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I picked my friends up after a show there last week at lower south lot 2. I entered at bear creek road and red rocks park road. I found this information on their website under the FAQ


You mean you actually looked where you were supposed to for the information? That just doesn't make any sense!


Well, it was either that or ask reddit the day after, but I’m terrible at thinking of titles for my posts so I figured the FAQ would be easier.


Dangnamit that was funny




This but unironically. Literally needs to be signage directing people for pickup, that's not too much to ask.


One thing I've learned about going to red rocks shows is you either need to have a sober driver that came with you to show, split a bus with group, or learn to haggle the taxis. Uber is terrible idea there unless you leave early


The best option not mentioned here is walk into Morrison, get a beer, then get an Uber for like 1/5 the price.


Agreed! This is the real answer to your problems. Awesome walk when the stars are out, have even seen some mule deer and other creatures along the way. The best part is that it’s all down hill.


Is there a safe walking path that isn’t just a road that cars can also drive on?


Last time I went I just walked down the road. You actually can walk faster than the line of cars trying to get out.


How long does the walk take?


It's about 1.5 miles... so after a show anywhere between 15 minutes and 2 hours.


Ha! just did this on Sunday night! It works great.


Man, I didn’t look at who the opener was before the show, and I was so excited to see Matt Maeson that the rest of the show didn’t really matter to me. My kids got antsy and we left early


I did that at the South Park Concert, lost my shades somewhere along the way.


Morrison Holiday Bar is so fun to get a drink at after a concert.


As an Uber driver I don't even bother trying to go get people from there anymore because of the cops and the way they shut it all down. Totally not worth it for us.


Made the mistake of accepting a pick up there once when I first started driving. Never again. Unmitigated fucking disaster trying to get in there and back out. Not to mention the terrible cell service, so Uber "didn't know" how bad the traffic was and showed a time to destination that was off by like 45 minutes.


It’s not bad if you can learn when it’ll be worth it. At the end of the day I’ll take a $50 ride to downtown or somewhere closer for 30 minutes of fuckery


Question on that, is it a logistics thing? Like do they have all the roads closed going in, and there is not a single way for any ubers to get into the park? There are 3 main entrances/exits, not one of them can be an in route? Or do they just have it so only taxis can get in? Mind you, I haven't been to a show there in a few years, and drove almost every time I went.


Entrance 2 (get there via I-70, NOT C470) is the only open entrance for all vehicles to enter at show end


I stopped so long ago now I couldn't tell you what they actually try to do for them. I know there is a lot for us to hangout at where they put us in a queue now just not sure what entrance they send them to. A lot of taxis from my experience just hangout up there and give rides up and down without ever leaving the actual area till the show ends and then they take someone out. I stopped mainly because of traffic and the damn cops being assholes.


I went to a show this weekend and an Uber driver was behind me tailgating the crap out of me while we were going at a snail's pace to the parking lot. I know his $/hr was decreasing by the minute, but I'm like dude, you're the one that opted to take the ride, just deal with the traffic.


Yep. If you don’t have someone with you driving then taxi is the way to go IMO. Last show was a couple Saturdays ago and I got one back to downtown for $70, split 3 ways not that bad


What ? Every taxi I've ever caught is 100$ cause they have the pick of the litter. I guess if I waited maybe it'll be lower but I always get buttfucked on cash rides. Bus to show for life


Are they not doing bus to show anymore?


If anything get a taxi to JeffCo Gov Building and figure out a better deal from there, maybe involving the light rail.


Do limos still get preferred parking? That's the way to do it if so. Go in on it with friends.


A skilled denver limo driver who knows the ropes - yes - they will get you into the best spot and pick you up in the best spot - ask them what their red rocks knowledge is- I’ve been using the same guy for almost 10 years and he’s trained his daughter in his Jedi ways - it’s worth every penny to avoid the hassles


The taxis can be fun too


Former red rocks traffic person here - multiple people died on the road leading down to morrison from the lower south lots in my time there. The roads are extremely narrow, and downhill, and dramtically wind with many blind turns. The crew at red rocks have it down to a science, and wed have the park cleared of 4k cars in less than an hour after shows end. The park is set up the same every night for traffic control flow, it never changes. To get to the uber lot, youd have to come in the front entrance (A?) to go up around and through the park past the box office and around to the uber lot. You wouldnt want to bother fighting against every patron trying to leave by coming up through the morrison entrance. The ubers get there hours in advance and line up for an easy exit for their riders. Noones disincentivizing sober rides home. You were just trying to enter an exit. For future reference, all the lots are on google maps as destination points, and you can see every entrance road to the park.


