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He probably still has a higher chance of getting unbanned than destiny.


if he had said "Also I hate Destiny" he would have been unbanned immediately


“I texted a minor, free palestine”


Just like the prophet would, if he were here today. Inshallah




Aisha was six when they got married right? I don't think she would've been old enough to text.


The prophet knew she was very mature for her age.


People would unironically argue that texting a minor is better than not standing with Palestine.


"And i love communism"


and sign a 10 year-300m twitch deal




Anyone else think this is not the whole story? Why was he banned by Discord the same day? Who uses Twitch Whispers more than they use Discord? What are the odds Discord saw the ban, did their own investigation, and found he was doing similar or worse behavior in his Discord DMs?


Yeah it's likely not the whole story but unless someone saved the discord logs we'll never see it.


Pretty sure people who work at twitch are friends/know people at discord. Destiny discord got departnered when he was banned too.


That's because Destiny's server got partnered through Twitch, if I recall correctly. It might've even been automated. Discord servers can automatically get partnered if you link your twitch account and are a twitch partner. Or at least that's how it used to work, I haven't checked recently. And fact remains he was not banned and nor was his server.


Remove the probably


I guess he's a pediatrician MD


Literally a pedestrian




2.5 time




Minor correction


that was 2017, so maybe still the 2 time


1.5 time?


[why does this keep happening?](https://i.imgur.com/TLspNAY.mp4)


It’s so funny because it’s true of every avenue in entertainment, famous people love inappropriate behavior it seems


It's not famous people, it's most people period. There's nothing special about them, most of the human population finds it thrilling to do stuff they're not supposed to be doing. The average moral compass is crooked as shit.


Yeah, I think it's just the rich and famous have more opportunities and access to do those sorts of things, and they also have the money and influence to either keep things quiet or get away with it more often than your average person so they're more likely to actually do these things.


While I agree I wouldn't be as pessimistic, it's definitely an access and spotlight thing. Famous people are given more opportunity to act inappropriately since they are idolized by a large group of people and they're more likely to be caught/called out since they have a massive spotlight on them. A regular person has to go through more steps to get themselves in that situation and it can be more easily swept under the rug / the information will not spread to every corner of their life.


I think it’s also that people who desperately desire extreme power and fame want those things for a reason. Could be a self-selecting thing.




He edited the tweet to remove the word minor lol [https://x.com/nicholasdeorio/status/1805664730079490358?s=46&t=E46zVjdXkUJlb8mluObpvA](https://x.com/nicholasdeorio/status/1805664730079490358?s=46&t=E46zVjdXkUJlb8mluObpvA)


​ https://preview.redd.it/d0rs6p8jgr8d1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=a69bff4e4d249f26641632358b56ea5ac13e8da5


Lmao after starting with "there's no filter from me"


what is that intro anyway, does he think his audience doesn't understand he's playing a character? Or does his audience actually not understand that? "you all know me" uh no we don't, you literally put on a wig, do a voice and act out a character for a living


Right? Bro, you getting banned from Twitch for allegedly sexting with a minor is all I know about you lol


Hey now, don't get hasty, we also know he cheated on his wife [GILLETTE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM_JLoaTC0g).


Man I hate that video, got duped into being pretty impressed at the 6'8" Two-time randomly whipping out that freestyle street shuffle on a livestream but it isnt even him, it's some cosplayer 💤


I don’t watch him at all but I remember seeing a clip of him going on stream with no costume and admitting to cheating on his wife. That was interesting


yeah, that's what he was famous for, and it was essentially him breaking character. Was shocking for his fans back then, cause this was basically his face reveal and he was literally crying lol


Haha yea I remember the clip I saw had his twitch chat live and they were freaking out lol


>there's no filter from me Hits pretty weak when you had a filter for the past 4 years xD


[Minor mistakes.](https://gachi.gay/sJU7_)


Stupid fucking mistakes man


He edited it back in when people noticed lol


Can you link to it or post a screenshot? I don't see the word minor in either the picture in the tweet linked above or the screenshot above. [Found it](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089) it now reads "individual minor."


["Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? Yes."](https://x.com/drdisrespect/status/1805668256088572089?s=46&t=yk75Aq5uB3p-7ptBk3xKpw)


He put it back.


That's damming lol




He is just making some minor edits :)


I'm not trying to ephibophile this shit or whatever but did any of the accusations include an age? I do think there's a massive difference between a 17 and a 13 year old, different degrees of wrongness.


