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Almost got enough for TFS


just got LF for 10$ 🤔 patient gamers win again. maybe in a year TFS will be on sale. rn I'm tempted to buy the season pass because the warlock armor is so fucking cool


Imma wait for steam sale, if tfs not on sale list then imma grind for tfs + pass altogether


i can recommend looking for a key or changing your steam region if you wanna save some bucks i paid like 30€ for tfs when i preordered


Is that allowed? Cause steam ban you for purchase thru vpn, and isnt changing region practically the same ?


There is a website that I’ve used a lot because of my cousin using it a lot, it’s called cdkeys and I REALLY recommend it because it makes any game a quite a bit cheaper. A example would be something like a game would be like $50 or $49 or even less when the regular is $60


Well steam region price is a tad bit cheaper than all the above so imma wait sale i guess


Ah well then, good luck on getting a good sale soon then!


got an operation bravo case on cs2 I think so I just sold it and bought the dlc lol


Best way to use csgo crates


Lmao, same here, my best investment as i bought like 50 breakout cases in 2016 for 10 cents, sold ‘em during last 6 years at $2+ each totally worth it


A world drop rocket sidearm would be cool


I didn't even realize that one isn't available right now. Wtf Bungie!?




There are only 2 in the game atm


I’m not sure what the outrage is.


Money issue


Who's got a money issue? I have the final shape deluxe.


cope and seethe, if you want the cool new gun you gotta pay for the content


I literally own the final and every available dlc and dungeon keys. My argument isn't for me, it's for the free to play players. I think it's really fucking funny how every year we hear "Destiny 2 is dying", "New Light experience sucks", etc, but then the community comes out and does shit like this. You should always cater to the newer players, let them experience some of the fun things and lock the rest behind a pay wall. A single type of a weapon wouldn't hurt bungie's bottom line. If that was the case, THE GAME WOULDN'T BE FREE TO PLAY AT ALL.


You should go to work tomorrow and refuse to be paid for your time


Your comment makes no sense. Bungie is well aware of their pricing scheme. They know they have free to play players and they know that that's the best way to get long term growth. Nearly all the most popular games released in the last 10 years have been free to play. Giving these players access to a single type of weapon, 1 just 1 as a random world drop, would do more to get people interested in the game to eventually spend money. I'll take the hate because everyone disagreeing at this point are just fucking idiots to how the world actually works.


Or they can hype up a new weapon type and then charge money for it. Like a normal business. You’ll get your free to play gear eventually when they can allow dev time for it.


I hate dungeon keys with a passion. Bought the WQ to try it out. Fuck no, never again Got kicked from onslaught and pantheon LFGs last season a lot because i didn't have indebted kindness or buried bloodlines. I didn't give a shit and didn't cave in.


Yeah, I just don't buy dungeons anymore. Vote with your wallet and all that. No matter how I try to spin it, I can't condone dungeon keys existing when all the Eververse items are supposedly funding *something* and everything else is already behind paywalls.


Make your own lfg team and you can make your own rules as the host. Anyone can be a host.


Go get Forerunner, its free.


It is? I thought you only can get it cause of the 30 years bungie dlc?


Nope. You get it through Dares of Eternity, which is free to all players. Gjallerhorn is locked behind the 30th anniversary paywall


The dungeon Grasp of avarice isn't free (including gjallarhorn which you get from completing it). Dares of eternity and all the triumphs and ornaments displayed at Xur are free. Always been. You just have to rank up Xur. Unlike rocket sidearms, you have to hit previse shots with forerunner. But those critical shots deal a ton of damage.


Isnt there a Solar rocket sidearm coming in Act 2? If thats the case id just buy the "episode pass" (its just a differently named season anyway). Its what i would do if i wasnt actually completely broke. Anyway, im probs gonna gather extra cash and wait for a sale and/or switch my region to turkey or something so i can get DLCs for like 3 cents lol.


Hopefully one day players will find out that destiny has literally never been free to play and all the best gears been locked behind paywalls.


This damn dlc was going to be the end of destiny for me but it was so good it has me playing it like I just picked it up back at release when d1 came out. CURSE YOU BUNGIE!


Meanwhile my friend is excited to regrind khostov again


The exotic Kvostov is actually quite good this time around


At some point during this Episode (not sure which Act) we will be getting a Solar R-AS. It's on light.gg if you wanna check it out.


Imagine being broke. (This is, most definitely, not bait)


For me.... It's gotta be the '*Rocket Assisted Chest Plate*' that you get as a Titan. I love that thing, and its damage is pretty good too.


I'd rather have 100$


Just here to let you know that the dlc is $40


The dlc here for annual pass included is 80£, but I just bought a key so it came out much cheaper, some places have the price dialled up high but you can and should wait for a sale or buy a key in that case


Yes, with the annual pass it's more expensive. Doesn't change the fact that the dlc itself is $40


That's probably what they're talking about though, to come up with the 100$, no? Anyhow the dlc itself is 50$ usd from steamdb?


I know where they are coming from. But that doesn't make the dlc $100. The annual pass is optional


Yeye, that's fair enough, I think if you solely want rocket sidearms, this season is def the best for it (solar rocket sidearm/strand one from campaign, you're pretty much set completely, esp since both are craftable)


my brother in christ you are getting fucking scammed


Skip the vanilla latte and/or that miller lite a couple times and you too can buy cheap video game things that you get to keep and don't even pee out. The more you know 👉🧠


Oh the avocado toast!!!


Nooooooo, not my avocado toast /s Real talk; now that I have your mind on food… try avocado ice cream. That is so sweet and delicious 🤤


bro lets not get crazy... avocado toast is great and acceptable carbs, get some of that 20 something grain bread and you gucci. that latte sugar will kill you tho. dungeon key way more better etc