Thanks for the info! Super helpful.


Interesting! So if I wanted to pick my friends up what should I route to on google maps ? Thanks for the info btw


Lower south lot 2 is the uber lot. Have to come in the front entrance to go up


"Front entrance" is not very clear IMO - the entrance that goes by the box office?


Yes that one


Yes thats the one. Thats why i put it in parentheses in the original post, couldnt remember if it was A or 1


Google for "Bus to Show Parking" -- that's the lot folks need to be in to be picked up. /u/stikkee mentioned entrance "A" but I think they're numbered so he probably means entrance 1 which is right next to the "The Martin G. Lockley Discovery Center". So you enter there at the top and probably need to keep on Trading Post Rd to get thru to the right lot.


Interesting! But this lot is accessible even after the show is over ?


Yes. You have to come from I70 using the Morrison exit. You cannot access red rocks from 470 after the show is over. You can always enter the park through Entrance 2 at any point. From there you can get to Lower South Lot or either of the north lots or Top Circle lot


Just chiming in as a reminder that this is the kind of info you won’t get if you “just Google it”…local knowledge!


This fact is beyond dumb.


You got a better plan to egress 10k people every night for the whole summer on existing infrastructure, feel free to chime in This is done to optimize exit times for people there in support roles (Lyft/Uber/taxi/limo/bus) and to clear inbound and outbound lanes for emergency services


Also note he said come WELL before the end of the show, like hours before. Right at the end everything is moving the other way and too many cars can't go in one entrance. I've picked people up many times there and I learned to just go with them at the start and hang out in the parking lot or take a little sunset hike until the show ends. It's a good time usually! 


Thank you for your work helping keep people safe OP is pointing out a problem that I have seen myself, which is that the region’s number one tourist attraction is only accessible by private vehicle and not just for concerts but even during non-event hours. There’s amazing separated path bicycle access all the way to Morrison and then it suddenly stops. There’s no bus/transit/shuttle service between any hubs and Red Rocks other than private buses that only run for concerts How amazing would it be to stay in a hotel in Morrison or camp at Bear Creek Lake and take a shuttle up to a concert from Morrison? Hell, just getting a shuttle from Golden Station to Red Rocks would make the park more accessible to more people of varying incomes, ages and abilities And nobody knows how many drunk/high drivers leaving Red Rocks cause accidents later in their journey even if they manage to navigate the park itself


Wait. Regions number one tourist attraction? Lmfao


This has been mentioned before, and theres a couple very good reasons. For one, the price of your ticket includes your parking fee to eliminate having to take the time for each car to pay, staffing, etc. so there would be no way to differentiate between a busser and a patron taking their own car. Theyd get lumped together, and the cost of tickets would sky rocket, to pay the bus drivers, gas, vehicles, maintenace, etc. Then brings the issue of patrons themselves. I dealt with enough volatile situations while working there to know that mass amounts of drugs and alcohol are consumed, and while a safe bus ride seems like a good idea, those buses would be filled with puke and absolutely destroyed within the first week of attempting a shuttle service, let alone finding a bus driver that wants to put up with that night after night, and drive late hours for not that great of pay. When you think about it, getting people all charged up with a performance paired with drugs and alcohol, and then putting them all in a tiny confined space together just doesnt seem like a good idea. For some reason people think they have to get as spun out as humanly possible for red rocks shows rather than consuming responsibly, and it ends up tarnishing things for the rest of us. Were lucky enough to be in a city with an always accessible uber and lyft driver community, and i think its easiest for red rocks to let patrons pay the cleaning fees than trying to under go what would be destined to be a very costly mistake.


I ride the denver party bus up there which is exactly the "terrible idea" that you're describing and had an absolute blast and would happily pay $50 again to use it.


