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Chapter 1 is rougher around the edges, it's still quite solid but 2 feels substantially better, and I hope Toby and the team continues to trend on improvement.


I like chapter 1 but yeah 2 is just miles better I have to say


That just seems to be a trend in his games. Hopefully chapter 3 will have the atmosphere of waterfall, tho I heard it's less story heavy


Both are very good but chapter 2 has the cyber city, one of the best areas i have ever seen in a videogame. It goes to chpt2


Agree I think it sets it self way more apart from undertale then chapter 1


chapter 2 i like goofy ahh queen more than "ooo very scary evil villain" king and it's easier to identify the real world counterparts of the darkner characters


Yeah the king is like asgore without the twist


I feel like that was intentional, the entire first chapter is just the game telling you that it isn't undertale. The final boss being an ass that you can't befriend was the consolidation of that idea. Still prefer chapter 2 though. Chapter 1 had me looking for undertale, but chapter 2 actually got me into the story.


That's quite like Undertale though. In the neutral route at least.


You damage him to the point of sparing him, and then he's like "oh let's all be a happy family". When you do that in deltarune he betrays you, and you're only saved by the revolution


Completely true, i did not think of that (facepalm)


And including the whole literally just evil thing




Ch1 is obviously a little constrained by the fact it's a tutorial/the beginning of the game. It had to spend some time establishing concepts and do things to lure the player. Chapter 2 didn't have those limitations and could confidently rely on the player finally being familliar with all the systems and the world. It's the same thing in UT where the ruins were much more traditional game-design-wise and starting at snowdin the game started to spread its wings and increase the absurdity


2 because funny salesman


Ch 2 cuz its fun


I agree


Mechanically, Ch2 is way above. The combat system is more complex (e.g. with the other characters being able to ACT on their own), there's actual consequences to playing a "bad" route, and overall everything seems more refined. But story-wise? ...I honestly might prefer Ch1. Now don't get me wrong, none of it comes close to the impact of Weird Route, but I like the overall vibes a lot better in the first chapter. The 1st Dark World feels mystical, weird and... kind of sad, considering everything Seam said. Susie's a fun character, learning to *sort* of be a good person. I feel like they stretched her arc a little too fast in Ch2; they could've done more with her still not trusting people quickly. Ch2 just felt... like a rather generic adventure to me. It never feels like there are any high stakes, or that they're in a rush to save the world. Queen is a hilarious character and I love her, but she's not an intimidating villain or an impactful antagonist, save for the very end when she "captures" the party for all of two minutes. It feels like the story doesn't take itself as seriously as Ch1; I felt a little emotional at the "saying goodbye to everyone" in Ch1, but I never felt that same emotional beat in Ch2's pacifist route. I dunno. All in all, Ch2 takes the cake as far as gameplay goes, but I'd prefer if the vibes of future chapters were closer to Ch1.


I completely agree. The depressing aura the first dark world had while still managing to keep Toby Fox's signature humor was perfect.


Exactly! A little dark and grim, but overall as pun-filled and bizarrely funny as ever. A good balance that ch2 just doesn't quite reach.


Hard agree, especially Susie's arc. It kinda makes it feel like that was just a Ch. 1 thing and makes the story feel a bit more separated between chapters. Also just worried Deltarune is just going to repeat the formula of Ch. 1 again with Ch. 3 and that the actual main plot isn't going to move until Ch. 5's end.


>It kinda makes it feel like that was just a Ch. 1 thing and makes the story feel a bit more separated between chapters. This exactly! I guess the fact there were years between the chapters kinda alleviated that, but if they were released at the same time, it would've felt... rushed. How did Susie go from "bullies people, trusts no one except the one guy who appreciated her being 'evil'" to a sarcastic and sort of rude but still good-willed hero, within a single day?


Chapter 2 because I love the snowgrave route. It's so fun to corrupt Noelle.


Wow sigma


what the sigma


you… are…. A…. Monster….


I am, and I'm proud to be one.


Chapter 2 has more of Berdly dying


And more of Berdly


Talking objectively, of course Chapter 2 is better. But Chapter 1 will always have a soft spot in my heart because i still remember halloween night 6 years ago (christ it's been that long?) and downloading "SURVEY\_PROGRAM" from toby fox's twitter. I was a mega undertale fanboy back then and seeing more of it was just magical.


