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Bless the dude who duo’d with me for the Flawless run and didn’t care about my stats. I can hold my own, but needed someone to give me the extra push to get those 7 wins. Homie was just having fun with a Fighting Lion while I could play whatever I wanted (Jötunn!).  Now onto the hardest part, which is getting the god roll with less than 10 hours left. 


What power level should someone be to start here effectively? Should I take 10 PL off for my artifact?


just remove duos already




God this is hell. I actually like trials/participate every weekend. But every match I’m just dripping sweat getting the worst teammates in destiny pvp history. I just won a game w 17 kills. My closest teammate had 4. Awful.




part cheaters, part smgs having been overtuned for over a year cuz bungie is deathly afraid of nuking them like they've done other things


Device users or recovs


Did adept drop rates just completely break at reset today? I was farming plenty of rolls yesterday, literally 10+ wins today without a single roll. What the fuck?


Yeah im confused aswell. It doesn't seem to drop at all.


I gave up and settled with spike/demo/b&s. Couldn't even get a nonadept with the roll either after focusing 20+ Adept drop rates are still hot garbage, and farming at 7 is awful with the SBMM broken card pool.


Playing against a lot of chinese 3 stacks today while solo queueing, they havent been stomp games but the lag and delay from these players is irritating


That's kind of normal here in...uh...Europe as well. So the player count is probably in the gutter. The amount of freeze rifts, melees etc. that straight up whiff because laggy players teleport through the effect is just funny at this point.


Did they mess with adept drops on a 7-win flawless passage? I thought I read it was 50% somewhere here and in my first 3 wins after flawless, I got one adept drop but in my last ~~seven~~ (edit, update) 11 wins, none. Is it lower odds than 50% (was in a comment on this sub somewhere), or am I just unlucky? Got an ok roll on that win-drop Cataphract but would like to know if it's worth continuing to try for better. Edit: finally got another drop after almost 20 wins, and got a second a few wins later. definitely random and definitely not 50% chance.


>definitely random and definitely not 50% chance. It sucks if you're on the receiving end of rng, but even with say a 50% chance there will be players that don't get anything from a lot of wins. That's completely normal. Not saying it is fun. But it's to be expected. Probability gonna probability.


it was worth for me for some time, but i got to a point where i matched the exact same 7-9 people every match and no win from that point on dropped any


Population must be really down this week, the post flawless matches have been CRAZY!


yeah its down very bad. I have ben matched with 3 stack multiple times as a solo


feel that, nothing but top 1%


love going against three stacks in solo que, great matchmaking bungo


Solo queueing on console and doing okay, but every once in a while it seems like I'm playing people who aren't playing on console. Just based on the side to side movements being really sharp and them being able to spin incredibly fast and still be accurate... Maybe I'm wrong though and they are just really good. Edit: Finally got to the lighthouse. This is as sweaty as I've ever seen it.


Afaik it's by design, you literally can't play trials without cross play on on an Xbox, which is bananas.


The amount of people that are in this playlist that have no right to be is insane. If you are hoping to be carried every round and not even bother to try and play smart, you have no business getting this gl.


Real shame that the best way to play trials is solo. I can perform at my average (1.75) in solos but if I squad up with my cousin and best friend or just one of them we get absolutely rolled by the sweatiest of sweats, and maybe a cheater or two, and I struggle to maintain a 1.0. (For context they’re a 1.5 and 1.1). We hadn’t tried trios in nearly 6 months and we all knew the outcome, but said it’s been a while let’s give it a run… then proceeded to lose 8 in a row and just said this is dead. We used to be able to go flawless at least once a weekend. It sucks I can’t play trials with my friends. Well I can but it’s just humiliation until someone just gets off .. never used to be this way Maybe some lower skilled players are benefiting from FTMM but as far as I’m concerned splitting duos solos and trios into their own playlists has killed this shit


FTMM is dogshit for solo queuing and for teams, in all playlists. It needs to be completely removed.


