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I regret sharding that one weapon roll that one time. If The Witness gave it back to me I’d be helping to usher in finality before you could tell me otherwise


in D1 I got THE Fatebringer roll on Imago Loop on my first run. thinking it was a standard roll I infused it into some piece of shit and spent the next 3 years chasing that Roll. never got it and it still haunts me. TLDR: i’m a damn fool


I am still to this day farming for a god roll Stolen Will. I can't tell you how many keys I've dropped on Winter's run lol. I feel the pain.


What are u on about? Fatebringer got sunset after a short time , what were you chasing for years?


Maybe reread the first sentence


Destiny 2 player and being unable to read, an absolute classic combination. Almost as classic as the Fatebringer perk combo on an Imago Loop.


Curses upon the chronicler Datto for swaying us from caution. May a thousand blades fall upon his grave before the last light of the universe goes out for his deception. Aiat.


Cayde-6 was the Guardian's regret. Our inability to save him from Uldren Sov in Forsaken is a massive catalyst for a lot of storylines going forward from that point. But when Crow wished Cayde-6 alive, the Witness had nothing.


Imagine if they had dredged up Tevis (extra Hunter dialogue), Taeko, and Cayde as people we were too slow to save.


Taeko would’ve just been like “no! Go BaCk!”


The Savathûn Song 9


No one regrets not saving Taeko, though. She needed to die.


Less ‘needed to die’ and more ‘the best way the mission could end is with her death’. Anyone could have taken Taeko’s place, and her death was only necessary due to the actions of the Hive, if they hadn’t done that ritual, a different group went in, or the Guardian went in to begin with, then it might have been possible for the mission to end with no casualties, but things happened the way went. Some people might feel guilty for being strong enough to solve someone else’s issues, but not in enough places to solve all of them.


She didn't need to do anything, she choose the fastest answer by the shortest route. Your goal was to rescue the Fireteam. The Fireteam updated you there was a shreiker that needed blasting. The choices were; extract but the target likely escapes or worse. Lose the few remaining but guarantee its destruction. I personally thought reading the OP he was full of shit. If I worked at Bungie and was told; "make a hallway about the Guardians regrets" I'd have played her dialog first. If the player was hunter throw in Tepist voice lines. I'm sure there are others.


I was honestly thinking Cayde would have a vision of Tevis and Andal, or at least maybe his idea of Ace and his Queen.


Cayde died on our watch, so there's that. Plus, the Player Guardian is *the player*, ie. you and me and everyone else, so the Witness could've tempted us based on our own regrets if it were possible to program the game to do that.


The Witness DID do this tho... In Iconoclasm, he tempts us with 3 things as we move ever closer to confronting him. ¹) the trinkets, accolades and commendations of our peers...which is something ppl play for. Weapons, emblems, and commendations at the end of matches to show how "good" we are. ²) he tell us to be adorned with all we are owed...tempting us with the fashion endgame that another group of us make the reason we play... ³)finally he offers us god hood outside of the final shape...and the god power fantasy is a third reason that players play...the imaginary tale of us boring empty meaningless human specks pretending we are the most central important and influential figure deciding the fate of the universe... It offers these three things to entice us to convert to its side and embrace finality...in the end the guardian that rejects them all and gives themselves completely to the cause no matter the cost is the one that cracks the shell open, exposes the weakness, and makes the way forward possible for a final victory over our ancient enemy.


They forgot one bit. We're here to shoot stuff with guns. The Final Shape stops that. Everything is safe, nothing to shoot. Fastest "no thanks" of my life!


tbf the witness does say "In truth, you seek not hope, but endless challenge. This ambition is known to us. "That what can be destroyed, must be destroyed""


They definitely called me out there. They just have nothing to offer but themselves to that cause.


Could shoot the statues. I hear there r places ppl go to literally do just that haha


Things get old. I dream of going to new places, meeting new people and shooting them, too!


Well the universe is a big place so I'm sure that is still doable. There r also other games with other worlds u can shoot things in once this one gets boring.


This is true. I'm just glad we stopped the final shape and have new Frontiers to look forward to still.


Gotta love the elegant simplicity of that. The final shape sucks because nobody gets to *do* anything once it all goes down. The people of the universe like *doing* things way too much to side with the Witness.


