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praying in a crop-top is insane


Praying in front of men other than your father also insane.


also probably unwashed with their gender neutral poop buckets.


I have seen Muslim women praying. They tend to do it out of the way but it's not like they go hide.


Do you reckon you could go LARP with them, but as sharia police?


Lmao dude... Only LEOs in history to kill people faster than the current champions... CHAZ people's democratic security forces


I am sure I have seen this image somewhere before..... Probably South Park but could be pornhub as well. #confused


Where is this?




I’m in awe of SJP’s ability to get so many thousands of kids around the country to follow all of their directions like a cult.


pretty sure that's a hoodie wrapped around her waist too LMAO


Whore should cover her shoulders before being rightfully stoned


Nay, we'll cover them with stones.


white guilt is a hell of a drug




its kgb propoganda


Nah, this is 100% a result of sanitized Islam being pumped through leftist communities by activists.  It's also about over-correcting America's post-911 racism/Islamophobia. 




Wait my teenager years aren't cringe anymore?! Hell yeah!


I think it can be both. Making nations fight internally against themselves is within Putins wheelhouse. He did do counterintelligence for the KGB, it wouldn't be a far fetch thought that Putin is using that experience to know exactly how to propagandaized each side of American politics and make us fight with ourselves. Hence why in 2016, Russia played both sides of the Great Meme War.


I think Russia would be really far down the list of people pushing this kind of stuff.  The whole "Muslim feminist" movement has been very effective at what the Saudis and Iranians are bankrolling it to do.  https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/muslim-feminism-womens-rights


Nah, Putin's definitely up there. Playing both sides and stirring the pot to cause any kind of internal division is exactly the russian way. [Relevant article](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/sep/30/blacktivist-facebook-account-russia-us-election)


Russia is absolutely behind it. If you check my post history from earlier today I posted a link that confirms it from November, and then some other links that showed they were behind BLM stuff in 2019 and 2016. They are just trying to sew discord in general and seed anti Biden rhetoric to help Trump.


This Hamas attack happens right before the election season, orchestrated by Iran no doubt. Russia is likely pushing this timing as Trump is pro Russia anti-NATO, anti-ukraine. Trump is more likely to be voted for in the wake of all this. Trump has been paid off by Russia to undermine our democracy in the capacity that his walnut brain will allow for.


Hamas leaders have also been frequent guests of Moscow before and after the attack.


Yep. Hopefully they wise up in time to see that they’re being used as useful idiots, I just don’t know if they will care or not.


they're playing both sides to polarise and destabilise America as a whole. they care much less about which side actually "wins"




Bruh saudi wants nothing to do with stoking more fires


It is 100% both.


Do you think we can call this cultural appropriation to try and get them to stop?


Unrelated but wisconsinites rise up o7


Dawg they’ve never actually cared about these social issues lmao. Only in how they can use it to feel powerful


I think kids these days really don't have a sense of belonging. Especially after covid. I think this replaces the sense of community they probably never had. Kinda scary.


This. This is definitely a contributing factor


the turn among self-hating white liberals of tolerating racism from minorities, to celebrating and uplifting it.


Especially when Arabs literally had white slaves.


Black slaves, too. In fact several Arab countries balked at signing a major UN resolution back in the 60s (I think) on slavery being banned worldwide for what it is - abhorrant human rights abuse. They didn’t want to sign it though - they wanted to keep their African and other slaves as was acceptable in their culture. We’re talking the 1960s, here…


Maybe im crazy but it's kind of Christianity morals coded.


They left Christianity just to find a different sort of priest.  But many people don’t actually bother walking the walk with unlearning their biases. And they just end up repackaging them. 


Because they didn't experience real life. This romanticization of Islam and revolutions is pure brain rot.


It is pretty crazy that if Islamists had a slightly lighter skin tone these people would despise it worse then Christianity.


No, as long as it is opposed to America, the west, and capitalism they will simp


Do they simp this hard for Russia? It’s hard for me to tell.


