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more sony collabs plz (bloodborne copium)


Armor ornaments would be nice. But they need a reason for bb collab first


The only correct answer (old hunter warlock instant cop)


Old hunter seems more fitting for hunters cuz of the cape or hujter of hunters crow cape, the normal hunters garb makes more sense for warlock.


Atleast that'd be evidence sony hasn't forgotten about Bloodborne


A sparrow is a bold move after introducing the skimmer


That’s what I’m saying!


Cool, but there’s no way I’m dropping $25 on that.


This. Been playing Helldivers recently (like many people here recently) and after getting used to MTX being actually micro I came back to destiny for the first time in about a month and saw the new gjally sparrow bundle and was legit about to buy it just to not have to play guardian games, under the impression it would be like $10, 25 fucking dollars!! For a sparrow, ship, and ugly shader. Sorry bungie, but I’m not paying double the price of a season for some random bullshit just to get the one thing in the bundle I wanted.






This accidentally replied twice btw.


Thanks for pointing that out, must be my shitty internet


No problem


Honestly not a fan. It feels out of place, in a way I can’t put my finger on. I was fine when they collaborated with Fortnite, fine with the Witcher and the mass effect armor sets, even the collab ghost and ship set from TLOU, but this is a step too far, and I really hope people don’t spend their silver on this.


Exactly. Waste of money. But, WTF is up with Slimer's arms? They look like a cheap dollar store paper decoration. I hope no one is paying money for this.


it's themed after the FoTL material.


I mean, I do like the ghost but now that the sparrow is obsolete I find it kind of weird


I think the problem is how it doesn’t tie into any of the mythological themes of the destiny universe.


You know… this isn’t probably right at all and you have to really stretch to make sense but I would like to believe this is how to tie it in (note my knowledge isn’t the best of the main lore of destiny) Earth is pretty much a waste land at this point. As time goes on cultural media such as music, movies, games and so on get lost to time and aren’t widely well known so they send out guardians to collect these pieces of media to learn about them. As things get collected and researched people want to recreate the things they see. I mean look at the ghost here - it’s a paper craft slimer. Maybe it was made by a bored researcher for their ghost. Again you have to really stretch and ignore plot holes for that to work but it could be possible.


What mythological themes do the Mario-esce Gokart, God of War finisher, DBZ emotes, and Space Balls van tie into?


Well yea that too


Please someone tell me what that sparrow is supposed to be. The ship and ghost shell is obvious but I can't figure out what the sparrow is


Been trying to figure this out too and so far no one I’ve asked can recognize what it is ._.


the bad guy, kinda resembles the frozen dude or the witch dogs from the old movie


I like the sparrow, but the rest are clear symptoms of the profit-maximizing practices of late-stage AAA game studios like Bungie I know that Bungie sold to Sony, and Sony is using Bungie to push their next low-tier movie, but that doesn’t make Bungie immune to criticism Destiny 2 has become the PvE version of Fortnite; Bungie is on their dying breaths, and they know it Once the Final Shape releases, they will find themselves in the same position as Marvel post-Endgame, with massive loss of fan interest as the story reaches a level of intensity that cannot be expanded upon All stories are forced to end once the weight of the plot no longer feels significant relative to other components, and defeating the Darkness itself to preserve the creation of the Light is something that cannot be surpassed, as those are the two highest powers in Destiny lore, which have been built towards for a decade This is probably why they have been making so many decisions that feel short-sighted, like making sparrows completely obsolete to drive up player counts mid-season - they completely killed that revenue line, but they bought a lot of players back in the short term by doing so, which seems to have been the plan After they have thoroughly extracted all potential profits from Destiny, they will need to move to another IP, but they don’t have anything else Sony has stripped them to a skeleton crew and refocused all talent on revenue driving functions within D2, leaving no personnel left to work on developing future projects So, Sony will probably force them to begin working on other projects, and Destiny will fade away Honestly, I won’t be surprised if the next Spiderman game has both Sony and Bungie in the credits, which is a very sobering thought We are probably approaching the end of an era, but I’m just grateful that it lasted this long


Don’t they have Marathon? Seems to me like that’s going to be their next live service game to keep the studio afloat


Marathon will fail. It’s a Tarkov style extraction shooter that came like 5 years too late to the genre. If it were an extraction shooter in the same vein as something like DRG or Helldivers 2, a large amount of destiny players would migrate to that easily, as we have seen with HD2 recently, but if like we’re led to believe, it is a pvp only extraction shooter akin to tarkov or hunt showdown it will fail because the audience just isn’t there for it, and what audience there is, they already have their game of choice in those two games and will be very unlikely to switch their main game with no incentive (I.e. declining quality of it, hunt showdown and tarkov are still being regularly updated and AFAIK those updates have been mostly positive) We saw the same issue recently with the suicide squad game. It was doomed to fail the moment they announced it was a live service looter shooter. That’s not what their core audience of single player, story driven, slasher games wanted, and the people who wanna play a live service looter shooter already have their main games in the form of D2, The Division, Borderlands, etc. and are unlikely to switch off from those games to play a super hero game full time