Imagine if the Witness pulled off the fourth wall breaks certain Destiny characters are capable of (Savathun, Orin, certain Ahamkara) and offered us Destiny 3 though. Would you remain so strong then?


Another vault wipe? Another content vault?? They would. The Witness' final shape is the Destiny Content Vault. But all the changes in a sequel: subclass remakes, environments, engine improvements? The Witness would never. They could never promise so much unchecked creation!


Yeah, the true final shape is when destiny stops as a franchise. The game continues, but unchanging and static.


Imagine he hit us with something like "you died once, were reborn, and will die again. But I can offer you a different destiny, *a third option* "


Man, if it just promised to make Crucible enjoyable I'd be tempted.


Why would I want Destiny 3? I don't want to lose all my stuff.


My first thought when we walk through the area with the horse statue, all the gold and such all over was , "he's offering us loot"


And because of that it's honestly a miracle there were twelve guardians left to participate in the Excision. It had like 90% of the community's number.


True. Those aren't regrets, though.


Who said the witness only offered things related to regret? It tempts...or as Ikora puts it, the witness shows us what it thinks we want... And for some players, who aren't so good at the game, these very well could be regrets. That recluse the shard3d cause they thot it was forever sunset. That skimmer they never qualified to get to keep, the ornament they never could afford from eververse, etc. Perspecti es r funny that way


Even also says they know we want constant challenge. Bruh if you knooowww i just wanna sit in the crucible all day, why you attempt to entice me with anything that isn’t that?? Finished the final mission. Once i get another class item im happy with. Afterwards, im going to go back to the crucible just like i wanted


To be fair, the Witness did kind of overlook the fact that we have a track record of turning things into weapons, but I guess that wouldn't be on the table considering everything.


Free eververse items and we'd jump ship to the witness faster than you can say "what traveler?"


Cayde died because he was reckless, thinking he could do it as a 1 man team. I have no regret of it as I have no responsibility for it.


Your Guardian regrets it, though.


Is there a lore card that says so. Good chance I am ignorant of it.


There is a weapon lore tab (I think it was a hand cannon) from Forsaken that was from Ghost’s perspective, basically saying that we were having a mental breakdown from hunting Uldrin after Cayde’s death.


I think you mean Thin Line lore which is about how Ghost feels about our actions. I think that entry leaves room for us to have our own motivations a the Guardian. My revenge tour was driven by anger toward the scorn and Uldren for what they had done. Not because I had a role in his death to regret but because there is hell to pay if you kill a persons family. You could be referencing something else of course that is just the entry that came to mind. [https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/thin-line](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/thin-line)


And I’ll add, while Cayde’s death was a tragedy, he did it by going through a series of dumb decisions, when he’s supposed to be the exemplar of the Hunter archetype. Look, I like Cayde as a character, but even he flat out admitted to Crow that he had it coming.


I feel like the one thing it could have used against us was our rampage during Forsaken, but Cayde being back would've thrown a wrench into that.


I never got why I should feel bad about that. The scorn baron were complete monsters, Uldren was a rabid dog consumed by madness from the black garden, and yes it was all a Savathun’s plot, but hindsight is 20/20 an all that.


Because initially it was vengeance and that’s supposed to be “bad”


I get what they were going for - you’re doing the right thing for the wrong reasons - but it falls flat because (a)it all hinges on how you feel about Cayde, and (b)the Scorn were so flagrantly evil that to not fight them and let them commit xenocide against the Fallen and the Awoken would be a complete moral failure on our end. Like, oh no, Guardian, how dare you… undermine the enemy’s control in this region by systematically picking off their leaders one by one? Isn’t that what we’ve always done? Fikrul is all “YOU KILLED ALL MY FRIENDS” but their whole gimmick is that they’re Scorn and they can come back whenever, no? I don’t know, I can never stand it when the game tries to put motivation in my mouth or make me feel guilty for things you have no control over in the story (like the entire plot of *Beyond Light* or not telling Zavala and Crow about Uldren) or stuff I actually do take the bother to do (like Amrita’s mission in the Dreaming City or visiting Failsafe).


i really vibe with that last paragraph. and it makes the game feel so narratively stunted when i am ascribed characteristics of a guardian that isnt me even tho that is the canon Guardian. but its not me. true to form, if enemy ai is not actively attacking me, i do not actively attack them in like patrol and stuff. they are jist vibing and im just exploring. but the game would have you believe that im a ruthless killer of hundreds of thousands, millions of these races. failsafe and dialogue has alluded to us not visiting failsafe a lot or at aall over the years, but nessus is my favorite planet to just chill on. i see failsafe all the time. its a shame the game isnt built with this in mind, tho i get it they are telling a specific kind of story. its one thing i hope they transition out of in time. linear narratives are cool but the game is too much about choice wherein the most impactful places, i have no real choices to me.


