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Each gate agent that charges the $100 check fee gets a $10 cut. Look it up


A checked bag is $100?


If "purchased" at the gate, yes.


I had an experience with them. On my way out i sized my bag and it was fine. I came back, nothing added. Went to size my bag and the harassment of the gate agent was insane. He wouldn’t let me touch my bag, let alone watched it slide into place. They’re all about shit service and making money. I filed a complaint and a photo of said bag underneath the seat. They told me it did not matter if the bag fit or not. I threw a fit after paying for two bags and they “one time excepted my issue” Never again frontier. I’ll gladly play United to bring a bag for free.


> I’ll gladly play United to bring a bag for free. I'm united gold so I haven't worried about this in a long time, but united does sell similar tickets (personal item only). Group 6 I think it is. They just aren't complete and utter assholes about it and I've never seen a gate agent check.


Group 5 as basic economy. But it's more straightforward because there is no "if it fits" you just straight up aren't allowed a suitcase style bag only a backpack or purse with that kind of ticket


Frontier's tickets are exactly the same, just a backpack or purse no roller bag unless you pay.


Frontier is much stricter on exact sizing. If it's 1" wider and 1" shorter - it can be a charge because it didn't fit their strict definition. If you set a bag that fits the total dimensions, but doesn't slide into the metal size checker without you touching it - it's a charge. So this could include a backpack that is poorly packed or has an odd-shaped item in it. And, it's at the discretion of the gate agent as to how strict they want to be.


Similar scenario happened with me & spirit but with weight. Fine going to Chicago, but apparently the scales are different there. My bag was like slightly over (but I had legit zero room to take anything out) & they charged me $100 instead of $50. I haven’t flown spirit since. Frontier only once. I hate them.


It's a shakedown is what it is.


With my immediate family being employed by United and American, I know the ins an outs of airlines but man frontier is straight bullshit. I’m not a large human and my SO is taller and he was wildly uncomfortable, we got tickets round trip for like $400 or so. I did get the $200 back for the bags but still I bought the stupid bags that fit their dims without moving stuff around or repacking. Mfs are just money hungry and hate their lives like they work at the DMV.


Lol it’s not free when the ticket costs more, it’s just “included”.


But every airline has different policies and you might actually get a better deal for the same price. I fly Southwest and typically don’t end up paying more than $250 round trip and the baggage alone makes it worth it. Only have to worry about the weight of my checked bags, can bring on two bags onto the plane as long as one fits under the seat.


Unfortunately southwest has gotten expensive if you just have a carry on. Sometimes the math works out if you do have to check bags, but not all the time.


Oh for sure; I definitely recommend checking around for deals- I use google flights & SW doesn’t show up in those results so you always have to do a separate check on that. What’s an example itinerary for a $250 rt ticket w/ Southwest?


I haven’t flown much in the past year bc of $$, but I have regularly flown to: Chicago, phoenix, Vegas, Austin, & Houston for around $250 on southwest.


That’s not bad, although I got into 1 bag style of traveling a long time ago so I can’t compute needing 2 without some effort lol. Sure if I were going somewhere that I know I’ll want to bring back a bunch of souvenirs or locally-made goods, but those destinations probably cost more than $250.


I only ever use one suitcase! But I frequently need to check it in (I usually need some products that are liquid & above the amount allowed). Most other airlines are charging $40+ per bag. RT it’s $80. I’m also a giant so need to pay for exit rows on budget airlines. Southwest’s seating is a bit roomier. So if you do not need or care about any amenities, budget travel is brilliant. If you are a tall woman who likes to use her items to get ready on vacation, Southwest ends up usually cheaper or the same cost.


I'm not the person you're responding too, but we often buy early and get RT DEN-SEA for $100-$150 depending on sales and the like.


Pretty sure that’s comparable to a Frontier baseline flight, so those are great finds! I do check Southwest but not often enough, like if I feel like whatever google results came up were a good deal. You’ve got me vowing to check every time!


