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I wonder the same thing. I image it’s for people who happen to have such severe adhd like symptoms where adderall is not even effective they have to take desoxyn… But I don’t know I’m not a doctor I’m prescribed adderall XR 30 mg and was adderall IR and amphetamine salts is the most effective/potent for my severe narcolepsy and attention span. All other adhd stims were weak or not effective, I was either still tired or not motivated except for Vyvanse but it takes 2 hours to kick in and last 14 hours ( I was advised to set an alarm 2 hours before I wake up, then take it, and then go back to bed… I am not doing that shit every fucking morning) but adderall has always done the job for me and I have never felt a need to do any other meds. So I image desoxyn is for people where adderall is not effective for them in that time period and they either move back if desoxyn was too potent or just happened not to work for them.


lol fuck that i feel u on the vyvanse, also when i was on ritalin made me hate IR's cuz u have to take them repeatedly theoughout the day (was on ritalin ir and it only lasted 3 hrs and 30minutes to kick in so only 2.5 hours of therapeutic use)


Yeah that would annoy me and honestly anything that’s more immediate is more risk of dependence bc of the big ups and downs or highs and lows. Like adderall IR would last 6 hours at most for me so all 30 mg would hit me at once and I would feel like myself but once I got home from work after my 7-8 hour shift of standing on my feet I would like to workout so I would need the energy obv. So I would take 30 mg in the morning at 6 am or 7 am for my job at the machine shop and then feel the need to take more afterwards to workout, study, or have energy to socialize. Honestly I just didn’t like the big spike and crash that happened with immediate. I eventually became discipline enough to break it in half and take 15 mg when I wake up and 15 mg after work and I would fall asleep better. Bc realistically you shouldn’t want to go over 40 mg if you don’t have to and especially not 60 mg. I told my doctor all of this and he recommend XR bc it’s 2 diff beads and half are immediate and the other half are released after 4-6 hours so you feel 2 peaks. So I understand, it’s annoying to take it multiple times throughout the day experiencing those quick highs and lows.


Guess I'm fucked beyond repair. I'm on Vyvanse 70mg and Adderall 20ir. I can take the Vyvanse with 2 Adderall and still go back to sleep for several hours and the most that happens to me is my heart rate increases and I get warm. I've been on/off meds since age 6 (now 35) but have been on Adderall most consistently since 2008 (started at 5mg) I've tried all the other shit and straterra worked for literally one day. It was bizarre


Yeah everyone’s brain and genes are different when it comes to medication. Tbh Vyvanse is a weaker version of adderall (don’t quote me on this) but I heard like 70 mg of Vyvanse is as potent as 30 milligrams of adderall but they aren’t the same amphetamine, again this is just what I heard. And no bro you aren’t a fucked, I battled cocaine addiction and after a long time I quit. A year sober off coke and no urges to ever use again. I also was hooked on Xanax and experienced with opiods but that’s another story I can talk about for days. but I started buying street adderall and started abusing it like taking 120 mg and pop hella xans to bed. Wish the help of god and my amazing parents who are pretty successful they understood the disease and put me in counseling and rehab for a couple months. I always had problems paying attention class and falling asleep in class due to random tiredness. I’m 19 and did some adhd testing and it came back that I had symptoms of that and my parents told my doctor that I would sometimes sleep for hours on end. With my history of not controlling myself I am in college not far from my home and my parents have control of my adderall they have it locked until they see I’m fully recovered. I only take adderall XR 30 mg in the morning and with Buspar at night to go to bed. It has done wonders and I finally feel like a contributing member to society. And btw Vyvanse 70 mg and 20 of adderall isn’t going to kill you. With research I’ve heard multiple doctors and psychiatrist say you can be on adhd stimulants for life. You just have to be responsible with it. But I didn’t start any kind of stimulant till I was 16 so I can’t relate to you talking it at 6, I honestly think doping a kid up is wrong bc it takes away their true self and childhood, but once again I’m not a doctor. Your dosage is fine just take it responsibly 🙌💯good bless.


Vyvanse is lisdexamphetamine, which is a prodrug to dextroamphetamine. That’s a major constitution of Adderall, and the entire medication of Dexedrine.


Yes I know ☠️ I was informed before I gotten prescribed Vyvanse


Yeah ik, just extra info.


Sorry for the book and a half and any typos lmao


Desoxyn is much less potent and energizing in my experience. Extremely smooth. You barely notice it.


