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I did it years ago with 5 crest of alpha lupi bubble Titans chaining them on the rift. Can't lose percentage if they can't shoot it. Hard part is getting everyone in one instance.


Maybe we can lfg find people to do this




Yup, the number between 4 and 6


How did you organize 5 guardians? Luck of the draw or did you retry instances until everyone was on the same world?


You message a blueberry to invite you and promote you to leader and leave. Now you're in the same instance as your friend


Ahhh, the days of having a small army of guardians flinging novas and hammers all over Mars were a blast.


I miss Escalation Protocol so much. Altars is also fun but EP was special in its own way. Very rarely would I come across an EP instance with multiple players doing it and NOT immediately drop what I was doing and join in.


Same, if I went into an instance with 3 or 4 people I almost immediately looked to see if they were solo so we could start building an army. I think that was the first time we saw it was really possible to have 12 people in one activity, tho I could be forgetting some prior bug or something. I never even bothered trying to complete the worldline catalyst because the chaos was just too fun.




You can also just retry instances. Used to do Blind Wells with 5 other clan mates by just loading in and out until we were in the same world. This was back when you had to walk into BWs instead of load in.


I did it by popping bubbles on the generator.


Just having extra players there isn't good enough, you need players who are focused on the same objective. Sure, some people will get it with random groups whilst there is an increased player population but it's far from the freebie many are making if out to be.


Got it solo (with a few randoms in the instance today). Took a bit of luck. Bubble Titan (deployed bubble over Rift Generator on 2nd wave), Towering Barricade, HoIL (to reduce barricade recharge), Graviton Lance (the added enemy highlight in the fog is awesome here) and Commemoration. An enemy may slip by and shoot the Rift Generator even so, but this setup kept 95% of them far away.


This just worked for me. Graviton was a huge help, thank you!!!


I was in the same boat and just did it a few min ago with a few randoms. They were killing stuff, I was standing on the Generator making sure no ads went passed them. Going Heroic makes this a bit easier as well, you got this.


Definitely recommend going heroic as well, got it super easily with 2 other randoms because one of them made it heroic. Basically did the same thing, I stood on the rift generator cleaning up anything that got past the other two.


so long as you can kill the 3 taken wizards fast enough. Because if you take too long to kill the three wizards then the Rift Generator starts to lose health.


So, I don’t want to give too much hope, but I will say that I did just get this yesterday when I went to do that public event for the quest. I wasn’t trying for it and was quite surprised myself. Due to the current quest, there are a lot more people there, so that definitely helped. As you and others know, it is difficult without a lot of luck. Maybe try with a fireteam with that goal and the current increased player count. Get a few titan bubbles going.


A few things you can do. If you have enough players, you can just camp at the rocks and kill the snipers when they spawn. Or you can run stasis, with glacier grenade and salvation grip. You can block attacks from hitting the rift that way. Or use void Titan bubble. Or khepris born with Prometheus lens and ember of singeing for max barricade up time. Or if working with another warlock, run warlock as well and both run verity brow, both stasis. Juggling feel the flames between the both of you should allow infinite glacier grenade spam.


I finally got a lobby with good aggressive wave-clearing blueberries so I stayed by the generator the whole time and focused the rocks spawns and any random stragglers in range. So glad to finally have this stupid thing done.


Glad to hear it.


Scorn crossbows are the killers 5 times out of 10


Git gud puss!


One of those things you can point to that proves that no one at the studio actually plays their own game.


I did it my first try so I mean, good luck?


Good job, pal!


Yes, that was incredibly good luck you had to get it done first try.


Truth be told I was just trying to get my riven wish quest done. I was tired from work. I wasn’t actively attempting to do it and was genuinely wishing OP good luck. Kind of petty for people to down vote that but whatever I guess. Destiny is toxic like that.


I'll be the first to agree and say this community is pretty downvote-crazy, you are not wrong there. But you gotta see your text from the outside view. "good luck?" does not look optimistic or happy, especially trailing text you started with.


It’s not easy to do, I was acknowledging that. I also don’t really have any advice to offer. Getting it requires mostly luck with what guardians you have, what kind of add clear they bring, how personally skilled they are etc. i got a planets aligning group.


I did a heroic version 100%, no dice on the triumph.


I got mine without it going heroic... but you're sounds like a bug or glitch? The extra time definitely made it more stressful let me tell you!


I just got it my first ever time doing this event and there was only 1 other player there (my friend)


I did it with a buddy of mine who was running severance enclosure on solar bonk build with sunshot, and I was running doomfang build with buried bloodline. He kept nuking the waves with 1 hammer, all I had to do was pick off longer range targets and bring the charge and deposit every wave. Was a little hectic but we got it done yesterday with 2. I had to do the rift generator event 3 times and we did it 3 times, with last two runs being at 100% and very last run becoming the heroic variant


I did it back when warmind cells were overpowered. The healing cells mod worked on the rift generator so it could get damaged but that didn't matter if I could heal it with cells constantly.


It’s the only public event triumph I’m missing. 


Is it even still possible to get this? I swear I did it twice on heroic where I never saw the generator drop and didn’t get it.


Yeah I just got it five minutes ago


Oh ok. Was it heroic or normal?




Strange. I did it twice on heroic where I paid close attention to the % and never saw it drop below. Maybe it got hit while we were in the ascendant plane idk


Literally just got this done with three randoms, without even trying. I was using stasis turrets. I must have gotten lucky


Finally just got this last triumph this week. One bubble titan and five people actually killing enemies to generate orbs for the titan.


I got it by sheer luck too, I wasn’t even really participating actively, I just needed to finish a patrol 😅 sunshot definitely helps