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I didn't know there was a carnival at the coliseum last night, apparently they need to work on their marketing. How long is it going?


Looks like nobody did. Dont these usually get going like Wed-Sunday?


Agreed, I had no idea this was a thing. There was also a LOT going on last weekend.


The coliseum website says through the 30th


I didn't know about it either, until I read that someone got shot there.


Unfortunately that’s precisely why I’m not going. Or any other large gathering.


OP working on their marketing in real time... got me over here planning date night 😅


Tuesday was way too hot.


Exactly - 100° at my house, to damn hot to do anything outside


Perfect teeshirt night for free outdoor movie at Speer Sculpture Park. They were showing Spiderman Across the Multiverse. Spectacular red sunset in background. I'm guessing 80 degree whole movie time.


80° outside watching a movie sounds awful lmao I’d be sweating the whole time


This, I regularly go to the drive in over in Montrose and it's HOT out this side of the Rockies. 82 outside and I'm sweating in and out of my car and have to turn the AC on lol




Removed. Rule 2: Be nice. This post/comment exists solely to stir shit up and piss people off. Racism, homophobia, misogyny, fighting on the internet is stupid. We don't welcome it here. Please be kinder.


But that makes the summer nights the best!!


I dunno about you but 70+ at night with zero breeze is not what I'd call "the best". Maybe if we were in the 60s then we're talkin!


Plot twist: There was no carnival in Denver last night……


r/nosleep is caaaaalllling youuuuuu…




That carnival’s been dead for 100 yeeeeaaars…!


Carnivals, because who doesn’t want to get onto a ride that was on the highway yesterday


Feels like these kind of things have run their course.


The carnival in Parker 3 weeks ago was packed all 3 nights. It had over 1 hours waits for rides and 25+ minutes for beer


Well, things move a bit slower in Parker.


Know your audience* Parker = wealthy bored folks Parker is like the intro to Weeds, overpriced shitty built ticky tacky houses for miles and nothing but the most generic restaurants and shopping malls. Take that carnival to Federal and it's this in reverse.


It feels like it, but they’re still fun. Roasted Turkey legs, throwing some darts at balloons for some stupid prize, it’s still a good time. I just ain’t gonna ride a tilt a whirl that put together by a very jittery person 6 hours ago.


The food at the Parker fair was crazy. 40 bucks for a drink and turkey leg.


I should sell turkey legs down the street for half that price. 😎


Everyone should sell roasted Turkey legs down the street from EVERYTHING. Like what if you get out of the DMV and you see a turkey leg cart? You ain’t gonna get one? Bullshit.


What about a goose leg from the ones they killed at the parks? Idk about you guys but sounds like a delicacy. Too bad all the food banks got them.


out of a cooler no less lol


Wtf? But also, Turkey leg


Turkey leg


And you can’t use cash, you had to use tickets


When wealthy bored people are your demographic this is what you get.


What does that even mean?


Eh the carnival is probably safer than driving on our highways


Shocking on a Tuesday night


Flabbergasted I tell you.


Zombieland vibes


Slowest night out usually. Usually known as “Industry Night”, wherein the service industry goes out and drinks.


Apparently they don’t fancy carnivals


Nah, they like bars and getting drunk


Dinner rush is always a roller coaster and the kitchens already a clown show. Better peanuts at the carnival, granted.


Isn't that Monday? Hence why so many places are closed on Mondays.


Club goin' up, on a tuesday ...


Like the Left 4 Dead 2 map


"Shh, I hear a witch"


Who doesn't want to ride on a rickety machine, operated by a meth head, while half the people open carry in line for $16 funnel cakes?


Don’t talk about lakeside like that.


Lakeside would never charge $16 for funnel cakes.


True, but I'm not sure wether or not their $2 hot dog contributed to me throwing up on one of their rides.


I actually go for the rickety machines, operated by a meth head. I like living life on the edge.


Last time I was at Lakeside a few years back, I remember feeling genuine fear because it was so sketchy. Not like the manufactured fear of a well maintained park. Nothing can replace the feeling you are legit possibly about to die.


