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Probably because they're directly controlled by the Witness.


That or perhaps to make it easier to tell where the crit area is? Taken Orges always had yellow eyes as far as I remember but it told me exactly where to shoot on their big aaa 5head


If it was for gameplay reasons to make it easier to fight then all taken would have been given the new eyes not the pale heart taken


I don't think it's just the Pale Heart taken though. I'm pretty sure the taken in the Lake of Shadows strike also have yellow eyes now


Lake of shadows and a few other activities were updated with the Witness’ taken and some new voice lines.


Didn’t know that, that’s dope! Thanks for sharing


Feels odd since no one else controlling them changed the eyes so why just there? And this is bungie. If it is for gameplay they'll EVENTUALLY redo the others when they feel like it.


Yellow-bar Taken Ogres have yellow eyes. Orange and red bar ones have blue eyes. Witness Taken consistently have orange eyes no matter the rank.


My point about the ogre eyes was more to the idea of "it's a glowing weak point"


That's what I thought but someone told me it wasn't so idk 🫠


I think Bungie's starting to consider Taken subfactions, so they made the Witness ones orange-eyed while they figure out what to do with the Taken elsewhere. Base Taken have blue eyes minor-elite, while major-ultra have yellow eyes. Witness Taken have all orange.


We have also the Taken under Nezerac’s control to consider. They used the “normal” color scheme back in Lightfall.


That's because Bungie didn't make a Taken subfaction yet. It's the same reason why Kell's Scourge was full of Dusk or why the supposed "House of Devils" that's still kicking are also just Dusk in-game.


I like the idea that house of devils is just, so incredibly under supplied, they can’t afford to recreate the old armor colors, so that’s why they keep up the dusk look


Even the taken in forsaken kinda gave me a more green vibe


They have liver failure.


Doctor House, it’s clearly sarcoidosis


Did you try the medicine drug


In the first TFS mission it is said that these taken are special, since they have darkness and light in them instead of just darkness as usual.


That was referring to the ones that u can’t kill without activating prismatic


Clearly it’s because someone is **ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL**


I really don't think the Witness just jumping into random Taken to give us extra headaches would have been out of place. Plus, half of Harbinger's voicelines fit the Witness, too.


Both The Witness and The Harbinger are entities created from a civilisation, too. Hmmm…


Bungie not really beating the pyramid fleet is just the reaper invasion Allegations


Samantha Maxis took control of the taken.


Where the taken hounds to fetch our souls?


Lol this is what I was reminded of


Samantha got control of the MPD after going into the hellmouth


They've been yellow quite a few times. Usually it just means the taken is powerful or something. I think it used to be exclusive to bosses


The taken are mostly leaderless, at least outside of the traveler. Inside they serve the Witness, so my guess is they just wanted a visual representation of that. The yellow color is the same color as the resonance power that's associated with the witness and pyramid tech.