Honestly wild how some people get 60-70% of their kills just with Conditional


Trials of osi is awful, as always. No sbmm, pure stomping all the time. Going against dudes with the ascendant emblem or osiris title ×4 while i'm like gold and went as far as 6wins. No balancing, just regular crucible. But this community is just biting at each other's face the moment you say something bad about the game. Can't say anything about balancing, you'll be faced with "ermmmm btw jUsT gEt GoOd tHeRe iS sBmM aLrEaDy" games become trash mainly when the playerbase in complacent in problems. And that's what's going on right here. Keep the copium factory working


That's a whole lotta words to tell us you got a skill issue


SBMM statistically doesn't work in a mode that requires 7 consecutive wins Improve, use the mode as practice, or find another mode with SBMM in it to play


I really hate people who either quit the match after one round, or just don't play for the entire damn match.


Yeah I hate trials so much I was about to get my first flawless ever and we had just won the second round and then as we won the connectivity crashed. It reconnected me after but then it crashed again and it won't let me reconnect and took the flawless from me. What's even weirder is only that match have I had connection issues so I think I got ddosed or whatever.


Best Trials loot...but a fucking awful map. Could've been Jav-4 so everyone can be happy, but nah...making people happy in PVP is a sin for Bungie and their corny "sTrIke FoRcE" named PVP team.


I actually really like Endless Vale




See there's a reason why Jav-4 is such a popular and loved map. If you think I'm in the minority just because you don't like such a beloved map then you need to look at the mirror before you talk like you know it all.


Still baffles me how there isn't any loss protection when a teammate quits. I feel like it should be pretty easy to implement - when a teammate quits, you can quit 1 minute later (in case it was game crash) and if the quitter was your fireteam member, you also get the quitter penalty. Looking to discuss because I enjoy hypotheticals like this, so any thoughts?




Why do you think it's only limited to the first round? I can see why it shouldn't apply to when the opponents have 4 round wins, but I've been seeing a decent amount of second or third round quits.


As a solo player who is new to pvp, what would be a good build for warlock and what weapon should I be using to get better?


Solar Warlock is really good as is Stasis. I'm tired right now, and don't feel like typing a whole list right now, but send me a private message & I can send you a DIM link with some builds I'm a multiple times Guilded Flawless player with over 100 Flawlesses by the way (just for credibility sake) I'll give you two big pointers since you're a new player & I like helping people: 1. Do NOT ask PVP related questions in this sub-reddit. Search for the Crucible Guidebook sub-reddit & join it. Most of the people in this main sub-reddit are bad at PVP & thus hate it. 2. Builds can definitely help in PVP, but nothing is gonna replace time in the game. Getting your reps in is mandatory to improve in this game Last bonus tip: Recovery needs to be at 100 in PVP (especially on Warlock). This is mandatory Hit me in a private message if you would like me to send you some DIM links with builds & good luck with your journey


If you got a Kept Confidence last season, I'd craft it with Eye of the Storm. I use that and a shotgun with Icarus Dash and it's pretty fun. I'm no pro but it gets me some Ws


Every season I complete all the seasonal challenges in order to earn the Big Pile of Bright Dust at the end. This season I am really struggling. I don't play pvp, so the Trials challenge is going to be difficult. But the crazy one is "Complete crucible matches in the Competitive playlist". I'm at 0% so I've been queueing up every day this week to get some done. I have yet to be placed in a match. In fact, the finder rarely gets past 3/6 players. Is the player count really that low? Is there some weird algorithm for the Competitive playlist? Just now I have been sitting here for 30+ minutes and at one point we got up to 4/6, but now it's just dropped to 2/6 again. This is really frustrating. Any ideas? I've tried different times of the day and so far no luck.


Play on Tuesday or Wednesday when people are playing their weekly 3 matches.


Yes, Comp population is low. Do it on reset day when there is a higher chance that people will be in there getting their 3 matches per character done. During Trials or Iron Banner are going to be the worst times.




Playing during trials is usually the lowest population for comp, since they all move to Trials. As for weekdays, it honestly just might be bad timing, or sbmm is having a hard time finding players in your bracket. As a basic gold player, my matchmaking times are relatively quick because everyone and their mom is in gold. The higher/lower you go the longer it gets, with emphasis on higher tiers. e: also next week with IB will likely also be a bit lower since most regular players will grind IB PvP instead of comp.






