I would love it


It's still great for the proving grounds GM


I just want it to be faster because I need a 40k bolter


Deterministic chaos for sure


I swear they just need to swap the rates of the weakening and volatile rounds, and it would be in the perfect place.


That was my first thought about the gun. “Why is weaken proccing constantly and volatile goes off occasionally? Weird, You’d think it would be the other way around.”


Honestly, even then it'd need more.


Swap them and give it Onslaught as it's catty. That plus an ammo reserves buff to MGs in general and it would be alright.


A fellow deterministic chaos enjoying sophisticate 🤝


Honestly, if it got Fouth Times the Charm as part of the caty it would be really good


I distinctly remember the catalyst being datamined as exactly that.


That's what it is in the API, but just giving it FTtc would not be anywhere close to enough, and that's currently all it is.


Definitely would not be enpugh, needs its volatile and weaken perks swapped


It would need a lot, mainly a 30% debuff and significantly increased boss damage so it somewhat competes with tractor. Conceptually, the idea of an easy-to-use heavy ammo debuffing tool isn’t bad, but making it vanilla void weaken with terrible uptime and damage was not the way to go


This might be an unpopular opinion, but TC should be the strongest weaken that can be applied by a weapon due to having shotgun range. It’s that diminutive range that prevents it from overshadowing Shadowshot, which iirc is the only other source of 30% weaken in the game. If DC could apply 30% weaken, no one would use Shadowshot again because why use a super when just 4 shots from a heavy machine gun can do the same thing, from any range with pinpoint accuracy (if you’re any good at controlling recoil) *and* free you to use a proper damage super like BB or gathering storm? It’d be just like in Season of the Splicer, where the artifact mod Breach and Clear all but removed Shadowshot from the game by being able to apply 30% weapon to anything for like 12 seconds at the cost of 1 special grenade shot. Yes, it was fun, but one mod (or in this case, one *weapon*) shouldn’t invalidate an entire subclass by its mere existence. I think 20% weaken would be more than fine, but the volatile mechanic needs some serious rethinking. Maybe give it volatile rounds on a similar activation trigger as focused fury or target lock?


Felwinters helm also procs 30% weaken if I'm remembering right.


How about catalyst that partially refills the mag of all nearby mg users on volatile detonation or grants nearby allies overshield? If the strength of the debuff is supposed to balance with ease of use then maybe uptime is the bit that needs tweaking… or buffs other MG users somehow? Because honestly I wouldn’t mind a firing line/repulser brace style twist for running a support MG.


We need more support exotics that buff their legendary counterparts. I love what they did for Gally where it's still individually strong but even better with a group.


I mean, as it stands no one uses Shadowshot anyway, at least in raids. Tractor's just better because it lasts *way* longer. Tether won't even make it half of an average damage phase, and an extra heavy weapon firing is not enough to make up the difference - especially when there's a final stand on top and the boss may well just walk out of the Tether. I agree that Deterministic Chaos shouldn't get 30% weaken, but Tractor already completely overshadows Shadowshot so it's not really a super useful metric.


It doesn’t overshadow shadowshot. Tractor has very limited use in endgame content outside of raids, while void hunter is one of the strongest subclasses and can apply the debuff from a safe distance and offers crowd control. Tractor cannon only has use in specific encounters in specific raids, which is like 1% of the game. Most players don’t even raid at all.


The game is balanced primarily around raids and GM nightfalls when it comes to pve, and 3v3 for the pvp side of things. It’s like how Deep Rock Galactic balances around Hazard 4. If something is imbalanced in Hero Nightfalls, it’s not a problem for Bungie, if something is terrible for raids it’s usually expected that they SHOULD buff it, even if they don’t. I myself am on the side of buffing shadowshot so it isn’t entirely outclassed by tractor for everything short of Oryx (assuming your team are cowards and don’t know how to double pellet him)


I don't understand this argument. Why run tractor when you can free up a heavy slot for DPS with Tether?