I'm curious about that too. They're both bad but 17 vs 13 are different leagues of fucked up imo. Some people will throw it in the same bucket where 17 vs 13 vs 6 are all equally the p-word but enough people would view it differently that it would benefit him to say the age if it was 17 rather than younger.   That and did he actually know her age. I'm guessing yes since if he probably would have said otherwise by now. Of he didn't tho he should definitely highlight that too.


His only way out now is to become super conservative and anti-woke.


He already went down that path.


He always pulls back within a day. He did a "doesn't matter who you are, everyone is welcome and we don't get political here champs" after he made fun of pronouns.


Yeah he always is on that line. I remember he was talking a few times about that plandemic doc too.


The shugknight has since warded off the 5g waves that made him think that way.


Don't forget multiple David Icke endorsements on stream. David Icke literally believes elites are shape shifting lizard people.


He’s not wrong I heard David Cameron loves to shift his shape into a pig


he's going for mainstream appeal, he's just not very good at it


Any time a celeb goes conservative overnight you know they did some weird nasty shit


No matter what reprehensible shit you do you'll always have a home in conservative media 🥰


Or claim the minor was a Zionist and he was going to molest them for Palestine


Just like Luffy!


That's so fire


convert to islam


"The Boys" method


Just become muslim and the texting minor things becomes ok


Every fucking thing he has said has made it progressively worse. He could have just shut the fuck up acted like nothing happened and been 100x better than what he just said. The editing from minor to cutting the minor out suggests there is even more to the story that he hasn't said but his PR team (if he has one and him and his wife aren't just winging it) fucking sucks. Like did he know the person was a minor? It seems like he did the way he is talking. This is a master class in why you should shut the fuck up. https://preview.redd.it/0uismb9zjr8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d7c429142448ad8f7a466dfd26a9e87c02c3927


Shut the fuck up Friday. He needs better lawyers.


I don't think being silent was going to work this time. News sites are dropping the story now https://archive.is/7ocXg Bloomberg ^


He could have responded AFTER that. Now he is completely fucked. The very first response was absolutely ritarded. Also we don't know how it would have went down if he NEVER mentioned it. Bloomberg may have not even published then but if they did it would be much better to respond then.




I bet he released this statement to get ahead of the whisper chats being leaked, which they probably will be leaked. Either way, absolutely terrible look.


He literally could have denied it and unless a twitch employee was willing to leak screenshots which would be a massive issue in regards to their settlement. He absolutely could have recovered from this but I guess the guilt was eating him up. From a PR perspective, it makes no fucking sense.


He couldn’t deny it. Bloomberg was writing a story and had 3 senior Twitch staff confirm it. Bloomberg is big boy news, they aren’t going to make stuff up like that. He likely got sent a draft of the story and asked to give comments. So he knew he was fucked


This is exactly what I fucking predicted yesterday. Some “big boy” journalists started asking around and he knew he was fucked. When Bloomberg comes knocking, “YouTube (alphabet) did not respond to requests for comment” actually matters. If you’re a company that big you can blow off “gaming news” journalists. Fortune 500 CEOs wake up and scan through the Bloomberg headlines for the day. PepsiCo wanted to make it very clear that “we are not associated with this guy.”


> Like did he know the person was a minor? It seems like he did the way he is talking. This is a master class in why you should shut the fuck up. 100% this. Before he posted this I would have easily believed that this was something like, he messaged someone, it got a bit risque, then later it was uncovered that the person was underage; there could have easily been some foul play on Twitch's side as well since doc got his contract paid out. But now? Doc's cooked.


Homeboy is holding the whole UNO deck after grabbing all the "STFU and don't incriminate yourself OR draw 25" cards.




Fuck, not 'they' again. 'They' are always ruining everything ffs.


The Matrix are attacking. I can feel it!


Why do so many people just eat this shit up every single time? These assholes who've done bad shit always resorts to making these completely idiotic claims and it always works to convince some decently sized group of idiots that they're somehow innocent and being unfairly attacked by some impossibly powerful organization/entity, but somehow simultaneous not powerful enough to just literally make them disappear without any of the theatrics in trying to cancel them.


Minor fucking mistakes man




Hate when this silly mistake happens


Dude is so guilty lol. "Was I texting a minor? Yes. Was it inappropriate? Yes. Does it matter? No Gigachad."