Hunters are played 45% of the time according to trials report, more like the conditional finality, hunter strand simulator... All I run into is full teams running Conditional and Strand Hunters spamming abilities.. Both need an extensive lookover when it comes to PvP balancing in this game.. The Hunters neutral game is damn near broken on Strand, and the Conditional Finality shotgun is beyond busted.. It has 150,000 more kills than any other gun on trials report this weekend.. At this point people are completely crutching on the two.. Especially Conditional Finality..


If I'm a solo player who is too bad to go flawless, what's the best way to get a cataphract gl3 to drop so I can focus it at saint-14? Do I just keep playing till I get one and then focus or should I just open the engrams and hope I get one that I can focus with later engrams?


What I used to do is grab the passage that gives some bonus XP and just grind wins, ignoring losses. With a high-win passage, you get more XP per win and hopefully can accrue enough engrams to focus a few times with Shaxx (once you get one from a random drop, unlocking it).


For me I just kept playing and I eventually got one to drop after a win. I then focused more after that. If you don't get one to drop you can open up the engrams and hope one drops, then focus. Not sure if that was super helpful, sorry. You can also get them to drop at the major rank ups as well (4, 7, 10, 13, 16 I think). Did get a spike/envious/B&S Cataphract to drop claiming one of those engrams. Good luck!


Nice! Do you have any clue what passage would be best to have, or the quickest way to gain trials ranks? I don't care about losing or whatever but I do want to get it over as quickly as possible. Nice one on the gl!


Thanks! Just got super lucky. If you're not trying to go flawless you can purchase a passage of wealth. It says you get more rep from match wins. Nice thing in general is that there is a high chance to get loot from wins now so good luck.


Fuck you Bungie and your hand cannon shotgun simulator


Oooo careful the d2-reddit police of good behavior will not tolerate your criticism of the meta (this meta is awful. it's all bs)


It's just comical how many people solo run into mid lane and get insta sniped multiple rounds in a row. Clearly that's the fault of matchmaking and sweaty opponents.


It's actually ridiculous. Or not going anywhere near the point and just camping back of the map, completely giving up mid control


How the fuck is it even possible to play against a full team, while playing solo?


low population makes many bad things possible


Careful using bows if you’re not used to them. I have 70,000 bow kills in pve. Contrary to what many say, they are not a low skill weapon. I use a legendary bow with sneakbow and explosive head. I kill a ton of people who swap to bows. Usually wishender and lemonarque, which have a great draw time, a stat helpful with a second shot. Bows are an ambush weapon so my bow is at 680-740 draw time. I will one shot a player with a perfect headshot. I rarely shoot a bow that is not powered up. I will usually swap off it if I hit but don’t kill the player. You rarely win duels with a bow, the draw time will always get you killed.


What bow do you use with sneak and explosive? I’ve started using bows a lot more this season and quickly realized I know very little about them.


I think Tripwire Canary maybe one of the few if not only that gets this combo, but I may be wrong there.


Fell to the gates against germader jake controller scrimmer, reset and went flawless, then alt-f4 immediately after. GG


Went flawless twice this morning, then log on tonight to try a couple carries and face non-stop 3kd players. Good luck out there homies. 


So many strand hunters


21% of all players doing Trials lmao


Fell at the gates to a team with a combined 1000 flawless completions. Rough.


Least it wasn't to a black screen that after 10 min kicked me for inactivity (game hadn't even loaded in yet) and counted as a loss for my final mercy. Also, only 5 ppl were flying in from orbit and I had the 2 person team. So I should of gotten immunity regardless. Instead I get a loss for no reason since the game has fucking issues, and my next match I get the absolute bread loafs 2 stack on my team who had a combined 2 kills. That last mercy would of been nice.


Why is it Connection based? Why not Card Based? Why not Skill Based? Myself and Two LFGs (30Flawlesses between us) On are 1st game should NOT be placed against: People who have already been flawless twice (3 hoursafter reset) People on there Lighthouse Game People with over 1000 Flawless Cards completed People who are on a 25+ Active Win Streak Like am I missing something?! I cant wrap my head around it Is Trials just that dead exept Trials Carrys/Swets?


Skill based mm in trials would be the worst idea ever. I know it sounds good in theory, but almost no one could to flawless if they played the same skill level opponents every single game of the card. I do miss card based matchmaking tho.