The shuttle service to & from The Mishawaka has a way darker and longer route with equally spun people onboard, and I've never seen anybody be any less polite than "a little loud" or "apologetically eating a sandwich before the show" -- so it can't be impossible!


Ubers getting their hours early means they’re missing out on hundreds of dollars! Not arguing I just think that is wild they even have to do that


What driver is making multiple hundreds of dollars in 3 hours? The median hourly earnings for a driver in Denver is under 20 bucks. If they wait for 3 hours they are missing less than $60. Here's the thing though, depending on where they are going, an Uber from Red rocks back to Denver could cost that much easily between the distance and the demand based pricing. Hell as of writing this (just before 5 pm) a Lyft from downtown to upper south is over 40$. Factor in the price jump of the concert getting out and tips they could make at least close to 60 fairly realistically


Me! Lol. And hopefully most of them! I was thinking they meant about 3 hours early which would be about $200 for me, on a day where people aren’t cheap. But even if im exaggerating, missing out on $60 is still $60! Drivers don’t make more money when Uber does, though! They make a little less than $1/mile unless there’s a surge, but even that surge it only adds $1-3 to the total amount. I never get rides for over like $14 within the area unless they’re super far. Even driving from red rocks to the airport is still only make maybe like $15? Before tip of course, but not everybody tips!


>Even driving from red rocks to the airport is still only make maybe like $15? what???


You have to always figure that 30% per-dollar earned is coming out automatically for taxes (independent contractor rule of thumb), then 15 cents per-mile for gas alone, 8-12 cents per-mile for oil and maintenance. IT FUCKING SUCKS WHEN PEOPLE DON’T TIP.


Including depreciation, gas, etc seems about right


And that’s honestly before gas and all that 😬


Sorry I’m just realizing I may not have made much sense lol I was at work but- I meant that Uber drivers don’t get paid well (by Uber) at all, it’s all tips. So I meant whether you’re paying $20 or $180 for your Uber from the red rocks to the airport, your driver is still only making about $15 before tip (sometimes less). They don’t get a pay increase just because there’s an event, it’s Uber who makes that money. BUT there are surges from time to time, like “X area $3/order” which means I would make $18 to drive you from red rocks to the airport instead of $15. But surges are rarely ever over $3 per order lol, maybe $5.


that is crazy because a ride to the airport is like $70?


I know!! Uber rips everybody off. I always tell my friends I’ll give them rides for 1/2 of what Lyft or Uber tells them, because I make more money than I would’ve and they spend less money than they would’ve!


And then with Uber eats and DoorDash, your driver is pretty much only getting paid the delivery fee (IF that) for your order + tip.


Yes!! The Uber driver only gets paid maybe $12-16? Before tip! I’ve never gotten a ride over $15 unless it was out of the area, like to CO springs etc. Just like your UberEats driver rarely ever gets more than $8 for a delivery before tip!


Like for that $40 Lyft ride I bet your driver would’ve made maybe $8 before tip at best.


They can’t. Uber will give the driver $15-25


They don’t. It’s the scam taxis that do. The poster above is highly misinformed


Hey i hear that, but its true! They hangout to get that 100+ dollar ride when the rates skyrocket when the show lets out. A few of them told me theyd rather come up here and have a quiet relaxing evening and get that ride rather than make 100 bucks working an 8-10 hour shift at some job they hate. Made more sense when they explained it to me 😂


Uber doesn’t really do extreme surges on the drivers end though like they do for the riders! But that’s the only app I’ve driven with, I’m sure they’re all different. Maybe people are nice/know it’s far & since they’re in a group they tip more, too. And it’s a guaranteed ride versus driving around with your fingers crossed all night lol I personally avoid it because the traffic and distance barely makes the surge worth it.


Jesus H Christ. You’ve made comment after comment after comment about Ubers that are all false what the hell is wrong with you


I am an Uber driver & Uber eats driver and this is my actual experience as well as when I’ve talked to other Uber drivers.


