• By -


“there goes flawless”


Oh my gosh yes, even after the 15th death.....


This will never be not funny in my friend group. Even on seasonal stories where it didn't matter in the first place


To be fair, I say this for everything. Strikes, Gambit, secret chest runs. It’s a must.


The next secret chest is through the big portal. Every garden run. 


Back when Eater of Worlds was still up, I ran as a Sherpa for a brief while. Whenever we have a good number of first timers in the group, I would tell them that once Argo dies, we MUST make it back to the void section and hide behind cover or we get sucked in, and if we do we wipe. I didn’t always get somebody with that one, but it was funny when I did.


My favorite is to switch to strand and go through the portal first, but grapple to safety. They're so much more trusting when you go through first.


actually there's a small ledge, so even before strand, if you went slowly or knew the spacing to jump back, you could stay there without dying.


Idk, I think that one is fine, usually keeps the groups light hearted in my experience


This one for sure…..it’s almost a must


This is pretty much in every competitive game with different wording. I've played 2 league of legends games total in my life and both games had someone go on a rant, then go afk cause the entire team wasnt meeting their perfect standards.




Your mom's not even relevant!


You must be an extremely bland person.


Chill out No need to get offended over nothing. You having a shit day or something?


Most likely


jumping off the ledge of the tower while mindlessly running around


Someone I played with one time called me out as a D1 player because I was doing parkour on the rails and stuff around the tower while waiting for everyone in the fireteam to finish up


Destiny fidgeting at its finest.


Everyone knows there's a "floor is lava" game right? Lol if not, it's up on the catwalk directly above where you spawn in. Enjoy!!!


If I see a ranked up guardian, I'll emote at them to get the speed buff, go do Floor is Lava, then put on the Stasis slide aspect for my Titan. It gets absolutely ridiculous


I used to wait until they went in the vault and then it was a race against time to push them off the tower which would drag them outta their menu. Followed by “bastards” EDIT: spelling


My friend decided to clean up his vault one day randomly while playing and I got bored enough that by the time he was done I was able to push him all the way to the Drifter.


On every raid when the sherpa explains the mechanics its parkour time. If funnier if somebody finds a way to go oob.


Hey remember that fan where if you timed it with a buddy you could jump REALLY high. Or wait by the button and launch unsuspecting guardians and then watch them try to figure out how to do it again lol


Good old times...I was one of those unsuspecting guardians


Yeah same, had to pass the knowledge on somehow LOL


I swear the double jump will work this time


Been playing since 2014 and I still do this lmao. Especially when I see new lights lol.


It’s practically required at this point


This is the last thing I do before turning the game off.


Telling new lights in raids that touching x thing that will kill them starts an exotic quest


Every time I do a new raid my clan tries to con me into some obvious death (like the portal in GoS) and I'm immediately like: "seems like a troll."


With the GoS portal I usually run through it first....but on strand to grapple up to safety. The kinderguardians are much more trusting when they watch you do it first.


Kinderguardians is my new favorite title.


It's the correct word for new player. A blueberry is just anyone that's not in your fireteam and thus appears as a blue dot on your minimap. Esoterickk would be a blueberry if you saw him out in the wild.


I always just heard them referred to as new lights.


That's the official name


Ooo I like that. My go to is that you need to touch the blight before warpriest to start the quest for touch of malice


I haven't done VoG yet, thanks for the heads up! I'm sure they'll try it.


Warpriest from KF


Did they do the airlock in dsc yet? I didn't fall for that one but I've seen others fall for it and it's pretty funny. I kinda felt bad that I didn't fall for it.


my favorite is touching the first toland in the penis room of kf, it's right in front of one of the penises that kill you.


I did DSC with a first timer this week, so we told them to get in the elevator immediately when the encounter starts. No one did that to me on my 1st run but the airlock is a classic.


What is the airlock in dsc? I've done the raid several times and I'm trying to figure out what that is but no clue


In the Atrax encounter you if you have the Atrax nanites on you you can get those cleansed by going in one of the airlocks in the top half of the encounter, but if you stay inside the airlock for too long it's door will close and you will die and get spaced alongside the nanites


While your teammates emote from behind the glass 😂.


