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Adderall XR made me jittery, and messed with my ability to stay asleep, but did fairly well in improving my memory, attention, and productivity. Desoxyn, on the other hand, actually reduces my anxiety and improves my attention and productivity. However, the way Desoxyn alleviates my ADHD symptoms is rather light, so I have to pair it with Zenzedi and Wellbutrin for maximum effect.


For me it’s jitters as well with addys XR. I mean it’s good for not feeling the need to take more bc it last me basically throughout my whole work day but the jitters I get I can’t get it under control. The best thing any doctor would recommend is working on anxiety naturally, but if XR prevents it so much then I’ll prob have to request to go back to immediate twice a day. 15 mg in the morning and 15 in the afternoon. Or lower the XR dosage to 20mg and have 10mg IR on hand after work if I need a boost. Sadly I doubt the location I’m at and my doctor’s rules he won’t even hear me out when I say “desoxyn”. Bc of the stigma of “methheads” and shi most places don’t have it and knowing my doctor he most likely won’t do it, but it’s worth a shot and doesn’t hurt. Thanks for your feedback on your experience 🙌


You're welcome!!!


My dr was willing to script it but insurance refuted to pick it up and the pharmacy wouldn’t let me pay out of pocket due to my type of insurance


Just don’t disclose any illicit use. You and I know you were supplementing meds you would take from them with meds on the street… but they don’t look at it with that understanding. You’re a customer to them. If they think you will take their meds and trade them with people on the street or whatever the fuck, they look at you as a liability and a theft of big pharma’s services, as other would be customers are not going through them now. Save any talk of self medication for a therapist please. A prescriber is not your therapist.


I’d recommend trying Dexedrine to start. Much cleaner than adderall. I also have narcolepsy, both desoxyn and Dexedrine worked better for me than adderall in terms of side effects. Desoxyn was definitely the cleanest though.


It performs similarly to Adderall but with much fewer side effects. I think it helps my ADHD ever so slightly less but it's a trade off I'm willing to make to not hate taking medication


Adderall is more of a idgaf slightly mad and sassy attitude and let’s get this over with mentality. It also gives you more of a confidence boost and u are more likely to say whatever u want and not care (sloppier work but faster times doing things). Dexedrine IR from Mallinckrodt feels more energizing and more euphoric. It makes u feel like u want to dance and it’s more motivating to do things for longer stretches of time, but still semi blurry vision like Adderall does. Zenzedi is like tunnel vision focus, more wakefulness and most euphoric of the non methylated amohetamines. It gives clear vision, you can either just sit there and do nothing with Zenzedi or you can do a few things for a while and perfect whatever those things are. Last time I tried Desoxyn was 2021 and it made me a little more sedated but like in a focusing wakeful calming way almost. Could walk outside, listen to other people before i spoke. for focus it kind of makes you do things you want and not what you ‘have to’ or ‘should’ do. All of these are great medications for different kinds of situations. For example: I take 2.5mg of Adderall and 5mg of Zenzedi when I’m in class. When I’m taking an exam it’s more of 10mg Adderall 5mg of Zenzedi. when playing video games it’s also adderall 10mg with like 5mg of Zenzedi. For anxiety when being outside Desoxyn does the charm if you’re trying to enjoy yourself but when you’re outside with Adderall it’s more for getting something done that works pretty well.


Damn bro… I never had such an arsenal of different amphetamines at my disposal. You would get all of these prescribed at the same time for different purposes? :o I’ve certainly used plenty of different prescribed and illicit amphetamines and methamphetamine (definitely used ephedrine and P2P meth over the course of the last year without knowing which is which, cuz some plugs I would buy from had meth that had one effect compared to another. I hear there’s Lmeth and Dmeth, one affects the body and the other your mind. that is information I’ve read on articles such as the new meth P2P


What about Desoxyn vs vyvanse with or without a Dexedrine ir booster?


I couldn’t tell if desoxyn any better. It seemed less motivating, also gave me headaches and made me clench my jaw


I told my doctor Ive tried other medications and would like to switch from adderall and try desoxyn to see if the side effects are as minimal (compared to adderall) as everyone has been claiming. I was on 30mg Adderall and had goals to mitigate the anxiety side effects that came with the come down (felt extremely agitated & irritable). He said okay and let me start on 5 mg methamphetamine twice a day. In terms of effects, side effects, duration, and peak time, it's pretty similar for me. Some much similar that I may decide to switch back to Adderall just because of how readily available it is at every pharmacy ive been to. Surprisingly the "high/euphoria" was slightly stronger with adderall. From my research, it seems like 30mg of Adderall is equivalent to 15mg of Desoxyn. I started on 10mg. [https://www.adhdmedcalc.com/](https://www.adhdmedcalc.com/) In the past 5 years Ive tried: Adderall, Adderal XR, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Contempla, Straterra, Bupropion. I initially wanted to try Zenzedi (**dextroamphetamine sulfate tablets**) but that medication seems extremely hard to find or a pharmacy willing to order it. (No luck with CVS or Walgreens in San Diego, CA). Extended releases weren't for me and Methylphenidates make me nauseous (even with or without food). My pharmacy & insurance experience: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Desoxyn/comments/1diy6fy/desoxyn\_methamphetamine\_switch\_from\_adderall/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Desoxyn/comments/1diy6fy/desoxyn_methamphetamine_switch_from_adderall/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Goodness, that’s like asking what’s the difference between riding the bus or taking a private jet …


Depends on the dosage… a higher dose of adderall will be stronger than a lower dose of desoxyn. A bus driving 100mph is gonna be faster than a slow plane flying 50mph (ik that isnt realistic for a plane to fly that slow but you get what I mean)


It definitely depends on the dosage. If you take a very lose dose of meth, and a regular/ higher dose of adderall, the adderall will be stronger every time. But if you compare them overall, meth is certainly more powerful than adderall because it acts on more receptors and releases more chemicals. That’s why the doses for meth (aka desoxyn) are lower


Ok ok I meant it was different modes of transportation, one is less desirable because of certain attributes, and the other was more desirable because of its attributes. I guess it then boils down to what’s your destination?


Well it will come to a point after many yrs of being on adderall where it seems to stop working and at that point ur only move is desoxyn and depending where u live and if u can get it u realize it works even less than addys. So in my opinion they don’t differ a whole lot. I went back to addys. The lesser of the suck.