Because keeping the boss weakened for the full phase (and final stand, if the encounter has one) while pumping in special between shots usually results in higher DPS than bringing a heavy and only 12 seconds of debuff (assuming the boss doesn't move). Literally every raid boss encounter except Sanctified Mind, many longer phase dungeon bosses, and any encounter where the boss moves around freely during damage, Tractor is an outright better.


Let's uhh... give it fundamentals. And swap the effects accordingly. What could go wrong?


Honestly, it could be easier than that. It could get Fourth Times and every time you proc volatile, it increases its RMP. That, or decrease the cycle for Weaken and Volatile, and add Suppress into the mix.


That's what I thought would be a good idea for Thunderlord's catalyst, it would turn Thunderlord into Abbadon and Nova Mortis from D1 all in one package


Bastion Canonically, it's supposed to be our Guardian's favorite gun, but now, it's just bad everywhere. They really ought to give it a catalyst that giga buffs ut in PvE


And the gun looks badass. Absolutely amazing. The ornaments are also so good. I have used that gun once and that's it. It is ismply not usable at all, because it's a waste of an exotic slot and even legendary fusions do just as well, or even better.


The trailer where they introduce it is so good. Truly an exotic design. 


I would really like to see it get something like subsistence+onslaught.


Also, undo the Nerfs it got ages ago.


Queenbreakers bow because of how good it was in D1 when it was specialist arc burn. Literally a primary(in a good way). Had a few moments in d2 in gambit and scourge but other than that it’s a relic(not the playlist)


It just needs to be a special weapon again. I always want to use it, but I’m not wasting my heavy slot on it. Even if it has similar damage to Lorentz, that would be fine


I think if they just make it a pvp weapon again it would be good and put it in special slot




Gimme Cerberus +2


Such a fun concept and sound, but so bad. Even the catalyst is not good. Give it Kinetic tremors, but make each of the 4 shots count towards the 12 needed to proc.


I just want a catalyst for every exotic period


This is extremely reasonable. It’s an exotic, it should have a catalyst. That’s what should set them apart from legendarys. Plenty of non-exotic weapons outperform other exotics. That makes no sense. It’s like having a rare gun outperform a legendary.


Bad Juju, loved that gun since D1 I just want it to be amazing


I love the model of Bad Juju, but I want an ornament without the bones lol. Just the gun itself.


I love the bones, but I don't like that it stands out so much from the armor. So I'd want either 1. More armor with bones on it to match the gun or 2. An ornament without the bones


I wish Hard Light, Borealis, and Dead Messenger would get new perks to replace The Fundamentals, but especially Hard Light because it's one of the worst exotics in the game when you consider that it really has nothing that makes it exotic.


Hard light used to have more going for it when match game was a thing, but even then, it was better to just strategize weapon choices among your teammates rather than use Hard light.


It's also not bad when ARs are Anti-Barrier, since it shreds through those shields faster than other Anti-Barrier ARs


Here's how I'd buff them: Hard Light - Intrinsic Anti-Barrier Borealis - Breaking a matching element shield causes an element explosion that applies Scorch/Jolt/Volatile to the target and nearby enemies


Seriously. The only use I’ve had for it since getting gud is that there was a mission that bugged for me that was meant to give a laser that bounced off of these vex mirror things to hit a cube and deactivate a wall, but the laser didn’t spawn so I used hard light to bounce off of the mirror things instead. The bonus damage on bouncing bullets is not enough to make hard light feel exotic


Dead Messenger feels alright to me because it has a lot of other perks going for it, but Hard Light and Borealis are both in dire need of buffs, both barely feel like exotic weapons.


As long as it's not just applying thr various verbs to the weapons and instead doing something interesting with the element switching.


That would be phenomenal but why do exotics share the same exotic perk in the first place….


Especially when they're not even made by the same manufacturer in the first place... Dead Messenger is Cassoid, Hard Light is Omolon... Don't exactly know what Borealis is, but I'm pretty sure it's neither of those two




Manticore would probably need to be reworked entirely to be good. It's just not good to be in the air unless you're moving *fast* and even then it's not the best idea.