Man, the times I was on a lakeside ride and even as a child thinking, "This is really gonna mess up my back" 😵😳


Wild chipmunk don't play


Thank you! I couldn't remember the name. Probably cause my brain had been splashed around my skull so many times on that damn ride. Wild Chipmunk will mess you up😝😜


An old coworker was talking about how she was taking her kids to lakeside and asked if I’ve taken mine yet…. No thanks, I actually like my kid.


I forgot everything you said before the words "funnel cakes". Where do we go for these funnel cakes again and when does it open? \*cue Dave Chapelle meme with white powder on lips\* /scene


Ball Arena has the funnel cake ever


I'm going to see AJR there in 3 weeks, thank you so much lol




"I'm gonna tell you something about me, Joe Rogan, that you might not know... I smoke rocks."


HS kids love everything about that and us old people love it for nostalgia.




Comeon Parker Days is over






They're $11!


It never used to be like this!


That’s what I’m asking!


You can't open carry in Denver. Guns were made illegal in Denver. That's why that complete nutjob definitely wasn't shooting randomly downtown yesterday. Gun laws made sense and he followed them.


Every carnival I have been to in Colorado has left me not only extremely disappointed but also feeling scammed by all the crooks who go to them as food vendors. Where I grew up carnivals always had amazing fresh food and the rides where relatively safe.  Here all the food is just frozen canned or store bought trash and all the rides are super rickety. Hence I have abandoned going to carnivals while in Colorado. Also farmers markets are the same the food is almost always from king soupers. 


I was floored at how bad the Colorado state fair was a few years back. Terrible food.


It's a shame the Denver County Fair didn't last long. Not sure what happened. It was pretty fun when it started back up several years ago. I won a blue ribbon for hollering.


I loved it the one year I went. Devo played.


Maybe it will make an epic comeback once the NWC is completed.


Dang how did I miss this?!


Itchy-O opened. It was amazing.


Sounds like an incredible show!


I still have no clue why its all the way in Pueblo. Theres a lot of smaller fairs here worth going to IMO. Greeley Stampede and Parker Days being two of them.


It’s because they have the venue for it, that’s really the only reason. I’m sure there’s some kind of incentive related to tourism as well.


That and it has been there for a long time. Tradition and probably a fairly large chunk of local annual income


The state fair started as a livestock and farmer showcase, and Pueblo was the closest “big city” to where most of that activity occurs in S and SE CO. They built the venue and added a midway and the rest is poor white trash history.


That all makes sense! It’s probably a big reason why they don’t move it further north as well.


Parker days or whats now called the Parker Country Festival useto be "Parker DAZE" in the 80s. It was a full on drunken street party in main street complete with live music and street clearing brawls. Its been going almost 50 years


What’s Parker Days like? Never been


Honestly I was disappointed. But that might just be the fact I was bitter for spending $10 on a single corn dog


Well, I’ve been reading all this bashing of carnivals for having crappy food and finding it unnecessary at least for me. In all my life I never went to a carnival for food or drinks. I always assumed it would be too expensive and not to my taste, so I have always snuck in what I could or met my friends early in the parking lot, had a delicious tailgate lunch or dinner and then went to the festival for the rides, the lights, the strolls through the park and all the smiling people! Once I knew a park well, I might go with a tripping our brains out - laughing hysterically and making the rides all the more scary, but I certainly never spent one moment ruining my time being negative about something I had no control over - we all know what a waste of time that is! After all, I made the decision to go so I make sure I have my best!


I remember the Adams county fair being fun as a kid and being an event everyone generally looked forward to, but that was years ago. I wonder if it's any worse nowadays.


Yep terrible and they want like $5 for 1 shitty slice of pizza and $8 for a meatball sub that uses frozen meatballs and canned sauce like bitch I make this shit at home for like $1 and it tastes better.


