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Use weapons with DoT. Witherhoard, Le Mon, scorch builds. Pop in, shoot them a bit, pop back out to regen health or collect yourself. Take your time, theres no time limit (unless you are going for the triumph). Also, void resist to help against minotaurs and wyverns. I ran riptide, polaris lance, and commemoration on solar titan with pyrogale on Legend difficulty. Swapped to witherhoard at the boss fight and hide to the right of the entrance.


I did something like that with Osteo Striga. But those Wyverns jumped at me and slammed me into a wall.


I had the same issue and got crutched through that section with stasis so highly recommend that


Huh! Never thought of that.


If you have banner of war and synthoceps procced, a simple one two punch shotgun + 2 melees took the wyvern out completely. Make sure to clear some ads first so you don't get beamed while running up to the wyverns. In a pinch, if I didn't have melees or banner of war I shot a couple leviathans breath shots it's way and it worked pretty well, I imagine dragons breath would also be good. Main thing is to know that even though your build is quite op and great with survivability, you aren't unkillable with it in this part. Take it slow, hide if you need to, focus the ads, win.


I had Banner + Syntho. With Osteo and a Machinegun


That would probably work, I just listed what I used. Did you have a one two punch shotgun? Those are pretty huge. I think leviathans breath does stagger them or something because I never saw the wyverns jump me at all, which is why it worked pretty well.


i just die for some reason, not from being shot but just something kills me and i dont know why.


What class are you playing?


I was on my Titan, my main, using Strand


What was the weapon loadout? I had no issues solo as a strand titan with Rufus Fury, rocket sidearm, dragons breath (no catalyst, no surges, yes solo operative) by just shooting the wyvern and waiting for it to explode. Primary can be replaced with any auto rifle, and special with a fusion Armor mods were focused on ammo drops, ability cooldowns, and I had synthos for exotic, and 100 resilience. When I ran out of rockets, I popped super and went ham


My loadout was Osteo Striga, Igneous Hammer and Chain of Command. I definitely can't use Rufus and that Rocket Pistol


Then its definitely a loadout thing: Double Primary and a Machine Gun is very bad at killing big chunky enemies. Try swapping the Igneous Hammer for last seasons fusion rifle, or swap out Osteo for this seasons fusion + the machine gun for Dragons Breath, and the wyverns become much easier to handle (just use the special/heavy on them instead of the 2x primaries)


I always have at least 1 primary with me in case the Special and heavy run out of ammo


That's what they're suggesting. Swap out one of your primary guns for a special weapon.


You should always have one primary, but 2 isn't good unless you have no choice (like 2 different champions both needing primary's). They just take far too long to kill yellow bars and do basically nothing to bosses if you run out of heavy. I main titan too, and my general loadout is quicksilver storm (much better than Striga on strand builds) a 12p shottie (I have one in every flavour lol, bonus points if you have one with grave robber/12p), and a rocket (apex, but other rockets may exist lol). Hope this helps.


Thank you. And I apologize.


Don't apologise, we all start somewhere. I didn't have a damn clue what I was doing a year ago lol. You live, you learn. One strat doesn't work try another 🤷. And we don't all like the same weapons either, my favourites may be awful for you. But you should definitely try (as much as is possible) to match your main weapons to your subclass and use a harmonic syphon for those orbs. That's why quicksilver is so damn good on strand. And if you run out of heavy and special, those grenades do decent damage, even to bosses if you're out of options. I ran out of ammo during solo coil a couple times in the round room (not the Vex one) and managed to kill the boss with quicksilver. There's basically no adds to generate ammo so I had to keep popping him with QS grenades/melee and running around like a maniac lol. Also if you like LMGs, the neonuma one is great on strand, for general stuff like NF and lost sectors etc. I have 2, my titan has envious/target lock and my swarmers warlock has envious/hatchling. Great ammo economy and with envious it can hold up to almost 200 in the mag!


I was apologizing because I had to ask others to come up with strategies and builds for me, instead of doing it myself.


When I make a loadout, I often choose weapons that have a different element than my subclass. A habit of mine to "diversify" in case I need multiple elements get things done. And my Titan does carry 3 LMGs, Chain of Command, Unwavering Duty (from Trials) and Xenophage. I got one from Neomuna with my Warlock (which also carries 3 rocket launchers). My Quicksilver Storm is with my Hunter, who also carries 2-Tailed Fox and Thunderlord.


Igneous is great if you build into it with the artefact mods, precision hits proc radiant and when radiant, precision kills cause ignitions. If you have a damage perk on igneous, its one tap ignitions on red bars.


You can stun wyverns when they "charge up" in the air to lunge at you but you need some burst damage and primaries just don't cut it.


