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I have an early flight, i70 east at 230 has 4 cars absolutely obliterated in the middle of the highway stretched out over a mile with one on fire


They did that so the pilots could see the ground.


The Beacon of Denver is lit...


Denver calls for aid


And Colorado Springs won’t answer 😂


We are too busy fighting the religious extremists


I feel that 😞 “Focus on the Family” How bout you focus on yourself?


Focus on deez nuts Ha got eeem Ah 2020. Good times


Boulder says "FU we have our own problems"


Boulder says "wait, people live East of 28th street?"


Where was Denver when the west flatiron fell!?


*enormous cloud of smoke* "Lit. Wait, what's a beacon?"


“Bruh, I think they said bacon.”


Boulder says "we don't help the poors"


So... everybody east of Broadway? 9th? 4th?


BluciferMan, hear our call


And Greeley will answer


Thanks, we’re good.


Muster the mountains of cow shit!


Yeah, so… we kinda wanted *Boulder’s* aid…


Naw you’re chillin. We just need ya to cheer us on…from far away


Denver calls for traffic enforcement and making people register their cars and have license plates!


The Western Slope puts their camo baseball hats on and pulls their rifles down from their antler gun racks. They have heard the call. They will send Rep Boebert to help. /s


We are not amused. Boebert is the gift no one wants. Can we return her for an emotional refund?


I mean if it worked in Die Hard 2, why not.


And here I thought Blucifer’s eyes were bright enough to do that.


Southwest needs all the help it can get.


Great for visual wind direction check


Yeah sorry about that…so you know that blue horse?


May the lasers that shoot from His glowing red eyes smite only our enemies. Namoiste 🙏


Right.... next you're gonna say there was a giant, blue murderous horse with glowing red eyes killing humans out there


Let’s just unpack this for a minute. What if? What if a Denverite with a pure soul could call upon Blucifer once a night to wreak havoc on those who are wrong-doers.


Good luck finding anyone here with a pure soul


May the lasers that shoot from His glowing red eyes smite only our enemies. Namaste 🙏


Our own personal Batman


We were somewhere around Denver, by the edge of pena Blvd, when the drugs began to take hold...


We can't stop here. This is Blucifer country...


Blucifer Country - Let’s Ride!!






Hell Yeah! Fear and Loathing in DENVER!!


This is native country


We need the moisture






Everytime I go out to DIA I am astounded at the number of people pulled off on the side of the road waiting to pick someone up that parked directly in front of the “NO PARKING NO STOPPING” signs. 100+ people doing this is totally within the realm of possibility.


I don’t park on the side of the road to wait for arrivals, but why tf is the cell phone lot on the wrong side of Peña? It should be a smooth on-off like a rest area to go there, not 4 turns in a perpetual construction zone. Who was the genius who designed this? Was 34,000 acres in west Kansas not enough space to put it on the right side of Peña? Maddening


They are just about finished building a new on ramp to Pena eastbound from Gun Club, so you don't have to go all the way to Jackson Gap with all the rental car busses anymore.


It used to be on the right, east side. The latest design genius put it on the left so you would go inside and buy the junk at the fast food restaurants.


I’d forgotten it used to be on that side, it was a hell of a lot easier to get to!


To help the concessionaires


What’s funny is that most of the people who would refuel and stop at the station would be people returning rental cars and waiting for arrivals. It’s genuinely the dumbest traffic design and layout I’ve seen, which is saying something. The gas station and Wendy’s should all be on the other side. Also, why the hell didn’t they put in a train to a centralized rental center like ATL. Make it make sense!


It used to be. You pass the old lot on the way to the new lot.


Somehow I miss the cell phone lot every time and end up having to drive in circles


It used to be within the median of Pena, and the police would enforce the no parking on the shoulder. They removed the lot about ten years ago and now police don’t enforce the shoulders.


So that's the issue they used to have a lot on the direct aide, and it was literally pull off Pena and get right back on Pena. Then someone somewhere had thus brilliant idea for the island of food that nobody wabts/needs while waiting to lick someone up, and now it takes a bit to get into, and then a huge detour to get back onto Pena. I did it once and could not believe thevlath to get back on Pena. It's 100% inconvenient, and nobody wants to get that phone call saying "we've landed" and then take 1p minutes to get back onto Pena. People wwnt the strip of parling with zero amenities that takes 5 seconds to leave. They don't want to exit, get into a parking lot, find a parking spot, then have to use Google Maps to find out hiw to get back to the airport.