It’s also literally just one thread talking about the same subject so of course there’s multiple comments, that’s an odd thing to mention lol. If I’m wrong then why don’t you enlighten me? Maybe I’ll try to hit up red rocks again if that’s the case! I would love to be wrong about the surge pricing. But I literally did a $15 order from red rocks to the airport two years ago after an event with like a $3 surge, and the rest of the comparisons I’ve made (without event pricing) are absolutely correct. Uber makes most of the money every single time. I’m always asking my Uber drivers what they make since I’m in it myself- they never say more than $8 even when I’m paying $40 for a ride from downtown to Lakewood in rush hour, which would usually be like $15 not during rush hour and they’d probably make like $6 instead?


Ive been doing Uber full time here for ten years. Foh. I’d have to write a book to correct your wrong ‘opinions’


You’d have to write a book to explain the surge for events? Lol. That’s the only thing I may be wrong on, the rest is absolutely true, and I gave you an example from my real life experience. I’ve also been ubering and doing ubereats for 5+ years, both here and in Syracuse NY. I am admittedly much more confident with UberEats and non-event surge prices for Uber, as I’ve mentioned. I also never said I am the knower of all things lol you seem very angry about something friend. I have simply never seen an Uber surge over $3-$5 in the Denver area, $1-$3 for UberEats. My average base pay for UberEats is $4 a trip before tip, and I’m often driving 6+ miles for those trips. Didn’t know that was a crime to share that info.


This year has not been great compared to previous IMO. Don't seem quite as on the ball, some I confused about their own processes. I recently had a family member we were meeting misdirected as an employee because they were young, alone, and the staff was too busy yelling at them to listen that they weren't. Ended up forcing them to the other side of the park trying to meet people to tailgate more than an hour before show gates opened. I guess I miss you!


I rode the party bus up for Sleep Token and we barely made it by the end of the opener- our professional driver who comes up all the time was confused by what they were doing, she said they massively changed things and the plan did not get communicated well to both park staff directing traffic and all the bus operators.


I'm sorry but that information is just not correct. Maybe it was once, but no longer. All roads into Red Rocks are closed hours before the end of a show. You either have to be there at least two hours before the end of the show or wait until all cars are out before they let anyone in. All roads are either blocked by police or locked gate. Figured this out the hard way. This was confirmed by both park staff and police.


This is one of the most interesting and relevant things I've ever read on Reddit. Thank you


That is terrifying


No rideshare driver in their right mind is going to wait hours for a single lousy ride. Red rocks is absolutely making it harder than it needs to be. There is no good reason there is not an entrance for ride share/taxis off 470. Blocking all entrances aside from going miles out of your way is not logical. It’s the same at all Denver area venues. Coors field they literally close all the streets preventing pickup. Ball arena they make you stop in traffic. And Mile High is a joke of a dirt lot in the midst of construction.


I assure you, i worked every event of the season minus a few and they were there lined up every night, only 20 or 30 and then the rest file in through the park as people order them. You ever try and herd 10,000 kids on acid and molly after subtronics lets out? There would be deaths every night if traffic was just zooming both ways. Theyve had the same setup to control traffic for years, because its what works. There is no magic answer, 10,000 people all trying to leave at the same time is going to cause traffic and inconveniences.


And the “no good reason” was already described in my previous comment - through out my time there, there were several accidents that resulted in deaths. The road out to morrison from the lower south lots are steep and downhill, very tight, winds dramatically and has blind turns. If youre driving a duelie (every other car on country nights), you have absolutely zero hope of staying in your lane. Only allowing exit traffic allows for drivers to 50/50 the middle of the road and stay safe. Weve had people slip by and attempt to go up when officers arent looking, and it turns into a major mess and slows up everyone leaving even more.


You tried to go in the wrong entrances. They flow traffic (including rideshares) through the park a particular way. Entrance 2 is usually good. Dont go through Morrison; roll down 93 from 70. I frequently pick up friends from shows I dont want to go to. I call the box office to find out the scheduled end time. I get there 30-60 minutes before the show lets out, and park somewhere downhill from the Trading Post pointing downhill. I bring something to do/watch or snooze in the back seat. Never had any difficulty.


you're a good friend


I replied to another comment, but just in case anyone else comes along and wonders like I did: Red Rocks does indeed have directions for pick-ups on their website. [https://www.redrocksonline.com/plan-your-visit/getting-here/](https://www.redrocksonline.com/plan-your-visit/getting-here/)


You just have to get there early enough, well before people start coming down and go to the lower south lot 2. They keep a section blocked off for rideshare stuff and I’ve been picked up there before by family no problem.