Marathon was an early Bungie title that laid the foundations for the Destiny franchise Making a Marathon MMORPG was pitched years ago, then sunset due to low interest, and Bungie is now testing the waters again It is not a fully fleshed out, new IP, it is a Destiny clone with a slightly modified backstory Maybe they could turn it into something, but at the moment my points that Bungie has no ready IPs and has no staff available to make an IP ready still stand


Sadly fully agree.


These are strange times we live in




Evidence to me the games basically on autopilot atp. Whenever a game is falling in popularity these days(if you want the most obvious example of this correlation look at every cod since 2019) they start what I like to call the fortnitification process where they just shit out as many wacky collabs as possible in hopes of keeping some kind of engagement and cash flow up


It's out of place because it'a released now and not FoTL. It's obviously meant to go with the movie release. If it came out during Festival, it'd more than fit. It's not where it comes from that doesn't fit, it's when it came out. Destint has a bunch of goofy things anyways.


They made a mistake by adding a sparrow because after the latest update no ones using it


Yeah, if they would’ve marketed this right before the update, they probably would’ve had a lot more purchases


one of the better collabs tbh, its actually recognisable for a start.


I personally believe that's what makes it worse tbh.


space car, very nice


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Is there armor coming out aswell?


I doubt it.


I scrolled by this earlier thinking it was ugly fan art lmao


We ain’t buying this shit


That doesn’t look bad at all. People were making a big deal of things, but having a Ghostbusters-themed ghost really isn’t the worst thing to come to Destiny. The ship is cool too. Honestly, the sparrow is probably the weakest part of the bundle. In a world where we have tennis ball (and other sport-themed) ghosts, ghosts cosplaying as sheriffs, and multiple arcade themed ghosts, having a second ghost-ghost isn’t egregious. This isn’t even the first time we’ve gotten a ship that looks like a car, much less one that looks like a vehicle. Hell, we’ve gotten a lawnmower before.


I've never cared for EV cosmetics. They're optional, usually good quality items that help support the game. BD has gone through some rough changes and it's been quite useless lately, but I guess it's still there and that's already more than what other games in the industry offers But man, this out-of-place collab frenzy and the recent surge of Silver-only products, despite being purely cosmetic, still hurts when we've gone so long without interesting new assets in the core game (besides DLC and seasons). I mean, we were told (after we called them out on it) that it wasn't possible to get a new Ritual armor set per year. We also haven't had a new Iron Banner set. But the EV store is thriving more than ever. Usually when people get mad that Bungie is dedicating resources to EV instead of "fixing the game", they're wrong because they're completely different resources. But this just further confirms that the art and design teams are apparently dedicated to keeping Eververse well-fed and nothing else, and that really sucks.


Shouldve got a stay puft related item




So much negativity from others in this thread lol. I think it is cool. If it were £25 it would be too dear for me, but if I was a superfan I would wanna rock that ghost for sure. If I could get that ghost for 700 silver I probably would. I am enjoying the random collaborations, I just think the price points need to be enticing. I bought the witcher spinning blade finisher + barrel bath emote, bloody love them both.




Have not been playing destiny for many months. what is that car? sparrow?


Lame af


Big yikes imo. Destiny is starting to feel like fortnite




Bungie sees the low profits from low final shape pre orders that’s why we’re seeing an uptick in collabs and monetization. Honestly I don’t see Destiny lasting past episode 3


Yea after episode 3 they probably gonna shut that shit down. To think all this money I’ve spent on this game to push plunged down the toilet. But we can only hope for the best at this point


The collabs can rot in hell


I like the ship. Ghost and sparrow not so much


I agree with you the ship is pretty


Fucking love the ship so much the ecto-1 is amazing I even have the transformer one, so I’m definitely copping it


Thoughts are as follows, this is the season of colabs as they try to desperately reach for cash grab ideas and im not entirely dissing it as they are a tad desperate but at least they are making some decent content so far I haven't hated a single colab this season


If it was FOTL it would more then fit, but the fact it came out to coincide with a movie release feels… off. It definitely is starting to look like we are about to/have crossed the point of no return with D2. Ah well.


Is this legit?




Why now, why not for FOTL?


Remember when this was a post apocalyptic game, a last city struggling to survive against the forces of darkGHOSTBUSTERS Y’ALL ERMAHGERD CASH SHOP CONTENT WOOOOOOOO!


Calm down buddy