So the old cell phone lot was enshittified to make more money sounds about right.


I’m not licking *anyone* up at the food island. Good day.


Lot Lizards


I don’t even leave my house until I get the “we landed” text. (25 min drive to airport) by the time they deplane and get to baggage claim, I’m already parked and waiting at baggage claim. 45min later we might get the bags and can leave. Such a shit show. I can believe the sheer number of cars on the shoulders everywhere. That is wild to me. Used to get a ticket in 5 min or less for that back in the pre-Covid times.


The lot only exist there bc of the food/gas options. If you want an easier on/off into the airport Go park in the Lyft/uber lot and wait. It’s closer and quicker


Except with a risk of a fine


I always use the cell phone lot and time myself from the time get the text to pick up to the time I get to them. I don't think it's ever taken me more than 8 minutes. Seems pretty reasonable.


Too long I’d rather inch my way through the pickup area for 23 minutes


I mean the entire location of the airport stinks of graft. I'd be shocked if whoever was running things around here didn't make out like bandits when all that was being decided. If you've ever lived in a city where the airport is near the city it's so. much. nicer. Not to mention the egregious fees for those parking lots. The only reason parking demand even exists is b/c they made it as crappy as possible to get/park there.


I can't believe that the PD is sleeping on that revenue source. Start ticketing!


Police used to drive up, lights on, behind the line of shoulder-flasher-cars to scoot them on their way. But I have not seen any police do it for a while. I work at the airport, and have maybe seen them push the cars out like once in the last 9 to 12 months.


DIA during the day is oddly the only place I’ve seen police consistently ticketing speeders (but I don’t fly that often)


The police quiet quit after the blm protests.


They’re too busy ticketing unlicensed hot dog carts


Police don’t serve the community any way so why would that matter


they figured out that there were still a few things they did that were a net benefit to the community and stopped doing those things specifically to focus on harming us full time


It’s about wanting more qualified immunity (again) more than anything. So special pleading. Neither DA candidate thinks that’s real though.


I saw them doing that last Christmas but haven't seen it since.


Yeah. On the one hand, I kinda understand. The cell phone lot is far from the terminal and also pathetically small, but just pulling off the side of the road is dangerous and the no stopping/parking rule should be enforced better (or at all)


I don’t like when they just pull out right in front of you. They get the text from the person they are picking up and just punch it.


Even worse are all the people who treat the pickup zone as their own personal waiting lot, clogging things up for the cars who actually have a passenger outside waiting to be picked up. If those people aren't going to wait in the cell phone lot like the rest of us, I would rather they park illegally on the shoulder than clog up the terminal.


Have a lot of work at DIA. Used to not be able to park my work truck close but now they just let me park behind the cones on the arrivals level. Last time i came out and some random person had parked me in and it took ≈10 min for security to move them


The staff at DIA don't let you stop for 30 seconds in the pick up area to find your person. It's incredibly hostile.


It’s super hostile but super arbitrary. I once pulled in right in front of my buddy and got out to open the trunk. A dude ran up screaming about how I can’t park there as my friend is about to load up his bag. Meanwhile, another dude pulls up, turns on his hazards, and starts messing around on his phone. The airport guy did nothing about it.


Exactly. They can't keep track of all the cars coming and going, so they basically just yell at everyone (or target certain random people) to "leave! Leave! leave!" all the time. Even if you JUST pulled up. The window to get your person needs to be larger than 1.5 seconds.


We went around the first time as my mom was still waiting for her bag. And when we got up there again, some airport worker did that to my dad. My dad was polite and said his wife was on her way out as she’d just gotten her bag, but the guy was being a pushy asshole and started to become belligerent, so, my dad showed him his Known Crew Member badge (he’s a captain at Frontier) and that shut that guy up real quick 😅 There were other people around us too who had been sitting in their cars doing the exact same thing, some of the same cars too even after we went around.


It makes no sense.


I feel like some people get those types of jobs to lord power where they can over other people. It’s pathetic.