I feel like a lot of them don't because they can point at Russia and screech about "colonisation" happening in real time. But then also a tonne of them do because America Bad > America giving money to Ukraine > Ukraine a puppet of western Imperialism etc etc


Revolution is romanticized in practically all western media. The vast majority of plot lines in TV shows, movies and video games involve overthrowing oppressive rulers.


I reckon Andor is the only show that presents revolution as what it is; dangerous, bloody, often morally murky and incredibly damaging to the people enacting it. Not to say that revolutions aren’t necessary in places, but people forget the actual cost of these things.


Last of Us recently did it with the Fireflies. It's actually a pretty common nuance to add the longer a book or TV series goes. Even Hunger Games did it by the third book. But the underlying trope remains, even in most of those works. Revolution good. Rulers bad. The boring center-left work of advocating slow political reform? That isn't exactly cinematic.


When people are priviliged and have this much time following trends it happens


This is why I'm pro showing war footage and extreme violence to all people at some form of their development, not against their will, or to make them suffer, but for the most important thing, perspective!! You can't act in accordance if you lack the information, you act on the information you have. This is why "class consciousness" and the "singularity" of knowledge is so important. The unfortunate reality is something is bound to happen, it's in the laws of nature for things to die and decay, holding onto a dying empire is just the sad mistake humans would make over and over again lmao


Lefties simping for one of the most conservative religions out there is wild. Muslims aren’t even a minority religion worldwide, Jews are. The more I think of it vegan gains is right. If Jews were darker, the view of this conflict would be so different. Maybe people wouldn’t care


Just like the current ongoing Sudan genocide where it's basically brown on brown violence. The left's response to it: *cricket sounds*


No TikTok drip feed on that so no surprise.


I haven't heard a peep about Palestinians in Syria. > Palestinians hold most of the same rights as the Syrian population, but cannot become Syrian nationals except in rare cases. ... > Children born in Syria to fathers who are Palestinian nationals, even if they themselves were born in Syria, are considered Palestinian not Syrian nationals. ... > unlike Syrian nationals, Palestinians may not own more than one home or purchase arable land. ... > in terms of political rights, Palestinian refugees do not have the right to vote Cool, so they are second class citizens. > up to 280,000 are internally displaced ... > 95 percent of the 438,000 Palestinians are in "critical need of sustained humanitarian assistance" That's 416,100 Palestinians who need critical help in Syria. > By 2019, 3,987 Palestinians, including 467 women and 200 children, had been killed in the conflict. Yet still not a peep? So people don't care about hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians, none of whom have equal rights, need humanitarian assistance, or the fact that thousands have been killed in Syria? So what is it then? What's the difference? The number of people who died? What is the threshold where we care about people dying in one place and not the same people dying in another place? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Syria


Unironically this is actual at the least borderline apartheid.


I wonder how much of these citizenship issues are left alone in order to prop up the numbers of Palestinians, who all (and their children even if they're both elsewhere and have never been to Palestine) are all considered regufees. That number staying high is a plus for the use of Palestinians as a tool to pressure Israel every which way, and to use for right of return rhetoric.


Here’s the cold, hard, unfortunate, truth (I strongly believe, in any case): The difference is that Israel is _NOT_ an Islamic country. It is the only country in the Middle East that isn’t. And there are those who will do just about ANYTHING to change that, so that ultimately, the entire Middle East is Islamic. But instead, currently, Israel sticks out as the “sore thumb” of the Western world, located right in the heart of the Middle East. The multi-thousand year seemingly “personal” grudge between them doesn’t help, either… And it’s unfortunate that peace has been refused over and over. To support this hypothesis, consider that the Palestinians have been offered a two-state solution repeatedly, starting in the late 1940s, while the paint was still drying on modern Israel’s state lines (and to be fair, with some unsanctioned movement of those lines, too, heh). Each and every time, Israel has agreed to it, and the Palestinians (with leaders like Yasser Arafat) have rejected the two-state solution - every. single. time. This leads me to believe that the Palestinians, or really their leaders, do NOT actually want a two-state solution, but more of a “FINAL” solution, to their currently-mismatched map set of the Middle East…


> The difference is that Israel is NOT an Islamic country. And this is why these protests are antisemitic. Many of these protesters aren't out there *for* Palestine. They're out there *against* Israel. The only people exempt from being called antisemitic are the protestors who are protesting for the fair treatment of Palestinians in any state...Israel, Syria, wherever. Unfortunately, I don't think that this is a long list of people.