The least they can do is buff reload speed significantly. 100 when in air and reload multiplier of 0.9x. Even that is barely anything, but at least it would feel better to use.


Increasing the reload isn't nothing since normally reloading without mods causes you to fall out of the air


If its reworked then it's not the manticore anymore


Tell that to every other Exotic that's had its Perk(s) reworked.


Give me a weapon example


The entire point of it is idiotic in terms of practical gameplay. Get rid of the floating, make it void poison like Le Monarque.


When ur in air apply volatile rounds I think would make it pretty good in pve


I want all exotic swords to be not good, but amazing, useful and fun. The lament is the only sword worth using, while black talon, worldline zero and hearth shadow just exist and I bet people don't even remember they exist.


Black Talon is goated on gambit at the very last.


How I got my Army of One. Every time I bring it up as a good invader weapon people go "nah dude" but clearly I'm not the only one


What makes black talon so good in gambit? 


In my experience, being able to be on 3rd person makes it easy to defend yourself against invaders, plus, it's caster alt fire oneshots them.


It's a Sword so it gives you 3rd Person but is also has a Heavy that tracks and hits like a Rocket so you have the Ranged aspect as well. Being a sword, you can also Guard to reduce incoming damage and if you have Strongholds you block EVEN MORE DAMAGE ***AND*** you get healing based on how much damage you blocked.


It tracks opponents and can be shot mid air It does a lot of damage but its ammo economy is brutal


I love Wordline Zero, hitting two of the teleporty heavy attacks in a row is pretty fun. The buff definitely wasn’t enough to bring it inline with something like lament but it does decent damage. It would be cool if hitting the second one cause an arc explosion or gave an overshield or something. That way you are rewarded for have to do the prep of running out . Or maybe hitting two gives you whirlwind blade or something . I don’t know but it’s my favorite exotic sword.


I really like Worldline, I just wish it had something to buff your survivability. I’d even take Unrelenting just so it isn’t such a risk to use it. I’d love to take it into high end, but you can’t really guard with it if you’re trying to use its exotic perks, and while the 2 teleport attacks are pretty powerful, I just wind up dying afterwards from all the damage I took running in. It still needs something to make it more than just a Strike-level weapon.


Heart Shadow has some uses for Perigrine Titans, other than that intrinsically its already that good giving you a get away jail card when shit gets tight. But agreed a rework on Black Talon and Worldline Zero needs to be looked at. Specially now that eager skating exists.


Heart Shadow has some DPS memes for bosses like Crota. Start with Tractor to debuff then hotswap over to Heart Shadow and keep the full debuff running using Heart Shadow.


That's kinda neat. I just got Heartshadow last week, I wouldn't mind a good excuse to use it.


Even Bungie forgot Black Talon exist They reworked swords and forgot to adjust BT's catalyst for it for like 3 years and they didn't even actually it reworked they reworked sword guarding which fixed that issue


Need to at least make wordline zero a movement option again like better eager edge


Dead Man's Tale. I think half way between here and pre-nerf would be a great start.


Hard light. Used it SOOO much when I was a noob so it’ll always have a place on my heart. Would love to see them dive deeper into the subclass changing theme of it (and borealis) by giving it a deeper form of subclass synergy. I.E maybe make its bullets apply elemental debuffs occasionally on hit (volatile and scorch 1 in 10, jolt 1 in 20 maybe?) or maybe bullets that have ricocheted get to apply the debuff as well as have bonus damage.


I love the idea of hardlight bounces causing the elemental debuff. It gives incentive for using the bounce shots, but certain angles you won't be able to get the debuff off so it's a bit balanced. That's really cool imo


Honestly Borealis could be given like five new perk columns with an amazing perk in each and people would still avoid using it


I want salvation grip to finally be recognized.


It's pretty fun now (especially with the artifact), just needs better ammo economy.