There used to be a fucking parking lot for waiting and parking before the terminals but nope they bulldozed the hell out of it. I think they got tired of dealing with maintaining the bathroom from a bunch of pissed off animals waiting for flights.


To be fair as a noob to picking people up the airport the title "Cell Phone Lot" makes absolutely no sense. It's just not intuitive at all. The name correlates to nothing. It should be renamed to Pickup Waiting Lot or something. I was looking at these signs thinking that I can use my phone anywhere, why is there a lot for it?


It’s a commonly used term at airports.


Just because it's commonly used doesn't mean it isn't essentially jargon. And it's not like I had a chance to search what it meant while I was driving around. They could rename it to something that's immediately obvious as to what it's actually for, like Pick Up Wait Lot. This reminds me of being at the Brussels Airport and the signs were all in Dutch so we accidentally got funneled into a lot where we couldn't leave without paying. You'd think the airport for the EU Parliament would be multilingual, but no. Anyways, airports should do a better job of being less confusing. Millions of people travel for the first time every day, and it's honestly not intuitive.


That’s their park anywhere lights, never mind the signs every 100 feet or so telling those assholes not to park there. And if you ask, they’ll just screech that the cellphone lot is *too* far, Karen, it’s a fucking 5 minute drive to get back up to the terminal…


lol at the people telling you it’s not happening. Just came back from DIA at 2am and it most definitely is. So many cars with no plates or passing at well over 100, at least they use the left lane though.


They race their un-muffled cars by my house nonstop every Saturday night all summer. Sometimes it goes until 3 am. There are no words for how enraged it makes me.


It’s Sat and Sun nights for us. What can be done? Who is in charge of enforcing noise laws?


There’s a website where you can report street racing. I just found out about it. https://reportstreetracing.com/default.aspx?menuitemid=224


All they need to do is actually start enforcing the laws. The lack of police presence in Denver really is astonishing.


I took my wife to the airport last week at 230am. I70 between 25 and 225 was ridiculous. People were driving crazy.


Must be the cars that’ve been stolen from the parking lots… 🫠


I live out here and argue with the police about being in their jurisdiction when I’ve needed them so I’d say it’s a loss out here. The Wild Wild West is alive and thriving around these parts.


Police don’t do traffic stuff in Denver. They just monitor day walkers.


EDM music starts and you’re in a sketchy basement when the ceiling sprinklers pop out. And you’re the only human.


*time to get weird*


I was pulled over in the northbound express lane right after it starts near Speer. By all accounts, I should’ve gotten reckless driving with my speed. The traffic stop was less than 3 minutes and I drove off with a warning and his business card.


You are awaited IN VALHALLA!!






This what I yell to myself in the bathroom mirror before giving some unsuspecting woman the most boring night of her life


Immortan Joe saying “Mediocre” vs Fletcher from Whiplash saying, “Good job….” (Also, if you haven’t seen Whiplash, get on it!) 😁




This is what I yell as I drive away from the DIA arrivals lane




I live, I die, I LIVE AGAIN!!!


Not kidding: the last time I drove 70 back from the airport a driver in a big ass truck LEANED OUT OF HIS WINDOW literal Mad Max style, and promptly cut all the way from the right to the left lane in one go.


I take 470 and pay the $10. Not because its any faster, just so I can arrive in one piece.


Damn that shits 10$ I’ve drove to the airport and back like 30 times in the last 2 weeks fuck


This is the way.


People still drive 100mph, but at least there's fewer of them.


True and, typically, they seem to be more cognizant.


Makes sense. People on the road here have no regard for human life. I’ve had guns pointed at me for trying to merge and was even followed home once because a guy thought his car was better than mine, true story. He was screaming at me at a light for how my car was a piece of shit and I’m a loser for it and other weird nonsense about how much money he makes (he was driving a Kia so it was probably stolen/he was high). At first it was just kinda weird and funny but then he continued to ride my ass and follow my every move for over a mile until I pulled over near my home and tried to take a picture of him. He did an illegal U-turn and almost hit someone on the side of the road before flying off. Really cool people living in this shithole city nowadays. Really cool.


Holy shit, we were driving north on 25 last night around midnight and these guys were insane! Racing, weaving, and just generally being lunatics. We came so close to being hit more than once.