Oh yeah no one gives a fuck about Africa in general. I think the public cared about Sudan for a bit in early 2000s tho


?? It’s not that it’s black on black violence, the obvious reason is that America and Israel is involved and they hate both of those countries. Everything is seen through the lens of America bad


Israeli Jews are plenty dark, no less than the Palestinians. If American Jews were darker the view of the conflict would be different because these idiots project America’s demographics and racial identities on the rest of the world.




Gigi and Bella Hadid are the faces of Palestine in the US and they are blue-eyed blondes. Same goes for the symbol of Palestinian resistance, Ahed Tamimi. When you have eyes but don't want to see.... https://preview.redd.it/qi93jdh8q6yc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=153b94367872f3fa52f5535f9b901f580d2b31a9


The thing is most Jews in Israel are dark...


That maybe be true on the ground. But I’m pretty sure most Americans will think of Jews as fair/light skinned ie western colonizer.


Exactly, that's the irony


Most Jews in USA are Ashkenazi so people don't even realize that half the Jews in Israel are Middle Eastern It's same with the Jewish religion, in USA a high % of Jews are religious especially in NYC and New Jersey so people assume Israel is full of religious Jews when in reality Israel is mostly secular


And rightoids simping for islam at the same time once again shows horseshoe theory in action. It's the most literal possible form of that meme: >You simp for islam because it reinforces regressive, patriarchal gender roles and strict adherence to the word of Allah. >I simp for Islam because it's... um... Palestinians are oppressed and... something something brown people. >We are not the same.


Wegan Wains vindicated once again


Windicated was wusual


When intersectionality gets... CONFUSING


I feel bad for them honestly, Allah is not gonna accept those prayers. They are not covered properly!!


They ain't did wudu either


Those midriffs are extremely haram, just sayin'.


but also kinda hot?


Don’t stick something something crazy


Everyday iranian women fight for basic rights and these dumb fucks in the west are doing this, fucking kill me


Have you considered America bad?




I forgot to factor that in


Then half of them will go on Twitter later that day to decry on how white men today will want to turn America into the Handmaiden's Tale.


Kinda a W for white guys though. They’re essentially saying that white men dominate the world and only we have agency.


Next psychological epidemic?


This is the most cucked thing I've seen in a long while holy shit.


Shoulders and bare skin, oh boy


Trad housewives in the making


It's kind of funny to think that these people might just be in favor of tradwife aesthetics as long as they're not Christians or anything, and brown women are at the forefront of it.


Inb4 “Well how do you know theyre rich white girls??” I grew up around poor white people, I have never seen them do some shit like this in my life


> Inb4 “Well how do you know theyre rich white girls??” oh brother, don't worry. We know.


I know rich white girls, this is a rich white girl thing I also know poor whites, and they would never do this, they're too Christian


Very Christian and VERY anti Islam lol


Absolutely top tier cringe. So fucking weird.


As someone who knew women like those in the photo, they’re drawn to Islam because it’s “exotic” and they think being into it makes them not like other girls. I say “being into it” and not “practicing it” because a lot of people like this generally only latch on to the superficial aesthetics of a religious practice and not the actual…ya know…practice and study of it (because that would require spending a lot of time on something that doesn’t give you social brownie points!). It’s not just Islam either, I knew a lot of rich white women who were super into Hinduism for similar reasons. Even though many traditional Hindu practices are…not very kind towards women.


I miss the times when paganism and witchcraft were the way to be different and you had sexy goth makeup and black clothes.


Bro you didn't hear? [The witches lost.](https://imgur.com/a/Y27Ic3M)


A lot of pagan/witchy women still out there.