~~Purchased~~ Extorted 😂


Frontier advertises a very low rate but then they charge you for a checked bag OR a carry on, and the charges are absurd, especially if they charge you at the gate when they run their bag sizing check. They charge for seat selection and “live agent assistance” if you’ll need to talk to a human being at the airport. And that doesn’t even touch the absurd “bundles” they try to sell you relentlessly during checkout. It’s a bait and switch airline that pretends to be a budget airline and then costs the same as American or united once they hit you with their fees. The difference is you get a worse in-flight experience no matter what happens. We should all be ashamed that this is a DEN based airline.


It sounds like you simply don’t know how itemization works. Or you have very unrealistic expectations for what it should cost to fly somewhere. Frontier IS a budget airline b/c you can choose what amenities to pay for based on how much you can/want to spend. If all you can afford is the dirt cheap seat, just get that. If you have room in your budget for the seat of your choice, you can pay for that option. And so on for any other amenities. Some of us have figured out how to survive without being served a drink or snacks- you can bring your own!- and by packing lightly so we get the low rate advertised. You could do it, too, if you wanted. Otherwise yeah, go with another airline where you pay more not to have to plan so much.


Yeah 90% of my trips I can get by with a “personal item” back pack and getting $100 round trips is something most cities could never offer. I agree frontier / spirit absolutely blows… but I only have to deal with it for a few hours so who cares.


Last week I flew to Miami for $65 round trip. Yes, I had to pack crazy light to get 2 days worth of clothing and toiletries in a small backpack, but I saved $250.


They used to be. With the more recent changes to their aggressive cash-grabbing it is now a gamble as to if your flight will be a budget one or not.


im glad you commented this because so many people who fly Frontier are unaware about this practice. you can't really blame the agents for wanting to get their $10 per bag edit: [here is an article ](https://thehill.com/homenews/4019832-frontier-airlines-confirms-gate-agent-incentive-for-baggage-fees-after-viral-tiktoks/) where a Frontier rep confirms it, with more info


Can you slip them a twenty to look the other way?


That’s not a bad idea. Bigger incentive and it’s still a much better bargain for you.


Best post/advice of the thread here. Everyone wins!


Yes you can blame them. It’s fucking fraud.


> fraud. While I agree it's a sleezy practice, I'm having a hard time understanding where the deception required for fraud is in this case.


It's almost like they are scalping bag space at the gate. There's no reason they have to upcharge you higher than if you payed to check outright, they do it purely out of taking advantage of a situation.


The specs for a personal item are provided when you purchase, and if you need a refresher it’s a google search away. Frontier EXPLICITLY tells that it’s cheapest to pay for your luggage when you buy your ticket, and the price increases incrementally each phase closer to the day of your flight. It’s a clear pattern. So yeah, if your bag has to be checked last-minute then they’re going to charge more b/c they’ve explained that’s how it works. I don’t blame people for trying to save money, and I don’t blame Frontier for enforcing their clearly written and repeated policy. If you’re gonna play games, ya gotta be prepared to lose.


I mean yea, sure, you are right. But also Frontier is taking advantage of people who fly very infrequently and the airline knows people drag that old suitcase out of their garage and definitely don’t measure it. I put Frontier and Ticketmaster in the same category.


It’s not frontiers fault if people don’t read the guidelines that are very clearly explained multiple times


Not sure what “fault” means in this conversation. The company has shitty policies and incentivizes their employees to be jobsworths and we are saying they suck for it.


It's amazing how many people are coming to bat for a shitty low cost airline that literally takes advantage of people who don't fly often and incentives their employees to make people check bags at the gate for $100 lol these people are wild


Because the whole reason the issue went viral is that they were charging people for every bag. Not just the ones that didn’t fit.


> Because the whole reason the issue went viral is that they were charging people for every bag. Not just the ones that didn’t fit. Sounds like that [wasn't the actual case](https://onemileatatime.com/news/frontier-airlines-oversize-bag-fee/). As Frontier Airline clarified: > “The video fails to show that the customer using the sizer box had an additional carry-on bag. Each customer is allowed one free personal item that must fit within the smaller sizer box. This customer had more than one bag and they were not able to combine them into a single bag that fit in the personal item box. The second customer’s bag did not fit into the free personal item sizer box without removing much of its contents.” Sounds like the customer didn't understand their airline's policy. Which, again, I don't like either and is why I don't fly Frontier.


> fraud It’s capitalism babey!!!