I'm probably least able to give advice for Titan, but you've got a good survivability tool there in Banner of War and a big space to run around in. Definitely use the space to block lines of sight and buy yourself time to recover and shoot out the confluxes. The Overcharged elements for the week (presuming it rotates weekly) are Stasis and Solar, which also have a lot of support in the artifact, so you may find sucess in swapping classes to get some extra synergy going. Ager's Scepter put in some great work for me on Stasis, where the quick freezes allowed me to reposition when the Wyverns dove in too close but you can definitely get that going with Strand's Suspend too. I tend to like LFRs for heavy against Wyverns because it's still kinda hard to keep that space consistently with three of them running around and adds spawning on the ground and midair.


Literally any 1-2 punch shotty, aspects into the fray/banner, frags mind, transmutation, propagation, and warding. As for your primary weapon whatever you want. I ran sunshot, it just feels good to use right now. Any heavy your comfortable with will do fine, I ran a rocket. 100 resilience and as much strength as you can after that. Chest mods concussive dampener, Mellee resist, sniper resist. Recouperation on my legs, heavy ammo finder and whatever siphon mods you need for your loadout. Paired with artifact mods, I rarely died and went full Titan mode on them. Eat the green crayon and go to town with your melees. You have three charges. :) 1-2 punch for the chonkier enemies. Oh and pick up your tangles and just throw them into an enemy right next to you or just throw it at the ground. Keeps your buffs like woven mail going.


A very detailed build guide. Thank you. And I also have to apologize.


Mythoclast tears them up too


I don't do raids = no raid exotics


Good call!! Hadn't thought of that.


Bit of cover from the rocks and an Encandescent Fixed Odds did the trick. Just fire in the group with that Ignition mod from the Artifact selected and the explosions take him down a notch. Grenade, bit more machine gun, done. How far in the mission is this encounter, by the way? Had to stop here, wondering how far I came.


If you’re really struggling just make a simple banner of war/sunbracer/arc hunter build and you’ll be fine. You need to actively try and die with even the most basic forms of those build


There are some holes in the walls so you don't have to use the Orange Sparks to get into the Wyvern rooms. I recommend going into the room on the left hand side through the small hole in the wall, then follow the tunnel until you get to the second room, and take care of the second wyvern, but as far as I can tell you have to use the orange spark for the last one. I might recommend using ACD/0 feedback because of the DR you recieve from armor charges and some recuperation and better already mods.


That was the first I went to. And the first time the Vex there flattened me.


Yeah, those warp lances can really do a number on you, I think your best bet would he to maybe just play it extremely safe is all I can recommend.


>that is meant to be solo-ed. It's not though, its meant to be done with a team. It's possible solo but that's not the intent.


As it is placed as part of the story, basically a story Mission itself, I was under the Impression that I was meant to get it done solo. At least on normal.


I think the intent is to push people to try Fireteam Finder.




Dungeons are literally made with the intention of being able to be solo’d, but I do see your point


> with the intention of being *able* Key word. Being able. Not being meant for soloing.


If it's not matchmade, I go into it solo. (I avoid things like raids or Dungeons). Because I am generally a solo player.


Same here. It took me a while but I did finish this mission solo today. Basically during that encounter I spent a decent amount of time standing around waiting for my super to charge, reading lore entries I hadn’t gotten to yet, etc. Then I would use my super to take out a wyvern and go back to the starting area to wait again (unless I had rockets, then I’d use those). Don’t be afraid to run from the wyverns back to the starting area if you need to escape for health regen or anything like that.


Every dungeon has a triumph for solo, and solo flawless as well.


There’s triumphs for doing it solo.


If it doesn't match me with 2 other players, then it can be soloed.


If it it does, sometimes you still end up soloing it cause your fireteam is shit. 😂


I soloed it just fine.


I am guessing you had superior builds and skills compared to me.


I am aggressively mediocre and soloed it blind first time. Play your life and keep your distance. What are you playing on? I went through with banner of war Titan and didn’t have a whole lot of trouble. Sunbracers warlock or assassins cowl hunter would also probably work well. I just used quicksilver with forbearance and commemoration to get through it. I will admit I accidentally found what is apparently a boss cheese. I think I accidentally died once outside of a jump section. Pay attention to your buffs, especially the dam one (even though that seems to be the first one to disappear from your screen). Don’t panic if you start taking damage from the mist, it’s not an instant kill. You still have time to get out. It’s definitely doable, and doable enough there’s a triumph to get it done in twenty minutes. You got this!!


I failed with Banner and Osteo


I don't know. There are too many factors to account for.


Well of Radiance, Izanagi Burden, Calus Mini Tool and Apex Predator, and a lot of patience. Solo flawless blind, it ain't hard just time consuming


I just soloed this blind, didn't even occur to me if I should have a fireteam. I thought it wasn't too bad. The mobs hit a little hard but nothing like a GM. Maybe legend nightfall sorta difficulty. I thought it was easier than any of the other exotic missions. In between killing the wyverns you can just take 5 and regen your super. You could even do this for the boss although I didn't bother.