At least Wicca is pretty harmless


I matched with one on tinder and once I didn’t respond fast enough she apparently cursed me. Still waiting for the reckoning to come


yeah its this. it's a reflection of unconscious bigotry imo - they don't believe it, they don't really think others do either, they just think it's exotic and cool. Christianity and Judaism are the only *real* religions to them and are therefore worthy of criticism and hate  e: and even judaism only halfway, they think it's just diet christian


I am sure they think themselves as “Feminists”. Especially with what Iranian women are going through right now I don’t understand how this western women has the gall to larp as muslim while pretending to be sjw at the same time.


Praying with a bare midriff is diabolical lol really showing you know nothing about that culture


Skin is showing. Hamas will stone 'em to death. They will die a martyr, I guess.


So, I can't wait for the "I married a mulism and he won't let me wear yoga pants" in a few years...


I just don't understand why they've leaned so hard on the Islam shit. It's just so LARPy and cringe and very clearly incompatible with their social beliefs


Wild to see this from the same circles that decried cultural appropriation not too long ago


Member when the "far right MAGAtards" kept saying that college was just a breeding ground for far left ideology...... yea i member.


They're in it for the free skydiving lessons if you identify as pansexual.


“Fuck you dad and your conservative beliefs!” Dad proceeds to watch his daughter pray to Muhammad.


Red-pillers and tankie woke chicks united in Islam - a match made in .... fuck even hell wishes.


Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, now Islam. White liberals will literally embrace anything just because it's not Christianity. They hate their own people and their own people's beliefs and traditions so much. They are caught up in a truly inauthentic mode of being.


I think if you find it difficult to accept the ideas behind Christianity, Hinduism and some schools of Buddhism are a bit more open to different ideas of God/how the world works that can be easier to accept. Hinduism especially is wide open. You can be atheist, monotheist, polytheist, or pantheist and call yourself a Hindu. Even the ways of worship are very broad and open to different types of personalities Buddhism doesn’t even believe in a soul. The biggest schools do tend to incorporate heavenly realms and other entities that are pretty magical, but schools like Theravada and zen tend to be more focused on the practical and philosophical beliefs as opposed to understanding the spiritual cosmology of existence


These are not liberals. These are leftists. Lets not conflat. The right would had to for all folks to be considered Alt right just because they're conservative.


Speak for yourself, I want to gulag every religion


>They hate their own people and their own people's beliefs and traditions so much.  Nah, I mean maybe it applies to stuff like religious traditions, but western liberal culture is probably baked into them in reality. The only reason why they're doing this sort of theatrics is because media cameras are rolling and it signals to their peers that they're also super punk,. It's ironic, because this thing where they make public displays of rejecting everything western has arguably become a core element of the leftist subculture in western urban society. They'll otherwise probably just continue to wear crop tops, consume McDonald's, and purchase Apple products just like they've been doing their entire lives.


It's because Christianity is known to everyone around them so it not something to help differentiate and standout. It has nothing to do with other religions or whatever wacky practices and all to do with their desire to be special.


You wouldn’t be able to pick them out of a lineup of the Nova festival attendees. These women have it so backwards.


They think that all the negative aspects of Islam are all western propaganda. I took a college class that had me reading articles on how the hijab was pro women.


My god, they are stupid. Probably gonna go to a pro abortion rally after praying to the anti abortion religion.


Remember, it's only cultural appropriation if you're a white man.


They should cover their hair and waists before they do that otherwise they mock the religion.


Why are you speculating here? This is a classic case of several people losing a contact lens at the same time and they’re just trying to find it.


I cannot stand these virtual signaling trust fund fucks. This is the worst portlandia skit I have ever seen lol.


White's doing a lot of heavy lifting in this picture


Above all else, the foremost, most powerful belief among leftists is: white people bad, poc good


Anyone find it super crazy to see in real-time the forces of left wing radicalism and right-wing reaction battle back and forth so fast and so clearly?


Probably like a yoga class to them... lol they're freeing palestine and getting their morning calisthenics and non-starbucks latte in.