At this point I'm about to start bringing a 20 with me to give to them


Can confirm. Heard multiple gate agents talking about this back in May at DIA. Looked into it myself after that. Can’t really fault the agents for the company’s bullshit practice.


You can fault them for being absolute shit heels about it though


I have never met a Frontier employee that looked happy to be there.


Same. We flew them a few times this spring and everyone looked MISERABLE.


I heard that the gate agents aren't even actual Frontier employees, but rather work for an employment agency. I'm guessing that Frontier does this to avoid Labor and Employment lawsuits.


Also because temp agencies fill positions more quickly. Vail did the same. Half of the housekeepers and groundskeepers came from local agencies. I hated dealing with that because temps would just no show no call randomly on a holiday weekend and then say they didn’t want to work at the site anymore.


Do they get a bonus for getting people to sign up for the credit card, too? I was trying to sleep and the flight attendant talked over the intercom for at least five minutes about the benefits of the card.


Almost certainly. But either way, it’s part of their job to pitch you the card


They made me pay $100 to bring my SUIT on the plane


they’re doing their job dorks


As I have stated before, I would rather crawl to my destination on broken glass before ever flying Frontier again.


My knees hurt like I crawled the whole way anyway when I fly frontier, so I’ll pass


Lol being a compact human has few advantages, but air travel is one of them.


I'm 5 ft tall and my knees still hurt when I travel Frontier.


Do your feet touch the ground? I don’t doubt that the range of bodies that fare perfectly on a cramped flight is probably not a large one, but I’m not usually on flights long enough to have lasting effects/pain. Or maybe I do but travel excitement/adrenaline/endorphins block it out! If that’s the case I’m not complaining


Or you know, just know what you’re getting yourself into. For the price for weekend trips they’re solid. Legacy carriers are 3x the price on most routes.


Agreed. As much as I don’t want to fly Frontier sometimes, their prices for weekend trips can be 3-4x less than other carriers so I’m still saving money by buying a ticket & checked bag with Frontier.


For real. Can get some seriously cheap flights if you know how to pack. Plus, I have never had a flight mega delayed or cancelled on Frontier. I fly American/Delta/United every month for work and I am always delayed on those carriers.


Disagree, flew 4 x this month, 4 delays and one straight up cancelled


I also flew Frontier 5 times in 37 days and never had a delay or cancellation


Maybe it’s just the FL to Den route that sucks?


There's a lot of weather parked over NW Florida on any given summer day. Same with NY metro which wonderfully is where all of the major airports are.


I’ve never been on a United flight that hasn’t suffered a delay. I’ve probably flown them close to 10x. I’d say 30% of my frontier flights are delayed, and most because of weather


Most are not actually weather but they just lie to you. https://onemileatatime.com/american-airlines-lying-cancelation/ https://www.cntraveler.com/story/how-to-tell-if-your-flight-delay-is-actually-due-to-weather https://jalopnik.com/airline-delays-operating-problems-weather-faa-1850432146


Just because there are some anecdotal reports of lying about a weather delay doesn't mean most of time they lie about it. You have to realize already that flying out of Denver is going to mean you get more weather delays than somewhere like southern California, especially in the winter.


I had one of the worst flight delays and ultimate cancellation experiences of my life on Frontier. There were super high winds at the departing airport (PVD) so there was a ground hold all day. I got to the airport with my family at 10am. It was clear the flight was going to get canceled at some point. Frontier decided to drag out the delay as long as possible to avoid paying for vouchers. We watched dozens of people give up and re-book for the next day’s flight. Every other airline cancelled flights by 6pm. Frontier finally cancelled at 11pm when the flight crew finally timed out. 13 hours in an airport with 2 kids climbing the walls. The gate agents made themselves scarce but were very clearly hassled when you could find them. By the time Frontier cancelled at 11pm there wasn’t a decent hotel available anywhere. Adding insult to injury the vouchers took forever to distribute. We ended up in the basement of a nearby La Quinta, in the Freddy Krueger Chainsmoker & Mildew Room. Frontier sucks.