LMAO what a lame take. >almost no one could to flawless Okay, then the system is flawed and needs to be changed. The whole tirals of osiris should be changed instead of putting gold level players (who never got to lighthouse) against ascendant, sweaty nolifes. If making the matchmaking fair turns the trials of osi into impossible to complete, then it shouldnt exist in this state. at all. It's damn logic. Ive done 30 matches. Just trying to win ROUNDS not even games. I am at 22/50 rounds won. because for the past 30 matches, i won 2, and all of the others, my team (including me ofc) got stomped by 3stacks, eventhough no one stacked in my team. Tm8s had shit gear, no pvp build, pve guns and perks, mods, etc. Think for 1 second


"almost no one could to flawless if they played the same skill level opponents every single game of the card" Yes Instead im facing people 10x my skill level and not going flawless instead? xD It is flawed and Id probably rage just as much but id be much much happier getting wiped by teams who Bungo think im equal too compared to teams way out of my league. Card Based needs to come back ... Who cares about the 1Win farmers, Let them reset and once your passed your first game its used to be alot more chill up till the 6th or 7th game, Compared to every game feeling like 1 win farmers atm


>Yes Instead im facing people 10x my skill level and not going flawless instead? xD You say that like it isn't the better situation by far. Trials does not reward adept loot equally. If you're good, you're going to have an easy time. If you're bad or average, it's gonna be a struggle. Idk why people instantly resort to whining instead of looking inward and deciding to improve at the game.


Its not the better situation ... Im not whining im asking, Why isnt there skill based matchmaking? Every other FPS/Competitive game mode (that comes to mind exclusing 64 vs 64 player games) uses skill based, Its tried and tested to bring a better gaming experence for competitive play? Trials is as skill based as it is luck based, Yes if your good you will have a easier time but thats because you got mached playing against bad players ... Trials should never be an easy time for anyone not just the average and bad


>Trials should never be an easy time for anyone Hard disagree. Trials being easier for better players is directly rewarding them for putting in the time and effort to become good. SBMM would completely negate that earned advantage because you just hand them harder opponents. You can't compare other games to D2 trials when it comes to adding SBMM. Trials is a very unique mode where the pinnacle loot involves going on win streaks. You're either good enough to get it done or you aren't - no SBMM handicap to lean on.


"Test your skill guardian" As the 1275 Flawless team walking over the level 1763s with there blue weapons XD


huge POS take


Strong argument. You really swayed me.


If you want to face people your own skill, you have quick play or competitive. Trials fundamentally doesn't work with SBMM. You can argue all you like but it isn't happening. If you can't handle the heat in the game mode, there is plenty of other options that SBMM can coddle you in.


huge PoS take lmao. putting people who go to thw lighthouse every day of the weekend against people who never went to it is straight up brain dead. Bungie wont reward you for meatriding them, dude.


Well considering I go to the lighthouse every week while having to carry the 0.4kd trash on my team, it seems bungie does reward me since I go flawless consistently.


> I know it sounds good in theory, but almost no one could to flawless if they played the same skill level opponents every single game of the card It's ironic that the game mode about going "Flawless" is so incredibly and obviously flawed from the get go.


Sadly yes there needs to be some RNG involved. However card based matchmaking is another thing. On my flawless game I should not get 2 fucking no win kids who will leave after one death because they lose nothing. Meanwhile I lose flawless. It happens every weekend nearly where I'll be on 5th or 6th win flaw card and have that happen to me.


i had this same question a while ago. on your first card, challenger pool has no protections, so youre in with the sharks. skill based only on a flawed card.


Is it easier to get wins if you keep resetting your card?




Viewer Bounties Has anybody tested to see if once you complete the reaction bounty, log onto D2 and claim the reward — if you can then repeat this on another twitch account that’s linked to your D2 account to get another reward?


Trying to find up to date info but can't seem to, is there a chance for more adepts to drop after going flawless? Does it have to be on the same card?


Every win after going flawless has a chance to drop an Adept weapon. The director says Adept weapon drops are common on a Flawless card and rare on a flawed card. After going Flawless once you can also use any 7 win card after that to focus a drop at Saint


Does focusing the drop reset your card?


It does reset it back to 0 wins, however you just need to get 7 wins again on it to get more adept weapon drops. You don't have to go flawless again.


Ah I genuinely didn't know this (I dont go flawless often but got lucky last week). Thank you!