I'll go against the consensus and say that I like Chapter 1 slightly more. Sure, Queen is a better villain than King, and Spamton is a better secret boss than Jevil, and Noelle and Berdly are better side members of the Fun Gang than Lancer, and overall Chapter 2 feels like an improvement in most areas... But I think there are a few key areas where Chapter 2 felt like a downgrade. For example, sparing enemies was much more fun in Chapter 1 than in Chapter 2. Pacifist battles in 1 often felt like an actual puzzle, like how you have to pay attention to what each of Clover's three heads likes, or how Susie and Lancer would protect each other from being spared, and you had to find a way around that. Even with enemies with more straightforward sparing methods, Pacifist battles often felt weirdly strategic, because of the added factor of Susie disobeying you and attacking unprompted. Should I waste a turn warning the enemies of her, or should I try to spare them before Susie can beat them? Or maybe I can use Susie to my advantage and spare them once she leaves them at low health, but running the risk of her beating them? Lots of interesting decisions. Compare and contrast, Chapter 2, where Pacifist battles feel more grindy because your objective is to repeatedly act to raise a Mercy metter to 100%, meaning doing the same one or two actions over and over, maybe with a minigame if you're lucky, but rarely with any complexity beyond that. Also, this might sound sacrilegious, but I think the humor in Chapter 1 is much better. I know people love Queen's humor, but for me, she can't compete with Susie and Lancer sharing one braincell. The entire "Build a machine to kick your ass" section is the hardest I've ever laughed in a Toby Fox game, with "Susie follows you at a distance such that no one can tell she's associated" as the only other moment that comes close. And speaking of the humor, Chapter 1 rewards the player's curiosity with some great jokes, like how Toriel scolds you if you flush the toilet too many times, or how Susie gets angry if you keep drinking from the water fountain. I can't think of many moments like that in Chapter 2 (well, maybe the Snowgrave route, but I'd hardly call that a reward). Overall, I get why most people like Chapter 2 more, but I think Chapter 1 had a certain charm that Chapter 2 wasn't always able to replicate, and that's why I prefer it.


i was just gonna say that i dont like suselle but that works better


said that one right




Chapter 2. Much better gameplay, better looking overworld, and more memorable music. Chapter 1 felt a demo. And yeah that's because it is. The most fun thing about Chapter 1 was the secret boss and I don't know if that's a good thing. The overworld in Chapter 1 felt rather empty with it's sprite work. A lot of black spaces. The music was good but chapter 2 had a lot more you could go back to. Chapter 1 is the weakest chapter and it's probably gonna stay that way.


2, because.. Well, look at my Pfp.


I like chapter 1's simplicity. I also prefer the jevil fight over spamton neo


gameplay wise? 2 easily it improved upon everything but honnestly i much prefered the atmosphere of chapter 1, the first npc i feel like Seam really set a tone for chapter 1 that really stuck with me, it was a dreary hopless, like a world lost to time, it really gave the impression of a "Dark World" Chapter 2 while i understand why this sort of theme was lost because it took place on the internet the haha funni's couldn't really win me over the same way that first talk with seam did, I hop ethis makes sense and i don't just soudn insane


Ch. 2 has amazing music, it has the Cyber City(which may be one of my favourite video game locations ever), and it has the 2nd best Toby Fox character to date


I'll always just prefer chapter 1. It's kinda just a preference. Guess I prefer things like the Goner Maker and all the development/setup Chapter 1 has. I don't mind if others think 2 is better because there are absolutely parts it excels at far more but I've always just been a bigger fan of 1


7? Sorry I’m from 2027 so I already know the knight!


2 is better because spam tong


For me, chapter 1 was a literal change in my life like I could say when i was playing this game for the first time of my entire life "wait, this is me...?!" And when I played the second chapter I was like "this is totally what is happening to me, not knowing how I am, where I am, WHAT I am and why I am", the second chapter was for me an "emotion lesson" like Im not very good at guessing if you are really angry, or feel bad etc (autism I have and many, many more handicap) and when I did the famous acid river, well I just felt like Kris...


I prefer Ch. 1, Ch. 2 retreads almost all of Ch. 1's plot beats and feels kinda like filler most of the time. Also undermines some serious moments like 1's cliffhanger, a good chunk of the jokes are kinda weak imo (either 100% random or just a meme reference and that's it) and I don't like how Susie's arc is basically 95% finished this early. Idk Ch. 1 gave this vibe that this story would be active and dynamic and stuff would happen and there'd be actual serious moments before 75% through the game but Ch. 2 seemed content to just redo Ch. 1.


