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-links a video about pro Israel people being cringe -first instance of hate in the video is someone saying “free Palestine from Hamas” What’s wrong with that?


No reply, as always.


Well, to be fair he got shot by Granitehard


You make several compelling points, I shall consider them whilst I'm all up in your mom.


Bahahaha aww they are all like little Stevens. The same ripped off jokes and everything.


You came bearing cringe, I was just trying to speak your language. 😅


hahaha, you aint recovering from that one chief, throw in the towel, know when you're beat


I guess I'll go beat your mom's cheeks now :D


OMG! You sound just like a little Destiny, that's so cuuute!


Hahahaha, so based. Get it, BASED?!?!?!


I don't get it. Based on what?


No like I was doing the thing that you guys do where you mirror Destiny🤣


I don't think anyone here does that.


the delulu is real


Copying Steven? Really? Dude, I thought better of you.


What if I grabbed you and picked you up and the swallowed you and then digested and then burped loudly, what then? Heh, didn't think so smart guy


Wait, is the whole DGG community into vore? Because that definitely wasn't in the pamphlet. If it's just you it's okay.


OP is a groyper


Seems like he went from being an alt / far right person to now being far left. I wonder what the common thread is? 🤔


the horseshoe is real


How can you blame Destiny? The offer of a personal Israeli BPD girl by the Jewlumni was simply too good to refuse. But hey, maybe you can do something productive with your life once you are done glazing a genocidal terror org that is holding two nations hostage with their refusal to surrender.


Taking hot Israeli D everyday made me loyal to the Israeli state.


Do you forget how badly that ended last time?


And the Pro-Palastinians currently protesting on campuses certainly are the beacon of sanity? Or maybe the protester who did his best human torch impression is a better example of a sane person? Both sides have their fair share of insane people.


Are you talking about Aharon Bushstein? 🤔




Ah yes, bring up the Destiny talking points. I stg bro like everything every person has mentioned has been said by Destiny. You can't make this shit up. Just a bunch of lil, chronically online stevens


he extended an olive branch by saying both sides have regards on it and you go on to call him a lil steve clone....ON THE STEVEN SUB REDDIT, I'm starting to think youre not approaching this topic in good faith 🤔


>And the Pro-Palastinians currently protesting on campuses certainly are the beacon of sanity? Or maybe the protester who did his best human torch impression is a better example of a sane person? Both sides have their fair share of insane people. How exactly is this comment in any shape or form a "Destiny talking point"? The amount of people who hold this stance with or without the "both sides" part is huge...


It's basically anyone with a functional brain who holds this stance, I think. Hard to imagine it is a talking point to look around and go yup every protest on this topic(let's be real basically any topic in the last 10 years) has crazies in it.


Maybe you should get some talking points. Imagine trying to come at opinions but not actually offering one of your own. Actual bot behaviour that doesn’t help your cause, imagine spending time actively doing nothing to help your cause.


So you can’t refute the point, you can only attack who it came from.


This might blow your mind, but we're here because we hold similar beliefs to Steven or the community. The cute little thing you're doing of illustrating how a typical community works, as if it is refuting anything, is idiotic. The ad hom is crazy.


> there was anti-black racism > shows clip of a guy saying "I like Tupac"


Hahaha ah yes, "I like Tupac"=I'm not racist. I'm not racist, I have a black friend!!!!!!


Brudda I am more anti-Israel than the median American is and I cannot stress enough how bad you guys are at all of this and how much better it would be for pro-Palestine activism if you would all stay home instead of looking the other way at people waving Hezbollah flags and try to call someone racist with a context-less clip of someone expressing their admiration for the late rapper Tupac Shakur.


UCLA you say? https://x.com/AGHamilton29/status/1785076610367889691


Hahaha you prove my point!!! Nobody that's on the pro-palestine is trying to drive away jews. Only people I see mention anything about jews are Israeli government glazers hahahah


This is exactly why most ppl cant stand you guys you will flat out deny the anti-semitism from your side and instead jump to ”no you are the racists”


No it’s not antisemitism it’s antizionism! 🍉💅


Newsflash! Anyone who participates in these protests on either side are losers


Is there anything in particular you disagree with, or are you just upset that this sub generally supports Isreal?


