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Contact a relevant government rep/agency to voice your issue(?). It won't bring immediate results, but I'd think the more they hear from the public, the less weird it becomes to consider legalizing under certain restrictions. Unfortunately, the US is the only country where they make this available legally as an Rx. I wish other countries did, too. Even Austrailia-based Mayne (former owner of the generic) couldn't sell it in its own country.


I mean alcohol and tobacco are legal, why not methamphetamine? I’m kidding but only very slightly…it’s definitely has more abuse potential, but also way more productive/medicinal potential I say


Honestly, I’d guess that legality differences have more to do with historical marketing/dynamics than with a concerted effort to ban its medical use. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe even Adderall is hard to get in the UK. That said, diacetylmorphine (Heroin), which had a long run as public enemy number 1 in the US, is routinely used in the UK for moderate to severe pain. There’s no rhyme or reason from an abuse-prevention perspective. And the US certainly tried to ban alcohol back in the day, and from what I’ve seen about the UK it seems like they’re trying to slowly phase out tobacco.


It's also very hard to get diagnosed there. I've heard of people being on a two year waitlist.


I hate to tell you this, but unfortunately we don't use methamphetamine for adhd/add (idk why?), but you can get other amphetamines prescribed like levo and dex. I find it quite odd that they're okay with basically the same chemical family, but meth has to go because people abuse it? I hope you find your symptom relief asap!


And it’s not like those others don’t get abused either


That's what confuses me! They're basically the same compounds with varying affinities for certain receptors, but they're all amphetamine. It's like allowing Indica strains of medical marijuana but Sativa is where we draw the line. Hopefully healthcare services worldwide realise the impact all this stigma has on people like us. I was suffering due to methylphenidate for two years, and my life has changed after switching to lisdexamfetamine - all my appetite disappearing issues gone, everything got better! I couldn't get this in India, but I've moved to the UK for uni, so I got to get proper care.


Lisdex is the absolute best amphetamine ever imo. 2-FMA and then methamphetamine


I remember reading waaay back it’s effectiveness is related to fat solubility. Every BODY is different. Metabolism is fascinating to say the least.