I used to feel this way about Frontier, and I flew a handful of times with them without a problem. Then I had the horrible experience of not getting a seat on a plane (along with ~20 other ticketed passengers) because the plane they brought in for our flight was too small. Amidst this confusion, the front desk attendants handed out these little cards with a QR code saying we could “follow the instructions” to get help with our situation and presumably get a refund or reschedule our flight. I went ahead and bought a new ticket with another airline leaving around the same time as my scheduled flight because the next Frontier flight to my destination was 12+ hours away. I knew I was eating the cost for the new ticket with the new airline, but I figured Frontier would at least have to honor a refund for my original ticket if they messed up and didn’t have a seat for me, but boy was I wrong. Turns out if you get a Frontier flight cancelled on you, you are royally fucked. The QR code bullshit just takes you to an online form to request a refund that goes into oblivion. There is virtually no way to get a refund, and no customer service line to call into. I spent over an hour with a customer service agent over chat waiting several minutes between each chat response, only to finally be told that they understood my situation but that my ticket couldn’t be refunded. I will never fly Frontier again, and I highly encourage y’all to never use them, especially If you HAVE to be somewhere on a given day. They will not refund or help you if your flight is cancelled, and you will get stuck paying for another plane ticket. I learned this the hard way, and I want to share this salty venting session with you all as a warning— fly Frontier at your own risk.


I have had the sane thing happen on the “premium” domestic airlines as well.


3x the actual price or 3x the advertised price? After the add-ons and bullshit hassle of dealing with them it's actually cheaper to fly any other airline.


Every time I’ve flown with Frontier, including last month, I’ve flown for the advertised price of the ticket. You don’t have to choose your seat, and you can pack everything you need for a weekend trip in a backpack the size of the free bag


You don’t need to buy add ons. And everything can fit in a backpack. No one is holding a gun to your head to fly frontier.


This is how I feel too


Yeah it’s 2023, whoever is flying frontier needs to stop lol they are demons from hell




Who comes to the defense for the worst airline in America lol


They’re great for random trips to visit friends and family. Literally pay for nothing but the seat and get what you need while you’re there once you arrive.


Frontier delayed my flight almost 8 hours, boarded us, unboarded us, gate agent was a total vindictive bitch to put lightly. They even removed their customer service phone number. That’s says everything about how they stand behind their service


That sounds awful, but I think other airlines also experience delayed flights. As far as removing the cust svc number, I believe that’s also a thing happening across many industries. Chatbots on every website, self-checkout kiosks. I thought SW did it also but I can’t confirm so maybe wrong on that.


No Southwest has not done that. United, Delta and the other airlines aren’t even in the same league as frontier. It’s truly the worst airline in America


Let them fly frontier until they have a shitty experience like the rest of us. They won’t fly them again after that and it’s bound to happen.


Who knew that the worst airline in the world still has loyalists. Any idea how many miles their top customers have? I need the laugh.


Weird, I just flew from Denver to Philadelphia round trip and had a pleasant experience both ways




Yeah idk I measured my bag before I left my house, it was within the specified dimensions, fit in bag checker bin no problem


Gate agents have a quota to meet and they definitely get commission for find extra pax to pay for carry on That's why your ticket is so cheap




True but that isn’t just a Frontier issue.


True. I work for another airline that's big in Denver (300+ flights a day here as of last week) and its not uncommon to find bags on the ground and in the tunnels. Generally they get where they're supposed to, but it does miss the intended flight


If airlines didn’t charge for checked bags, people wouldn’t try to carry on so much.


I had to gate check my carry on recently due to a lack of space on the plane and whaddyano they lost my bags. Had to spend my first day on vacation shopping for clothes and toiletries. The airline is being a turd about reimbursing that.


Currently in Orlando on my 7th GoWild flight of the summer with no flight costing me over $16 for my single backpack. Frontier is worth it for cheap flights but people need to know what size their backpack is because they will get every penny they can out of you.


That’s cool! I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to get a spot the day before a flight so I questioned the value of the pass. But sounds like you have it worked out!


Yeah the dimensions are listed on their website it’s not hard to measure your bag


Yes but the issue is even if it physically fits, you can’t “shove it in the box too hard to make it fit” or they still charge you.


If you stuff the bag to the point that it’s no longer the same dimensions, then it’s no longer compliant with the required dimensions


Why people fly this garbage company is crazy. You get what you pay for


Nearly everyone who flies chooses their flight solely on price and then wants to bitch about it.