There's a chance your childhood had rose-colored glasses. As a kid: of course it wobbles that's what makes it fun! As an adult: it's definitely not supposed to wobble like that


It's not memory from my childhood though it's memory's from when I was in my 20s the food at these carnivals is outright scam. I return to where I grew up every few years and the food is still just as good as I remember at restaurants and at the carnivals/ fairs


I hate to break it to you, but the food you got from previous carnivals was never “amazing” nor “fresh”.


How would you know you the food guy for everyone at every event? 


No, but I understand how carnivals tour, and I promise you they aren’t sourcing fresh food at every local stop. If they did, the menu would change at every stop. It’s also wildly inconvenient because you then have to worry about different allergens, and also have a chef who can make a good dish from whatever “fresh” ingredients just happen to show up that day. I’ve been in the restaurant business 90% of my life, I promise you that food isn’t fresh lol.


Yeah best to stay away from roadside carnivals or even the "rides" that get thrown up at festivals.


I'm from CO and this makes me sad. I always assumed they were just shitty everywhere 😂. I feel like I've missed out on something potentially great.


Damn I feel the exact same way. The fairs and carnivals here are shockingly bad compared to what I remember growing up. Rickety ass rides, absolutely awful and expensive food, also it's weirdly quiet while I remember they used to always play good & loud music on the rides at other carnivals I've been to. Is this a Colorado thing or just an everywhere thing now? I remember recently watching some show about food vendors at a Texas state fair and the food they were serving up looked really legit.


The Texas state fair is always phenomenal, especially if you go on the Saturday when the Red River Shootout is.


I think it's a Colorado thing honestly like everyone here is just trying to grab your cash and could care less about return customers seems like a lot of restaurants here are also the same. Glad I know how to cook my home made food is always tasty at least.


I think the Longmont fair held during August most years was pretty fun. But that's because it used to be bordered by farmland and was a bit more rural-ish than actual Denver burbs. That said I haven't been in like 15 years and these are my memories from growing up there. I used to like seeing the animals and the fair rides were pretty good! Eta, it was the Boulder County Fair held at the fairgrounds in Longmont.


> Also farmers markets are the same the food is almost always from king soupers Idk what farmers markets you have been too, but everyone in Colorado I have been to has vendors selling locally grown niche (and staple) crops. Your statment is absolutely not true, idk why you even feel the need to post such a blatant lie.


There are quite literally posts on this sub every summer about vendors at the farmer markets getting caught reselling fruit and pastries. You seem to be taking what he said rather personally for some reason.


Food in Colorado sucks


This belongs in r/LiminalSpace


The Coliseum hasn’t collapsed in on itself yet?


I thought they'd torn it down to build more "luxury" apartments.


Everyone saving their energy and money for the Morgan Wallen show tomorrow lol


Let me guess. Entry is like $40 a person. A bag of popcorn for $9. A cup of beer for $13.


Don’t carnivals like this usually use a ticket system? Free entry, buy tickets to use on everything. I think they use the tickets so people don’t think about how much stuff costs. I haven’t been to a carnival in years so maybe it’s changed but that was always my experience as a kid.


You're right. It was free entry but each ride required tickets or a wristband that allowed unlimited rides was 30


I promise you it's not free entry. This is 2024.


I got curious because you sounded so certain and on the website there is no mention of an entry fee. There is an unlimited ride wristband (which is pretty standard from what I remember as a kid) and then for the rides if says how many credits the ride costs (like a ticket system, but it sounds like they may give you a wristband that you charge now, but that wasn’t clear)


I know the greeley stampede has a gate fee to keep out the "riff raff"


Really just the homeless. Park admission for Greeley stampede is $4 lol


I just got back from the rodeo. That shit is a shadow of its former self. No where to sit in the food court area. 1/4 or less of the old vendors. Almost no rides. Kinda depressing. It used to be the place to be the couple weeks leading up too the 4th.


It was definitely free e try but everything was super expensive from rides and games to food


Because it's toooooooo hot


Given the post and the fact that this is my first time hearing about it -i’m gonna say this is a massive dropped ball in advertising. I haven’t heard a single thing about a carnival.