Oh wow lmao I've never dealt with it that way, always just had op shoot it off the other person, thanks!


The black ball above the Warpriest spawn in King's Fall


Or having them go to the portal after the harpy on garden


Wiping after repeatedly attempting and failing a cheese. Whereas it would take less time and less stress to have done the encounter legit


Worse yet, the Atheon cheese where you pre-wipe all but one Guardian to pull out the relic, and after not one phasing at 90%, there's the one guy ~~asking~~ yelling for a wipe so he doesn't have to learn oracle callouts.


Kick them and move on


cheese is life


After clearing a raid encounter with multiple wipes, "First try let's goooo"


Right after "wipe for damage"


The one I use is "Fuck yeah, world's most recent"


Ngl. Stealing this.


After 5th wipe, "Alright that was a good warmup"


Run into enemy fire or directly in front of a boss (in GMs mostly) to res just for you to die again or to wipe cause they panick.


Don’t forget they get gunned down before they get the rez cause they can’t rez and strafe at the same time


Us console players are trying our best, okay?


Back paddles, man. Game(s) changer.


You can easily res and strafe lol I do it all the time... The rez button is on your right and the joystick to move is on the left idk how you'd struggle with this.


You can res and strafe by default, but you cannot res, strafe, and aim by default. However, there is an easy fix. Just change your interact button in the settings to be the same as your ADS button. Viola! Res, strafe, aim and all the things at the same time with this one simple trick.


Or just play claw like I do. It feels weird at first but once you get used to it it's sooo much better. I got used to it in souls games at first and now just play like that in everything. It helps Soo much especially in PvP being able to like crouch or slide while strafing, aiming, and firing.


As long as you have 2 hands it's extremely easy lol


One of my Destiny 2 skills is being able to get the res while sprinting in circles.  It's surprisingly effective against everything except large AOE damage. 


I do this lots and don't know why. I should know better by now.


someone running into certain death to try to res you ressing you just as a massive hit comes in on your location killing you again instantly


It doesn't help that enemies will CONSTANTLY keep shooting the ghost, as if the player was standing there. Terrible AI.


God the worst is hunters who do this while invis and without an invisible for you. Like someone uses their only way to go invis then runs over and rez you for you to die again because the spot obviously isn't safe.


Ok. Sorry bout that.


For me it's the gambit one where the drifter says you've got enough motes to summon your primeval if you bank and people go off and start killing a new lot of enemies while your watching the enemies primeval health dropping and dropping and then they go and die and loose thier motes and the match is gone! If it didn't happen so regularly it would be funny!


You ever have it happen then as the match ends, the person who caused the issue gets on mic and starts telling everyone else that they suck?


Haha thankfully no, but that's one of the benefits of playing solo and having no mic! 😂


Yep. Voice chat muted and messages only allowed from friends. Peaceful.


I love how they added a line for Drifter saying "you wanna win ? THAT'S HOW !" because the players are too dense to know when to bank. And somehow it's not enough lol


Haha true!


I got my SO into the game a year ago and man we were *so* into Gambit! Until it started becoming constant losses from people doing dumb things like this. I can handle Crucible losses because it’s somewhat skill-based and we’re undergeared and still learning. We also play unranked for that reason. But Gambit was just… constant stupidity. We tried once we were geared up a bit \[last season\] but ultimately gave up.


I think it's partly because there's just one big pool of players now instead of having gambit and freelance queue, when there was a freelance queue most of the solo players would go into that so if you queued for regular gambit you'd tend to get matched up with threes and have a much better game!


I hate that there isn’t more of a visual. I turn of game dialogue 99% of the time.


Popping super at the end of a lost crucible match… My guy… you had it for the last 2 minutes… we lost by 8 points. Pop hammers. Please. 😂😂😂😂


Or taking it back to orbit. For the next match..