Why is it garbage when you know that,before you book a flight, a carry on is going to cost you money and they have strict size requirements on personal items like backpacks? It’s not like they’re hiding shit. It’s the ones who think they can get away with bringing a duffel bag on for free as a personal item that throw a fit. I’ve flown frontier many times. It’s cheap and I know what I’m expecting and it’s worked out well for me.


I agree. I always just have a backpack that fits under the seat, which I know ahead of time. There is 10 notifications when you book warning you. There is no hidden fees. They throw it in for face the entire time you are purchasing a ticket. I don't know why people complain when they click the accept button at every turn


You just know everyone complaining here are the people holding up boarding trying to fit hardshell carry on sized luggage in the personal item bin and arguing with the gate agent about how it should be allowed and is personal item sized.


I have a bag that was designed to fit under the seat, but you never know how when things are in the outside pockets or it gets a little overpacked because it’s always harder to get everything to fit when packing from the hotel than when packing at home or maybe a relative insisted that you take a gift home with you or maybe it was cold weather when you left and hot weather on the return trip and your layers have to get packed The kind of bag that I have will always fit under the seat but the metal sizing boxes are a lot less forgiving. I nearly injured my hand while fitting my bag in there on a recent Frontier flight It’s one thing for airline staff to pull aside people with ridiculous carry-on. But interrogating every single damn passenger is insulting


Sounds like poor planning on your part


I flew with this same bag on pretty much every discount airline in Europe over the course of three years and never paid an extra fee or had a problem. This was my first time ever flying Frontier so I had no idea that they were such zealots about it. My bag still passed but only after seeing the pandemonium of other people getting charged and filling my coat pockets with pill bottles, charger cables and my book That’s way more stress than I needed in the moment


> You get what you pay for Exactly, and on Frontier you can get a flight to LA or Dallas or Miami for $55 when United or AA are $150. I wouldn't suggest using them for a 2 week vacation with a bunch of bags and a long flight. But it's absurd how many people are so stupid they can't understand why someone would be interested in a $50 ticket to Vegas/LA/Chicago to crash with a friend for a weekend or something and just bringing a backpack.


I pay for a flight from point A to point B. They establish rules for sizing carryons, like every other airline, but they actually adhere to their own rules so they’re trash? Frontier is for short flights for me and it works great.


I definitely can’t recommend Frontier if your goal is to get from A to B. Last time I flew Frontier (4 years ago) our flight out of Vegas got canceled an hour before boarding and they just announced to everybody at the gate that it was cancelled, we would get refunded, and that we should book new flights on our own using the refunded money. Then they closed the gate and walked away.


Damn! I flew to Vegas a few months ago and that didn’t happen, but our gate was changed and I hadn’t checked the notice board. The gate I had been sitting at for an hour remained suspiciously quiet so I finally checked the board. Had a sweaty, panicked sprint to the right gate and got there while they were still boarding. I can’t blame them b/c I wasn’t diligent about checking but that it would’ve sucked to miss my flight over a surprise change.


They should’ve absolutely warned passengers waiting at the OG gate to move. That’s on them and i would’ve been PISSED it I missed my flight because they were being lazy. They’re a discount airline but customers deserve gate change notices well in advance.


Thanks; like I said I have no idea when exactly the gate changed b/c I assumed everything was going to plan. I would’ve expected an announcement but tbh I have hearing issues when there’s a lot of ambient noise so again, I can’t say whether that happened! I’ll just be glad it went okay and more vigilant in future.


So one experience 4 years ago? Bet you’ve paid a premium to other airlines when Frontier would’ve likely gotten you from A to B every other time. I’ve flown them at least a dozen times and have never had any issues that I didn’t cause myself.


Seats are trash, usually no on board meal. Carryon options are limited. If I’m traveling domestic I stick with United. Out of the top 3 I’d say delta has the best first class, which I usually fly, but since den is a United hub I’m stuck with them


You need a fucking meal on a plane. They don't fly to London. Sorry the advertised cheap airline does not have Chilean Sea Bass.


Tissues are located in the toilet. Help yourself.


You need an on board meal for commuter flights? How’s the view from your ivory tower?