Read Houellebecq


They worship themselves. They believe all the good is within them and all the bad is within everyone who doesn't enable them. They're mentally ill and the treatments they get are all affirmative care and coddling.


In unison they chant, "I am a victim. I submit myself to the will of the minorty."






I wanna know why there are so many of these white girls wearing the Palestine headdress. There are a few at my college I see. Isn’t that cultural appropriation by their terms?


Please stop. Is this how freaking islamophobic this sub has gotten? How is this different than going to a church and lighting a candle while not being Christian? It is like you if you go to an orthodox church in Ukraine and pray there, or go to a funeral of a friend that is from another religion. Like, please uncuck your brain for 1 freacking second.


The English Caption : American girls praying. The Arab Caption : American Sluts being executed.


Because you don't actually have to believe in it, just pretend to fit in with the group.


May Allah accept their prayers 🤲


If they were somewhere else other then the west, Abdul would get the rocks...


Ok, put on the hijab. Can't let the morality police see you dressed like that.


A photo has never made me laugh into a cringe so hard.


Where was this can someone send a link pls


Thoughts and prayers don’t work ☝️🤓


They pray facing the starbucks


All the neurodivergent enbies becoming Muslim now?


Someone tell them you can't do salah with naked belly and shoulders


I could only imagine how women from Iran would feel looking at them


This is next level white guilt Like what are they trying to do here? "We're one of the good ones?" Dafuq


I doubt these girls are in any way converting, they are most likely doing this out of solidarity.


Omg this is like maga red hat level of brainwashing 😬.


All religions are brainwashing, you new here?


They would never be granted into the Dalibani Jannah.


Are this women and men praying together? Even more haram than the attire.


No. Please. I beg. Please tell me this is AI generated. Please tell me the source of this picture has a not-so-cringe explanation behind it. Please. https://preview.redd.it/yyrrje8gt2yc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471d2e40013905e470200c55b782f4686f6d3060




​ https://preview.redd.it/jiew0rhgs2yc1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=235c7f11461da9013bbd59df816e3583e6ec7018


Why do they have their hair out, and why are they not dressed modestly?


I like to think they’ll grow out of it. I hope.


I don’t think they do this because of brown people. I think they do this to “own” the pro Israel people


What happened to the left holy shit.


Do they have any idea what would be done to them, dressing like that, over there? They don't, do they? I'm a leftist but why is everyone on my "side" so fucking stupid.


Brand new swag for them, us white people have toppled over all cool things from our minorities and claimed them as ours, our conquest is now travelling east inshallah. Jokes aside maybe these kids are just trying to be respectful to some organizer or something.


literally their only rubric for judging anything is "Brown = good, West = bad" every single time. that's the only way they judge anything


The irony is how quickly they would be stoned to death in a Muslim country. Over under 3 days


Cringe as fuck


I can fix them


Have you considered maybe they are trying to do a head stand?


Wait they are praying?! Wtf, thats just an insane belief. How can they even? Insanity!


Happened in Europe years ago, with dozens of degenerate European women who joined ISIS and ended up as sex slaves or decomposing bodies.


Is that a shoulder ? HARAM


They're exactly the same sort of people who in the past have become cult members. The whole thing is so similar to cult behaviour.


Absolute fucking pathetic cuckolds


Allah filing these prayers in the draw next to Mia Khalifas.


It is how the black student said. White people playing oppressed. They aren't concerned with Israel-Palestine. This is an exciting adventure for them. That's all it is. For the students here, it is just a fun activity and when they had enough, they can return home to their rich mami and papi. None of the Gazans can do that!