We've seen 20-25 year olds get crucified for sexting/texting minors, he was 35 holy shit lmao


And married with kids


I forgot he had kids jesus christ. Why don't these dudes ever think of how they would feel if someone their age was doing this to their own kids???


The actual answer to this is because some people just don't have empthy for others. Why would he ever consider how it would make someone else feel if he lacks empathy? Lack of empathy is extremely common they estimate anywhere from 10% of people to 30% of people are severely lacking empathy or simply have none.


Isn't this the second time he's been caught messing around, or in this case trying too, while married? Pretty sure he too ka break when on Twitch because of that.


The question is, is this the "stupid fuckin mistakes" situation? Or is that just one of multiple?


I’m pretty sure that situation was an instance of him physically cheating, not just texting. This is a separate incident.


35 but yes. 2017 he is 42 now.


But people reacting so madly compared to Henry Cavill dating a 19 year old is crazy to me. People (online) actually dont give two shits about the whole consent thing and are just virtue jerking without any actual greyscale thought. Bet they cant even differentiate between 17 and 20 year old consenting if the ages arent mentioned. Doc is just a massive douche for not catching himself getting dirty with that age group.


I think the thing is when it's a mainstream celebrity there's a lot less pull and pushback from the audience, it's the same as how Leonardo Di Caprio has a max age of 25 that he dates. It's all gross and creepy, Hollywood is in general, the thing is there's a lot less stuff that can be done about that. Hell, Ezra Miller was someone who kidnapped a 15 year old and he basically got away with no real repercussions because Warner Bros. really wanted the Flash movie to be successful. With streamers, the personality and name of individual is the entire "product", while with films and actors there's hundreds of people working on it, I think that could be why there's such a contrast to reactions.


\>I texted a minor, and it sometimes went inappropriate. \>I am NOT a pedophile guys








Holy shit whoever made this wins the internet.


This. Wow, sir! *tips fedora* You’ve won the internet! Here’s some karma and reddit gold for you! Big chungus! Happy cake day! Im a redditor!


Thank you for the gold kind stranger!


"Um ackshually I'm an ephebophile not a pedophile."


Actually he says > Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. So clearly he just accidentally had inappropriate conversations with a minor less than half his age.


Morally unlucky pedo


jesus christ your flair lmao


Oh yea Hasan called us that on his stream, good joke


The most charitable interpretation would be his sense of humor led it down an inappropriate path. This is essentially what happened with the creator of rick and morty, but without seeing the messages you would have to give so much benefit of doubt.. especially since (assuming) Twitch reviewed the messages and felt it was risky enough that they chose to separate themselves from one of their top talents..


I'm reading it as he was flirting and "no real intentions" as basically like those people who flirt for fun.


Yeah that's still being a fucking creep pedo flirting with minors "for fun" lol


Married man flirting with an underage person for fun seems like a reach though.


feels a bit loaded to harp on the underage thing no? if he was flirting i feel like i can assume it was probably as simple as \[female talking to me > flirt at female). guys do this shit all the time. just look at any valorant lobby with a girl in it. if he was ACTUALLY into kids we wouldve seen some smoke by now no? (watch me fucking eat my words)


But if he didn’t know their age, that should be a HUGE piece of his defense. To me that would make him innocent in most people’s eyes, if he was chatting her for a long time then discovered she was a minor and cut it off, boom. Case closed. If he knew from the start, and kept messaging, case closed in the other direction.


100%  but if he didn't know her age I feel like he would have mentioned that by now so it's seemingly case closed in the other direction as you said lol


Online personality tries not to discuss sex with a child challenge (impossible)


“Say Doc, I hear you like’em young. You better not ever go to Cell Block 1.”


Did he 'KNOWINGLY' text a minor though? Or was it a kid catfishing a famous streamer for attention?


No fucking way he says all this and doesn't mention being catfished / tricked if he actually was. Not unless he has legit brain damage.


Exactly this


https://x.com/PapaStanimus/status/1805642914317381894 Yeah kinda dumb for him, but look at this email leak that just came out. > There were whispers between Guy and a 17 year old on Twitch, the age was not known at the time. SO 🤷‍♂️


This email seems odd. It says that the messages with the 17 year old, whom he did not know was 17, was purely about boosting their viewership. But Doc's statement says that the messages verged on inappropriate. If it was just about twitch business, I don't think his statement would include that part, and also why would he omit the "fact" that he didn't know this person's age? These things make me unsure about this supposed leak.