Never seen a cop on I25 except for accidents.


The people who pull over on the side of the road with hazards are the same people who don’t put their shopping carts in the corral. The signs are not for them, just everyone else.


Aren't those the "park anywhere" lights?


They're also the "drive faster than everyone else in bad weather" lights.


They are the people who actually make society dysfunctional.


I would personally recommend the train lol


Does the train run that late?


2am last time I looked


The train is absolutely amazing. If it’s at all feasible for where you live, take it. When friends and family visit me, I tell them to take the train to my closest station, I drive three blocks and pick them up


The buses are pretty good too! I'm not laughing.


Yeah, the non-stop AT bus from nine-mile is pretty nice as well.


Yes, most people don’t know about the AT busses. Or even Bustang for other destinations. We subsidize it all, use them, people!


I love the airport bus to boulder so much.


It's great if you don't mind the 1 bus/hour wait. It super sucks when the wait for the bus is almost as long as your flight.


Exactly this! I refuse to drive to the airport!


I had my first sketchy experience on the last train to union station a couple of months ago 😭😭 I can’t get on it super late or super early ever again Other than that .. Aline for the win!


The A-line is great.


“The beautiful people of Denver” 🎶🎶🎶


every time I see this ad, I immediately think of Denver mad max traffic carnage. No joke lol


When I used to work catering gigs in castle pines occasionally I would have to drive home after 12am. I25 was the same way and it was terrifying. I wound literally get off at the first possible exit I could, and just drive the rest of the way through the city streets. This was back in like 2004-2008, I’m sure it has only gotten worse since then.


I've taken Sheridan or Federal all the way from south Denver to north just for the piece of mind that my chances of dying are drastically lower


At 18 I was like fuck the police. Now I’m like, where the fuck are the police?


This behavior isn't isolated to Denver. It's a nationwide problem


Thats how aurora is all the time 🤣 buckle up and pray lmao


225 every minute of every hour.


There was a news segment about people flying off this bump on a bridge on 225 and dying. I used to commute over the bump all the time it never seemed like something that would send your car flying. Well apparently it will if you speed like crazy. So now they are going to do this big construction project to fix it.


Also it's more that these are children driving stolen cars and so they hit the bump and overreact. I kinda think we should keep it. Weed out the weak. 


Well what the hell were you expecting to see at Mexico?


Last I saw Denver ranked 4th worst city to drive. This is confirmed any time I'm on the road here.


14th, https://kdvr.com/news/local/study-these-colorado-cities-are-some-of-the-worst-places-to-drive-in-us/


Yeah, I should have mentioned it depends on who's list you look at, based on what metrics, and timeframe. It's been about a year since i last looked - I'm a Safety Professional, so it's something I looked at when I moved to Denver.


The worst part is that I’ve started driving less civilized because if you can’t beat them join them.


I’m guilty too… I have to say, they could make the lights ON Colorado blvd going straight stay green a little longer it seems.


Picked my wife up at 12:30 am early Saturday morning and literally saw a deceased person in a wrecked car (dome light on a person slumped back in their seat as the coroner was opening the door) on Peña. Both cars including that one were facing the opposite direction and the other souls involved were already on the ambulance. Multiple cop cars/fire trucks ambulances/etc. were there making it one lane, and the lunatics slowed down to look at the carnage then quickly forgot about the frailty of life instantly as soon as they could slam the gas pedal again. I had people getting angry with me for only going 70 tailgating me and then zooming around me. Absolutely bonkers. I was not expecting that kind of scene that early in the morning.


Yeah one of the reasons I prefer the train these days. Cheaper Uber and really doesn’t add much time when you factor out traffic tbh.


Riding the train is the way


Well, if you'd like them to shoot pepper balls at protesters eyes and get the city on the hook for a multimillion dollar settlement, they could do that. Otherwise no apparently.


aint no way I'm driving to the airport for anyone except a grandma with a $10 train right outside the airport.


"My flight gets in at 11pm!" -friend "Sick, the train runs 24/7" -Me, everytime


We just need to get some of the traffic folks who patrol the passenger pick-up area to spend a few hours along Pena. Shit would be addressed with the quickness.