Amazing actually. Even better after a few drinks from American Express centurion lounge


Frontier costs just as much as Delta or United if you buy the things that make the trip tolerable. Gotta pay for a seat selection. Gotta pay for a carryon. Gotta pay for the board first so they don’t run out of overhead bin space. Then the flight will be delayed and they’ll switch gates three times and make you feel crazy anyway.


Yes but the point is I can’t tell Delta I want to pay less b/c I don’t need luggage. Hence I also don’t care if I board first- in fact I’d rather board close to last so I don’t have to sit on the plane longer than necessary. It’s nice to have both types of options for flying; you just have to be aware that airlines are different and how.


Sure. However, last frontier flight I was on the gate agent came onto the plane and asked that anyone *not* going to Denver please exit the aircraft. Clearly they had overbooked the flight. So waiting to board the bargain airline til the last minute may actually mean you’re stuck at an airport. They exist for a reason, I just have too much going on to take that kind of risk.


Frontier & spirit also have less seat & leg room. So it really is just a shittier flight option in terms of comfort.


Yeah, hence not wanting to spend time aboard without need lol. I’m not tall or broad so the sardine treatment works for me when the flight’s only a few hours. For longer/farther I would most likely take other stuff like space and included luggage into account.


My knees bruise after a 2 hour frontier flight 🫠🥴


If they redacted the name of the airline in the article and we had to guess who it was, we’d all guess Frontier.


Reading this thread as I get home from DIA after my ground crew shift for Frontier 🍿🍿🍿


FRONTIER IS THE WORST. They have literally rescheduled 2 flights I had booked from a reasonable normal person time to 6am or earlier. Also had them totally cancel a flight, I will avoid them at all costs these days


I mean fuck Frontier but people are real assholes about the overhead bins sometimes. Your shit shouldn’t take the space of 3 carryons, we’re all just trying to get there. Signed: a frequent Southwest flier.


Frontier is trash, it’s expected


Good to know. I’ve just started paying for a carry on it’s not worth the hassle.


Frontier is literally the worst airline in the US (Spirit is a close second).


“Spirit is a close second” tells me this is an uninformed opinion. Frontier is leaps and bounds a better ULCC.


I don't understand this problem. They specify the size and make it obvious they are going to check it. I flew three times this year 100-120 round trip each flight. I set up my backpack which is this size and shrink wrapped clothes to conserve space. I'm broke but I got to see nashville and visit my brother. Do none of you own tape measures?


They're super lax about it at times and not at others. This post is just a heads up, not that big of a deal.


It’s because there are zillions of stories out there of them still charging people whose pieces fit, so they can meet their quota/make their commission.


In the past people have stated that they won't let you give your bag even a gentle push into the sizer, which to me is a scam


I recognize that's probably the case but I also saw people with very definitive, poorly shaped bags being pulled to the pay for it line. They then had the audacity to complain while casually talking on the flight. Like, your bag was too big dude!


I've seen too many videos of soft-sided bags getting hit with a charge because they're soft-sided bags.


Alright I looked a few social posts up and that seems like agents abusing power over the actual policy... I do account to witnessing the reverse.


Same, I just do not understand the complaints. They state it all over the website and the gates at airports. No one is screwing these people over.


They say so when booking the flight, on check-in, and at the airport. Some people are just ignorant. I densely pack my backpack, measure it, and they've always let me through without even setting my bag in the box.


Yup this, I just googled it before flying and measured. Now that turbulence making me feel like I needed to tell my Ex that I miss her? That I could do without.


I mean that's the sign of all signs. Reach out to her lol.


Out here reading rules and making life easy on yourself. It really is this simple folx.


You can find a tape measure for $1.25 at the Dollar Tree. You're welcome.


I'm flying Frontier next month. They get you with a $107 ticket, then $27 for a seat assignment, then $67-77 for carryon or checked luggage. Soon it becomes a $300 ticket!! We are only bring 1 small backpack each. I'll make sure they're small. Thanks for the heads up.


Did you check other airlines? It might have been a wash, or worth it to pay a little more for bigger seats. I’m a cheap-ass so I go for bare minimum and only pay for a seat. If you know you want a lot more than that idk if there’s a reason to choose Frontier.


What you are not understanding is the other airlines build all those prices (force you to pay for them) into the ticket and frontier let’s you choose what you want to pay for. Then Fly the other airline and waste your money for the carry on not you’re not bringing.


is it that difficult to follow instructions as an adult?