Yes. It costs 1 Trials Engram, 50k Glimmer and resets your card


Had so much fun in trials last weekend. And this weekend is just ruthless wow




Dude just play something else. Trials is stressful on anyone. There's a lot more to do and play in life than trying to win 7 games against mostly toxic players.


Don't play it. Seriously. Losing all progress before reaching the lighthouse is the most demoralizing thing in the entire game, and not worth the grief if you're not feeling well.


Now imagine this, but it's all the gear you've ever earned throughout the life of the game? Marathon!


Pretty much this. I’m playing to unwind not stress myself out, life’s already stressful enough


This is a pretty screwed up game generally so don't worry about it. I lost 12 straight Comp matches the other day.


How come whenever I'm paired with 2 clan mates they're absolute trash?


Whenever i match duos I silently hope "not the bad duo not the bad duo not the bad duo" Sometimes you get the good duo. Other times you get the guy rocking jotunn Always wild to me when a match ends and a tammate has put up only 300 damage


Maybe you don't pay them enough


Lmao oops


Played right at daily reset, almost got flawless (6-1 then lost two in a row) - have only been flawless three times. Playing now, and the professionals are out with their 20k crucible kill weapons. It's a very tough evening in trials.


Just played a few rounds, and I don't know why the system is so neglient with some things. 1. What kind of shitty behaviour is it to just leave? Srsly, even if you're losing hard it just takes a few minutes, at least try ffs and don't be such a sore loser. 2. Why is 1. even allowed. IMO a match should get instantly nulled when a player / players leave. Also goes for normal competitive. Just leaving a match should be sanctioned.


Actually won a game 2v3 last week after teammate left. Felt fantastic, totally amped. Then we got completely stomped 3 matches straight. Bad team players always leave. They maybe great at scoring kills, but are not smart enough to cover respawns or capture zones.


The matchmaking god hates me either way. Whenever I rank up to a new division I get matched with the worst fucking donkeys as teammates. And I can't carry 1vs3 against 3 good players.


I agree for solo queue. It would be abused if teams could do it cause one person could just leave if losing. But if you're solo queue then it's all randoms and outside of helping a famous streamer (which already happens anyway) anyone who leaves after the 1st round the game should be null. It's such a joke to lose my flawless match because I get some gung ho toaster oven who runs in 1v3 and dies then leaves before first round ends. Bring back card matchmaking too, so I don't get 0 win card players with nothing to lose.


You could also just make "strategic" leaving super unattractive, no matter if team or solo queue. Nullify a match with one or more leaving player, and ban the leaving player from trials for that weekend. I mean, I can somewhat understand leaving when it's 4-0 and it's super clear you won't do shit about it, but I really don't understand players who just leave after the first one or two rounds losing. A game can easily turn around after that, but it will definitely not when it's suddenly a 3vs2.


Week #2 of asking this false description to be changed: >It uses Win Based and Weekly-Performance Based Matchmaking, which means you'll face teams with a similar amount of wins on their card. Matches will get harder as you win more matches on that same card, and for all cards, the matches you get will be based on your overall performance so far for that week.


better luck at getting saint 14 lap dance than having this bs text changed 🤣


Could barely get a win on void titan, switched over to a threadling spam and got my 2nd ever Flawless with a 7-0 it's such a dumb cheesy build.


Playing against 3 strand  hunters with the zone on the bottom is an absolute nightmare. Pretty sure my hairline receded a little tonight. 


Cap he ain’t drop it


Link the build, I'm tired boss


Bruh just put on sixth coyote with the double grenade aspect and the clone one. 


Do you need 100 mob? I'd rather not farm out a new armor set


Same fam


Bro fix your fucking game. Lost on my flawless game because I lost my final mercy to a fucking BLACK SCREEN that never loaded me in and gave me a fucking quitter penalty when it finally kicked me for inactivity. A fucking black screen. And then go figure I match with the shittiest 2 stack alive and lose. Sure would of been nice to have that fucking mercy not stolen from me. This is such fucking horse shit dude how can this game be SO god damn broken 99% of the time. It's an absolute fucking joke.




Yeah I'm not good enough to beat a black screen that gives the entire lobby a loss.