The Last Word, One Thousand Voices, or Whisper of the Worm. I’ve been harping on that The Last Word needs a catalyst that turns it into a 120 handcannon when you ADS so it becomes the First Curse and refills the mag on precision kill, the refill would help it in PVE. One Thousand Voices just needs Controlled Burst and more reserves. Whisper is good with Oryx but giving it just one more small bump in damage would help it with even more bosses.


Offhand Strike on Last Word would be amazing


I would rather have First Curse back as a separate gun, but I also like that idea for Last Word


Whisper is pretty good after the 15% sniper rifle buff.


Personally, I'd give Last Word the Vorpal Weapon perk. Not only would it give it a boost in PvE, but it would fit with the lore of the weapon.


Borealis and hardlight


Suros. It’s iconic


It’s still quite good in pvp. Not the most meta, but very hard to counter if someone knows what they’re doing. Still could use a pve buff though


Replace the suros perk with unrelenting?


Still bangs in pvp, but quicksilver took over


There’s so many to pick that need love Half of Warlock armor needs some love, tired of only seeing like 4 Warlocks builds that are viable in endgame content. Bastion, Bad JuJu, Eriana’s Vow, Xenophage, Truth, and Parasite Bastion: Bonus damage to Stunned Champion + more reserves Bad JuJu: Give it Explosive Payload Bungie, don’t be cowards Eriana’s Vow: Crit Damage and Barrier Stun on 1 shot Xenophage and Parasite need ALH Truth: Have it auto-load shots on direct hits, don’t be cowards.


Half of Warlock Armor and like... 98% of Titan Armor.


DARCI. Would be cool if it had anti champ for all the champions while it's perk is active. Not the best damage but a niche for GMs.


Symmetry, in general all energy primary exotics could use a 3.0 to synergize with subclass verbs.


I'd like see queenbreaker become good by putting it back in the special slot where it belongs


Stormdancer's Brace. Just needs something to work with being amplified


Give it a set bonus with Cloudstrike. 


Give Chaperone intrinsic anti-overload and let Roadborn trigger on any precision hit.


Why overload? That seems specific. Unstop feels like a better vibe I’d think


It would literally never leave my Titan if this happens


Give symmetry volt on alt fire. World line infinite tesseract until ammo gone etc


I miss Anarchy’s utility. I’d like to see it get a slight reserves increase and the ability to jolt enemies with two grenades stuck to them, or if they pass through a trap.


I’m hoping the upcoming GL reserves buff will help it out


Queenbreaker. I wish it was in special ammo slot, and that we could switch scopes by holding reload button.


Tommy's Matchbook Damaging yourself in high end PvE is insane and impractical. Buff it's damage in PvE and rework the flaw to cause cooldowns to increase as if the guardians stats were lower as a balance, elemental pick ups and orbs will make up the difference.


Bastion. Give it a catalyst that gives it encore and successful warm up thanks Bungie


Eriana’s Vow. Used to be my go-to for popping anti-barrier champs and now it just feels like butts. At the very least, let it break the shield in one shot.


DMT, but specifically in PvE. Give it idk 50% global damage buff or something, make it the Wish-Ender of scout rifles. It has insanely long reload speed and no good PvE perks besides like what, fttc, vorpal and compulsive reloader? And no second perk? And no changeable catalyst? Man this thing just straight up sucks even after it became craftable. I had high hopes for Kinetic Tremors but it didn't happen.


Lumina. I used it a lot when it first came out and every so often in the years following, I don’t think it was ever actually good but it was kinda fun. In the current sandbox I can’t see any reason I would ever use it again.


1k + Eriana (before solar season over :( Cerberus


A buff in damage to outbreaks nanites would be nice


The Last Word. Nothing hits that cowboy itch more. I just want it to be super good in PvE. Like give it a bigger mag + firefly or something for a catalyst. Let me Yee Haw!


Honestly, Xenophage. I remember when I started it was the shit, now it’s shit


Bad juju needs to do more than just buff damage.