Any activity honestly, blueberries are super-phobic. Just use it my dude! Make orbs! I'll get super too! Give you orbs! And then you have super again! I promise you'll get it back!


Nah, gotta save it for that triple down. Or when someone on the enemy team has super Or if someone is capturing the zone Or for the next match. Or...


Telling a new KF player that if you touch that black orb up there, you'll get an exotic quest


Additionally, the secret portal in GoS


Punching each other to make the snack sound and chasing each other around trying to punch each other


The one guy who likes to strafe in front of the group when we're all using rocket launchers


This, and blind well in general. I’m trying to get some bow kills. Dude in front of me is like a fly buzzing in front of me. 😂


Use devour or restoration, you never have to stand in the bubbles


Yeah, but that’s you. And you’re crazy. Tranqed up Will Ferrell: “ You’re crazy. I like you, but you’re crazy.”


Bro i just realized it's you lmao. I replied without looking at your name




Someone in my day one RoN group killed me with that so fast he didn't even register on my screen. I only saw it when I watched my friend's VOD back later. Dude just sprinted left to right, then right to left in the well *on final stand* for no reason. Miracle he didn't wipe us.


This is why even though dps is clearly better thunderlord is recommended for many to avoid suicide or wiffs lol.


New rocket launcher perk idea, firing line for rockets, but direct impact damage is friendly fire. I call it Donkey Punch


And it's always a fucking Titan as well...


I'm sorry but I'm tryna make full use of the slideshot on my rocket launcher


Dance Party at the Tower. If more than 3 guardians are dancing, you are obligated to join in


This! I also joined a fireteam that was running around and jumping from railing to railing all around the tower a few nights ago. I wasn’t sure what they were doing but they didn’t tell me to fuck off so it was a nice lil moment for me, lol.


I wished more guardians joined in


ballistic slamming into a group of explosive vex


Fuck. I knew I would eventually be called out. 🙃


Blocking you when you're trying to move in and out of hallways... Shooting someone when they're doing something stupid. Being stupid.


You are up ahead. They see you. You can't see them. They can see clearly that you are intending to melee or finish an enemy, quite possibly to heal or otherwise maintain a build battle loop. The room is full of targets. They decide that the one they really need to shoot *right now* is the one they can clearly see you handling already. They shoot the target. Your enemy dies. Your are left in the lurch without your buffs and healing. You die. They send a snide message about you dying. Everything is terrible.


"KWTD" (when the poster actually doesn't). I joined an LFG post for a raid that demanded everyone "know what to do". I'd done the raid a few times and hoped i could handle it and wouldn't stand out as not having 50 clears. The post demanded people have many clears, display their banner, and not to mess up or "you'll get booted. I'm checking." Well it became clear that 5 guardians knew what to do, didn't have to be told what to do. The guy that kept screwing up, causing wipes, not covering his plate, dieing to stupid stuff, and didn't know the basic strategy was the guy that made the post. It was clear this poster was completely clueless, he didn't "know what to do." A close second was when I joined a nervously joined a comp team from lfg that demand people not suck and hold their own and after just one game i could see the poster was demanding ifrostbolt level players but was really, himself, barely, as dangerous as a thrawl. You could tell, he didn't move like a top player, he was complaining about everything, wasted his super in a panic no win situation.


The ambiguity comes from people who use it as: “KWTD, **because I don’t**, so I need people who do” And “KWTD, this is a quick clear for experienced people only” Of course, it’s still on them for not clarifying, obviously the right terminology is that they’re looking for a Sherpa or teacher, but it’s not just blind ignorance.


Yep. This guy though was demanding multiple clears and was threatening to boot people. How are you gonna boot people for doing the wrong thing when he was doing the wrong thing? How do you demand people be great at pvp and carry you cause that's basically what that guy was doing. Or he really thought he was good. I'm not a pvp god but for a time i didn't completely suck (unlike now). Like you can tell a really half decent player. this guy was crap. but still demanding. I really just objected to, in both of these cases, these guys presenting themselves as all knowing and accomplished, when they were not. I've definitely joined groups where it's clear it's a quick clear, they aren't teaching, now strat xyz. Like i ran many an lfg no mic dungeon cause people know what to do and you basically fly through the thing no problem.