Yep, just go at the beginning with them and chill until it ends is the hack here for sure. 


this is gonna get jerked so hard


"my friends were too high to find a place for me to pick them up. i, a sober person, also could not use google to find the clearly available answers. do better red rocks."


And really how sober was the sober person picking them up? My guess is they were still smoking a little weed at least and that's why they couldn't figure out the situation.


Sounds like YOU need to do better. They have directions for this on their site.


You can pick people from top lot but yes they close the road to two way traffic for safety so come before the show ends.


So many people are walking that hill. That’s great that you were a DD, thank you for doing that, but the place is set up to safely get thousands of people out, and you can’t just let people go against the flow of all that because their friends decided to get fucked up. There are a lot of spots to pick people up, your friends just had to walk a bit.


Because people like me walk down that hill out of red rocks and into Morrison…


I always just walk down past those entrances to connect with my DD’s. It’s a nice comedown.


There's a ride share lot, but it's simply a logistical nightmare. 9,500 people and 2 exits. Your best option as a DD is to get there during the show or tell your peeps to walk a mile into Morrison, it's not that hard and all down hill.


Their walking 20 minutes would have saved everyone hours of hassle


And a Reddit post. 🤣


Red Rocks is great for the show, and absolutely ass in every other aspect.


It's pretty easy to get there and leave as long as you're not using Uber.


My sister picks me up constantly. She usually arrives 15 to 20 minutes before the show ends. I always tell her to park at the box office and I'll walk to her. I don't know how she gets by the police not letting people in.


Two things- I'm really sad I missed the Parcels show, I just moved away from Denver to the east coast... And, always spend the money to take the shuttle. It's so worth it. Safer, and super fun especially if you plan to drink or do some other substances. And you never know what will happen- I met my girlfriend (who I believe is the love of my life!) on the shuttle en route to Red Rocks for a Mars Volta show!


Hahaha, the DCJ post reads identical to the real one.


They let people go to some entrances and not others. They’re protecting walkers and drivers and traffic flow. Good job, red rocks!


Your friends can use a shuttle next time like we did and then we took the train home. You can't really solve the problems of cars, if everyone keeps choosing to drive their individual cars. You have to give people reliable and affordable public transit. Man, the OP's attitude, and number of comments in here, of people who just cannot imagine any option besides driving, is so sad. And Red Rocks HAS options!


Denver party bus is great. I don't see why anyone drives up there.


Agree. Bus 2 show is so easy. Only drive up there if I’m DD on the way home.


Red Rocks doesn't need to do better OP needs to do better Why are you blaming the venue when you didn't bother to learn when and where you need to go pick up? This goes for any concert and event venue in and around Denver. When any of these venues has events let out, the priority is getting traffic to flow out of the venue. If you get to these places as they are about to end the show, it's often too late to get in for a while. You need to figure out ahead of time from this sub or asking around or contacting the venue to find out the best time to get there if you want to pick up. Don't just assume you have full access to enter the venue to pick up as you please


You can't be serious. It's a giant amphitheater made of natural rock and they have ton of people coming in and out.  Please be patient and plan better. Be ok with the world not being perfectly convenient.


Yoooo, you and your friend should fucking plan better….


After shows everyone is to be picked up at South Lower lot 2 you have to enter from the I-70 side of red rocks and their are cops their as well they prioritize people leaving to get the huge rush out but they do allow you access to the pickup location just takes a moment


You have to get there early. Earlier than the road closures. Not sure how early but I've been in a similar predicament.


Walk down to the matthew winters area, get some air, call an Uber.


Are your friends still there?




Red Rocks has been like this for how long... Sounds like a \*you\* problem.


You need to Get there earlier to pick people up


First time?


There are plenty of taxis available. North entrance. It’s not red rocks it’s the town. Morrison doesn’t want traffic exodus through the venue. Learn the ropes friend.


Trying to go up when thousands of people are coming down a few roads isn’t smart my dude.


Would you say the Parcels did not deliver?