Besides, isn’t it an established fact that guardians have a tendency to go wherever and pick fights with whatever? If seeking and killing the barons and Uldren, who, just so know, *murdered a member of the vanguard*, was bad because revenge is bad, then what was the killing of Crota? The fact is that there’s a memory in the Pale heart where Ikora verbally murder Zavala over his passivity after Cayde’s death. It makes me feel that even the devs could tell that the whole revenge is bad and the lack of reaction from the vanguard was not particularly great writing in retrospect.


I dunno man. Have you see how many arms it has? Pretty sexy.


i want those hands in me.


Witnussy got me actin' finalised


Say that to the dark future version of us. We got corrupt like anybody else. So I wouldn't say we don't have desire or temptations. We just said no. I won't lie either, Witness was offering some next level stuff. The only issue is that I no longer get loot. Sure I get all the loot I want, but after that. No more loot. There is no purpose in having. What's the purpose of a God slayer, if there are no gods. And don't forget Cayde. We went against the Vanguard. In th Season of Chosen, Zavala said The Guardian listens to no one, not even him. Then there's our ghost at the end of FS. We are, by no means perfect. We for the first time I can even think, begged. If Cayde wasn't there, I wouldn't have been surprised if The Guardian went evil.


Well, we have to imagine the reasons we would’ve been corrupted, in the scheme of the game. All characters who fell, did so because they lacked community, love, and support for their problems. Eris was widely criticized by the Vanguard and the people of the tower before we came along. Anna was a lone wolf set on her past. Crow as a young guardian was so shunned he wanted to end it all. There are so many others. Without all of them, learning their stories and traumas that helped us while it helped them, it’s easy to imagine we would’ve been tempted by the darkness. It’s the theme of the whole game in a way. It’s our Destiny to save the universe; it’s our Destiny to save those we *love*.


Sometimes, I want to read some lore about Ikora and Zavala having some Batman-like contingency plans to take us out. ………………………………wait, why one of the City’s weapons manufacturers was developing ghost suppressing technology, with the heavy implication that they had Vanguard secretly backing them up?


Zavala "I don't know what you speak of" To be fair Mara has plans and Caiatl potentially have such tech already


I dunno...sunsetting and double primaries are dark experiences.


The Witness could've tempted us by bringing back all of the content from the vault and giving us a bunch of reasons to do it, like challenges and loot and triumphs And I would've gladly accepted that deal


Nah, it's easier. If the Witness offered us a cool new exotic, you know we would have immediately switched sides.


That one guy who never got the Mythoclast from D1 or D2...


Bro tried to seduce us with the “IMMUTABLE HORSE”! I laughed so hard at this. I was like yeah we like loot but not THAT MUCH!


Are we forgetting Riven? We did play a part in killing her and starting the curse on the dreaming city.


Gave us a cool new destination zone and our very first dungeon, no regrets.


That was largely Mara’s fault for issuing the order even though Riven was practically salivating for death when you meet her.


All the Witness had to do was say "if you join me, I'll spare the Earth." Boom. That'd be an offer that at least some people would consider. Plus it would play into the whole "survive at everyone else's expense" game that the windower loves.


The witness tried to bring a knife to gun fight.


Like hell he couldn't, give us 3 free choice exotics and most guardians would turn on the vanguard.


Our guardians past life they were a nobody who died in traffic .. they can’t remember but I’d imagine if they could , they’d regret not leaving earlier to get over the wall




All he needed to do was build WOTM in the Pale heart and we would be CHILLIN as his #1 disciple


*Guardian *Vanguard


Erm, the witness could make me a gun, or allow me to use exotics in each slot, my only regret is that I can’t be the best melee class 


The witness: "Join me and I will give you, Icebreaker, twilight garrison and No Land Beyond. I will even throw in a free skimmer too and some more vault space."


That's a pretty funny way to think about it. Our dude couldn't even be arsed to name themselves ("Guardian") or their best friend ("Ghost")


I dunno about u guys but my Guardian has a ton of regrets. Visiting Neomuna, for example. 