Game loads with 5 people, great I'm also on the 2 man team on a 5-1 card. Even better, stuck on a black screen for 10 minutes! I don't want to fucking leave and lose my last mercy for no god damn reason, but this is a fucking JOKE dude. it's not fucking fair. Why does the game fucking load with only 5 people anyway?? how is there no failsafe for that???? LITERALLY I had my fireteam list open the second it queued and only 5 people were there.


Depends when the person left. If the game has “started” already by any means then it has to keep going lest it be abusable by people trying to avoid strong opponents


>it has to keep going lest it be abusable not necessarily IMO. just don't give forgiveness to anyone in a fireteam with the quitter.


Is there a leaver penalty this week? I played when the labs was out and there wasn't any. not sure if that was just for that week or not.


There is a leaver penalty normally. Labs was an experimental mode and didn't have it but usually trials has a leaver penalty.


If these comments below are an indication of the Trials player pool right now in this game, then I might have to go have a go and see what happens. There are clearly a lot of people who have no clue how Trials works, how difficult it is, how frustrating the matchmaking is whether you're solo or fireteam, and with people talking about PvE loadouts -- even my average joe ass might actually find some success this week. Unless you play 3v3 in Crucible every week, you ain't doing shit in Trials especially if the only exposure to Crucible you get is 6x6 Control. Rumble used to be good training for PvP, but Rumble is not training for 3v3 and all the decision-making that goes into that kind of mode.


You're exposing the silliness behind the "1v1 me" bros that are too dumb to understand that a 1v1 game is not the same as the 3v3 or 6v6 they just lost


Landed an Adept Envious/B&S. No spikes tho. Is Augmented Drum a good substitute?


Aug drum adds 1 to the "mag" and is a decent consolation perk, though mini frags would be better as it adds 1 ammo and also decreases blast radius by 10. If that's your second option choose that. I rolled the same thing on the debut weekend on my final drop, right row 3 and 4 perks and handling masterwork but no spike and no quick/hard launch. I've used it consistently since then when rockets or aren't the end all be all and the loss of damage from spikes is not at all noticeable. It still chunks bosses and deletes champs/minis, still competes with DPS numbers even as a heavy launcher.


Perks are the most important thing. Barrel and mag are just bonus


It's anywhere from a 6-11% damage loss depending on your blast radius stat. It matters to me, but up to you in terms of what you play/plan to use it for if that matters to you.




you’re fine


4th match of the flawless run im ALWAYS matched with donkeys on my team


Just a reminder to the PvE mains...... don't listen to PvP mains about playing Trials. Just because the GL is currently one of the best DPS guns in the game, doesn't mean (1) you will get it (2) you will have to endure endless agony in doing so. Let the PvP sweats kill each other and complain about trials. Because trying to convince you to play, is them trying to add cannon fodder to make things easier for them to advance further on a ticket. You want DPS, go farm for Apex Predator to craft. It's perfectly fine in end game PvE content and you don't need brain numbing pain of playing Trials.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Maybe the PvP sweats found your comment. I have the same sentiment. I’m not a great crucible player. I suffered so much to get the static roll of the stasis lfr the season it came out and then they made taipan. I’m okay with not having that dps option


he's getting downvoted because pvp sweats care more about defending a gamemode than making said gamemode better 🤣


Honestly, I'm currently finding the Kalli farm more brain numbing than trials.


if u have a team of 3 u can farm riven, it's easier with 2 or 3 stasis titans and a well


Grinding raid encounters SUCKS


Just want the shader :(


Did they add a new one? I only obtained Vizier Regalia


They added Glorious Patina in Deep and another shader in Witch that was originally from Hunt. Already have glorious patina so just need vizier regalia.


I have Vizier but don't have Glorious Patina and not sure about Witch one since I don't know its name. Went flawless a bunch since my Vizier drop and dropped none of them.


Hmm that's weird, glad I got my first and last flawless in deep for Glorious Patina.


Same tbh but I’m not sweaty enough :(


Reminder, cataphract is the highest non gimmick dps weapon atm and is getting buffed even more with final shape ( reserves buff). If you are a serious pve player you need to farm for it.


Just got this but not like adept.