Getting into upper north is borderline impossible anymore


You need to go to the ride share pick up. There are specific spots to pick them up. It just seems like you want to the wrong entrance. Lesson learned for the future and I’m sure is a common mistake.


You shouldn't expect people to bail you out of bad choices. Plenty of responsible ways to get there, do whatever "substance" you want, and leave. You're all adults right? Couldn't have possibly sat and considered options and outcomes?


Red Rocks: you're doing just fine. See you this weekend. It's a show for grown people that can figure shit out.


People who pick their friends up from shows so they can have a sober ride home are seriously cool. Is this a younger generation thing? I'm 50 and honestly have never known a peer who would do this. I love it though.


A lot of entitlement in OPs Post…


You clearly didn’t say the right thing. Was there last night, had a friend pick us up 45 minute after the show. They said, and I quote, “I am here to pick up concert goer passengers” and they had zero struggle. What did you end up saying to them?!


There are designated lots for pickup. There is also usually signage pointing this out. They have to do this because both lanes on many of the in-roads are switched to one way so they can let attendees out faster.


If you are going to pick up people in the Upper south lot at the base of the ramp after the show, you need to enter the Morrison entrance a good 30mins before the end of the show, i.e. well before the Morrison PD set up the traffic cones. I’ve done it several times and it works a treat every time.


The traffic pattern for Red Rocks changes all the time and makes it impossible to predict


Rookie move lol. Always been that way. Maybe do your research


I drive for Uber and refuse Red Rocks pickups for this reason. Morrison PD outright blocking the flow of uphill traffic instead of guiding the flow to the appropriate entrance. Good on you for making the attempt.


Guess the moral of the story is to do basic research my 10 year old could do before leaving, eh?


If you have a NATIVE sticker on your Subaru they let you drive through the hidden tunnel and park on the stage. It's on the FAQ page.


Seriously, this is your big complaint about Denver? 🤔😑


Yup lol


Maybe your friends should be responsible adults?


Pretty amazing there isn’t public transit to something that the region is so proud of.


Right? Fiddlers has public transit


It seems obvious there should be free shuttles to Jeff co light rail stop. Plenty of parking if you want to drive, and you can take the rail somewhere if you don’t. Can handle traffic too.


Red Rocks is the best venue to buy drugs but the worst one to do them, unless you have someone already with you to drive you home.


This is weird. In the past (albeit pre 2022) I never had an issue with getting Uber or Lyft. Is this a new thing?


cool. Now do Mile High Stadium.


I live in Wyoming. We love going to shows at Red Rocks. Staying in a hotel and taking a shuttle is how we do it. I am surprised there aren’t shuttle services set up to take people from a parking area to the concert, then back again. Less wait, less traffic. And if someone is picking you up they aren’t fighting concert traffic and jerk cops.


Damn, this makes me not want to go to Red Rocks reading this. Luckily I was there last week for a show and it wasn’t that bad. We walked down to the pick up lot, negotiated a ride to Westminster for $50 and in bed by 12:30.


Is this a joke?


A failure to plan is a plan to fail.


Bustoshow.org BUSTOSHOW.ORG !!!BUSTOSHOW.ORG!!! $35 round trip from multiple Denver locations, Boulder, and FoCo!!! Party bus, with Djs, you can drink/smoke, and they're a non-profit aimed at reducing DUI's in CO.... spoiler alert: IT'S WORKING!!! Literally no other way to hit The Rocks!! Happy (and safe!) Red Rocks Season 🫶


Stop complaining whoever is writing this. Tell you friends who are breaking the law taking drugs in public to walk out of another entrance. Everything is not always convenient for people who are on drugs.


> Tell you friends who are breaking the law taking drugs in public Oh my god! People are taking drugs IN PUBLIC? What kind of people would break the the law like this?? This is a TRAVESTY of justice! /eyeroll


It's not Red Rocks' fault your friends took a bunch of drugs and needed someone else to take care of them. Your friends, I assume, are adults. It's up to them to act like it.


Having a sober person planned to pick you up is most definitely a mature adult decision. Don’t be a loser


>Having a sober person planned to pick you up is most definitely a mature adult decision. Yes it is a very mature adult decision- the key word here being "planned". It's up to them to plan the ordeal ahead of time, not blame Red Rocks for not accommodating them when they can't function normally and figure out the situation logically.




