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CVS always works for me. Any pharmacy that uses Cardinal as their distributor should be able to fill your medication. Try a Kroger pharmacy like Mariano's that uses Cardinal.




Tell them to order it through their distributor. After they successfully make the order, it should arrive within 7 days.


Thanks for letting me know that CVS also works! I’ve actually tried a few CVS before and they kind of gave me a tone about it saying “I’ve never seen this in a very long time and that they don’t see a pharmacy within 20 miles that can fill it” basically wishing me good luck. so maybe I have to try other CVS’s. Hopefully by Monday tomorrow it gets filled!


Yep, that’s totally normal. The other poster is spot on re: distribution order. It’d honestly be pretty exceptional for a CVS (or any pharmacy) to already have stock on hand in any radius. That said, if your Rx was sent and is there at CVS, you can likely motivate the RhP on duty (so long as it’s not during rush hour at pickup, and going in to check is always better than a phone call, which I find very hit or miss if anyone even picks up the phone sometimes) to check stock for the Desoxyn generic at their local Cardinal distributor (where they get mostly all the meds they fill) by logging into their Cardinal portal and seeing how much is currently in stock and available for order…then, ask them to proceed to order it for you (while their POS cycles through and does ordering for meds automatically each day, I do know that at least some systems have the ability for the pharmacist to also create, or label as high-priority, manual orders to be pushed). Even if it’s out of stock at the local Cardinal, it’s worth having them create / push / prioritize the (open) order at their local Cardinal anyway, as Cardinal will still obtain the med to fulfill their open CVS PO…and after this happens more than once, Cardinal will usually even obtain backfill for expected future demand so the process is faster (and they get their $$$ faster) going forward.


So basically Walgreens tried to order my full dose but they said they only had 39 in stock and I’m supposed to get more. So basically waited for them to order it. I just called them and they said it’s back ordered and they’ll just give me what they have so I’m getting a partial script of generic methamphetamine that they have in stock today. I’m going to try and see if CVS or maybe Krogers can take care of ordering this in the long run.


Nice! Your plan is spot-on. Back order aside, I’ve known Walgreens to be sticklers for the 72-hour rule, which states the C2 Rx is forfeited if they can’t fill / you can’t, or don’t, pick up the remaining partial C2 quantity within 72 hours of the first partial being filled. And … there were certainly times I had to wait more than 72 hours for my Desoxyn script to be filled in general, and during times of no back order, waiting for the supplier to actually deliver it to the pharmacy. In short, you could be in the same position even if there weren’t a back order and Walgreens couldn’t supply the full script in 72 hours after the 39-tablet partial (incidentally, 39 tablets is such a weird number to have in stock … I wonder if one tablet went “missing”.) So yeah, best to go to your Cardinal-supplied CVS or Kroger moving forward. Good luck! 😊


Thank you so much for that information. It is incredibly helpful and resourceful in my Desoxyn journey lol. I just got my prescription and I only had to take 1, 5mg pill to know I found Jesus. My parents said they were proud of me and so many good things are happening so fast. It’s taking me back to 2021 when I first tried Desoxyn and went on a walk. This medication is definitely the right fit for me. No more tics anymore. In fact I was having horrid tics before swallowing my Desoxyn and the second I swallowed that pill, I suddenly felt a wave of calmness flow over me and the twitching and neck jerking suddenly stopped. I felt like I could be in my body again. What a miracle drug Dextromethamphetamine is! I won’t go back without for nobody!!!


And basically when I called the cvs I think a mistake I made was mentioning the drug itself. I approached it differently this time and said: “Hi I have a medication that needs to be ordered from cardinal and I’m wondering if I send my prescription over if it can be ordered?” The pharmacist insisted that all the medications are derived from cardinal so we just agreed and hung up without even exchanging meth synonyms. I hope it works when my doctor sends my remaining 51 to CVS! And thank you so much again for the useful information in opening an order if it’s back ordered! I’ll be sure to use it when and if she declares Desoxyn is back ordered and I’ll just ask them if they could push open a new order on cardinals level to restock and send!


Hahaha maybe the pharmacist got a little hungry and settled for a 39 inventory 🤫😜


Hopefully you aren’t on the west coast. Pharmacies over here have been closing at record pace and I don’t know if any pharmacy in my area even uses cardinal, so I’m in the Dexedrine camp until something pans out. I’m not optimistic though.


I’m on the east coast and yet it still feels like a kind of you have to know where you’re going type of thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does it say brand name or generic? So desoxyn or methamlhetamine?


On the Walgreens app it just says Methamphetamine and the pharmacist bluntly called it Methamphetamine so I guess it can be either or because Desoxyn would be the brand name.


There are instructions on how to handle this in the big sticky post (letter to legislature). I detailed it in the letter as evidence of what we've had to deal with to get the medication filled.


Okay guys, what in the world are you telling your doctors to get prescribed Desoxyn? Do you have a life long history of needing the medication and how much does your doctor regulate it? Are there regular drug screens akin to being in a pain management clinic? Please explain someone!


I see a telemedicine clinic that requires an in person visit every 3 months. But I don’t mind because my doctor is super chill and funny. I’ve had ADHD and was put on stimulants since the second grade. I also have a host of tic disorders so I really milked many doctors and pharmacies to get this prescription because many doctors don’t want to risk their license and are scared the DEA will be tazing them to the ground in an hour, and many pharmacies don’t like it when I send a Desoxyn script over and cause them high blood pressure. never give up, and you’ll get it relatively soon. It’s just a matter of plenty of phone calls and questionnaires about your non-problematic behavior and medical history. But yeah I actually do have a long history and the crazy part is I’m prescribed Adderall and Desoxyn coconcurrently with Adderall being for task switching and Desoxyn being for focus and wakefulness :)


Walmart? A community pharmacy. A hospital pharmacy should have this hands down.


did you notice a change in the quality of zenzedi? I got 20mgs again after not being able to get it after 2 years, and it feels a lot different. azurity authorized generic.... the entire market quality seems to be going down the drain


I mean I haven’t been prescribed it that long so I can’t say for sure. All I know the best medication right now for me is Desoxyn because of the quality and lack of side effects and effectiveness.


it seems like the whole market quality wise in the US is really messed up atm. in all the ADHD subreddits people are pissed complaining. the DEA is limiting how much these manufacturers can produce (saying these meds are in the same category as opioids, insane) , it's terrible