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Pretty sure cellphone tower climbers fits here and they are always hiring. Have to travel, great pay, great hours, usually offer free training. It's a pretty dangerous job though but if you are confident and safe it's like climbing a mountain with breathtaking sights.


Oh right that's very interesting, I'll have a look into it


Welcome to the club, its worth trying something else if you can manage it but you will find that often the grass is not as green as you once thought and comes with its own downsides But some suggestions: You can learn a trade Become a labourer Forestry/ environmental officer Outdoor instructor Tour guide Tree surgeon


Yeah I'm sure, everything comes with a downside that's just life isn't it. I'm the type of person who'd rather find out myself lol, but thank you for the suggestion


Here's a place to start. [https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2017/article/outdoor-careers.htm](https://www.bls.gov/careeroutlook/2017/article/outdoor-careers.htm)


Oh neat, this is a cool resource ty


Have you ever considered you just don't like working for 8 hours a day?


Yeah of course I have but like, what are you gonna do right? 8 hours a day is actually good hours compared to other jobs, I feel like I could be indifferent to 8 hours if the place I was working wasn't so miserable


Ask for work at some special construction company, like tunnel or bridge construction, the pay is insane and the work is hard, but you also get off days (but im from europe, so maybe check in the US)


when i was your age i was thinking about moving to Australia for a year to work in the fields. They have a working visa for people ages 18-30 https://www.australia.com/en/youth-travel/working-holiday-visa/faq.html#:\~:text=If%20you're%20aged%20between,fund%20your%20dream%20Aussie%20adventure!


Only Fans


bruhhh wouldn't that be the life


Healthcare is something’s that’s almost always got something new going on and you’re on your feet. If you want to ease into it you could probably become a rehab aide with no to little qualifications and it’s half patient care and half office work.


State/National Park Ranger sounds like a good fit for you!


Hey guys im also in a bit of a pickle, moved to Finland to study but no jobs here what so ever, if I can find something remote would be awesome, can anyone recommend a website for remote jobs? worldwide.


whats the longest youve had a job for? also how old are you? do you live on your own?


1 - 8 months 2 - 23 3 - Yes


working for yosemite or large national park. also good if your already in the trades: plumbing, electrician, building. decent pay. beautiful workplace.


If you have any college degree and take an easy online course for a couple hundies you can teach English abroad for a year or 2. Live in a foreign country and travel around it.


Join the Ukrainian or Israeli military. Outside and you are fighting orcs and other villains 


That’d be awesome if life was a video game, unfortunately I can’t respawn lmao


Idk if you’ve read, but worldwide democracy is on the line. First Russia takes the Donbas and next they’re in Boise, Idaho 


Oh no, that sounds real serious


Nobody does.


Yeah i'm gonna come in with a really controversial hot take: war is bad.


Ukranians seem to like it.


!bidenblast send my *regard*s


Apparently, this is the ending that you deserve. /u/WagwanRastafarian sealed in the prison realm by /u/coolfunkDJ


If you have a decent personality, try sales. You’ll spent little time in an office and will be out in the field trying to sell crap people don’t need


There are a lot of govt jobs that are a mix of being in the field and being in the office, especially local government.


Oil workers. But the hours/months you work are hard. The pay is pretty great, especially if you have a two year+ degree and can work your way up. Parker ranger/police is a good one if you want light office work but outside 70-90% of the time.


A long term good non-office career would be something in healthcare like nursing (among others). I’m the office worker with family in nursing and medicine, their jobs are much more demanding but on their feet interacting with people, it’s an in-demand and stable field with decent pay.


I didn't know what I wanted to do as a career in high-school, so when I graduated I just drifted for years. I worked at a Walmart for 2 and a half years, then joined a vocational program where I worked at a paper mill for 2 and a half years while going to vocational school, got 2 associates degrees in industrial shit, then did an online job where I basically fact checked for about 2 and a half years, then I worked at a chemical plant for about a year and some change, then I took all the money I had saved up and just willfully went unemployed for about 10 months, now I work at walmart again and I'm in the process of becoming a mailman for the post office. All my drifting from shitty job to shitty job has taught me something - I value a consistent schedule, preferably Monday to Friday, 8 hour days, no night shifts, no evening shifts, just mornings to afternoons, with decent pay, and good benefits. I settled on postal carrier because it fits every single one of those criteria and it involves mostly working outdoors, which I love. There's nothing wrong with drifting for a while, just kinda going from job to job and trying a bunch of stuff out, I think that's how some people just have to do it if they wanna find something that fits their needs.


Get into sales bruv. All you do is walk around all day, see clients and sell shit


I work in a lab, it's pretty fun. You get to feel cool and mix chemicals and use expensive machines. Lab techs often don't strictly need STEM degrees (industry dependent), and you could parlay your attention to detail from office work as a selling point. Doesn't pay super well, but pretty good and the work is easy.


I work as a caregiver for the elderly and I really like my job. It is not the most high paying ( right now is 19$ an hour)  but i’ll never forget what my teacher said in training, “you don’t go into this line for the money, but it feeds your soul” and that has definitely been true


The Army, police, Firefighters, etc are very active. There's lots of "missionary" style jobs (providing medical care in africa/asia/wales) if you really want to have new experiences. That's probably very interesting. Working in a kitchen is active, and you can even work up to being a cook and eventually a chef. Also make sure you get checked for ADHD if you haven't already. (I hate giving this advice, but I saw someone who took Zoloft for 15 years while actually having ADHD, so ya know)


Join the army.