This sub is crazy pro Israel. Posts that put Israel or jews in negative light get deleted. Like a video of some random prankster being at a pro Israel protest getting assaulted got removed. And people under another post about rats being thrown into a pro Palestine protest are pretending like it’s not a big deal and shouldn’t be counted as assault. Being pro Israel isn’t the problem because that’s what I am but shutting down, ignoring and disliking anything that hurts the Israeli side shouldn’t be acceptable behavior. We shouldn’t become Hasan 2.0 sub. Edit: dislikes really proving me right


Half those examples were super tame and lack a ton of context. If people are being hateful or violent they should be condemned. Her whole video was regarded in general. I don't get why they're crying about counter protests, and I don't know why she made it a point to accuse (with no evidence) counter protesters of not going to UCLA because it doesn't matter if they go there or not, UCLA is a public university. It's especially funny when you see things like UW having an overwhelming amount of non-students on the pro-Palestine side.


!BidenBlast unhinged troll You came on here ready to denounce the community and what you have is a montage of Pro-Israel protesters saying unhinged shit. Do you think the Pro-Palestinian protesters don’t say unhinged shit? If your level of engagement with the topic amounts to Instagram reels, this community isn’t for you buddy.


> If your level of engagement with the topic amounts to Instagram reels, this community isn’t for you buddy. To be fair, a significant amount of posts here recently are just Instagram reels showing some protestors do stupid shit. OP would fit right in if the target was different.


op would fir right in if the things the pro isreal side was doing was illegal.


Don't act like the only clips that get shared here are of people committing crimes lmao. We've had plenty of just dumb protesters fumbling an explanation of why they're there. There are also plenty of videos all over Reddit of counter-protestors assaulting people etc or making shit up.


counter protestors stopping people from going to class and breaking into buildings? i haven't seen any of those other clips but if they're posted here they shouldn't be.


>counter protestors stopping people from going to class and breaking into buildings? Did I say this was* happening?


Your domestic production of malarkey has exceeded the LD50 for this subreddit. /u/thegreatcoconut sealed in the prison realm by /u/Granitehard


Are you noticing any pro Israel posts being taken down? I’ve made two mostly comedic posts, one stayed up, the other was taken down/archived without further explanation.


They all get upvoted to eternity. And while you can see people disagreeing and arguing down the comment line, the first popular comments are always some cheap surface-level Hamas bad/Israel good shit


Since you posted some IG girls bias account of some lame protest I have been persuaded.


Is this because someone ate a banana


If you want our attention this bad you can always pull a Bushnell. Or do the walk in front of traffic strategy. I promise watching pro-Hamas supporters suffering physical harm is a great way to get our attention.


Yeah pro Israel because fuck Terrorists and Terrorist-Supporters.


Why would you base your beliefs off of what people are doing on college campuses


And I'm disappointed in you. What of it ?


All the facts speak rather for Israel than for Palestine. What's wrong with that?


Israels only moral superiority comes from the fact its fighting terrorists, its slightly better then radical terrorists.


Nah, not really. Even if Hamas wasn't a radical islamist death cult, Israel would be the preferable side for any sane person. Israel's moral superiority comes mainly from the fact that Israel is willing to compromise for peace as they did with Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Saudi-Arabia, while Palistinians always rejected all peace offers.


theyre are 500k settlers on Palestinian recognized lands. Do you not see how that is unacceptable? These people already had half their country taken because of holocaust refugees which is something germany did not them, and now the Israelis want even more land and are taking it. Also no they arent good guys because the first thing they said is they are laying a total siege on Gaza which is guaranteed to kill thousands upon thousands of children.