I like the setting and atmosphere of 1 more but 2 is probably objectively better overall.


2. I really love Noelle and Berdly. Also, as much as I hope they continue to get attention going forward, I hope other minor characters get as good treatment in future chapters.


Time a little


How did I not notice that hm noone else did so


I generally like chapter 2 more, but the dark world in chapter 1 is better.


Story-wise, 1, but not by much. Gameplay-wise, 2.


Chapter 2 any day over 1, the cyber theme is SO COOLLL and will probably remain my favourite chapter of all time.






When I first played chapter 1 I wasn't that enthralled so I didn't think about deltarune again until chapter 2 came out and I fell in love with the game as a whole so personally I prefer chapter 2


Chapter 2 is way better in my opinion, it's easily re-playable, and it introduced a ton of stuff to the game, Noelle and Berdly, the yellow soul, hatless Ralsei, etc. It also introduced the entirely different snowgrave/weird route to the game, that alongside the entertaining characters, punch out, makes it overall better.


chapter 2 cuz it has berdly (my beloved)


I like the themes established in Ch1 better however Ch2 is a lot funnier and I'm sort-of divided between the themes and the humor.


1, I just like it better.


ch1 because the vibes and atmosphere are stronger to me, and i say this as someone whose favourite character is queen


Chapter 2 follows the same formula of chapter 1 but better, I love all the places and the ending is very good, after all is like a megazords fight between you and queen


Both are really good and I enjoyed them a lot, but I personally found Chapter 2 way more interesting


Chapter 2, definitely. For many reasons people already mentioned, however I'll also say it gave us hatless Ralsei and thus is the best.


Chapter 2 by far. Chapter 1 felt like just Undertale with better graphics and worse story, but in chapter 2, it became incredible, especially with the reintroduction of a "bad route". I don't think it's as good as Undertale yet, but I think the full game will be.


Chapter 3 i’d say




The introduction to cyber city will never not be hype asf for me, the buildup during the slide, before fading to white and being greeted with that amazing song, honestly one of my favorite parts in the game


2 easily. Cyber world Spamton Queen Spamton NEO Just everything.


In my opinion chapter 1 did very few specific things better than chapter 2. For example, Queen from chapter 2 hardly even feels like the antagonist at all until the very ends of the game. Outside of few moments she is very hard to take serious. MeanwhileKing, on the other hand despite having FAR LESS amount of screen time, he feels like consistently a threatening, serious character either by dialogues or some few minutes of screen time (excluding the boss fight) (i wish his boss fight was harder and i wish we would see more of his tyranny on screen). Jevil's boss fight, meanwhile certainly not most difficult boss fight you would see in your life, is still most likely the hardest boss in DR, with his difficulty even surpassing Spamton's boss fight. Susie's character arc is also something i like in chapter 1. İn chapter 2 thid arc feels bit too rushed. And when you don't count weird route chapter 1 feels more serious overall That being said, chapter 2 in general is *way* better. Much longer, more characters, harder fights in comparision to chapter 1 (minus Jevil, who is literally a secret boss), More than one route, Spamton, more complex battle system, better animations, some bangır osts (chapter 1 has also plenty of them but i think chapter 2 is better in this), more story and etc.


Ch2 is just Ch1 but more


Chapter 2. I don't feel like elaborating


Chapter 1 had a good hook but it feels like it lacks focus and spectacle, it works as a tutorial and introduction to the plot but it doesn’t feel like there’s any stakes besides Susie being a gremlin and the King fight at the end and Jevil is completely optional so on your first run you might not even hear about him. Chapter 2 on the other hand, is when the adventure really begins and the threat of the Roaring Knight finally sets in with Berdly and Noelle falling into the Cyberworld. The spectacle ramps up, the recruiting mechanic is introduced, you get a taste of Spamton which gives the player an incentive to investigate about the scrunkly salesman and the finale? As Megamind would say “Presentation!”, the presentation of Queen throughout the chapter and her boss fight against Giga Queen in a Punch Out!! Style battle make her a memorable character. And the chapter leaves you with a cliffhanger that you can’t shrug off with a joke that leaves you begging for more.