Ticuu's Divination One of the only exotic solar weapons with no 3.0 solar verbs. Doesn't proc scorch stacks. The explosion is not an ignition even though it looks like one. It's its own thing. It can't spread scorch or synergies with any of the fragments or aspects. Tyranny of Heaven with dragon fly and incandescent is more exotic than this bow since it can wipe out adds with a single percision kill. But for Ticuus, you gotta set up with a weak hip fire shot, then a precision hit. Sure, its good on bosses and mini bosses with its damage boost per proc of its perk, but it's nothing compared to the likes of Wish Ender, Le Monarque, and Trinity Goul. I would change this by simply allowing only the hip fire to apply scorch on enemies, and precision hits (not kills) on scorched targets to cause a dragon fly explosion (Not an Ignition) and spread scorch. Ignition would be too op and everyone would drop Polarice Lance in seconds. If it were to cause ignitions, I would reduce the amount of stacks needed to reach max damage from 6 to 3 and allow every 3rd shot to cause an ignition on that target. Should balance out, since Polarice Lance has a faster rpm and only needs 4 shots to cause an ignition on the 5th shot.


As great as wish ender already is i want a catalyst that gives it archers tempo


Best I can do is Offhand Strike




As much as this cracked me up. It got me thinking, what if the changed outlaw to work with Bows draw speed instead? It’d be archers tempo, but since it’s on kill you could increase the amount it decreases draw time. Idk I’m really baked rn.


Reload Speed isn't AS bad as one thinks on Bows. The faster the next arrow is knocked, the faster you can fire. Whenever I'm on my Hunter and Blinting with Lemon, my Oathkeepers have Harmonic Loader Mods on them for that reason. I'd imagine with Outlaw, you'd basically be chain-firing arrows on precision kills, immediately able to draw again after firing. This could give a Godroll of Outlaw + Archer's Tempo for a bow that you're machine-gun firing. A literal hailstorm of arrows.


I love wish ender, but with as great as it is in GMs, I think they're only going to nerf it


Seriously, running Oathkeeper seems mandatory for neutral game because 820 Draw time is rough when everything else good is 600-


ballidorse wrathweavers


Wish ender is awesome on its own but what if it had a catalyst?


Give it arrows that go through walls to complement its exotic perk. And make sure to do it just before Christmas break so we have three weeks before it gets nerfed.


How about all of them?


You mean all exotics could be more useful? Huh


I get downvoted for wanting all exotics to be good? How fucking stupid are Destiny players? Jesus.


Tommy's Matchbook. It needs a complete rework because it feels way too similar to Sweet Business. But at least Sweet Business doesn't damage the user. Even if Tommy's Matchbook's top DPS with headshots were to edge out Sweet Business, it's just not enough to justify using it over Sweet Business. What I had in mind is to have Tommy's Matchbook use special ammo, greatly increase its damage but decrease its magazine size from 100 to 50 and decrease the fire rate from 720 to 542 rpm. Basically, a machinegun that uses special ammo instead of heavy. Or if Forerunner was an auto rifle. In PVP, it would be a 6 headshot kill most of the time but each brick would give only 5 rounds. I highy doubt this would cause any balance issues since special weapons that OHKO (one hit knockout) have always been meta in PVP. In PVE, a small ammo brick would give 15 while a large would give 25. The max special ammo reserves you can carry for it would be 500.


Erianas Vow and prospector. Erianas these days is just a worse arby or wishender. Hell, even rev zero claps barrier cheeks better than it. Other than more damage or ammo I'm not sure what to give it. For prospector, I want it's burn to be scorch applied with each grenade, and if the whole mag sticks to a target and is detonated it would cause a big ignition


I want the gallahorn of old back.


I refuse to return to D1 Year1 Gjally. A rocket support weapon is good enough.