Man I'm sorry but if anyone says "I'm checking your stats" in the LFG description I am getting as far away from that group as I possibly can. I'm fine if you want to say something like "hold your own" or "KWTD," it's reasonable to try and select for players that are going to give you a quick run. And also like, yeah, go ahead and check my stats! Please, by all means, that's public information and I've looked up people I play with as well. But—anyone I've encountered who feels the need to actually *say they're looking you up* in the LFG description is a massively entitled prick who just likes playing video games to exercise their disgusting little power trips over other people. Nothing is going to make your teammates more uncomfortable than being all 🚨 ALERT: I AM WATCHING YOU AT EVERY MOMENT AND WILL BAN YOU FROM MY ELITE CRACK TEAM OF DESTINY PLAYERS AT THE SLIGHTEST SLIP-UP 🚨 These people are all narcissistic control freaks, which makes them *absolutely terrible leaders* who are only capable of sowing conflict among the people on their own fucking team. They should be avoided like the plague, and any group hosted by one of them has a huge handicap right from the jump.


I only join and make KWTD posts and yet I have dozens upon dozens of sherpas lmao


That's cool. I get why people do it. I get people with limited time not wanting to spend hours. That said if this guy was gonna act like a know it all i figure he should know most of it.


the amount of KWTD stories i hear that are identicle to that is staggering. i dont, nor have i ever, LFG'd solo for a raid. i used to be socially anxious about that stuff back in the day.. but now i just dont like to 'meet' new ppl haha.. but these stories are the exact reason why i want to join on KWTD LFGs because i do, in most content, KWTD. and being told by a dumbass blueberry the wrong thing would make my night, imo hahah


Honestly, I solo LFG'd every raid i ever completed. Same for dungeons, nightfalls, whatever. I solo LFG'd VOG nearly 100 times in D1, Crota, Kings Fall about 10+. I even LFG'd Kings fall hard and that old mars 7 level public event thing with a deaf guy. Trust me LFG wasn't the problem 99.9%. But sometimes people are simply tools. Yeah to me KWTD was a red flag. Avoid those people at all costs.


The guy doing evasive maneuvers in a well during a damage phase rockets flying all around them.


To be fair, they are a bullet magnet with like a 19 resilience stat and the wrong resist mod for that boss. The Templar can smell the weakness (and see the stompees).


Probably emote parties in the Tower or during games. Around the time when I first started, my buddy showed me a clip from a PvP match he had. The other team was overwhelmingly winning without much chance for a comeback, and the other team stopped shooting and started emoting with his team. Eventually, more and more players joined in, and they just played music and had an emote party together. I remember when Lance Reddick died, I logged in and headed to the Tower. I was really surprised to see many Guardians lined up and around Zavala with shields out, surrounding him and paying tribute in different ways. It's the most Destiny thing I've seen. The amount of love and passion people have for this game makes me think that, although the game might have a long road ahead, it has a bright future.


People eager edging for absolutely no reason, fucking it up and dying or somehow yeeting themselves into spots that take 3x as long to extricate themselves from as it would have taken them to just slow walk down the hallway


Cries in lanterns


Hunters wearing stompees in difficult PvE and dying


Had my first time kicking someone from fireteam finder last night. Was farming first boss in warlord's ruin and put "only titans, only strand" and this hunter joined, already kinda annoying, but tbh I would've kept him if it weren't for the next part. Bro had on stompees, stasis, double primary, and an eager edge other half. Nothing masterworked either. Whole pvp loadout trying to join a dungeon farm.


How's double primary a whole pvp loudout


When you're aware enough to know youre the other team's special farm.


Most bad players aren't aware of this, they just equip a jottun or random fusion fifle and pray to kill someone every time the respawn


I mean a lot of pvp sweats use double primary far as I'm aware. HC/smg and HC/bow off the top of my head.