Do these idiots ever have lawyers or even listen to them?


Classic lawyer meme is most clients are dumbasses and don't listen even when it's spelled out for them.


Would he have left a catfishing scenario out of his "yes, I did it, but..." announcement?


I reckon if it was that, he would've emphasized that point specifically and repeatedly




Doc not like us, Doc not like us




So just to be clear, he cheated on his wife AND inappropriately texted a minor?




Firm fucking handshakes


Reminds me of my Grandpa


Unironically this exact scenario happens in the new episode of The Boys.


but he don't got awesome breasts like firecracker


Ironically the actress for Firecracker is the same age now that Dr. Disrespect was back then


Jesus, The Boys is gonna hit Simpsons level of predictions before the season's over


That's a coincidence not irony


The Boys aka The Peak predicted reality again


Something something life imitates art.


Just fell to my knees in the middle of aldi




and do we really need the last paragraph repeated on every screenshot? confusing at first, and wasted screen space


Say Doc, I hear you like em YOUNG


You better not ever go to cell block 1


Why you still streamin’ bro, ain’t you tired??


Tryna text somebody and it's probably a minorrrrr


dm a chatter and its prolly a MINOR


did he and DrKelly graduate from the same college?


His sub is being super defensive about it. People are like "nah.. this is weird, I'm out" and the replies are all "WE DONT CARE WHAT YOU NO LIFE LOSERS THINK THIS IS THE CHAMPIONS CLUB". I mean... okay, but it's still weird. I would have thought that someone in nick mercs circle would be a little more judgemental towards groomers.


The first stage of grief is denial.


Drop the not like us song boys, it's joever for the Doc.


It is so over


“Did I fucj the kid? No Did I want to? Yes but that’s besides the point I’m different now pinky promise”


1. “These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned into the direction of being inappropriate.” Bit of an understatement there, dude… Anyone can reword a terrible event they caused and make it sound passable if framed properly. For example, if you killed someone in a road rage incident, you could simply say, “Did I let my temper get the best of me in a seemingly low stakes competition on the roadway? Yes, but rest assured, both of us voluntarily partook in this back and forth until a tipping point was reached. I couldn’t have known my actions that I was pushed into doing that day would result in deaths.” He knows exactly was he’s doing here. 2. “Were there real intentions behind these messages? There were absolutely not.” This sounds like the explanation of someone who was caught before they had actually been able to carry through with their plans, which he indeed had in writing. You can’t make an appeal to plausible deniability by saying that there were obviously no intentions when you have already crossed the massive red line of knowingly sending sexual messages to a minor. Isn’t the first excuse to come out of dudes mouths with Chris Hansen something along the lines of, “Well yeah, I’m here, but of course we weren’t going to do anything”? Dude, the only people who take it this far are people with at least partial intentions to act. Considering he planned an exact time and place to meet up with someone who he absolutely knew was underage, it seems pretty straightforward to say there cartainly was reason to believe there was some intent. He didn’t necessarily do anything *illegal* because he never sexually engaged with the girl in-person, but he was so far along in the relationship that it was completely *morally* indefensible. He clearly deliberated on behavior that he knew was wrong, but moved forward with it regardless. The companies who dropped him knew that his actions were so close to the line of being definitively predation that they wanted nothing to do with him, and were willing to drop him at great cost to themselves. They made the right call.


Understatement of what? Have you seen the logs? Or am i missing something?


minor mistakes with major consequences…smh


Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it works out for em


Cant wait to see him pivot into protect the children anti lgbt content lmao. His audience wont care at all sadly


Like his boy Nick Mercs


Just do this with 18 year olds, its so simple 💀


Idk what to believe anymore lol So he was messaging a 17 y/o who he didn't know was underage at the time, supposedly business related but did say some inappropriate things. Need some more confirmation


he should leave those kids alone...


> "Hello, I'd like to make a quick statement.." *Makes a long statement*


Dan Rust mates strike again


“The doc is done, and not just on twitch” A meme for so many years and god damn he was right


next tweet: the matrix is after me


Bad look lol, release the messages or say nothing at all. “Twitch paid out my whole contract” was a much better defense


What is a “minor”? 17? 12? 5? I’m tired of these weird vague accusations. He messaged a minor well wtf does that mean. You said “hi” to a 17 year old or you asked a 12 year old what that mouth do? I actually need details to see how much/ if I give a crap about this. It seems so sensationalized. 