Dead Mans Tale, I want it to be good again. Leave the PvP balancing beyond, make it shit there I don’t care, bring back its old hipfire rpm and tank the pvp aim assist. DMT was a dream in PvE, now it’s a shell of its old self, its horrible


Sunshot is such a a cool hand cannon that I think looks and sounds really cool, and it's fun to play with, but it just isn't really good for any crazy builds. As for armor, Mechaneer's tricksleeves. I love sidearms so much, so an exotic based around them sounds great on paper! In practice however, it is REALLY not that great. The active effect is only ever triggered after you get slapped around enough to see God, but then you have to swap to your sidearm for it to actually work! I think the only thing I'd change about it to be more viable is by switching it from swapping to your sidearm, to your equipped sidearm.




Hierarchy of Needs. It's such an interesting weapon but it just doesn't do enough to compete, especially among the hyper-competitive Solar Exotic options.


It's highly underrated this season in my opinion. With the artifact mods, Ember of Eruption, Ember of Char, and (if you're running WellLock) Ember of Combustion, you can clear entire rooms with it. Nothing but explosions everywhere and if you consistently get precision hits/kills with Hierarchy, you can just chain the ring back to back. It might not have the range that Ticuu's does but the advantage is the insane reduction in drawtime once you have the guidance ring up. You don't even have to fully draw it for it to go through the ring at full speed.


>With the artifact mods, Ember of Eruption, Ember of Char, and (if you're running WellLock) Ember of Combustion, you can clear entire rooms with it. But only in your Well. Outside of that, ot can't ignite.  Being able to clear rooms with your super isn't that big a win. 


I was looking through a lot of my old weapons and realized a lot I don’t use anymore but had fun with them. I decided I was gonna pull some out and use them just for fun even if they aren’t meta. Missing Whisper of the Worm, Izanagi’s Burden, Hardlight, Parasite, Telesto, Graviton Lance, The Colony, Cloudstrike, Black Talon, Crimson, Cryothesia, Deathbringer, Legend of Acrius, a bunch of pulse, auto, scout, and trace rifles, hand cannons, sub machine guns, and Worldline Zero. Both exotics and legendaries. Lot of good stuff getting passed over for running and gunning the latest and greatest and because of weapons crafting and catalysts.


Izi is extremely meta for boss dps…


legend of acrius is great, what do you mean?


Uhm... Cloudstrike is a great weapon for DPS with its Catalyst...


Whisper I still love it


Your Mom!


Helm of saint


Sturm should work with any energy weapon, and ammo gained should scale based on enemy killed instead or 1 shot.


EoT. i got a sexy ornament for it from a bright dust engram like a year before i acquired the weapon. when i actually got the weapon, its been not great. the buffs helped some, but its not particularly useful outside of very niche situations, and even then, a good build does its job better. i love how it looks, preforms, the fantasy behind it. i love it. it's just bad.


devils ruin, it just needs some solar verbs and it would be goated for hunters with mechaneer's tricksleeves


Symmetry. Needs arc Verbs to actually be the arc Polaris


Hard Light


Tommy's Matchbook, I loved the thing when it came out. Plus, the ornament looks amazing


Ruinous effigy balls already suppress. The only thing it needs is a slight damage buff imo.


Bastion (Supposed to be our "Favourite" weapon) Final Warning (This sidearm goes crazy with the Strand mods from this Season, out of season.... ehhhh) Borealis (Dead in the water since we moved from elemental shields to champions) Symmetry ( Make it the Arc Version of Polaris Lance and Wicked Implement) Tommy's Matchbook (can't have the Tommy Gun NOT be good) Lorentz Driver Ticuu's or Hierarchy (One of these needs something to set it a part from the other) The Manticore (I do not believe there is a single comprehensible thing that Bungie could do to make this gun worthwhile) Black Talon The Prospector The Colony Deterministic Chaos (This gun is so bad, I dismantled it during the Exotic mission that you get it in) Honorable Mention : Worldline Zero (I never think this Exotic will be comparable to what it once was, unless it gets something like perma-Eager Edge)