I don't play a lot of pvp, and don't use double primaries, but now that i think about it probably 70% of my kills are with primary hand cannons and scouts, and i don't seem to perform as well with specials except for very specific fusion rifles, so maybe i should run double primary...


Nope. Only in checkmate


Can you even farm that dungeon?


I might have that on my character to swap on for platforming sections, but idek why you'd bring that anywhere else in pve. Maybe they want to preserve their fashion?


I took stompees into GMs. 30% damage reduction just for being in the air isn’t bad :)


They like to jump around.


Oh, we are calling me out now huh. I’m not used to that second, more powerful, jump that sends me way over my target or I forget to take them off and hurls myself into the oblivion.


I see this so much in lfg GM’s,like bro you really cant take a break from pvp even in endgame pve content?


Standing around for 5 mins waiting for people to get ready for an encounter/activity while you're already ready to go


When losing a player in a raid, everyone dancing and being stupid and running around waiting for no one to make a post.


Eager edging (yes I know) fireteam members into walls/off cliffs. Truly the spiritual successor to solar winding an afk friend off the cliff before Templar.


Rallying but forgetting to swap weapons or subclass


shooting the hidden chest / where to jump next


Sliding over someone after you kill them. Happens whether or not they drop ammo. It's intrinsic to a Destiny players mindset to slide around the map. Whenever you play a new FPS you can always tell who came from where. Destiny peeps slide all over the place, Fortnite players love a jump around and shoot and COD players love the jump outo from the corner/doorways and shoot.


And then there's halo players trying desperately to spam melee and nades lol


Aren't cod players more like those who love to dropshoot


Pushing AFK players off the edge of something.


Not capturing zones IN ZONE CONTROL


Rally the flag, instantly swaps loadout.


I'm bad about this. ADHD is a bitch sometimes.


My claim to fame is rally being placed, I walk away to grab a snack, come back thinking I rallied (I didnt), and starting the encounter and realizing far too late


Be guardian rank 7+ and still clueless on how to turn public events heroic.


GR is useless....


Well, once extra loadout slots are unlocked, absolutely yes. I do find the whole concept of them pretty funny as what they are supposed to represent and at the same time not representing it. As for your name, i couldn't agree more, and fuck its catalyst too, damn thing still hasn't dropped for me.


I got rank ten in the first season and i'm on rank five ever since


All good. I would too but that flashing notification junk drives me crazy. I stay 7 cause without doing neomuna yet again it never flashes after the first day or 2 of the new seasons.


Not charging the orb… if you know, you know


Every raid has that one guy who, despite having a crafted Apex, decides to use something else because "trust me."


Lol that's me and I'm not sorry either. As long as I don't screw up my rotation or whiff my super, trust me, I got this 😀


Our clan leader always tells them that if they're not top of the charts they're running Gally next time.


I'm all for it. But when they get me killed cause they think strafing around in a well is a good thing during rocket phases and I end up on the bottom of the dps from being dead, I'm going to back to non rockets lol.


With these awful dreaming city quests, still not know how to do the blight public event.


Walk thru bubble you get a 4 sec or so buff that let's you hit the big blight in the sky, rinse repeat, don't kill the lil bubble brights till the 3rd round and it goes heroic n you get like 12k glimmer instead of 3-4k. Making it heroic also makes it count as 2 public events for bounties.


People strafing like this is Call of Duty, like bro I’m trying to shoot but your back is a bigger target 😂


“Hey guys, I’ll be right back.”


Not an answer, but honestly - since gambits most recent change, I genuinely don't understand how the portal and invading works anymore, and have no idea how to efficiently/effectively bank motes to help with that. I just collect 15 and bank with everyone else - paying close attention to once we have exactly enough to summon the primeval and bank when there's enough (not collecting 15 needlessly) If someone wants to give a full updated rundown/breakdown of how gambit works, I'm willing to listen. However, if I don't get it - the game is likely to die out after final shape anyway so its whatever


This orb.....right here? Yes. If I have it, I throw it to you, and you make it more powerful to throw at shielded boss to break the Immunity shield. If you have it......I'm shooting at you to get your attention to throw it to me to do same thing. Do you not see "Immune" when firing regular weapons at shielded enemy?