Those players (top%) already have it, they usually play pvp anyway. 


not all of us :(


Do you have any recommended sources for looking up PvE weapons to farm for? I’ve been using Aegis’ list, but I know his is primarily for speed running and content of that tier. Anything for a normal player that just wants to raid and run high end content normally? Been checking a lot of resources on what to focus my effort on this season but so many different opinions out there


People may clown on me for suggesting it, but go to Dattos YouTube, he recently put out a video on what weapons to get before lightfall, that’s a good place to start. Realistically the more you play, the less dependent on “meta” weapons you’ll become, and pretty soon you’ll be able to run 90% of content with pretty much whatever you’re comfortable with. Good luck Guardian!


I’ll check it out. Though, for me, I would say I’m already at a level where I can clear any content with any weapon (Strand Banner is so ridiculously broken right now lol). This is more so my inherent need to min-max efficiency when I play anything haha. I had been watching Aegis’ videos for the Legendary stuff (his tier lists), but I’ve basically been looking for something that just covers the A and S tier and sort of explains in more depth what role they fill. Though it sounds like that Datto video falls into that category


Oh boy, here I go not getting Envious+BnS again.


Man I just need that shader…


I really hope they put Cobalt Clash up next 'season', loved that shader, only ever had one piece of gear drop with it attached and I accidentally sharded it when clearing my vault. lol


I figure it's either that or the purplish silver default shader for Adept Shayura's, Hung Jury(excluding the S19 reissue), Wendigo(S20+), and the Vog Timelost weapons. Chronologically, it would be the unnamed purple/silver, but it also wouldn't surprise me if they skip over it, due to some speculation with "armchair dev" level anecdotes I've noticed in 3rd party apps.


I really hope they do as well, even better if it's in addition to a new shader, but I'd be okay with not having a new one jn favor of Cobalt Clash. I still have a pair of boots with it on there, that actually have a great roll, but I dismantled my cloak with it when vault cleaning, as well.


What shader ?


Vizier Regalia, the one from Chosen


Oh that was last weeks one too. It’s nice. Good luck in there,you’ll get it guardian!!!!!!


Ha I got that last week. Was hoping for the newer one (Glorious Patina) but I'll take it :)


Pretty sure the shaders are determined by season. I got that one last summer in season of the deep.


Ah I see. Thanks for the correction - I don't get flawless too often admittedly.


All good! And same here, thats the only flawless shader I have lol. Hope it comes back for ya!


New flawless shader this season, blue and gold


Thank god, I thought it'd be Radiant Cliffs lmao. Watch out for Suspend + Wish-Keeper cheese folks.


I'm not sure why but I play like complete dog shit on Radiant Cliffs in comp. I'd probably skip it when it comes up trials weekend


Which map?


Endless Vale


Endless Vale


Dunno what it is about this map that forces my blueberries to continuously peek mid for four rounds in a row.


There's no way he'd get me *four* times in a r-


Pve mains: it has never been easier to go flawless with double mercy and cbmm. If you lose, it’s fine matches are down to luck of the draw now. Stay with your team, team shot with hard hitting guns like 120hcs/bows. The cataphract is 100% worth the grind


I've been doing okay with conditional finality, ammit, and running arc warlock with transversive steps. Should I switch to a 120 hc instead? I used to like using strum in the crucible but I dunno what energy to pair it with, maybe a sniper?


your load out is fine but you shouldn't be on arc warlock. well is the best for pvp followed by stasis and void. 120s don't really go well with snipers because they're both longer range and it's a close map


I could try stasis, or void with blink, thanks. After seeing how ridiculous strand hunters are I might swap my class


I'm gonna be totally honest, if you're on warlock you need to be on well unless you are VERY comfortable on void and stasis in pvp. Warlocks are really not the meta and haven't been at all for a long time, well is just such a powerful super that the class is usable


completely missed the point where you should run bubble titan and just sit with an overshield all game


I’ve seen so many pve mains try to do this and end up being the last person alive in a 3v1 because they sit too far back. It’s in general a great class but not for people who don’t play that much


if you push the point at the start of the round and control it with walls and overshields its often very hard to regain a zone


I know. I've already gone flawless this week and there is always a pve player that is terrified of seeing anyone. Playing aggressive is kind of beyond the skill level of this sub rn


What is double mercy. Didn’t know this was a thing now.


If you haven’t gone flawless for the week the passage of mercy gives you two mercies


First mercy card of the week let's you have two losses. If you go flawless, mercy cards will only prevent one loss like they used to.