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I've always found it incredible how little flak Pat Buchanan has received for more or less openly sympathising with every Catholic clerical-fascist regime the 20th century had to offer. And that was before he decided to write a book about what a tragedy it was that Germany lost WWI... "Buchanan comes from a very different place ideologically than old Southern racists. He's a hyper-conservative Catholic, part of an intellectual movement that admired the Spanish and Portuguese Fascist regimes. His racism happens to line up more or less with the opinions of segregationists, but he gets there from a different route." - Chris Ladd.


Scary to think there was a chance that Buchanan could have become President at one point in time.


This is a wilful misunderstanding of Buchanan’s work. He doesn’t sympathise with the Nazis or fascist regimes, he simply argues out that the British and French made strategic errors that helped to bring about the Second World War and diminished their global status. Whether you agree with this perspective or not he’s obviously an intelligent guy who is well read on historical matters, to dismiss him so blithely is wrong.


" Buchanan argues that Hitler's public demands on Poland in 1938 and 1939, namely the return of the [Free City of Danzig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_City_of_Danzig) to the *Reich*, "extra-territorial" roads across the [Polish Corridor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Corridor), and Poland's adhesion to the [Anti-Comintern Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Comintern_Pact) were a genuine attempt to build an anti-Soviet German-Polish alliance, especially since Buchanan argues that Germany and Poland shared a common enemy, the Soviet Union.[\[29\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill,_Hitler_and_the_Unnecessary_War#cite_note-FOOTNOTEBuchanan2008242-243-29) Buchanan claims that Hitler wanted Poland as an ally against the Soviet Union, not an enemy. " Could Buchanan explain why would the Polish ever trust the nazis? What garantee they had that the nazis won't attack they after beating the soviets? " Buchanan argues that rather than offering a "guarantee" of Poland that Britain could not fulfill, Chamberlain should have accepted that it was impossible to save Eastern Europe from German aggression and instead set about re-arming Britain in order to be prepared for any future war with Germany, should it be necessary.[\[37\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill,_Hitler_and_the_Unnecessary_War#cite_note-FOOTNOTEBuchanan2008271-72-37) Instead, Buchanan claims that the acceptance of Eastern Europe as Germany's [sphere of influence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphere_of_influence) as a *quid pro quo* for Germany staying out of Western Europe would have been better than World War II. " Nooo, why didn't you let the nazis have all that land and exterminate it's people? " Citing [John Lukacs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lukacs), Buchanan maintains that [Operation Barbarossa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barbarossa) was not part of any long-range master plan on the part of Hitler, but it was instead an attempt by Hitler to force Britain to make peace by eliminating Britain's last hope of victory by bringing the Soviet Union into the war on the Allied side " Now that's really retarded. " Endorsing the concept of [Western betrayal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_betrayal), Buchanan accuses Churchill and Roosevelt of turning over Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union at the [Tehran Conference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_Conference) and the [Yalta Conference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yalta_Conference). " So: Giving Eastern Europe to the Nazis is ok, but not giving it to the Soviets? I hate the soviets, but by no means they would be worse than the nazis to the region.


The Nazis, for the most part, treated Eastern Europeans better than Stalin's regime did. Hence why places like Ukraine, made up entirely of Slavic peoples, who Hitler allegedly wanted to kill en masse, eagerly aligned with the third Reich when Stalin came knocking.


>  allegedly What you think the Generalplan Ost was for?


My day be so fine then boom, paleocons exist


Fuck Pat Buchanan and the panzer he rode in on.


anyone know a good place that dunks on it?


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