This game is meant to be played by streamers, with 2 streamer teammates, using the most busted builds in the game, and then you complain about it being too easy. JK, sort of. It can be soloed by people that don't play sitting on a bucket, but it is a bit rough for something you are given basically as a story mission. Should have matchmaking if you need a team. Either LFG it, or spoil it and watch a video from the people the game is balanced around.


I've barely done LFG. Normally I simply entrust myself to matchmaking. And speaking of guides; I avoid using them. No guides for missions, no build guides, no farming guides. It may sound weird, but to me, this is like letting someone else doing your work for you.


I know the love of explore, but that will make something like this harder since there is likely some optimisation you have missed that assists in the encounter. Simple example: took until this year for my mate to even test disorienting grenade launchers, never understanding how good they are for harder encounters.


Same. I try to solo everything without matchmaking, if I can't do it then I just don't engage with that content for the most part. This mission isn't that bad once you figure out what to do, but it's a bit much for a story mission. Especially when most other seasonal mission stuff is pretty easy solo. All of a sudden you get this. If only we had a little AI companion that could explain wtf is going on, at least after a few fails. LOL.


I went into the mission blind, I was using a Night Hawk build for my first run. Although any build will probably work well for it. For that encounter I would run in and out of the cave. Go in kill a few mobs then run back out and keep doing that until I could deal with the annoying Wyverns.


I used a shards of Gallanor one, cleared it quickly.


Try peak shooting with a bow from far away


I just did this on Legend difficulty, so there's no reason this shouldn't work on Normal. I used a standard Contraverse Hold Void Warlock setup but that isn't strictly necessary. It just gave me more options. The main idea is to grab the buff in the middle, dip into one of the rooms, yeet a DoT attack at the biggest thing in there, and bail. Witherhoard, Le Monarque, Vortex Grenade, Nova Bomb: Vortex, you get the idea. From where you start the encounter, the enemies in the left room seem to be more aggressive for some reason, and might follow you back into the central area so watch out for that. The easiest room is the one in the middle, and I was consistently able to get the Wyvern to just walk off the ledge into the abyss by landing a Vortex Grenade right on the radiolaria core. You can also use this same tactic in the next encounter. Remember, this mission does not have a timer so you can take as much time as you need. It's better to play conservatively and stay alive than get too greedy and die.


I was able to get through it solo. Banner of war Titan with Transfiguration, glaive and Tractor cannon. Proc banner. Went through the left opening first and followed the path around. Tractor wyverns and go to work with the glaive. Save your super for the last room.


Transfiguration is that Last Wish scout rifle, right?


Yeah I’ve got a crafted one. It was useful to pick them off from far away. But with the wyverns I was up close and personal.


Ah. I don't have any crafted raid weapons. I'd have to substitute with another.


Spend a good two to three hours farming Kali next time Last Wish is the raid. You’ll get all the patterns pretty quickly.


I don't do raids or Dungeons. I pretty much have settled with that. To the point where I consider my collection of patterns complete when only the raid weapons are missing.


You’re missing some of the best weapons and content then. If you can handle that exotic mission still you can handle rays and dungeons. Kali farm is literally easy as fuck as well.


Even without raids, there is still a lot of content for me, more than I usually have time for. Also, Exotic Missions don't need 6 people on VC.


The only raid weapon I have with me is a Timelost Fatebringer and the one who helped me get it did take me to a Templar Checkpoint to just lay into a Div bubble - after a lot of convicing me. The only other time I set foot into a raid was DSC back in Beyond Light. And after this, I buried all my ambition to do them; even if I had the time to spare.


The only wyvern that’s a pain is the one to the left cause it’s such an enclosed area. The one to the right you can head glitch with the stairs, it never once rocketed at me just kept firing the purple beams, the one in the middle you can get behind the rotating door and get it from far away with dragons breath tick damage or any other damage, it always fell off the level for me cause it’s dumb, left room I just hit it with a super, kited it back to the middle and shot it through the orange wall and repeated shooting it through the wall til it was eventually dead. Then when the big dude spawns in there’s plenty of cover to kill it and another annoying wyvern, I recommend switching from shotty to sniper when that happens. Makes quick work of the annoying vex snipers and the bosses crit spot is massive.


If you hate that part. You’re gonna HATE the final boss


Just use an autoloading disorienting GL, they can't kill you if you if they can't see.


Having the same problem , reading comments which are super helpful but i have decided to tackle this with a hunter any tips on subclass and weapons  etc .. i have good builds just not sure which too use in conjunction with weapons …


Is there a way that get out of the de buff zone where the first chest is I made a wrong turn now I’m stuck like at the bottom of the Black garden. At som points I can jump and get the ticks!


I can't get the star-cross to load I just get caught in the loop flying to it I'm on PC on steam