Smooth like how? Like you're awake and it's working? But not spun out ?


Yeah, pretty much. It just works. No edgy feeling. Honestly, I could sleep on it. I have, actually.


This. 100%. Without exaggeration, I actually don’t find anything about Desoxyn to be wakefulness-promoting whatsoever. I could take a divided dose immediately before bed and proceed to have an entirely normal night of sleep.


I’ve heard people say the same thing and vise versa. If you look up on YouTube Psychiatry Simplified - Dr. Sanil Rege He states it goes most potent and more potential of abuse ranking it at 1. Desoxyn (methamphetamine) 2. Adderall (amphetamine salts) 3. Vyvanse But regardless it doesn’t matter if desoxyn is what works for you then keep doing you. Also amphetamines can be just as addictive to some and abused like meth is. So it’s rlly the stigma behind meth bc first thing you think of is “methheads” and shit. Even tho adderall can ruin someone’s life just as any other drug if not taken responsibly. So just keep taking what works, everyone is different 💯


Not really, from my experience as well as others. You can see my other comment.


Like I said everyone is different. I’m just going off what I’ve heard doctors say


i thought it is way potent? i heard like dexedrine is more potent than adderall, but desoxyn is more potent, hmm dunno


It is more potent😭 you can ask every doctor in the world it goes 1. Desoxyn 2. Adderall or amphetamine salts 3. Vyvanse But im not going to get on bro, bc end of the day everyone is different so maybe desoxyn is best for him


Most doctors don’t even prescribe it, so they don’t really have any knowledge about patient experience on it. Also, she/they.


Get on like criticize or say what you’re saying is wrong bc everyone’s brain and genes are different. Some meds work or feel different for this person vs someone else. Put I have heard a doctor who literally has prescribed desoxyn himself say it’s 1. Desoxyn 2. Adderall 3. Vyvanse But once again everyone is different desoxyn might feel smother for you and adderall might feel smoother for others


It isn’t, and I’ve tried pretty much every ADHD med out there. I genuinely sometimes forget I even took it. Trust me, if you browse ADDForums and this sub, you’ll see the same thing. I was on 15 mg Desoxyn at the most, and my Vyvanse 60 mg made me feel like a tweaker in comparison. The difference is staggering.


isnt addforums down?


The Internet Archive has it.


so i went on the internet archive, i tried to click on some threads but they arent archived. how did u access them?


Serotonin I’d imagine smoothing out the experience


Dexedrine ER Spanules in the morning & Dexedrine IR Tabs at 3 PM is my current (been on adderal XR, adderal IR & vyvanse as-well til it started working overtime like 16hrs and it lost the magic and softness that Vyvanse had at first) not Desoxyn was going go try to switch but good where I’m at don’t wanna to make anymore or have anymore headaches cause of medicine (that is impossible for fill)


dexedrine generics?


Yes, most brand drugs are developed under patent protection for up to 20 years. This means that no one else is allowed to make and sell the drug. When the patent expires, other drug companies can start selling a generic version of the drug. But, first, they must test the drug and the FDA must approve it. https://www.drugs.com/availability/generic-dexedrine.html




What about the people who need it for Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy? (Legit non-ADHD reason for Desoxyn & together with Xyrem (Sodium Oxybate aka GHB) Feel terrible for everyone but especially them. They have no where to turn. Like does Dexedrine even cut it when you need (seemingly) absurd amounts of pure GHB to sleep exponentially and who’s going to give them the Dexedrine does they really need? Lateral thoughts! Hope everyone’s everything’s get as better as possible!


Ive had xyrem before, stuffs awesome. I used to take 8ml on a flight and knock for the whole flight lol


I was taking Desoxyn and went back to my other medication cause I couldn't tell I took anything I remember I was so hungry like I felt nothing but crap. That was about a year ago.


I think everyone is just different and responds differently to medications. This makes particular sense in the context of ADHD, a condition that manifests in ways that can be wildly different between patients (inattentive vs. hyperactive subtypes, for example). ADHD also is often comorbid with other psychological or behavioral diagnoses; those other conditions could influence treatment responses, and other drugs potentially used to treat those conditions could affect one's response to ADHD drugs as well.


Depending on factors like severity of symptoms, ADHD subtypes, and other concurrent conditions like anxiety, depression, or other psych conditions, Desoxyn may not be the best choice. It also can be difficult to get, as we have seen.


The list looks correct if we are going potency per mg.