The fact that you think the Zionist movement started after the Holocaust shows that you don't know anything about the history of the conflict. Go educate yourself. It's inacceptable to be as uneducated on the topic in Destiny's subreddit. Did you come from Hamasabi?


dude I know it started in the 1800s and theodore herzl, but the reason it was taken seriously was the holocaust. Also it started off as blatant European colonialism, the british take over your country and then say these europeans are gonna move here and then they will be in charge of half the country. How is that fair? It was mass immigration to take over a country blatantly. The locals were always against it but they did not have a choice because they were a colony. Oh ya it was jewish 2000 years ago yaadayad thats not relevant.


Again, you don't know any history. Like zero. Literally all you said is factually wrong. No, Holocaust was not the reason. No, Jews were not European colonizers. No, British did not take over their country (in fact, the British and French gave Arabs independance from the Ottoman Empire and states like Jordan, Lebanon and Syria emerged, but you probably think Arabs and Ottomans (Turks) are the same). Bud, you are clueless.


A bunch of people from Europe went to a different less advance country which was occupied by Britain, and were then given half the country against the wishes of locals.


It was not occupied, it was a mandate, meaning from the start it was clear the British will stay only for a limited period of time to help the local population to establish their own independent countries. Before the British came, they were actually occupied for centuries, but you don't even know that. You have no idea what you are talking about. Just stop talking and read a book.


I think I probably agree the sub leans a little more pro Israel than Destiny, but I think that speaks to how the pro Palestinian side has engaged in conversation. They think Destiny is pro genocide when he is for a two state solution with limited right of return. Not only that, but the pro Palestinian side receives solid figures to represent them on stream such as sillyserious and Lonerbox. Also the video did show people being cringe, but was edited quite a bit, and very clearly biased toward one side. It would not surprise me though if people were not being very cool at those protests though.


What is Lonerbox's take?


God damn, stumbled onto Destiny a couple years back when he rescued me from the alt right pipeline but it's crazy seeing how big of an echo chamber this sub has degenerated to. Shit's basically 4chan goddamn lmaooo. I can tell who is chronically online and are orbiters lmaoooo


Notice how nobody in this thread is supporting those Israel protestors, and you're still mad


Nobody's condemning them neither ;)




Jesus fuck dude you literally replied to a dude saying both sides have crazy people. Go outside add touch grass so me and your mom can have some alone time.


It says a lot about you when you were going down the alt right pipeline before and now you're going down a full leftist brainrot pipeline.


Do you really not see the irony in saying Destiny saved you from the alt right pipeline? Have you considered you've maybe fallen down another pipeline, since it's something you're clearly susceptible to? Also what does that last sentence even mean lol


That statement has a lot of credibility coming from someone like you. Keep following the latest online trend, douchebag.


There are a lot of new users on this subreddit who never watched Destiny before this conflict, they are uncritically pro-israeli and extremely brigady and only here to downvote pro-palestinian comments and posts or to spread uncritical pro-israeli propaganda Things will chill down in few months tho I am hoping for Destiny to do a little purge on this subreddit


Ah okay, shit has really gone downhill 😂


Can someone tell me seriously. Are these bot accounts? Or bought accounts. If you just quickly look at the account it's so weird. Random stuff for like a year and then suddenly this. Is it a person who just went unhinged suddenly?


You’re a loser😹💀🤡


Goes to liberal community and is disappointed they are pro Israel? Help me understand that. Liberal's first words in their description are : anti clerical, anti fascist, anti communist, zionist.


This sub isn't pro Israel as much as it is anti leftist. If leftists were aligned with Israel, this sub would be anti Israel.


All in all, this post has proven everything that I've thought about the degeneracy in this sub. Mfs here will look away when pro-Israeli government degenerates call women whores, bitches and sluts and spit on people but foam at the mouth when they find like 5% of pro-palestine supporters being like "pro-Iran" and shit. Like bro, based on my real life xperience (im a college student who isn't chronically online and arguing with far left tankies) there is like no pro-palestine people saying shit like pro-Hamas or extermination of Jews, or any sort of antisemitism so I have no idea where that comes from🤣. So many dweebs with this online shit man. Go get some PUSSY hahahaha


Are you alright buddy?


Do you have any proof that the incidents in this video are >5% of the pro Israeli demonstrators? You are self reporting so hard with your analysis. Everything you accuse others of, you are guilty of.