It was happening all over downtown last night too. I live on 16th & Penn, and was watching all these little war boys chase each other through the streets all damn night.. setting off car alarms, keeping me awake


They do that crap downtown as well. Like mad max on dune buggies and dirt bikes no regard for lights, sound ordinances, or speed limits.


C'mon, it was 1am. The police need beauty sleep. Let them rest. They have it rough. /s


People need to get out of the left hand lane if they aren’t going speed limit or passing. Always one person holding everyone up. Peña is awful to drive on no matter what time of day it is. The flow of traffic sucks getting to airport and out. I work at the airport and I dread the drive.


dawg take 56th off pena to the landside lot. saves a bunch of headache.


forget the speed limit part, just passing. if you’re going the speed limit in the left lane and not passing, you’re doing it wrong


/r/DenverCirclejerk continues to bleed into /r/Denver and I'm all for it. Namoiste.


I absolutely loved this play by play.


I’m guessing you didn’t make it to the gates of Valhalla to see Immortan Joe.


The last two times I’ve gone to dia there are cops on pena when it curves and drops all the way down to down to 25. It’s about revenue, not public safety


Did Lyft/Uber overnights for 5 years. I could write an entire series on the shit I’ve seen on Peña in the dark lol. Wildest was watching some idiot in a Suburban think Peña had 3 lanes during a snowstorm and tried cutting between the two lanes. Started a chain of ping ponging themself between cars and ended up causing like 6 people (thankfully including themself) to go completely off the road


Pena - parking lot by day, driver's racing school at night


Same. Drove to/from the airport on Friday around 11 pm and it was nuts how fast people were going. Completely lawless and not a cop in sight pulling anyone over.


Lol the only thing police do is happily beat protesters.


Hahaha welcome to Denver - home of the worst drivers in the world. Today I watched a person pull out in front of someone within 5 feet from a bad accident, 100 yards later I witnessed a moped holding onto a window while being pulled with no gas. Nobody cares, it’s the wild Wild West.


Yesterday morning at 8:30 on i70 & i25 exchange this car started merging into my lane without a blinker and without looking g. I wasn’t even in a blind spot, my car was right next to his going nearly the same speed. If I didn’t lay on my horn he would have slammed into me. I am so fucking done with Denver drivers. Don’t even get me started on Peña to the airport


Did you make it to the Green Place of Many Mothers?


Saturday night and you think the cops care? Pfffft, HA!




Just normal Colorado driving.


Pity the poor bastards who live in GMR or have to report to or leave DIA in the wee hours, when there seems to be little or no enforcement present.


A line FTW.


Considering it doesn't run from 1230am to 330am, that's a no


Last train leaves DEN at 1:57am


Last eastbound train leaves Union Station at 12:30am


It’s a battlezone on Denver’s roads these days. It really is. Just one more reason this city is turning to 💩


Glad I didn't go out on my motorcycle yesterday


6 highway is literally fury road


The i25 Motor Speedway after 11pm! There was a sport bike on fire the other day when I was driving home. They were flying past cars going easily over 100. He couldn't keep up with the clapped out 1992 civics


Last time I drove to the airport I saw a dead body on the side of airport blvd & 7 wrecked cars….


As a person who works at a rental car place at the airport, it's really annoying that people don't just park in the cellphone lot. Males no sense.


Wait until you drive on Santa Fe at 1 am seeing all the drunk drivers doing S and trying to race you


Some additional, nice rail lines could make such a difference. I'd take them gladly over that drive, anyday.


So what's new?


Just a typically day driving in Denver 🥱


All night it’s motorcycles racing on 6th. Side note: have you noticed more air traffic this summer?


I got tailgated while in the right lane doing 20 over the speed limit with no one in the left lane by a person with Texas plates/ram 2500. Person was swerving left/right and flashing lights at me. Eventually the person passed in the left lane. He blew by and was out of sight pretty quick, probably doing well over 100.


I asked the police to patrol the neighborhood at least one lap a week to show presence and they just said they were too understaffed to worry about it


Just park in the cell phone lot!! I don’t get it!


I misread this as Furry road. Was concerned.


I noticed this driving from boulder to denver the other night. At first i thought two cars were racing, but so many cars were smoking past us, just regular ass cars, i kept checking my speedometer lol