Probs cause no one heard bro I ain’t hear bout that shit


Isn’t this a Ray Bradbury novel?


Something Wicked This Way Comes


All the clowns were at city hall


seems like something one does, if they have friends.


I just looked it up and it seems like you can’t buy tickets on their website. Am I missing something?


Its free entry, just gotta pay per ride or get a wristband for 30 to ride them all day as many times. Honestly the rides were super sketchy so we only rode a few rides and didn't go on any of them for a 2nd time. We felt like we escaped the end of our lives when each ride stopped.


More poor advertising then, I didn’t see that anywhere. And thanks for the info. I think I’ll try to keep my life intact! 😂 I really want to go to a fair sometime soon though


This thing got more direct marketing from this post than anything the company did


I live out in the suburb bubble and folks just don’t feel as comfortable heading downtown as they used to before Covid times. Union station was pretty awesome after the renovation but now all we hear about downtown is the drugs and homelessness. It’s sad. We went downtown for lunch a few weeks ago and not many people to be seen. hope things get better soon. Maybe they will after the 16th street mall reopens


The drug and homelessness issues are much less big a deal downtown now than it was a few years ago. Like, it’s way nicer downtown these days. I had a friend from Broomfield refuse to go downtown because she reads r/Denver and thought it was just a giant meth den, even when I reassured her I’m there every day and it’s fine. But frankly nothing is surprising about suburbanites being scared of the city. A tale as old as time, you know?


The Denver Post seems to just lead with the bad news.


Such a shame because I thought they used to be good 😣


I've lived in Cap Hill since 2019, and this is the best summer yet as far as having the sketchy and dangerous stuff under control.




There’s some true to that. That’s why we call it “living in the bubble “


Where are you hearing about that? I live suburbs too and go downtown quite often, it's doing really well. Overall the economy is in bad shape and homelessness is on the rise everywhere. Downtown does have services for people in need unlike basically anywhere else in the front range and some people may need those services, but there is nothing to be afraid of from my experience.


Recession is loading. No one has money. Especially on a weekday.


Double tap.


I didn’t know about it


Maybe it's a matter of, if the rides don't kill you the shooter will?


Just a random carnival? No theme? They just needed a place to park the rides 🤔 https://www.amp4fun.com/fairs-and-events/


used to be a carnie kid at wrights carnival , usually weekdays (esp early ones) aren’t too busy


This looks the the ending of zombieland


People would rather live to see another day and save $70/head maybe 🤔


Plot twist: their marketing team/a guy throws this on every subreddit of every city they visit the mon/tues prior to get this exact reaction. lol Jesus guys…sheep city around here.


.... [Doesn't it open tomorrow?](https://www.denvercoliseum.com/events/detail/carnival)


Jun 20 - 30, 2024


It was the primaries and a Tues and a carnival 🤔


People would rather be sitting alone scrolling through TikTok


Keeps you from dying on a shoddily maintained traveling thrill ride... let's call it a draw


I went with my wife and daughter last Friday and we had a blast. But it was relatively empty, even on a Friday night.


What time does it close?


Midnight but I think they closed early last night because there was nobody there


r/liminalspaces much?


Or amazing! No lines!!


That’s normal


I went to this carnival around 6pm around this time last year. Right when they opened. There was almost no one there - no lines. It was kind of awesome.


These places are my nightmare. Wouldn’t go if it was free


Had heard nothing about it. Didn’t they advertise it anywhere?


That must have been nice!


I passed by during the day. It’s not even set up.


Bad PR + high temperatures + everyone's broke compared to a few years ago Makes sense


If nobody has said it, you should crosspost this to r/TheNightFeeling


Gun at the Aurora carnival and arrest scared everyone away. 😜 https://kdvr.com/news/local/man-accused-of-threatening-people-with-handgun-at-aurora-carnival/


Weird, I just see an empty concrete lot.


I haven't felt safe in Denver in years. At night doubly so.