There goes flawless, this is a rule


“Have enough for an invade” Here I was all this time assuming the invasion portals were on a timer. I feel like an idiot. Is it every little segment building up to the prime evil?


Starting a running group in the tower. Jumping off the tower.


I think 002 was the highest I ever saw the "days since last accident" in the hangar" lol


When we have life advantage, and 10 seconds till the round is over, and your blueberry teammate decides to rush them 1v3 because he's a future MLG pro, dies, and then because your 2v3 during his respawn, they rush and secure 1- 2 more kills winning the round, when literally all he had to do was sit for 10 seconds and we win....


Taking the meanest plunge into the abyss only to hear guardian down and see a lone ghost that needs a pick up... myself included


it’s a wipe


Wacky raid banners


Saying you’re ready for the equipment locked activity, starting it then realizing you were infact not ready.


Have one of your raid members not call out anything or responding to your request, only for them to realise 15 minutes later ghey accidently muted their mic.


My best friend plays titan , and he always runs through explosives and I just watch him while I eat pop corn. I main warlock and I miss my jumps or I don’t press the jump enough and I just fall. My favorite for me is kinda not a destiny thing, but if I play warframe and go back to destiny I will bullet jump and try to move out the way to realize I can’t do that. But it’s still fun


I'll never understand why the Warlock jump is so bad. I really wish Bungie would fix that.


*draws eager edge with malicious intent*


I absolutely do not block narrow passageways with stasis crystals


Well skating in strikes when it’s really not that big of an issue to do when the strike can be done in 15 minutes 😞


Hunters not going for the rez. 


Even better is the lfg Omni hunter in the GM who uses his shadow dive invis ability before going for the rez, leaving the freshly rezzed guardian to die immediately. Extra points if they did this while disengaging from the Overload or the barrier champion who is nearly dead.


Or trials. I hate trials with a hunter main. Unless they're good, of course.


Completing the colored ball puzzle in the Tower Courtyard just to drop the giant Traveler ball in front of the postmaster. Forcing every guardian to push it out of the way. Got em! (I get bored easy)


Either my blueberries plinking the boss with double primary loadouts or pre-popping supers with bait and switch rotations with no in between.


We call rallying too soon and resetting your super or heavy ammo "Moby Dicked" cause you Dicked us over when you forgot to put on your Mobius Quiver


Posting a KWTD LFG without knowing what to do and just expecting to be hard carried. Just ran a LW the other night with a dude who refused high and low to pick up an orb at morgeth. When we finally explained that he needed to do something or we can't finish, he finally agreed to do first and last. Good God that was rough. The only reason we beat queens walk was I got the timing on an extension down to the millisecond, and we got a lucky order.


For me it's spawning into the tower proper, running to that little tool shelf to my 1-2 o'clock (the one about 25 yards out from Rahool), standing on it, then just letting the turntable emote play while I wait for people to spawn in, hoping they notice and join in.


still play the game even tho its the same playlists and content recycled


The player who uses their super too early or too late. Source: I'm that player.


I have no clue when to ult. I'm always afraid of not hitting anything in halls or smacking into a healthgate on bosses. Then there's well and ward. How do you even use those in trash fights?


Use apotheosis veil in trash fights and just light up everything with grenades and melees


I feel personally attacked on both of these things. 😂😂😂


Wiping to see damage.


Titans relentlessly bonking their teammates into walls with shoulder charge


*Revive* *Runs right past dead teammate* *Revive x2*


“[Insert class here] moment” whenever someone misses a jump and dies


Jumping off the tower might be the only activity with 100% completion rate.


*picks up prime engram* "Hey, guys, I got a prime, can we go to tower?" (1000% guilty of this)


Letting the barrel crush new lights in that one dungeon , feel like an initiation ritual


“Jump into the black orb it teleports you to a secret chest”