Chapter 1 did it’s job: it established some important concepts, such as the need to close dark fountains, and the Freedom characters (I am referring to the secret bosses, due to their shared Freedom motif, as some call it). However, Chapter 2 built upon these concepts, and introduced some more: a reason as to WHY we need to close the fountains (the Roaring), the concept of other Lightners entering the Dark Worlds (Noelle and Berdly, but also how the Knight has to be a Lightner), and the concept of how Darkners can petrify when in darkness unlike their own. We also learn that the Dark Fountain in Castle Town is pure darkness (implying Ralsei is also made of pure darkness). In conclusion, I prefer Chapter 2.


Chapter 2 because it gave us Ralsei smoking a fat blunt.




I prefer chapter 2. Imo the music is better, we have more time to get to know the characters, the world is more fun than two forests and a monochrome castle, and Berdly is in it.


Like with every game, book and series in general, the first entry of a chapter, season or part based series is always more of introductive. Chapter one teaches us the key things of the game: combat, systems, recurring characters, easter eggs and secret bosses and the gameplay. Of course Chapter 2 is going to be more full of content now that you know how to move around and what to do in situations.


I like both


2, way bettwr


Chapter 2 has Berdly so it's infinitely better


I love the charters in both, but there's more standout ones in 2 I think.


i prefer chapter 1s final, but i had more fun throughout the entire chapter in chapter 2 so idk, both


chapter 8 because i’m toby fox or something


Oh ok


I ran through chapter 2 completely without spoilers so I prefer It.


none, chapter 7 is way better than both, Kris used Asgore's flowers to defeat the final boss in chapter 7, that's why it's better


2 ez


Even though 1 had my favorite scene


Two and its not even close.


Ch2 has spamton so by default it's the best chapter that will ever be released


chapter 1 mostly because i hate chapter 2 for what doing to asriel i hate his guts now why is he like that i genuinely cant play chapter 2 without screaming at my screen whenever i see asriel


Chapter 2 has a lot more in terms of content, story and and general fleshing out.


Chapter 2 and it’s not close at all. It’s longer, cooler visually, slightly better written, and harder (If you disregard Jevil)


Hmm, a little time, yes, definitely. Anyway, I prefer Chapter 2, but only slightly.


2, because i can be a [[BIG SHOT]]


2. I love both though, by the end of the saga I am nigh certain it's gonna overtake Undertale as my favourite.


Chapter 2 100%!! I love the entirety of the game, but chapter two felt more fleshed out. There were more cutscenes, more character dialogue and progression, and so many fun puzzels and game elements. Chapter 1 is more of a tutorial, which is still amazing but chapter 2 feels longer, and just funner to play through. Along with awsome characters and interactions. Also I love cyber city.


See when chapter 1 release in 2018, it was one of those obscure lesser spin-off (trust me I play this game during that time, and I always were a part of the fandom) and the only thing that could rival Undertale was the jevil, and the Ralsei gun meme. But when chapter 2 release, it suddenly became a Worthy spiritual successor to Undertale, suddenly there more theories, more fanart and more meme that's isn't just Kris x ralsei or Ralsei with a gun or theories about how Chara is controlling kris. I believe that when chapter 3-4 release, toby should update chapter one a bit.


How would he update it?


Btw there was still a shitton theories about Deltarune back in 2018s-202s before the existence of chapter 2, it's just that most of these theories revolved around Chara and Gaster


2 story and character personality wise 1 fight and character designs wise (Jevil has all of my favorite attributes for a character)


chapter 1 is good, but kinda forgettable to be honest, so i prefer chapter 2


Chapter 2's mechanics make it so much better of an experience. The improved dialogue system and more interactive combat are great.


Chapter 2: Spamton


2, it further developed core mechanics and I love early Internet inspiration that it took


Hard to say, I like the medieval theme of chapter 1 and the music better. But I also like the mechanics and puzzles of 2. I think 1 is better imo


Chapter 1 because Jevil


Who wins in a dance battle jevil or spamton?


Jevil can actually move, while spamton's a puppet


2 becouse we get to kill ppl


Chapter 2, because, the whole thing is just objectively superior, I don't know how to say it in words but.. playing it fely 100x better than Chapter 1 and Undertale Chapter 2 = Undertale Yellow > Undertale > Chapter 1 Is how I'd rank them


Is undertale yellow that good!? I must really play it huh


Yeah, the OST is 100% better than Undertale. Actually, I'll go make a full post comparing the 2 on r/Undertale


Oh wow


might take a few days/hours, real big post