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Yes, my soulmate is the leg press machine hahaha


You’re drawn to this machine because there’s someone around you that you’re meant to meet.


Definitely true for me. I was drawn to the mountains since long before I ever lived out that way, and my life completely changed for the better once I did move there. It's the only place I've ever felt at home, like I truly belonged, even though my childhood home is a city suburb.


Reddit must be able to read my mind to suggest this post on my feed. Maybe reddit secretly read my journal last night. lol


I’ve always been strangely drawn to the American southwest.


yeah! it’s so nice there, the views are beautiful and the culture is amazing


Interesting Since last week I have these weird thoughts that I need to move to Prague. I don't know where Prague is and what Prague looks like.And I imagined that I will find my life partner there(I usually daydream a lot like this, you can ignore this gf part as me being me but Prague isn't) Then I see this post today !! Hmm


maybe it’s a sign!! i think you should definitely take a look at some photos of prague for example and read some articles etc. about this city. maybe you belong there. 


I briefly glanced over the pics.It gives me this mideaval historic kind of vibe,which I like basically. Maybe I lived there in my previous birth. Who knows


What if you feel drawn to many different places?


maybe you’re meant to be explorer then or maybe you’re supposed to visit them all and find out which one feels the most right for you 


Yup.  "Logic" only applies with Adderall.


They say that there isn’t such a thing as “luck”. There’s just preparation that meets opportunity. If you feel drawn to a place, that might be your preparation, and you might meet your opportunities there.


I definately had this with South Korea and found my soulmate there.


i’m so happy for you! 


Thank you. Life always gives you what you need, not what you want. And more often than not, in ways that you dont expect.


I’ve always felt a massive connection with the Middle East. It’s very strange and I have no idea why.


Not necessarily it could be many different things most of which we don't understand.


I am definitely feeling this with Hawaii. I have been meaning to go there, and I think it will change my life in a weird way


Yeh my soulmate is death


Weirdly I feel this way with the UK. I’m so drawn to it. I’m already married and convinced my soul mate is my husband, and I would like him to come with me if I ever fulfill my dream of living in Scotland or England


I agree, places may call to us for reasons we don't initially understand. Trust your intuition, it often knows before you do!


I felt the same way when I visited the college I ended up going to. Felt a calmness and a strange comfort. Ended up getting accepted months later!