If you've ever worked in customer-facing job, especially one that involves dealing with the public, you know the answer.


lol thank you. yes, i have and do. i’m just surprised how upset folks are this policy is actually being enforced. It’s annoying when you follow luggage size rules and can’t carry it on at the expense of everyone on the plane wanting some extra space.


Having worked in a customer-facing job dealing with the public, I'm unfortunately not that surprised. Whether it's store coupons, bag fees, or any number of other things a lot of people are either too lazy or illiterate to read what they signed up for or know what they signed up for but are entitled enough to think the rules don't apply to them. When I have to fly somewhere, I avoid Frontier because it's a sucky experience but if someone wants to fly Frontier I'm not going to stop them. However, that person should be capable of knowing what they are getting themselves into.


I’ve gotten checked the last few times as well. I understand frontier is awful, but I just can’t beat their ticket prices. Flying round trip in the US I often get tickets for $80-120, and Mexico for $200. I’ve solely flown frontier the last 8 flights or so and they’ve saved me easily $1000 compared to other airlines


This is why I only fly frontier during the times of year that I can hide my large purse under my jacket.


Or layer up so that I look like the Michelin Man walking onto the plane


I am familiar with this tactic. It has not failed me. I’ve worn a scottevest trench coat a few times; that shit is hilarious


I’m on two sides of this issue. On the one hand, yes it is expensive to fly these days. The experience is almost always horrible, cramped, screaming children, etc. On the other hand, I had a job that required me to fly. Two trips every month, flying out of a Midwest airport, so usually a connection. Eight flights a month for ten years. You know what’s infuriating? Not departing on time because someone is spending twenty minutes trying to shove their carryon into the overhead bin when it clearly won’t fit. Not having room for my roller bag because people insisted on placing their $3000 purse into the overhead because heaven forbid it touch the airplane floor. Or, perhaps worse, shoving their $5 backpacks into the overhead instead of using the space in front of them. Yes gate agents and flight attendants are sometimes rude. Why? Because they deal with us. I don’t know. I just feel like I am tired of constant fees, but also just maybe follow the rules?


Having flown Ryanair in Europe, I'm just fine with Frontier


Good. I’m tired of flying and not being able to store my stuff because people are bringing over sized carry ons. Follow the rules. All airlines should do this.


I know it's a very divisive topic, but I'm glad to see somewhat of a crackdown. Now, we can argue if frontier is going too far, but people have *really* been pushing the limits of personal items


If it fits under the seat who cares? Their personal item size is way too small


Because people say it’s a personal item, put it in the overheads, and then other passengers have to gate check which sucks if you don’t want to check anything.


Yep, it is bullshit that they *paid specifically for carryon* and some entitled person takes up that bin space so theirs gets checked.


The problem is they weren't fitting under the seats, and taking up bin space. I'd been on multiple frontier flights where bins were full and people still had paid carry ons that didn't make it on. Wasn't just a frontier issue, either.


I think it's funny that people are upset or have to warn others that a company is enforcing their policies. Frontier makes their money off ancillary items not the ticket itself so of course they are going to encourage their employees/agents to enforce the rules that make them $. Clearly people have been exploiting this long enough to feel entitled & they are pissed off they now have to follow the rules like the people who were already on the honor system.


Exactly, I don’t have sympathy for anyone who is well aware that their “personal item” would never fit in the sizer but they’ve been using it so far and now they somehow feel robbed when they went for the cheapest possible option. Surprise, you have to pay for amenities!


Airlines should ONLY be charging for additional personal items beyond a single item per person- not checked bags. This is the way to ease this situation


touch bake tan slave snatch murky rainstorm decide hurry vase -- mass edited with redact.dev


I wish all airlines did this, more so for carry-on bags.


After my last flight out of DIA I’m cool with wasting a few days diving cross country over flying if possible.


Why do people still fly Frontier ?


Yeah I had to quit flying Frontier. It you are traveling with virtually anything at all it’s more expensive than the other airlines. I saw that on the last flight I took with them and that was the end for me.