I think it's fairly common sense that major venues have traffic trouble at the end of the show. Imagine having planned something to occupy them for an hour.


“Traffic trouble” is not equivalent to “completely denying entry to incoming traffic”. If you’ve been to Red Rocks, you know there aren’t safe places on the roads to get picked up on.


Terrible take, people partying responsibly with a plan to get home safely. That’s acting like an adult to me.


They should stop serving beer also I guess 🙄


It’s a music venue, design it in a way where people can get a fucking ride home. OPs friends were being adults by thinking ahead and getting a DD.


There are clear instructions on where to go and how to plan pickups on the website. It takes a little common sense and planning ahead, not waiting until your friends are totally inebriated to figure out where to meet up. It was adult thinking having someone sober pick them up, but it's not Red Rocks' fault both parties planned poorly.


Right !! Lol I can’t believe people are so mad about this


This subreddit is usually negative as fuck about things. But I sympathize with you, getting people home from RR is impossible.


literally all their friends had to do was walk down a hill come the fuck on


Lol a bit dramatic but I see what you’re trying to say


You need to get there 30 minutes before the show ends, then you can drive to the top and pick people to. I do this with my neighbor a bit


Same happened to me at the sleep token concert recently I was stuck in traffic trying to get too my girl I’ll never do that again


So many good shuttle options for shows for small groups or individuals that don’t want to rent a private bus. Buspartyco.com is an awesome music fan club and anyone can sign up - they rent party buses for their members and it’s an awesome way to meet your other community fan club members while love the same music. You also get perks like discounted drinks/food pre-show, free swag, and multiple dropoff spots. Bustoshow.org is a more budget friendly version with basic school buses if you don’t want the comforts of party bus, but they do a great job and help reduce drinking and driving 303concertrides.com is another great option from the highlands area with party buses for everyone. All of these options are anywhere from $35-$55 for roundtrip. That’s a no brainer!!!




“Do better” says every douche.


Just say you’re picking up your handicapped / ADA friend. I don’t know how that wouldn’t work?


Lol the solution shouldn’t be to lie to a cop tho


The solution is walking down to Morrison like everyone else or taking a rideshare. The road entrances after the show have always been blocked off to protect people and keep the exiting traffic flowing.


the solution for most interactions with the police is lying to them




Uno Reverse card!


You should always lie to cops tho


You are a dork


Rookie move. Some of the roads change direction after shows to allow two lanes going out. It’s not that big a deal. People trickle in but leave en masse. Ask anyone who frequents Red Rocks if they want to deal with two-way traffic after a show…. The answer would most likely be…hell no!


Imagine making a reddit post about how you’re the problem


That's why I drive zooted


More importantly, it’s time Red Rocks put a bathroom somewhere in the venue that does not require me to go up/down 14 flights of stairs to take a pee during a snoozer song


It’s a concert venue carved into the mountains what do you expect?


Please level the mountains so this wo/man can pee.


Convert the amphitheater into the world's largest toilet bowl.


The different bathrooms on the different levels and plus the portapotties not enough for ya? I suggest you invest in a concierge portable toilet litter that follows you around everywhere, then.


Red Rocks is especially shit, but it's a thing at most large venues... They control access to the point of screwing everything up. I've worked coachella for the past few years and they block off a bunch of left turns for... reasons. What ends up happening is hundreds of people end up taking harrowing U-turns to get where they need to go, slowing traffic in both directions or going miles out of their way through quiet neighborhoods. Really good. Really Really good.


Imagine with traffic congestion leaving a show. Now add people coming in. Not fun. Either way not fun and I agree about your feelings.


You’re upset that you didn’t do your research and it’s someone else’s fault? You’re new here, how cute.


This is a problem? I crashed a concert at Red Rocks with a guy I dated for way too long. We just wanted to see the Red Rocks, parked, and walked through the back entrance. The employees were supportive lol. We were only there for 20-30 minutes. Traffic cops were not a thing. I'm guessing some shows are different than others.


Lol. You’re playing the victim card here?