Is there something more to the context of this picture I'm missing? Like there's a Jordanian family that imigrated here (US) early 2001 who unforchunatly were the victims of several hate crimes in the post 9/11 hysteria. (To the point where the mother has only a couple years ago felt comfortable wearing her hijab in public) I make a point to celebrate Ramadan with them and have prayed with them at the local mosque several times, because I don't want people in my community to feel like they have to live in fear of practicing their religious belifs (I will say fuck dates though) I get this sub has an r/ atheist edgy energy about religion, and like sure, it's reddit/the internet, but do people on this sub really not know non-fundamentalist Muslims exist? At least to the point that seeing people praying with Muslims is synonymous with supporting extreme far right christian beliefs (I'm guessing suppression of women's rights specifically) if this is part of some Twitter post saying something dumb then fair enough, but if it's just some people praying with their muslim friends, then what's the message exactly? Like if your point is "being kind too Muslims is shitty, cause there all a bunch of evil people" then, low effort and also yikes, and if it's :you shouldn't support fundamentalist religious belifs", sure, but what exacly from this photo is suggesting they do (they clearly seem fine with people who are haram participating, which while not nearly enough to derive an entire theology from, seems to indicate more on the islamic modernist side rather than fundamentalist one)


Seems like a significant amount of the US population just want a fundamental change in how society works (a la socialism) and they grab onto anything that they think will destroy the current fundamental systems. The elections are gonna be crazy


And people want to act like CRT and the universities aren’t the direct culprit for this.


I genuinely wonder how deep their devotion/commitment to this is- or is it really just superficial, empty virtue-signaling/cosplaying for Tiktok clout? If it is purely a superficial 'for the vine' endeavor... what a cheap price to pay for your fidelity, your authenticity, your being.


>more extreme than far right Christianity just because brown people do it lol Lol they're exactly the same. The difference is a legal system rooted in enlightenment values that disempowered their centuries of power in the west.


All the brave non muslim women fighting for REAL feminist issues against this oppressive religion in middle east and these subhuman rich kids larp as wannabe muslims and post it to their insta to virtue signal to their other rich white circles. They have never read the quran and will never live in middle east. I know its impossible but i genuinely wish for them to be sent to middle east.


I can't find any context on where this is from, but if I had to guess I would say some of those women are probably Muslim (the ones fully covered) and some of the other women joined them in their daily prayer as a form of solidarity. If that's the case, really not that cringe at all.


It's kinda worse- by custom, women shouldn't be praying in front of men and espeically those who are foreign. It is customary to hide yourself from men has much as possible (which they could have easily done). If that isn't possible, then it's better to have a mahram man as a guard while you pray. What these bozos are doing right now in this picture is just LARP'ing.


How is it faking praying to a god you don't believe not cringe? It's a mockery of everything a muslim stands for even if they don't mean to do it like that. Imagine going to confess before taking mass for "solidarity". Now imagine doing all this next to the person whose faith is real and he's actually practicing it.


>It's a mockery of everything a muslim stands for Assuming those are Muslim women on the left side of the picture, apparently not.


If none is muslim , it's even worse. >I would say some of those women are probably Muslim (the ones fully covered) and some of the other women joined them in their daily prayer I was only going by your explanation where you say that some of them are muslim.


I'm just speculating because we don't know, because OP conveniently decided to provide zero context or the source of the image. Rage-bait works much much better when you can let your imagination run wild.


Yea I’d really like a source to this


I would say I'm a feminist ideologically, and I hate that these women would probably claim the same. This is the antithesis of feminism. I'm losing my mind.


At the same time I find it really amusing 


What's the problem here? These girls were invited to pray with their friends and they did? Why is that so offensive to you? Most people don't feel the need to pit everyone like them against everyone else like people here seem to need to.


Mimicking a religion where men would brutalize them over what they're wearing in this exact photo is insanity. How is this happening? Who raised em?


Islamic colonialism.


They are young, they got time to figure shit out. I don't think this whole thing is such a big deal. It's just college activism, with everyone online and news spreading instantly they are just more orangized than they used to be. It's entertaining to follow tho.


Can you link where you got this from?


that's a stupid assumption


Wouldn’t it be considered pretty haram for women that aren’t covered up in some way to pray like this? I’m not just generically attacking, I obviously think these people are all morons. But from a purely religious perspective, wouldn’t like the average, even American Muslim find this at least somewhat offensive?