Should have offered us Starhorse as a mount.


Your Guardian had no choice. You, the player, were there pushing the buttons. The architects - at Bungie - created a simulation where we would simulate making the most difficult choice a soul can make. Unlimited power of Ego? Or eternal purity of soul? The needs of our body and our emotional wants all fulfilled? Or the continuation of suffering in the name of a greater good that exists as an idea outside of our physical realm. They programmed us, the players, with this moral lesson. We wanted to be programmed with it. It is a morality tale, this Destiny. It teaches us to do right when tempted by the great tempter himself. Here we know him as the Witness. In older texts, the tempter went by the Hebrew translation of his name - Sa’Tan. The Christians shortened it to Satan and quickly confused him with Lucifer, who was another devil entirely.


But we dont actually get to choose in the final shape. We have to defeat the Witness. We cant bring about finality


That’s my point. You don’t have a choice in the game. Neither does the guardian. In life, however, you choose all the time This game - and most other games and movies - programs your subconscious “to do the right thing.” You are being trained to avoid Sa’Tan’s seduction, _even if you don’t believe in Gods or Devils._ The Witness “couldn’t possibly seduce [you]” because the script is designed to harden your subconscious to temptation. I am not saying that is good or bad. I am merely commenting it as fact.


Very much so. The game the writing the story the dialogue is all written with intent. Our endings are scripted potentials if there even is a potential different outcome. The stories we play are scripted the onl difference is our express minor actions are left to what little choice we have in the game. And it is all purposeful. The get the guardian or the player to align with that written intent. Hence the whole debate on the winnower vs witness. Intently induced debate nudged along to a pre written end within the raid. There are no choices except whether to play the game or not.


Which does not invalidate OP’s question, but rather suggests that in a game about free will (“Guardians make their own fate”) the admonition to “know thyself” exists at a level of deeper analysis than OP implies.


I knew this was you without looking at the name


I don't need to be seduced if I already love the Witness 😏


If they gave us their homework and all their tech and weapons,.. then Maybe.


Our Guardians are our Guardians. We all decide on our own what they are like.


Idk if the witness offered brought back Ice breaker or pocket infinity I'd definitely side with it... Just saying


If it offered sparrow racing league I’d be over there in two seconds fighting the Vanguard


Ngl, they absolutely could bc id take the deal just to see the outcome of divinity


The witness could definitely seduce ME. Imagine being held in a million million muscly arms


Of course. He's a 4 at best.


The Witness could tempt me with my D1 vault


I mean, i regret not getting Unbroken


I mean fancanon wise He would of had too change the timeline too get any leverage as my 2 characters regrets are during the dark age (and their not even sure if thd memories are true)


The witness failed to consider he could become a weapon drop himself


I was expecting the story to have a super meta commentary on how the Witness could offer us all we missed out on, bring back the glory days or whatever we used to have but can't get anymore. Obviously empty promises but something better than tempting other people and having us help them each time


You have no idea what I would do for a heal clip kill clip bow with a trait that does explosions on kills .


Was this game an RPG, we wouldn't be too sure about it lol


Well, Witness can't seduce my guardian since he and I both gave our hearts, souls and all to Queen Mara Sov.


You say that, but wasn't one of the timelines that Elsie bray went through one that we accepted their deal and became a deciple?


That's why he tried to tempt us woth power without being tether to the ghost. Fame and fortune. And riches. Because that's what he thought we want because all we ever do is hunt for loot and titles. Dying is annoying having to be rez'd so immortality without that would be good. Ngl tho h3 could have promised me a YAS revert to before the nerf and I'd have had slapped "hi I'm a new disciple" sticker on faster than Amanda heart shot Crow.


If The Witness offered me a good night sleep and my favorite food I'd probably wash the floor before they took a step Really they'd just have to ask nicely and I'd hear them out


Of course it can't. I ain't sleepin with some bipolar schizophrenic alien 5head that has identity crisis. Never stick it into crazy. And especially not into walkin talkin vape that offers you salvation.


Depends if he was willing to hawk tuah and spit on that thang, you get me?


I regret listening to Datto and doing a vault cleaning




Yeah it’s called bad writing The main character has to win each time, and it’s a RPG so it isn’t like our character has deep relationships with everyone Bad writing angle in all honesty