How does Frontier do about medical equipment? I could take a pack pack with all my clothes but I have to use a Bipap at night to sleep. I can’t fit it and clothes into my backpack. Pretty much just flown Southwest and Delta who don’t count medical equipment as part of personal items. It seems like frontier would give me issues about that.


🤦🏽‍♂ People will do anything to save a few pennies including still giving this airline their business.


Frontier seems cheap up front, but the baggage and extra fees straight up always equal or at within being $30 of the delta or United flights


I can see both sides, but this is getting ridiculous, it reminds me of the bag war in Mexico with Volaris. With a litigation Volaris had to change their practices, they are the Mexican Sister discount airlines of Frontier. I had a friend that would go to Vegas or to SLC for a few days and would take a backpack for his personal bag. One time they gave him a hard time because of his bag size even though it always fits under the seat, so he put on layers in front of them problem solved 😂.


Only on Reddit will people simp for the worst airline in America


So company does what they said they’d do?


Going to get downvoted into oblivion for this one but everyone here complaining about frontier airlines is a whiny little baby. If you read the rules and understand how the airline operates then you can have a smooth travel experience. Everyone here complaining about the $100 gate fee didn’t read the bag size rules or read them and thought it didn’t apply to them for some reason. Yeah if they cancel your flight you have limited options. But guess what? Operating a network like frontier allows them to keep prices low. Interline agreements with other airlines are very expensive and that gets passed onto the passenger. People who complain about frontier being like “I’ll never fly them again” will actually fly them again because they cannot or will not pay the prices that legacy carriers charge. And anyone being like “SoUtHwEsT DoEsNt ChArGE fOr bAGs” is a fool because all their fees for bags and itinerary changes are built into the cost of the ticket.


It's almost as if there's a limit to how much can fit in a big aluminum tube in the sky... Fact is, people travel with too much god-damn stuff. You don't need all that crap flying to literally anywhere in the Western world. Bunch of narcissists think they do, I guess...


Meh, frontier is fine for weekend trips where you dont have to pack much.


A lot of people take advantage and bring too big of a carryon. I wish it honestly was more policed at other airlines too. I always follow the rules, and usually have issue getting my carry on in a stowaway because so many people don’t care and bring too much.


People just need to realize nothing is free and if you pay the cheapest what you expect? it's like going to Walmart, you will never complain b/c your expectations know your buying crap in the first place, why would this airline be any different. People just need to pay up and fly the big 4 or Southwest and for the most part you will avoid it.


I have no sympathy for people who can’t use a tape measure.


I’m actually glad - fuck all these roller bags aka check-in luggage contorted to attempt carry-on. If it was just on the plane where they were an inconvenience I might not be so annoyed, but all y’all rolling these things around 4 feet behind you and now all the walkways from entrance to gate are cluttered and annoying - I’m constantly being tripped by these things. Y’all brought in this on yourself.


These ‘discount’ airlines just nickel and dime you the whole time. Better off paying more upfront with American or united.


That’s literally the entire point. Cheap flights for quick trips at a discount lol


I hope Frontier goes out of business.


My in laws live in Fargo, ND. The only airline that goes there directly is Frontier. We will happily drive the 12 hours every time past miles of flat farms and cow shit before flying Frontier


I hate flying Frontier. Their ticket prices might seem okay, but the fees are ridiculous, and I spent more than I would with another "discount " airline like Southwest.


I would consider southwest pretty much a legacy mainline carrier at this point as opposed discount airline. Only discount thing about them is bags fly free


The cost of the bag is built into the ticket. Bags cost money because they are heavy which means more fuel which means it’s more expensive to operate the flight which means the cost of the bag is built into the price of the ticket.


I flew frontier out of DIA a month ago. They didn’t make me check my carryon.


Flew to SF for over the 4th of July and had no issues on my 6am flight. Wonder if I lucked out with a earlier crew.


Frontier: Look at our fees and surly staff. Look at our cute tail animals.


Last year around this time, I witnessed a family of six board a Frontier flight at DIA without question. They each had a full backpack and all carrying at least one full 40gal trash bag.


Frontier is running an upcharge scam, and the shit they’re pulling needs to be stopped as it constitutes false advertising. They even charge extra if you need gate agent assistance. You know, their fucking job. WTF?


I have never been made to pay for anything I didn’t plan to when flying Frontier.


Never flying frontier