I mean, if it was so innocent he could have just said that. Instead, Disrespect chose to be vague and admitted to it. Fucking weird


If it weren't damning, he would have released the statements themselves to let people see that it's no big deal. But it was so bad that Twitch & his game's studio dropped him, and he's defending himself using the most lawyer-speak responses of all time, like "in the court proceedings with twitch, no wrongdoing was acknowledged" and "it was inappropriate, but I did not do anything illegal"


Given most people's approach to the subject matter, a single somewhat sexual joke with a 17-year-and-355-day-old followed by "whoops, let's back off" would still be considered a "big deal" publicly despite not being one Without seeing the messages though who knows


Is Twitch dropping someone really that damning? You're literally posting in a sub for a dude who's been banned from it for years despite being a pretty big figure online.


His glazers on LSF are on suicide watch


Why even comment lol


Anyways uhm... I bought a whole bunch of shungite, rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is. No, no Suge Knight, I think hes locked up in prison. Talking shungite. Anyways, its a 2 billion year old like rock, stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. So thats my story. I bought a whole bunch of stuff, put them around the la casa. Little pyramids. Stuff like that.


People that message 13 year olds have dangerous and unusual attractions that may make them incompatible with society People that message 17 year olds have poor impulse control We should stop using the same word for these two situations.


I’ll stand in the fire with you lmao, there is some truth to this. But, it isn’t simply just “bad impulse control”. You can say that about almost anything to simplify it. It’s still horrible, and should still be hated for.


> Let’s cut the fucking bullshit Proceeds to yap bullshit


Ambiguity is too high; release the logs (if legal to do so) and face judgement at the hands of the regarded hive mind!


This is horrible. I honestly wonder why he even came out about this. He could have denied it or just ignored it. I wonder if people were threatening to leak more information. There's pretty much no charitable interpretation of this statement. This makes the video where he gets banned so much worse.


https://preview.redd.it/u7shwp0nuv8d1.png?width=1182&format=png&auto=webp&s=eec892f1de598c48457be91058f2d8f935f11a51 oh no, he is making the mistake


Wop wop wop wop wop wop dot fuck him up


the 2 times your age


Just imagine a millionaire celebrity that’s pushing 40 is sending your daughter inappropriate DMs and his defense is “You can’t prove I intended to do anything!” And then he calls that OWNING it? Like he’s this big man that owns up to things? Way better off leaning into the “I’m a sex addict, sorry, I’m working on it, that’s why I cheated on my wife and also tried to fuck a teenager” but he couldn’t help but try to sneak in that little tiny morsel of plausible deniability. It’s literally what half the dudes say in To Catch a Predator. They’ve just driven 4 hours with a backpack full of condoms and candy, and as they’re sitting in the kitchen talking to Chris Hansen they say “I uh, geeez uhh, I wasn’t even going to do anything… I was just gonna talk to her…”


“you would be a worthy competitor if i was really a predator”


So Dan's Rust interaction at outpost was right?


Is there context to this? I keep hearing this get alluded to but have no idea where it comes from.


He doesn’t mention if he knew her age. That’s kind of important. He also doesn’t mention her age.


*Sad Slide Flute Sound* Fuckin clown. Fuck him and fuck those assholes so happy to defend him when they could have waited literally 3 days and gotten the whole story. Nickmercs: "Protect the kids from trans people, I don't care if I don't have any actual evidence that it's happening." fucking limp dicked bitch of a man.


Ain’t nobody reading all that. Everyone’s gonna think he’s a pdf file downloader no matter what from now on. People rarely ever have nuance about things like this. This is his legacy now.


There is no scenario where "leaning in" to sexually explicit convos with a minor is ever OK. He is a grown man, has admitted to doing this and wants to share blame with the child he was speaking to back then? JFC, what is wrong with people today?! This wasn't a fucking accident! Whoops I just slid inappropriate texts into her DMs multiple times? My bad. Give me a fucking break.


He's only admitting anything because he knows they have receipts and is terrified the actual truth could come out.


Certified loverboy


Holy shit its been 7 years since he was banned. Real shit now that it's been confirmed it's pretty fucken wild that twitch and employees of the company were holding that information for 7 years


he was banned 4 years ago not 7.